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7bfe6112e8 Jean*0001 #include "CTRL_OPTIONS.h"
7109a141b2 Patr*0002 #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS
                0003 # include "OBCS_OPTIONS.h"
                0004 #endif
                0006       subroutine ctrl_getobcss(
9f5240b52a Jean*0007      I                          myTime, myIter, myThid )
7109a141b2 Patr*0008 
                0009 c     ==================================================================
                0010 c     SUBROUTINE ctrl_getobcss
                0011 c     ==================================================================
                0012 c
                0013 c     o Get southern obc of the control vector and add it
                0014 c       to dyn. fields
                0015 c
                0016 c     started:, 29-Aug-2001
                0017 c     new flags:, 25 Jan 2003.
                0018 c
                0019 c     ==================================================================
                0020 c     SUBROUTINE ctrl_getobcss
                0021 c     ==================================================================
                0023       implicit none
                0025 c     == global variables ==
46c1d12550 Jean*0026 #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSS_CONTROL
7109a141b2 Patr*0027 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0028 #include "SIZE.h"
                0029 #include "PARAMS.h"
                0030 #include "GRID.h"
af61e5eb16 Mart*0031 #include "OBCS_PARAMS.h"
46c1d12550 Jean*0032 #include "OBCS_GRID.h"
                0033 #include "OBCS_FIELDS.h"
c04085ad02 Patr*0034 #include "CTRL_SIZE.h"
4d72283393 Mart*0035 #include "CTRL.h"
edcd27be69 Mart*0036 #include "CTRL_DUMMY.h"
e612621177 Gael*0037 #include "CTRL_OBCS.h"
65754df434 Mart*0038 #include "OPTIMCYCLE.h"
46c1d12550 Jean*0039 #endif /* ALLOW_OBCSS_CONTROL */
7109a141b2 Patr*0040 
                0041 c     == routine arguments ==
9f5240b52a Jean*0042       _RL     myTime
                0043       integer myIter
                0044       integer myThid
7109a141b2 Patr*0045 
46c1d12550 Jean*0046 #ifdef ALLOW_OBCSS_CONTROL
9f5240b52a Jean*0047 c     == external functions ==
                0048       integer  ilnblnk
                0049       external ilnblnk
7109a141b2 Patr*0050 
9f5240b52a Jean*0051 c     == local variables ==
7109a141b2 Patr*0052       integer bi,bj
                0053       integer i,j,k
                0054       integer itlo,ithi
                0055       integer jtlo,jthi
                0056       integer imin,imax
                0057       integer ilobcss
                0058       integer iobcs
                0059       _RL     obcssfac
                0060       logical obcssfirst
                0061       logical obcsschanged
                0062       integer obcsscount0
                0063       integer obcsscount1
                0064       integer jp1
9f5240b52a Jean*0065 cgg      _RL maskxz   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,Nr,nSx,nSy)
                0066       _RL tmpfldxz (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,Nr,nSx,nSy)
7109a141b2 Patr*0067       logical doglobalread
                0068       logical ladinit
de57a2ec4b Mart*0069       character*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) fnameobcss
b6199164d9 Matt*0070 #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_CONTROL_MODES
                0071       integer nk,nz
9f5240b52a Jean*0072       _RL     tmpz (Nr,nSx,nSy)
b6199164d9 Matt*0073       _RL     stmp
                0074 #endif
f9d7cbfb72 Ou W*0075       integer ilDir
7109a141b2 Patr*0076 
                0077 c     == end of interface ==
9f5240b52a Jean*0079       jtlo = myByLo(myThid)
                0080       jthi = myByHi(myThid)
                0081       itlo = myBxLo(myThid)
                0082       ithi = myBxHi(myThid)
                0083       imin = 1-OLx
                0084       imax = sNx+OLx
7109a141b2 Patr*0085       jp1  = 1
                0087 c--   Now, read the control vector.
                0088       doglobalread = .false.
                0089       ladinit      = .false.
f9d7cbfb72 Ou W*0091 c     Find ctrlDir (w/o trailing blanks) length
                0092       ilDir = ilnblnk(ctrlDir)
7109a141b2 Patr*0094       if (optimcycle .ge. 0) then
859d62c7fb Mart*0095        ilobcss=ilnblnk( xx_obcss_file )
de57a2ec4b Mart*0096        write(fnameobcss,'(2a,i10.10)')
f9d7cbfb72 Ou W*0097      &      ctrlDir(1:ilDir)//xx_obcss_file(1:ilobcss), '.', optimcycle
7109a141b2 Patr*0098       endif
                0100 c--   Get the counters, flags, and the interpolation factor.
                0101       call ctrl_get_gen_rec(
                0102      I                   xx_obcssstartdate, xx_obcssperiod,
                0103      O                   obcssfac, obcssfirst, obcsschanged,
                0104      O                   obcsscount0,obcsscount1,
9f5240b52a Jean*0105      I                   myTime, myIter, myThid )
7109a141b2 Patr*0106 
                0107       do iobcs = 1,nobcs
9f5240b52a Jean*0108 
859d62c7fb Mart*0109        if ( obcssfirst ) then
720a211d38 Ou W*0110 #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF
859d62c7fb Mart*0111         call active_read_xz( fnameobcss, tmpfldxz,
                0112      &                       (obcsscount0-1)*nobcs+iobcs,
                0113      &                       doglobalread, ladinit, optimcycle,
4d72283393 Mart*0114      &                       myThid, xx_obcss_dummy )
720a211d38 Ou W*0115 #else
                0116         CALL READ_REC_XZ_RL( fnameobcss, ctrlprec, Nr, tmpfldxz,
                0117      &                       (obcsscount0-1)*nobcs+iobcs, 1, myThid )
                0118 #endif
859d62c7fb Mart*0119 
                0120         do bj = jtlo,jthi
                0121          do bi = itlo,ithi
b6199164d9 Matt*0122 #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_CONTROL_MODES
                0123           if (iobcs .gt. 2) then
                0124            do i = imin,imax
                0125             j = OB_Js(i,bi,bj)
9fd29e65a3 Jean*0126             IF ( j.EQ.OB_indexNone ) j = 1
b6199164d9 Matt*0127 cih    Determine number of open vertical layers.
                0128             nz = 0
                0129             do k = 1,Nr
                0130              if (iobcs .eq. 3) then
                0131               nz = nz + maskS(i,j+jp1,k,bi,bj)
                0132              else
                0133               nz = nz + maskW(i,j,k,bi,bj)
                0134              endif
                0135             end do
                0136 cih    Compute absolute velocities from the barotropic-baroclinic modes.
                0137             do k = 1,Nr
                0138              if ( then
                0139               stmp = 0.
                0140               do nk = 1,nz
                0141                stmp = stmp +
                0142      &         modesv(k,nk,nz)*tmpfldxz(i,nk,bi,bj)
                0143               end do
                0144               tmpz(k,bi,bj) = stmp
                0145              else
                0146               tmpz(k,bi,bj) = 0.
                0147              end if
                0148             end do
                0149             do k = 1,Nr
                0150              if (iobcs .eq. 3) then
                0151               tmpfldxz(i,k,bi,bj) = tmpz(k,bi,bj)
                0152      &         *recip_hFacS(i,j+jp1,k,bi,bj)
                0153              else
                0154               tmpfldxz(i,k,bi,bj) = tmpz(k,bi,bj)
                0155      &                           *recip_hFacW(i,j,k,bi,bj)
                0156              endif
                0157             end do
                0158            enddo
                0159           endif
                0160 #endif
9f5240b52a Jean*0161           do k = 1,Nr
859d62c7fb Mart*0162            do i = imin,imax
                0163             xx_obcss1(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)  = tmpfldxz (i,k,bi,bj)
                0164 cgg   &                                        *   maskxz (i,k,bi,bj)
7c7f2df94e Mart*0165            enddo
7109a141b2 Patr*0166           enddo
859d62c7fb Mart*0167          enddo
                0168         enddo
                0169        endif
46c1d12550 Jean*0170 
859d62c7fb Mart*0171        if ( (obcssfirst) .or. (obcsschanged)) then
7109a141b2 Patr*0172 
859d62c7fb Mart*0173         do bj = jtlo,jthi
                0174          do bi = itlo,ithi
9f5240b52a Jean*0175           do k = 1,Nr
859d62c7fb Mart*0176            do i = imin,imax
                0177             xx_obcss0(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs) = xx_obcss1(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)
                0178             tmpfldxz (i,k,bi,bj)       = 0. _d 0
                0179            enddo
7109a141b2 Patr*0180           enddo
859d62c7fb Mart*0181          enddo
                0182         enddo
720a211d38 Ou W*0184 #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF
859d62c7fb Mart*0185         call active_read_xz( fnameobcss, tmpfldxz,
                0186      &                       (obcsscount1-1)*nobcs+iobcs,
                0187      &                       doglobalread, ladinit, optimcycle,
4d72283393 Mart*0188      &                       myThid, xx_obcss_dummy )
720a211d38 Ou W*0189 #else
                0190         CALL READ_REC_XZ_RL( fnameobcss, ctrlprec, Nr, tmpfldxz,
                0191      &                       (obcsscount1-1)*nobcs+iobcs, 1, myThid )
                0192 #endif
7109a141b2 Patr*0193 
                0194         do bj = jtlo,jthi
7aa90384e1 Mart*0195          do bi = itlo,ithi
b6199164d9 Matt*0196 #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS_CONTROL_MODES
                0197           if (iobcs .gt. 2) then
                0198            do i = imin,imax
                0199             j = OB_Js(i,bi,bj)
9fd29e65a3 Jean*0200             IF ( j.EQ.OB_indexNone ) j = 1
b6199164d9 Matt*0201 cih    Determine number of open vertical layers.
