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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for ladinit

Type Member of File Line
local and common block variable /pkg/admtlm/admtlm_bypassad.F 38
local and common block variable /pkg/admtlm/admtlm_model2dsvd.F 59
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 76
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 143
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 210
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 276
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 342
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 94
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 177
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 260
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 343
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 425
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_control.F 82
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_control.F 259
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_control.F 430
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_control.F 596
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_control_slice.F 80
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_control_slice.F 249
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_control_slice.F 417
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_control_slice.F 586
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 80
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 161
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 242
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 323
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 403
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_gen.F 71
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_gen.F 161
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_gen_ad.F 86
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_gen_ad.F 196
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_gen_g.F 73
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_gen_g.F 182
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 72
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 137
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 202
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 266
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 87
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 170
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 253
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 336
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 75
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 153
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 231
local and common block variable /pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 309
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_cost_gen.F 79
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_cost_gen.F 243
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_get_gen.F 68
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcse.F 67
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcsn.F 68
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcss.F 68
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcsw.F 68
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_genarr.F 65
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F 69
local and common block variable /pkg/ctrl/ctrl_pack.F 70
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_boxmean.F 52
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_bpv4.F 50
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_glbmean.F 53
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_moc.F 67
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_sshv4.F 76
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_sstv4.F 57
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcs_ageos.F 98
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcse.F 81
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcsn.F 80
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcss.F 80
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcsvol.F 88
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/cost_obcsw.F 80
local and common block variable /pkg/ecco/ecco_toolbox.F 854
local and common block variable /pkg/grdchk/grdchk_getadxx.F 55
local and common block variable /pkg/grdchk/grdchk_getxx.F 60
local and common block variable /pkg/grdchk/grdchk_setxx.F 56
local and common block variable /pkg/openad/externalDummies.F 261
local and common block variable /pkg/openad/externalDummies.F 290
local and common block variable /pkg/profiles/active_file_control_profiles.F 50
local and common block variable /pkg/profiles/active_file_profiles.F 65
local and common block variable /pkg/profiles/active_file_profiles_ad.F 63
local and common block variable /pkg/profiles/active_file_profiles_g.F 67
local and common block variable /pkg/profiles/active_file_profiles_tap_adj.F 62
local and common block variable /pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 50
local and common block variable /pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 117
local and common block variable /pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 185
local and common block variable /pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 253
local and common block variable /verification/global_oce_latlon/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57
local and common block variable /verification/global_ocean.90x40x15/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57
local and common block variable /verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_gentim2d.F 54
local and common block variable /verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 58
local and common block variable /verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F 68
local and common block variable /verification/isomip/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 52
local and common block variable /verification/tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 58
local and common block variable /verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 51
local and common block variable /verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 58

89 declarations in 54 files.

References to ladinit

File Line
/pkg/admtlm/admtlm_bypassad.F 38 64 108 126 144 162 180
/pkg/admtlm/admtlm_model2dsvd.F 59 80
/pkg/autodiff/active_file.F 38 76 90 105 143 157 172 210 224 239 276 290 305 342 350
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_ad.F 44 55 94 112 127 138 177 195 210 221 260 278 293 304 343 361 376 387 425 445
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_control.F 34 82 114 210 259 291 386 430 474 552 596 640
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_control_slice.F 32 80 110 200 249 279 369 417 447 537 586 616
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_g.F 39 80 99 104 120 161 180 185 201 242 261 266 282 323 342 347 363 403 425 430
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_gen.F 29 71 83 90 97 119 161 173 180 187
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_gen_ad.F 29 42 86 103 110 117 139 152 196 213 220 227
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_gen_g.F 30 73 90 94 101 105 112 116 139 182 199 203 210 214 221 225
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc.F 34 72 84 99 137 149 164 202 214 229 266 278
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_ad.F 37 48 87 105 120 131 170 188 203 214 253 271 286 297 336 354
/pkg/autodiff/active_file_loc_g.F 35 75 92 97 113 153 170 175 191 231 248 253 269 309 326 331
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_cost_gen.F 79 103 141 243 266 302
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_get_gen.F 68 93 117 121 151
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcse.F 67 88 112 186
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcsn.F 68 91 115 189
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcss.F 68 89 113 187
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_getobcsw.F 68 89 113 187
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_genarr.F 65 75 127 266 276 326
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F 69 92 224 308 367 375 424
/pkg/ctrl/ctrl_pack.F 70 98
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_boxmean.F 52 77 103
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_bpv4.F 50 125 160 224
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_glbmean.F 53 124 176 224
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_moc.F 67 110 135
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_sshv4.F 76 399 657 1074 1364
/pkg/ecco/cost_gencost_sstv4.F 57 154 195 350
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcs_ageos.F 98 120 191 196 201 206
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcse.F 81 92 129 143
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcsn.F 80 91 128 142
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcss.F 80 91 128 142
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcsvol.F 88 107 181 229 277 325
/pkg/ecco/cost_obcsw.F 80 91 128 142
/pkg/ecco/ecco_toolbox.F 854 861 867 872
/pkg/grdchk/grdchk_getadxx.F 55 73 86 97 106 114
/pkg/grdchk/grdchk_getxx.F 60 79 99 117 133 148
/pkg/grdchk/grdchk_setxx.F 56 72 92 106 118 130
/pkg/openad/externalDummies.F 245 261 274 290
/pkg/profiles/active_file_control_profiles.F 17 50
/pkg/profiles/active_file_profiles.F 27 65 72
/pkg/profiles/active_file_profiles_ad.F 24 63 69
/pkg/profiles/active_file_profiles_g.F 24 67 74 80
/pkg/profiles/active_file_profiles_tap_adj.F 24 62 73
/pkg/tapenade/active_read_tap.F 16 50 65 68 83 117 132 135 150 185 204 218 253 272
/tools/OAD_support/ad_template.active_read_xy.F 49 75 103
/tools/OAD_support/ad_template.active_read_xyz.F 49 73 99
/verification/global_oce_latlon/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57 70 101 184
/verification/global_ocean.90x40x15/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 57 70 101 184
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_gentim2d.F 54
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 58 76 94 134
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_gentim2d.F 68 91 219 299 356 363 411
/verification/isomip/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 52 65 96 179
/verification/tutorial_global_oce_biogeo/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 58 72 103 195
/verification/tutorial_global_oce_optim/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 51 65 95 143
/verification/tutorial_tracer_adjsens/code_oad/ctrl_map_ini_genarr.F 58 72 103 195

360 references in 56 files.