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95feb8c90d Jean*0001 #include "BLING_OPTIONS.h"
9f0da36f91 Jean*0002 #ifdef ALLOW_EXF
                0003 # include "EXF_OPTIONS.h"
                0004 #endif
a284455135 Matt*0005 #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF
                0006 # include "AUTODIFF_OPTIONS.h"
                0007 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0008 
                0009 CBOP
a284455135 Matt*0010       SUBROUTINE BLING_MAIN( PTR_DIC, PTR_ALK, PTR_O2,
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0011 #ifndef USE_BLING_V1
                0012      U           PTR_NO3, PTR_PO4, PTR_FE,
                0013      U           PTR_DON, PTR_DOP,
                0014 #ifdef USE_SIBLING
                0015      U           PTR_SI,
                0016 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0017 #ifdef ADVECT_PHYTO
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0018      U           PTR_PHY,
                0019 #endif
                0020 #else
                0021      U           PTR_PO4, PTR_DOP, PTR_FE,
95feb8c90d Jean*0022 #endif
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0023      I           bi, bj, imin, imax, jmin, jmax,
                0024      I           myTime, myIter, myThid)
95feb8c90d Jean*0025 
4ac06494d5 Matt*0026 C     ==================================================================
95feb8c90d Jean*0027 C     | subroutine bling_main
4ac06494d5 Matt*0028 C     | o Updates all the tracers for the effects of air-sea exchange,
95feb8c90d Jean*0029 C     |   biological production, and remineralization.
4ac06494d5 Matt*0030 C     | - The basic model includes 8 tracers
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0031 C     | - There is an optional tracer for phytoplankton biomass
4ac06494d5 Matt*0032 C     | - River runoff is included here
                0033 C     ==================================================================
95feb8c90d Jean*0034 
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0035       IMPLICIT NONE
95feb8c90d Jean*0036 
                0037 C     === Global variables ===
                0038 #include "SIZE.h"
                0039 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0040 #include "PARAMS.h"
                0041 #include "GRID.h"
                0042 #include "PTRACERS_SIZE.h"
                0043 #include "PTRACERS_PARAMS.h"
                0044 #ifdef ALLOW_EXF
9f0da36f91 Jean*0045 # include "EXF_INTERP_SIZE.h"
95feb8c90d Jean*0046 # include "EXF_FIELDS.h"
                0047 #endif
a284455135 Matt*0048 #include "BLING_VARS.h"
                0049 #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC
95feb8c90d Jean*0050 # include "tamc.h"
                0051 #endif
                0053 C     === Routine arguments ===
                0054 C     bi,bj         :: tile indices
                0055 C     iMin,iMax     :: computation domain: 1rst index range
                0056 C     jMin,jMax     :: computation domain: 2nd  index range
                0057 C     myTime        :: current time
                0058 C     myIter        :: current timestep
                0059 C     myThid        :: thread Id. number
                0060       INTEGER bi, bj, imin, imax, jmin, jmax
                0061       _RL     myTime
                0062       INTEGER myIter
                0063       INTEGER myThid
                0064 C     === Input ===
                0065 C     PTR_DIC       :: dissolved inorganic carbon
                0066 C     PTR_ALK       :: alkalinity
                0067 C     PTR_O2        :: oxygen concentration
                0068 C     PTR_FE        :: iron concentration
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0069 C     PTR_PO4       :: phosphate concentration
                0070 C     PTR_NO3       :: nitrate concentration
                0071 C     PTR_DOP       :: dissolved organic phosphorus concentration
                0072 C     PTR_DON       :: dissolved organic nitrogen concentration
95feb8c90d Jean*0073 C     PTR_PHY       :: total phytoplankton biomass
                0074       _RL  PTR_DIC(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0075       _RL  PTR_ALK(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0076       _RL  PTR_O2 (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0077       _RL  PTR_FE (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0078       _RL  PTR_PO4(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
95feb8c90d Jean*0079       _RL  PTR_DOP(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0080 #ifndef USE_BLING_V1
                0081       _RL  PTR_NO3(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0082       _RL  PTR_DON(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0083 #ifdef USE_SIBLING
                0084       _RL  PTR_SI (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0085 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0086 #ifdef ADVECT_PHYTO
                0087       _RL  PTR_PHY(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0088 #endif
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0089 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0090 
                0091 C     === Local variables ===
                0092 C     i,j,k                :: loop indices
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0093 C     G_xxx                :: tendency term for tracer xxx
95feb8c90d Jean*0094 C     surf_DIC             :: tendency of DIC due to air-sea exchange
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0095 C     surf_Fe              :: tendency of Fe due to dust deposition
95feb8c90d Jean*0096 C     surf_O2              :: tendency of O2 due to air-sea exchange
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0097 C     FluxO2               :: air-sea O2 flux
                0098 C     runoff_PO4           :: tendency due to river runoff
95feb8c90d Jean*0099 
                0100        INTEGER i,j,k
                0101       _RL  G_DIC(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0102       _RL  G_ALK(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0103       _RL  G_O2 (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0104       _RL  G_FE (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0105       _RL  G_PO4(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
95feb8c90d Jean*0106       _RL  G_DOP(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0107       _RL  surf_DIC(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
cab777d667 Matt*0108       _RL  surf_Fe(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0109       _RL  surf_O2(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
cc42131cc8 Matt*0110       _RL  FluxO2(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0111       _RL  runoff_PO4(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0112 #ifndef USE_BLING_V1
                0113       _RL  G_NO3(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0114       _RL  G_DON(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0115 #ifdef USE_SIBLING
                0116       _RL  G_SI (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,Nr)
                0117 #endif
                0118 #endif
7c50f07931 Mart*0119 #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC
edb6656069 Mart*0120       INTEGER tkey
7c50f07931 Mart*0121 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0122 CEOP
                0124 c-----------------------------------------------------------
                0125 c  Initialize local variables
a284455135 Matt*0127 #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC
edb6656069 Mart*0128       tkey = bi + (bj - 1)*nSx + (ikey_dynamics - 1)*nSx*nSy
a284455135 Matt*0129 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0130       DO j=jmin,jmax
                0131        DO i=imin,imax
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0132         surf_DIC(i,j)        = 0. _d 0
                0133         surf_O2(i,j)         = 0. _d 0
                0134         surf_Fe(i,j)         = 0. _d 0
                0135         fluxO2(i,j)          = 0. _d 0
                0136         runoff_PO4(i,j)      = 0. _d 0
                0137        ENDDO
                0138       ENDDO
                0139       DO j=jmin,jmax
                0140        DO i=imin,imax
95feb8c90d Jean*0141         DO k=1,Nr
                0142          G_DIC(i,j,k)        = 0. _d 0
                0143          G_ALK(i,j,k)        = 0. _d 0
                0144          G_O2(i,j,k)         = 0. _d 0
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0145          G_FE(i,j,k)         = 0. _d 0
                0146          G_PO4(i,j,k)        = 0. _d 0
95feb8c90d Jean*0147          G_DOP(i,j,k)        = 0. _d 0
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0148 #ifndef USE_BLING_V1
                0149          G_NO3(i,j,k)        = 0. _d 0
                0150          G_DON(i,j,k)        = 0. _d 0
                0151 #ifdef USE_SIBLING
