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f664a6d8bb Jean*0001 #include "BULK_FORCE_OPTIONS.h"
                0003 CBOP
                0004 C     !ROUTINE: BULKF_FORMULA_LAY
                0005 C     !INTERFACE:
                0006       SUBROUTINE BULKF_FORMULA_LAY(
                0007      I                           uw, vw, ws, Ta, Qa, tsfCel,
                0008      O                           flwupa, flha, fsha, df0dT,
                0009      O                           ust, vst, evp, ssq, dEvdT,
                0010      I                           iceornot, i,j,bi,bj,myThid )
                0012 C     !DESCRIPTION: \bv
                0013 C     *==========================================================*
                0014 C     | SUBROUTINE BULKF_FORMULA_LAY
                0015 C     | o Calculate bulk formula fluxes over open ocean or seaice
                0016 C     |   Large and Yeager, 2004, NCAR/TN-460+STR.
                0017 C     *==========================================================*
                0018 C     \ev
                0019 C
                0020 C === Turbulent Fluxes :
                0021 C  * use the approach "B": shift coeff to height & stability of the
                0022 C    atmosphere state (instead of "C": shift temp & humid to the height
                0023 C    of wind, then shift the coeff to this height & stability of the atmos).
                0024 C  * similar to EXF (except over sea-ice) ; default parameter values
                0025 C    taken from Large & Yeager.
                0026 C  * assume that Qair & Tair inputs are from the same height (zq=zt)
                0027 C  * formulae in short:
                0028 C     wind stress = (ust,vst) = rhoA * Cd * Ws * (del.u,del.v)
                0029 C     Sensib Heat flux = fsha = rhoA * Ch * Ws * del.T * CpAir
                0030 C     Latent Heat flux = flha = rhoA * Ce * Ws * del.Q * Lvap
                0031 C                      = -Evap * Lvap
                0032 C   with Ws = wind speed = sqrt(del.u^2 +del.v^2) ;
                0033 C        del.T = Tair - Tsurf ; del.Q = Qair - Qsurf ;
                0034 C        Cd,Ch,Ce = drag coefficient, Stanton number and Dalton number
                0035 C              respectively [no-units], function of height & stability
                0037 C     !USES:
                0038        IMPLICIT NONE
                0039 C     === Global variables ===
                0040 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0041 #include "SIZE.h"
                0042 #include "PARAMS.h"
                0043 #include "BULKF_PARAMS.h"
                0045 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0046 C     input:
                0047       _RL uw                 ! zonal wind speed (at grid center) [m/s]
                0048       _RL vw                 ! meridional wind speed (at grid center) [m/s]
                0049       _RL ws                 ! wind speed        [m/s]   at height zwd
                0050       _RL Ta                 ! air temperature   [K]     at height zth
                0051       _RL Qa                 ! specific humidity [kg/kg] at heigth zth
                0052       _RL tsfCel             ! sea-ice or sea surface temperature [oC]
                0053       INTEGER iceornot       ! 0=open water, 1=sea-ice, 2=sea-ice with snow
                0054       INTEGER i,j, bi,bj     !current grid point indices
                0055       INTEGER myThid         ! my Thread Id number
                0056 C     output:
                0057       _RL flwupa             ! upward long wave radiation (>0 upward) [W/m2]
                0058       _RL flha               ! latent heat flux         (>0 downward) [W/m2]
                0059       _RL fsha               ! sensible heat flux       (>0 downward) [W/m2]
                0060       _RL df0dT              ! derivative of heat flux with respect to Tsf [W/m2/K]
                0061       _RL ust                ! zonal wind stress (at grid center)     [N/m2]
                0062       _RL vst                ! meridional wind stress (at grid center)[N/m2]
                0063       _RL evp                ! evaporation rate (over open water) [kg/m2/s]
                0064       _RL ssq                ! surface specific humidity          [kg/kg]
                0065       _RL dEvdT              ! derivative of evap. with respect to Tsf [kg/m2/s/K]
                0066 CEOP
                0068 #ifdef ALLOW_BULK_FORCE
                0070 C     == Local variables ==
                0071       _RL dflhdT             ! derivative of latent heat with respect to T
                0072       _RL dfshdT             ! derivative of sensible heat with respect to T
                0073       _RL dflwupdT           ! derivative of long wave with respect to T
                0075       _RL Tsf                ! surface temperature [K]
                0076       _RL Ts2                ! surface temperature square [K^2]
                0077 c     _RL ht                 ! height for air temperature [m]
