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01119d5152 Jean*0001 C     ==================================================================
                0002 C     HEADER exf_fields
                0003 C     ==================================================================
c994dbe735 Jean*0004 C
01119d5152 Jean*0005 C     o Header file for the surface flux data.
c994dbe735 Jean*0006 C
01119d5152 Jean*0007 C     started: 25-Mai-2000
                0008 C     changed: field swap in adj. mode; 10-Jan-2002
                0009 C     included runoff D. Stammer, Nov. 25, 2001
                0010 C     mods for pkg/seaice: 20-Dec-2002
c994dbe735 Jean*0011 C
01119d5152 Jean*0012 C     ==================================================================
                0013 C     HEADER exf_fields
                0014 C     ==================================================================
c994dbe735 Jean*0015 
01119d5152 Jean*0016 C     Field definitions, units, and sign conventions:
                0017 C     ===============================================
c994dbe735 Jean*0018 C
01119d5152 Jean*0019 C     ustress   :: Zonal surface wind stress in N/m^2
                0020 C                  > 0 for increase in uVel, which is west to
                0021 C                      east for cartesian and spherical polar grids
                0022 C                  Typical range: -0.5 < ustress < 0.5
                0023 C                  Input field
c994dbe735 Jean*0024 C
01119d5152 Jean*0025 C     vstress   :: Meridional surface wind stress in N/m^2
                0026 C                  > 0 for increase in vVel, which is south to
                0027 C                      north for cartesian and spherical polar grids
                0028 C                  Typical range: -0.5 < vstress < 0.5
                0029 C                  Input field
c994dbe735 Jean*0030 C
bd1570edf6 Dimi*0031 C     hflux     :: Net upward surface heat flux including shortwave in W/m^2
710a7377c2 Dimi*0032 C                  hflux = latent + sensible + lwflux + swflux
01119d5152 Jean*0033 C                  > 0 for decrease in theta (ocean cooling)
                0034 C                  Typical range: -250 < hflux < 600
                0035 C                  Input field
c994dbe735 Jean*0036 C
01119d5152 Jean*0037 C     sflux     :: Net upward freshwater flux in m/s
                0038 C                  sflux = evap - precip - runoff
                0039 C                  > 0 for increase in salt (ocean salinity)
                0040 C                  Typical range: -1e-7 < sflux < 1e-7
                0041 C                  Input field
c994dbe735 Jean*0042 C
01119d5152 Jean*0043 C     swflux    :: Net upward shortwave radiation in W/m^2
                0044 C                  swflux = - ( swdown - ice and snow absorption - reflected )
                0045 C                  > 0 for decrease in theta (ocean cooling)
                0046 C                  Typical range: -350 < swflux < 0
                0047 C                  Input field
c994dbe735 Jean*0048 C
01119d5152 Jean*0049 C     uwind     :: Surface (10-m) zonal wind velocity in m/s
                0050 C                  > 0 for increase in uVel, which is west to
                0051 C                      east for cartesian and spherical polar grids
                0052 C                  Typical range: -10 < uwind < 10
                0053 C                  Input or input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0054 C
01119d5152 Jean*0055 C     vwind     :: Surface (10-m) meridional wind velocity in m/s
                0056 C                  > 0 for increase in vVel, which is south to
                0057 C                      north for cartesian and spherical polar grids
                0058 C                  Typical range: -10 < vwind < 10
                0059 C                  Input or input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0060 C
01119d5152 Jean*0061 C     wspeed    :: Surface (10-m) wind speed in m/s
                0062 C                  >= 0 sqrt(u^2+v^2)
                0063 C                  Typical range: 0 < wspeed < 10
                0064 C                  Input or input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0065 C
01119d5152 Jean*0066 C     atemp     :: Surface (2-m) air temperature in deg K
                0067 C                  Typical range: 200 < atemp < 300
                0068 C                  Input or input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0069 C
01119d5152 Jean*0070 C     aqh       :: Surface (2m) specific humidity in kg/kg
                0071 C                  Typical range: 0 < aqh < 0.02
                0072 C                  Input or input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0073 C
497d85062c Jean*0074 C     hs        :: sensible heat flux into ocean in W/m^2
                0075 C                  > 0 for increase in theta (ocean warming)
                0076 C
                0077 C     hl        :: latent   heat flux into ocean in W/m^2
                0078 C                  > 0 for increase in theta (ocean warming)
                0079 C
01119d5152 Jean*0080 C     lwflux    :: Net upward longwave radiation in W/m^2
                0081 C                  lwflux = - ( lwdown - ice and snow absorption - emitted )
                0082 C                  > 0 for decrease in theta (ocean cooling)
                0083 C                  Typical range: -20 < lwflux < 170
                0084 C                  Input field
c994dbe735 Jean*0085 C
01119d5152 Jean*0086 C     evap      :: Evaporation in m/s
                0087 C                  > 0 for increase in salt (ocean salinity)
                0088 C                  Typical range: 0 < evap < 2.5e-7
                0089 C                  Input, input/output, or output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0090 C
01119d5152 Jean*0091 C     precip    :: Total Precipitation (rain+snow) in m/s of liquid water
                0092 C                  > 0 for decrease in salt (ocean salinity)
                0093 C                  Typical range: 0 < precip < 5e-7
                0094 C                  Input or input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0095 C
01119d5152 Jean*0096 C     snowprecip :: snow precipitation in m/s of equivalent liquid water