                0152          G_SI(i,j,k)         = 0. _d 0
                0153 #endif
                0154 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0155         ENDDO
                0156        ENDDO
                0157       ENDDO
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0158 
079948e6a6 Matt*0159 c-----------------------------------------------------------
95feb8c90d Jean*0160 c  carbon and oxygen air-sea interaction
                0161        CALL BLING_AIRSEAFLUX(
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0162      I                       PTR_DIC, PTR_ALK, PTR_O2, PTR_PO4,
                0163 #ifdef USE_SIBLING
                0164      I                       PTR_SI,
                0165 #endif
cc42131cc8 Matt*0166      U                       surf_DIC, surf_O2, fluxO2,
95feb8c90d Jean*0167      I                       bi, bj, imin, imax, jmin, jmax,
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0168      I                       myTime, myIter, myThid)
95feb8c90d Jean*0169 
a284455135 Matt*0170 #ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC
edb6656069 Mart*0171 CADJ STORE ph(:,:,:,bi,bj) = comlev1_bibj, key=tkey, kind=isbyte
a284455135 Matt*0172 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0173 
                0174 c-----------------------------------------------------------
                0175 c  determine calcite saturation for remineralization
                0176        CALL BLING_CARBONATE_SYS(
                0177      I                         PTR_DIC, PTR_ALK, PTR_PO4,
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0178 #ifdef USE_SIBLING
                0179      I                         PTR_SI,
                0180 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0181      I                         bi, bj, imin, imax, jmin, jmax,
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0182      I                         myTime, myIter, myThid)
95feb8c90d Jean*0183 
                0184 C-----------------------------------------------------------
                0185 C  biological activity
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0186 C  call either "BLING" or "BLING + nitrogen"
                0187 #ifndef USE_BLING_V1
                0188        CALL BLING_BIO_NITROGEN(
                0189      I                 PTR_O2, PTR_FE, PTR_PO4, PTR_DOP,
                0190      I                 PTR_NO3, PTR_DON,
                0191 #ifdef USE_SIBLING
                0192      I                 PTR_SI,
                0193 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0194 #ifdef ADVECT_PHYTO
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0195      I                 PTR_PHY,
95feb8c90d Jean*0196 #endif
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0197      U                 G_DIC, G_ALK, G_O2, G_FE,
                0198      U                 G_PO4, G_DOP, G_NO3, G_DON,
12e63fa857 Jean*0199 #ifdef USE_SIBLING
                0200      U                 G_SI,
                0201 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0202      I                 bi, bj, imin, imax, jmin, jmax,
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0203      I                 myTime, myIter, myThid)
                0204 #else
                0205        CALL BLING_BIO(
                0206      I                 PTR_O2, PTR_FE, PTR_PO4, PTR_DOP,
                0207      U                 G_DIC, G_ALK, G_O2, G_FE,
                0208      U                 G_PO4, G_DOP,
                0209      I                 bi, bj, imin, imax, jmin, jmax,
                0210      I                 myTime, myIter, myThid)
                0211 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0212 
                0213 C-----------------------------------------------------------
                0214 C  Calculate river runoff source
                0215 C  Tracers are already diluted by freswater input, P-E+R
                0216 C  This accounts for tracer concentration in river runoff
7c50f07931 Mart*0217 C  no input south of 60S (it is ice melt)
95feb8c90d Jean*0218 
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0219 #ifdef ALLOW_EXF
                0220        DO j=jmin,jmax
                0221         IF (YC(i,j,bi,bj).gt.-60.0) THEN
                0222          DO i=imin,imax
                0223           runoff_PO4(i,j) = river_conc_po4*runoff(i,j,bi,bj)
                0224      &                       *recip_drF(1)*recip_hFacC(i,j,1,bi,bj)
                0225          ENDDO
