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473d957599 Jean*0001 CBOP
                0002 C    !ROUTINE: EXF_INTERP_SIZE.h
                0003 C    !INTERFACE:
                0004 C #include EXF_INTERP_SIZE.h
                0006 C     ==================================================================
                0007 C     HEADER EXF_INTERP_SIZE.h
                0008 C     ==================================================================
                0010 C    !DESCRIPTION:
                0011 C   Contains maximum size of original input grid from which interpolation
                0012 C    to model grid is done.
cd20bcaf07 Jean*0013 C-  Note: This header file needs to be included before EXF_INTERP_PARAM.h
                0014 C    since it uses MAX_LAT_INC which is defined here.
473d957599 Jean*0015 CEOP
                0017 #ifdef USE_EXF_INTERPOLATION
cd20bcaf07 Jean*0019 C     INTEGER MAX_LAT_INC :: maximum length of latitude grid-spacing vector
                0020 C                            used for exf-interpolation input-grid
36748caf88 Jean*0021       INTEGER MAX_LAT_INC
                0022       PARAMETER( MAX_LAT_INC = 1279 )
473d957599 Jean*0023 
                0024 #ifndef EXF_INTERP_USE_DYNALLOC
                0025 C-  To read input data without dynamical allocation (INTERP_USE_DYNALLOC undef):
                0026 C     exf_max_nLon :: maximum size of original grid (longitudinal direction)
                0027 C     exf_max_nLat :: maximum size of original grid (latitudinal direction)
                0028 C     exf_interp_bufferSize :: buffer maximum size
                0029       INTEGER    exf_max_nLon, exf_max_nLat
                0030       INTEGER    exf_interp_bufferSize
                0031       PARAMETER( exf_max_nLon = 520 )
                0032       PARAMETER( exf_max_nLat = 260 )
                0034 C   Buffer size was set to 65000 (allowing to read-in a 1x1 global data set);
                0035 C   increased to 140000 to accommodate for ECMWF-INTERIM (512 x 256)
                0036       PARAMETER( exf_interp_bufferSize = 140000 )
                0037 #endif /* ndef EXF_INTERP_USE_DYNALLOC */
                0039 #else /* USE_EXF_INTERPOLATION */
                0041 C-- Set dummy dimension
36748caf88 Jean*0042       INTEGER    MAX_LAT_INC
473d957599 Jean*0043       INTEGER    exf_max_nLon, exf_max_nLat
                0044       INTEGER    exf_interp_bufferSize
36748caf88 Jean*0045       PARAMETER( MAX_LAT_INC = 1 )
473d957599 Jean*0046       PARAMETER( exf_max_nLon = 1 )
                0047       PARAMETER( exf_max_nLat = 1 )
                0048       PARAMETER( exf_interp_bufferSize = 1 )
                0050 #endif /* USE_EXF_INTERPOLATION */