                0097 C                  > 0 for decrease in salt (ocean salinity)
                0098 C                  Typical range: 0 < precip < 5e-7
                0099 C                  Input or input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0100 C
01119d5152 Jean*0101 C     runoff    :: River and glacier runoff in m/s
                0102 C                  > 0 for decrease in salt (ocean salinity)
                0103 C                  Typical range: 0 < runoff < ????
                0104 C                  Input or input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0105 C
e603dbf008 Dimi*0106 C     runoftemp :: Temperature of runoff in deg C
c994dbe735 Jean*0107 C
ba0b047096 Mart*0108 C     saltflx   :: Net upward salt flux in (g/kg).kg/m^2/s = g/m^2/s
a66aad0124 Gael*0109 C                  > 0 for decrease in SSS.
                0110 C                  Typical origin: salty sea-ice formation / melting.
c994dbe735 Jean*0111 C
01119d5152 Jean*0112 C     swdown    :: Downward shortwave radiation in W/m^2
                0113 C                  > 0 for increase in theta (ocean warming)
                0114 C                  Typical range: 0 < swdown < 450
                0115 C                  Input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0116 C
01119d5152 Jean*0117 C     lwdown    :: Downward longwave radiation in W/m^2
                0118 C                  > 0 for increase in theta (ocean warming)
                0119 C                  Typical range: 50 < lwdown < 450
                0120 C                  Input/output field
c994dbe735 Jean*0121 C
118f5617eb Jean*0122 C     apressure :: Atmospheric surface pressure field in Pa
                0123 C                  Typical range: 88000 < apressure < 108000
01119d5152 Jean*0124 C                  Input field
c994dbe735 Jean*0125 C
497d85062c Jean*0126 C     tidePot   :: Tidal geopotential forcing in m^2/s^2
118f5617eb Jean*0127 C                  Typical range: -10 < tidePot < +10
497d85062c Jean*0128 C                  Input field
c994dbe735 Jean*0129 
01119d5152 Jean*0130 C     NOTES:
                0131 C     ======
c994dbe735 Jean*0132 C
c8fb7b858d Dimi*0133 C     By default all surface forcing fields are defined at the center
                0134 C     of each grid (the rVel location in model/inc/GRID.h) unless
                0135 C     flags readStressOnAgrid or readStressOnCgrid are set.
c994dbe735 Jean*0136 C
01119d5152 Jean*0137 C     Input and output units and sign conventions can be customized
                0138 C     using variables exf_inscal_* and exf_outscal_*, which are set
                0139 C     by exf_readparms.F
c994dbe735 Jean*0140 C
01119d5152 Jean*0141 C     Output fields fu, fv, Qnet, Qsw, and EmPmR are
                0142 C     defined in FFIELDS.h
c994dbe735 Jean*0143 C
01119d5152 Jean*0144 C     Arrays *0 and *1 below are used for temporal interpolation.