                0226         ENDIF
95feb8c90d Jean*0227        ENDDO
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0228 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0229 
                0230 C-----------------------------------------------------------
                0231 C   adding surface tendencies due to air-sea exchange
                0232 C   adding surface tendencies due to river runoff
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0233 C   (assuming no dilution / runoff input for O2, Fe)
95feb8c90d Jean*0234 C   adding aeolian iron source
                0236          DO j=jmin,jmax
                0237           DO i=imin,imax
cab777d667 Matt*0238 
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0239                G_DIC(i,j,1) = G_DIC(i,j,1) + surf_DIC(i,j)
                0240      &                    + runoff_PO4(i,j)*CtoN*NtoP
                0241                G_ALK(i,j,1) = G_ALK(i,j,1)
                0242      &                    - runoff_PO4(i,j)*NtoP
                0243                G_O2(i,j,1)  = G_O2(i,j,1) + surf_O2(i,j)
                0244                surf_Fe(i,j) = alpfe*InputFe(i,j,bi,bj)
                0245                G_FE(i,j,1)  = G_FE(i,j,1) + surf_Fe(i,j)
                0246      &                    * recip_drF(1) * recip_hFacC(i,j,1,bi,bj)
                0247                G_PO4(i,j,1) = G_PO4(i,j,1) + runoff_PO4(i,j)
                0248                G_DOP(i,j,1) = G_DOP(i,j,1)
                0249      &                    + runoff_PO4(i,j)*river_dom_to_nut
                0250 #ifndef USE_BLING_V1
                0251                G_NO3(i,j,1) = G_NO3(i,j,1) + runoff_PO4(i,j)*NtoP
                0252                G_DON(i,j,1) = G_DON(i,j,1)
                0253      &                    + runoff_PO4(i,j)*NtoP*river_dom_to_nut
                0255 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0256           ENDDO
                0257          ENDDO
                0259 C-----------------------------------------------------------
                0260 C update
                0261        DO k=1,Nr
                0262          DO j=jmin,jmax
                0263           DO i=imin,imax
                0264            PTR_DIC(i,j,k)=PTR_DIC(i,j,k)+G_DIC(i,j,k)*PTRACERS_dTLev(k)
                0265            PTR_ALK(i,j,k)=PTR_ALK(i,j,k)+G_ALK(i,j,k)*PTRACERS_dTLev(k)
cab777d667 Matt*0266            PTR_O2 (i,j,k)=PTR_O2 (i,j,k)+G_O2 (i,j,k)*PTRACERS_dTLev(k)
95feb8c90d Jean*0267            PTR_FE (i,j,k)=PTR_FE (i,j,k)+G_FE (i,j,k)*PTRACERS_dTLev(k)
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0268            PTR_PO4(i,j,k)=PTR_PO4(i,j,k)+G_PO4(i,j,k)*PTRACERS_dTLev(k)
95feb8c90d Jean*0269            PTR_DOP(i,j,k)=PTR_DOP(i,j,k)+G_DOP(i,j,k)*PTRACERS_dTLev(k)
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0270 #ifndef USE_BLING_V1
                0271            PTR_NO3(i,j,k)=PTR_NO3(i,j,k)+G_NO3(i,j,k)*PTRACERS_dTLev(k)
                0272            PTR_DON(i,j,k)=PTR_DON(i,j,k)+G_DON(i,j,k)*PTRACERS_dTLev(k)
                0273 #ifdef USE_SIBLING
                0274            PTR_SI (i,j,k)=PTR_SI (i,j,k)+G_SI (i,j,k)*PTRACERS_dTLev(k)
                0275 #endif
                0276 #endif
95feb8c90d Jean*0277           ENDDO
                0278          ENDDO
                0279        ENDDO
                0281 C-----------------------------------------------------------
                0282 #ifdef ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS
                0283       IF ( useDiagnostics ) THEN
                0284         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(pH      ,'BLGPH3D ',0,Nr,1,bi,bj,myThid)
                0285         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(OmegaAr ,'BLGOMAR ',0,Nr,1,bi,bj,myThid)
                0286         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(pCO2    ,'BLGPCO2 ',0,1 ,1,bi,bj,myThid)
                0287         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(fluxCO2 ,'BLGCFLX ',0,1 ,1,bi,bj,myThid)
cc42131cc8 Matt*0288         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(fluxO2  ,'BLGOFLX ',0,1 ,2,bi,bj,myThid)
e0f9a7ba0b Matt*0289         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(surf_Fe ,'BLGSURFE',0,1, 2,bi,bj,myThid)
a284455135 Matt*0290         CALL DIAGNOSTICS_FILL(apco2,'BLGapco2',0,1, 1,bi,bj,myThid)
95feb8c90d Jean*0291       ENDIF
                0292 #endif /* ALLOW_DIAGNOSTICS */
                0294        RETURN
                0295        END