                0202             nz = 0
                0203             do k = 1,Nr
                0204              if (iobcs .eq. 3) then
                0205               nz = nz + maskS(i,j+jp1,k,bi,bj)
                0206              else
                0207               nz = nz + maskW(i,j,k,bi,bj)
                0208              endif
                0209             end do
                0210 cih    Compute absolute velocities from the barotropic-baroclinic modes.
                0211             do k = 1,Nr
                0212              if ( then
                0213               stmp = 0.
                0214               do nk = 1,nz
                0215                stmp = stmp +
                0216      &         modesv(k,nk,nz)*tmpfldxz(i,nk,bi,bj)
                0217               end do
                0218               tmpz(k,bi,bj) = stmp
                0219              else
                0220               tmpz(k,bi,bj) = 0.
                0221              end if
                0222             end do
                0223             do k = 1,Nr
                0224              if (iobcs .eq. 3) then
                0225               tmpfldxz(i,k,bi,bj) = tmpz(k,bi,bj)
                0226      &         *recip_hFacS(i,j+jp1,k,bi,bj)
                0227              else
                0228               tmpfldxz(i,k,bi,bj) = tmpz(k,bi,bj)
                0229      &                           *recip_hFacW(i,j,k,bi,bj)
                0230              endif
                0231             end do
                0232            enddo
                0233           endif
                0234 #endif
9f5240b52a Jean*0235           do k = 1,Nr
859d62c7fb Mart*0236            do i = imin,imax
                0237             xx_obcss1 (i,k,bi,bj,iobcs) = tmpfldxz (i,k,bi,bj)
                0238 cgg   &                                    *   maskxz (i,k,bi,bj)
7109a141b2 Patr*0239            enddo
7aa90384e1 Mart*0240           enddo
                0241          enddo
7109a141b2 Patr*0242         enddo
859d62c7fb Mart*0243        endif
                0245 c--   Add control to model variable.
                0246        do bj = jtlo,jthi
                0247         do bi = itlo,ithi
                0248 c--   Calculate mask for tracer cells (0 => land, 1 => water).
9f5240b52a Jean*0249          do k = 1,Nr
                0250           do i = 1,sNx
                0251            j = OB_Js(i,bi,bj)
9fd29e65a3 Jean*0252            IF ( j.EQ.OB_indexNone ) j = 1
859d62c7fb Mart*0253            if (iobcs .EQ. 1) then
                0254             OBSt(i,k,bi,bj) = OBSt (i,k,bi,bj)
                0255      &           + obcssfac            *xx_obcss0(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)
                0256      &           + (1. _d 0 - obcssfac)*xx_obcss1(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)
                0257             OBSt(i,k,bi,bj) = OBSt(i,k,bi,bj)
                0258      &           *maskS(i,j+jp1,k,bi,bj)
                0259            else if (iobcs .EQ. 2) then
                0260             OBSs(i,k,bi,bj) = OBSs (i,k,bi,bj)
                0261      &           + obcssfac            *xx_obcss0(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)
                0262      &           + (1. _d 0 - obcssfac)*xx_obcss1(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)
                0263             OBSs(i,k,bi,bj) = OBSs(i,k,bi,bj)
                0264      &           *maskS(i,j+jp1,k,bi,bj)
                0265            else if (iobcs .EQ. 4) then
                0266             OBSu(i,k,bi,bj) = OBSu (i,k,bi,bj)
                0267      &           + obcssfac            *xx_obcss0(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)
                0268      &           + (1. _d 0 - obcssfac)*xx_obcss1(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)
                0269             OBSu(i,k,bi,bj) = OBSu(i,k,bi,bj)
                0270      &           *maskW(i,j,k,bi,bj)
                0271            else if (iobcs .EQ. 3) then
                0272             OBSv(i,k,bi,bj) = OBSv (i,k,bi,bj)
                0273      &           + obcssfac            *xx_obcss0(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)
                0274      &           + (1. _d 0 - obcssfac)*xx_obcss1(i,k,bi,bj,iobcs)
                0275             OBSv(i,k,bi,bj) = OBSv(i,k,bi,bj)
                0276      &           *maskS(i,j+jp1,k,bi,bj)
                0277            endif
                0278           enddo
                0279          enddo
                0280         enddo
                0281        enddo
7109a141b2 Patr*0282 
                0283 C--   End over iobcs loop
                0284       enddo
                0286 #endif /* ALLOW_OBCSS_CONTROL */
46c1d12550 Jean*0288       return
7109a141b2 Patr*0289       end