c994dbe735 Jean*0145 C
082e18c36c Jean*0146 
01119d5152 Jean*0147       COMMON /exf_stress_r/ ustress, vstress
                0148       _RL ustress   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0149       _RL vstress   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0150       COMMON /exfl_ustress_r/ ustress0, ustress1
                0151       _RL ustress0  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0152       _RL ustress1  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0153       COMMON /exfl_vstress_r/ vstress0, vstress1
                0154       _RL vstress0  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0155       _RL vstress1  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
082e18c36c Jean*0156 
01119d5152 Jean*0157       COMMON /exf_wspeed_r/ wspeed
                0158       _RL wspeed   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0159       COMMON /exfl_wspeed_r/ wspeed0, wspeed1
                0160       _RL wspeed0  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0161       _RL wspeed1  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
082e18c36c Jean*0162 
01119d5152 Jean*0163       COMMON /exf_atm_wind_r/ uwind, vwind
                0164       _RL uwind     (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0165       _RL vwind     (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0166       COMMON /exfl_uwind_r/ uwind0, uwind1
                0167       _RL uwind0    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0168       _RL uwind1    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0169       COMMON /exfl_vwind_r/ vwind0, vwind1
                0170       _RL vwind0    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0171       _RL vwind1    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
082e18c36c Jean*0172 
c994dbe735 Jean*0173       COMMON /exf_netflux_r/ hflux, sflux
01119d5152 Jean*0174       _RL hflux     (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0175       _RL sflux     (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0176       COMMON /exfl_hflux_r/ hflux0, hflux1
                0177       _RL hflux0    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0178       _RL hflux1    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0179       COMMON /exfl_sflux_r/ sflux0, sflux1
                0180       _RL sflux0    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0181       _RL sflux1    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
082e18c36c Jean*0182 
                0183 #ifdef ALLOW_ATM_TEMP
c994dbe735 Jean*0184       COMMON /exf_atm_temp_r/ atemp, aqh, hs, hl, lwflux,
26f6b8243e Jean*0185      &                        evap, precip, snowprecip
01119d5152 Jean*0186       _RL atemp     (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0187       _RL aqh       (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
c994dbe735 Jean*0188       _RL hs        (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0189       _RL hl        (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
01119d5152 Jean*0190       _RL lwflux    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
26f6b8243e Jean*0191       _RL evap      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
01119d5152 Jean*0192       _RL precip    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0193       _RL snowprecip (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0194       COMMON /exfl_atemp_r/ atemp0, atemp1
                0195       _RL atemp0    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0196       _RL atemp1    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0197       COMMON /exfl_aqh_r/ aqh0, aqh1
                0198       _RL aqh0      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0199       _RL aqh1      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0200       COMMON /exfl_lwflux_r/ lwflux0, lwflux1
                0201       _RL lwflux0   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0202       _RL lwflux1   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
26f6b8243e Jean*0203 #ifdef EXF_READ_EVAP
                0204       COMMON /exfl_evap_r/ evap0, evap1
                0205       _RL evap0     (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0206       _RL evap1     (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0207 #endif
01119d5152 Jean*0208       COMMON /exfl_precip_r/ precip0, precip1
                0209       _RL precip0   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0210       _RL precip1   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0211       COMMON /exfl_snowprecip_r/ snowprecip0, snowprecip1
                0212       _RL snowprecip0(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0213       _RL snowprecip1(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
c994dbe735 Jean*0214 # ifdef ALLOW_READ_TURBFLUXES
                0215       COMMON /exfl_turb_r/ hs0, hs1, hl0, hl1
                0216       _RL hs0       (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0217       _RL hs1       (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0218       _RL hl0       (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0219       _RL hl1       (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0220 # endif
                0221 #endif /* ALLOW_ATM_TEMP */
082e18c36c Jean*0222 
1b76c2ef2f Jean*0223 C     wStress   :: wind-stress magnitude [Pa=N/m^2], @ grid-cell center
                0224 C     sh        :: wind-speed [m/s] (always larger than uMin)
01119d5152 Jean*0225       COMMON /exfl_wind_r/ wStress, cw, sw, sh
                0226       _RL wStress   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0227       _RL cw        (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0228       _RL sw        (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0229       _RL sh        (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
082e18c36c Jean*0230 
                0231 #if defined(ALLOW_ATM_TEMP) || defined(SHORTWAVE_HEATING)
01119d5152 Jean*0232       COMMON /exf_swflux_r/ swflux
                0233       _RL swflux    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0234       COMMON /exfl_swflux_r/ swflux0, swflux1
                0235       _RL swflux0   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0236       _RL swflux1   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
