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999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for doglobalread

Type Member of File Line
local and common block variable /pkg/admtlm/admtlm_bypassad.F 39
local and common block variable /pkg/admtlm/admtlm_model2dsvd.F 58
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 75
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 142
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 209
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 275
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 93
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 176
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 259
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 342
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 79
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 160
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 241
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 322
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 71
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 136
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 201
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 265
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 86
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 169
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 252
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 335
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 74
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 152
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 230
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 308
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_cost_gen.F 78
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_cost_gen.F 242
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_get_gen.F 67
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcse.F 66
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcsn.F 67
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcss.F 67
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcsw.F 67
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_genarr.F 64
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F 68
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_pack.F 69
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_boxmean.F 51
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_bpv4.F 49
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_glbmean.F 52
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_moc.F 66
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_sshv4.F 75
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_sstv4.F 56
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcs_ageos.F 97
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcse.F 80
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcsn.F 79
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcss.F 79
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcsvol.F 87
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcsw.F 79
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/ecco_toolbox.F 853
local and common block variable /pkg/grdchk/grdchk_getadxx.F 54
local and common block variable /pkg/grdchk/grdchk_getxx.F 59
local and common block variable /pkg/grdchk/grdchk_setxx.F 55
local and common block variable /pkg/openad/externalDummies.F 260
local and common block variable /pkg/openad/externalDummies.F 289
local and common block variable /pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 49
local and common block variable /pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 116
local and common block variable /pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 184
local and common block variable /pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 252
local and common block variable /verification/global_oce_latlon/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 56
local and common block variable /verification/global_ocean.90x40x15/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 56
local and common block variable /verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_gentim2d.F 53
local and common block variable /verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57
local and common block variable /verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F 67
local and common block variable /verification/isomip/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 51
local and common block variable /verification/tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57
local and common block variable /verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 50
local and common block variable /verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57

67 declarations in 44 files.

References to doglobalread

File Line
/pkg/admtlm/admtlm_bypassad.F 39 63 108 126 144 162 180
/pkg/admtlm/admtlm_model2dsvd.F 58 77
/pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 37 75 89 104 142 156 171 209 223 238 275 289
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 43 54 93 111 126 137 176 194 209 220 259 277 292 303 342 360
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 38 79 98 103 119 160 179 184 200 241 260 265 281 322 341 346
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 33 71 83 98 136 148 163 201 213 228 265 277
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 36 47 86 104 119 130 169 187 202 213 252 270 285 296 335 353
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 34 74 91 96 112 152 169 174 190 230 247 252 268 308 325 330
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_cost_gen.F 78 102 140 242 265 301
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_get_gen.F 67 92 117 121 151
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcse.F 66 87 112 186
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcsn.F 67 90 115 189
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcss.F 67 88 113 187
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcsw.F 67 88 113 187
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_genarr.F 64 74 126 265 275 325
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F 68 91 224 308 367 375 424
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_pack.F 69 95
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_boxmean.F 51 76 103
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_bpv4.F 49 124 159 223
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_glbmean.F 52 123 175 223
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_moc.F 66 109 135
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_sshv4.F 75 398 656 1073 1363
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_sstv4.F 56 153 194 349
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcs_ageos.F 97 119 191 196 201 206
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcse.F 80 91 129 143
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcsn.F 79 90 128 142
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcss.F 79 90 128 142
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcsvol.F 87 106 180 228 276 324
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcsw.F 79 90 128 142
/pkg/ecco/ecco_toolbox.F 853 860 866 871
/pkg/grdchk/grdchk_getadxx.F 54 72 86 97 106 114
/pkg/grdchk/grdchk_getxx.F 59 78 99 117 133 148
/pkg/grdchk/grdchk_setxx.F 55 71 92 106 118 130
/pkg/openad/externalDummies.F 244 260 273 289
/pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 16 49 65 68 83 116 132 135 150 184 203 218 252 271
/tools/OAD_support/ad_template.active_read_xy.F 48 74 102
/tools/OAD_support/ad_template.active_read_xyz.F 48 72 98
/verification/global_oce_latlon/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 56 69 101 184
/verification/global_ocean.90x40x15/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 56 69 101 184
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_gentim2d.F 53
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57 75 94 134
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F 67 90 219 299 356 363 411
/verification/isomip/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 51 64 96 179
/verification/tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57 71 103 195
/verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 50 64 95 143
/verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57 71 103 195

272 references in 46 files.