                0078 c     _RL hq                 ! height for humidity [m]
                0079 c     _RL hu                 ! height for wind speed [m]
                0080 c     _RL zref               ! reference height [m]
                0081       _RL wsm                ! limited wind speed [m/s] (> umin)
                0082       _RL usn                ! neutral, zref (=10m) wind speed [m/s]
                0083       _RL usm                ! usn but limited [m/s] (> umin)
                0084 c     _RL umin               ! minimum wind speed used for drag-coeff [m/s]
                0085       _RL lath               ! latent heat of vaporization or sublimation [J/kg]
                0086       _RL t0                 ! virtual temperature [K]
                0087       _RL delth              ! potential temperature diff [K]
                0088       _RL delq               ! specific humidity difference [kg/kg]
                0089       _RL ustar              ! friction velocity [m/s]
                0090       _RL tstar              ! temperature scale [K]
                0091       _RL qstar              ! humidity scale  [kg/kg]
                0092       _RL rd                 ! = sqrt(Cd)          [-]
                0093       _RL re                 ! = Ce / sqrt(Cd)     [-]
                0094       _RL rh                 ! = Ch / sqrt(Cd)     [-]
                0095       _RL rdn, ren, rhn      ! neutral, zref (=10m) values of rd, re, rh
                0096       _RL stable             ! = 1 if stable ; = 0 if unstable
                0097       _RL huol               ! stability parameter at zwd [-] (=z/Monin-Obuklov length)
                0098       _RL htol               ! stability parameter at zth [-]
                0099       _RL x                  ! stability function  [-]
                0100       _RL xsq                ! = x^2               [-]
                0101       _RL psimh              ! momentum stability function
                0102       _RL psixh              ! latent & sensib. stability function
                0103       _RL czol               ! = zref*Karman_cst*gravity
                0104       _RL zwln               ! = log(zwd/zref)
                0105       _RL ztln               ! = log(zth/zref)
                0106 c     _RL cdalton            ! coeff to evaluate Dalton Number
                0107 c     _RL mixratio
                0108 c     _RL ea
                0109 c     _RL psim_fac
                0110       _RL tau                ! surface stress  coef = rhoA * Ws * Cd
                0111       _RL csha               ! sensib.heat flx coef = rhoA * Ws * Ch * CpAir
                0112       _RL clha               ! latent heat flx coef = rhoA * Ws * Ce * Lvap
                0113 c     _RL zice
                0114 c     _RL ssq0, ssq1, ssq2   ! constant used in saturated specific humidity
                0115 c     _RL p0                 ! reference sea-level atmospheric pressure [mb]
                0116       _RL qs1w, qs2w         !   above freezing saturated specific humidity
                0117       _RL qs1i, qs2i         !   below freezing saturated specific humidity
                0118       _RL tmpBlk
                0119       _RL half, one, two
                0120       INTEGER iter
                0122 C     == external Functions
                0124 C--   Constant
                0125       DATA   half,      one,      two
                0126      &     / 0.5 _d 0 , 1. _d 0 , 2. _d 0 /
                0127 c     DATA   ssq0,           ssq1,           ssq2
                0128 c    &     / 3.797915 _d 0 , 7.93252 _d -6 , 2.166847 _d -3 /
                0129 c     DATA   p0 / 1013. _d 0 /
                0130       DATA   qs1w,           qs2w
                0131      &     /   640.38 _d 3 , 5107.0 _d -0 /
                0132       DATA   qs1i,           qs2i
                0133      &     / 11637.80 _d 3 , 5897.8 _d -0 /
                0135 C-- Set surface parameters :
                0136 c             zice = 0.0005 _d 0
                0137               zwln = LOG(zwd/zref)
                0138               ztln = LOG(zth/zref)
                0139               czol = zref*xkar*gravity
                0141 C-   Surface Temp.
                0142               Tsf = tsfCel+Tf0kel
                0143               Ts2 = Tsf*Tsf
                0144 C-   Wind speed
                0145               IF (ws.EQ.0. _d 0) THEN
                0146                 ws = SQRT(uw*uw + vw*vw)
                0147               ENDIF
                0148               wsm = MAX(ws,umin)
                0150 C--- Compute turbulent surface fluxes
                0151 C-   Pot. Temp and saturated specific humidity
                0152               t0     = Ta*(one + humid_fac*Qa)
                0153               IF ( iceornot.EQ.0 ) THEN
                0154                 lath=Lvap
                0155                 ssq = saltQsFac*qs1w*EXP( -qs2w/Tsf ) / rhoA
                0156                 dEvdT = qs2w
                0157               ELSE
                0158                 lath = