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view on githubraw file Latest commit 672b8226 on 2024-05-18 15:32:33 UTC
42c525bfb4 Alis*0001 C CPP options file for OBCS package
                0002 C Use this file for selecting options within the OBCS package
6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*0004 #ifndef OBCS_OPTIONS_H
                0005 #define OBCS_OPTIONS_H
                0006 #include "PACKAGES_CONFIG.h"
96bbd4e2a5 Patr*0007 #include "CPP_OPTIONS.h"
42c525bfb4 Alis*0009 #ifdef ALLOW_OBCS
2ec20d622a Jean*0010 C Package-specific Options & Macros go here
42c525bfb4 Alis*0011 
96bbd4e2a5 Patr*0012 C Enable individual open boundaries
                0013 #define ALLOW_OBCS_NORTH
                0014 #define ALLOW_OBCS_SOUTH
                0015 #define ALLOW_OBCS_EAST
                0016 #define ALLOW_OBCS_WEST
6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*0017 
42c525bfb4 Alis*0018 C This include hooks to the Orlanski Open Boundary Radiation code
                0019 #define ALLOW_ORLANSKI
ee1c912a22 Mart*0021 C Enable OB values to be prescribed via external fields that are read
                0022 C from a file
be4469e439 Jean*0023 #define ALLOW_OBCS_PRESCRIBE
96bbd4e2a5 Patr*0024 
b2cb1ccb9a Mart*0025 C Enable OB conditions following Stevens (1990)
                0026 #undef ALLOW_OBCS_STEVENS
b2a6135872 Dimi*0028 C Allow sponge layer treatment of open boundary conditions
96bbd4e2a5 Patr*0029 #undef ALLOW_OBCS_SPONGE
c7c4b57180 Dimi*0031 C Include hooks to sponge layer treatment of pkg/seaice variables
                0032 #undef ALLOW_OBCS_SEAICE_SPONGE
96bbd4e2a5 Patr*0034 C balance barotropic velocity
be4469e439 Jean*0035 #define ALLOW_OBCS_BALANCE
96bbd4e2a5 Patr*0036 
672b822630 Jean*0037 C Allow to add barotropic tidal contributions to OB velocity
6f4cf52d27 Dimi*0038 #undef ALLOW_OBCS_TIDES
a09ac9d954 Jean*0040 C Use older implementation of obcs in seaice-dynamics
                0041 C note: most of the "experimental" options listed below have not yet
                0042 C       been implementated in new version.
e5382af615 Jean*0043 #undef OBCS_UVICE_OLD
a09ac9d954 Jean*0044 
                0045 #ifdef OBCS_UVICE_OLD
8596ecdb4f Dimi*0046 C     The following five CPP options are experimental and aim to deal
                0047 C     with artifacts due to the low-frequency specification of sea-ice
3daafce20b Jean*0048 C     boundary conditions compared to the model forcing frequency.
8596ecdb4f Dimi*0049 C     Ice convergence at edges can cause model to blow up.  The
                0050 C     following CPP option fixes this problem at the expense of less
                0051 C     accurate boundary conditions.
55d11a3f19 Dimi*0052 #undef OBCS_SEAICE_AVOID_CONVERGENCE
8596ecdb4f Dimi*0054 C     Smooth the component of sea-ice velocity perpendicular to the edge.
                0055 #undef OBCS_SEAICE_SMOOTH_UVICE_PERP
                0057 C     Smooth the component of sea ice velocity parallel to the edge.
                0058 #undef OBCS_SEAICE_SMOOTH_UVICE_PAR
                0060 C     Compute rather than specify seaice velocities at the edges.
                0061 #undef OBCS_SEAICE_COMPUTE_UVICE
a09ac9d954 Jean*0062 #endif /* OBCS_UVICE_OLD */
8596ecdb4f Dimi*0063 
51ad497043 Jean*0064 C     Smooth the tracer sea-ice variables near the edges.
                0065 #undef OBCS_SEAICE_SMOOTH_EDGE
42c525bfb4 Alis*0067 #endif /* ALLOW_OBCS */
6d54cf9ca1 Ed H*0068 #endif /* OBCS_OPTIONS_H */