082e18c36c Jean*0237 #endif
                0239 #ifdef ALLOW_DOWNWARD_RADIATION
45b02a5c38 Jean*0240       COMMON /exf_rad_down_r/ swdown, lwdown
01119d5152 Jean*0241       _RL swdown    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0242       _RL lwdown    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
45b02a5c38 Jean*0243       COMMON /exfl_rad_down_r/ swdown0, swdown1, lwdown0, lwdown1
01119d5152 Jean*0244       _RL swdown0   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0245       _RL swdown1   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0246       _RL lwdown0   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0247       _RL lwdown1   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
94390f4f16 Gael*0248 #ifdef ALLOW_ZENITHANGLE
d106b5e2d8 Gael*0249 C---  COMMON /exf_zenith_angle_r/
                0250 C     zen_albedo_table   :: reference table of daily mean albedo
                0251 C     zen_albedo_pointer :: location of grid point in zen_albedo_table
                0252 C     zen_albedo         :: overall albedo (direct=f(zen) + diffus=cst)
                0253 C     zen_fsol_diurnal   :: incoming solar radiation (daily variable)
                0254 C     zen_fsol_daily     :: incoming solar radiation (daily mean)
24da7525ba Jean*0255       COMMON /exf_zenith_angle_r/
94390f4f16 Gael*0256      &     zen_albedo_table, zen_albedo_pointer,
                0257      &     zen_albedo, zen_fsol_diurnal, zen_fsol_daily
d106b5e2d8 Gael*0258       _RL zen_albedo_table (366,181)
94390f4f16 Gael*0259       _RL zen_albedo_pointer (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0260       _RL zen_albedo (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0261       _RL zen_fsol_diurnal (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0262       _RL zen_fsol_daily (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0263 #endif
26f6b8243e Jean*0264 #endif /* ALLOW_DOWNWARD_RADIATION */
082e18c36c Jean*0265 
                0266 #ifdef ATMOSPHERIC_LOADING
01119d5152 Jean*0267       COMMON /exf_apressure_r/ apressure, apressure0, apressure1
                0268       _RL apressure (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0269       _RL apressure0(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0270       _RL apressure1(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
082e18c36c Jean*0271 #endif
a0e99e946e Jean*0273 #ifdef ALLOW_RUNOFF
01119d5152 Jean*0274       COMMON /exfl_runoff_r/ runoff, runoff0, runoff1
                0275       _RL runoff    (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0276       _RL runoff0   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0277       _RL runoff1   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
082e18c36c Jean*0278 #endif
ad5cdab327 Patr*0279 
e603dbf008 Dimi*0280 #ifdef ALLOW_RUNOFTEMP
                0281       COMMON /exfl_runoftemp_r/ runoftemp, runoftemp0, runoftemp1
                0282       _RL runoftemp (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0283       _RL runoftemp0(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0284       _RL runoftemp1(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0285 #endif
a66aad0124 Gael*0287 #ifdef ALLOW_SALTFLX
                0288       COMMON /exfl_saltflx_r/ saltflx, saltflx0, saltflx1
497d85062c Jean*0289       _RL saltflx   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0290       _RL saltflx0  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0291       _RL saltflx1  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0292 #endif
                0294 #ifdef EXF_ALLOW_TIDES
                0295       COMMON /exf_tidePot_r/ tidePot, tidePot0, tidePot1
                0296       _RL tidePot   (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0297       _RL tidePot0  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0298       _RL tidePot1  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
a66aad0124 Gael*0299 #endif
24da7525ba Jean*0301 #ifdef EXF_SEAICE_FRACTION
7b50f71112 Gael*0302       COMMON /exf_ice_areamask_r/ areamask,
8f277f2728 Gael*0303      &                        areamask0, areamask1
497d85062c Jean*0304       _RL areamask  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0305       _RL areamask0 (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0306       _RL areamask1 (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
24da7525ba Jean*0307       COMMON /exf_iceFraction_r/ exf_iceFraction
                0308       _RS exf_iceFraction(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
8f277f2728 Gael*0309 #endif
ad5cdab327 Patr*0311 #ifdef ALLOW_CLIMSST_RELAXATION
7b50f71112 Gael*0312       COMMON /exf_clim_sst_r/ climsst,
ad5cdab327 Patr*0313      &                        climsst0, climsst1
01119d5152 Jean*0314       _RL climsst       (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0315       _RL climsst0      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0316       _RL climsst1      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
ad5cdab327 Patr*0317 #endif
                0319 #ifdef ALLOW_CLIMSSS_RELAXATION
7b50f71112 Gael*0320       COMMON /exf_clim_sss_r/ climsss,
ad5cdab327 Patr*0321      &                        climsss0, climsss1
01119d5152 Jean*0322       _RL climsss       (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0323       _RL climsss0      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0324       _RL climsss1      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
ad5cdab327 Patr*0325 #endif
de9be302a8 Patr*0327 #ifdef ALLOW_CLIMSTRESS_RELAXATION
                0328       COMMON /exf_clim_stress_r/
                0329      &                        climustr, climvstr,
84475a86f4 Patr*0330      &                        climustr0, climustr1,
de9be302a8 Patr*0331      &                        climvstr0, climvstr1
                0332       _RL climustr       (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0333       _RL climustr0      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0334       _RL climustr1      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0335       _RL climvstr       (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0336       _RL climvstr0      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0337       _RL climvstr1      (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0338 #endif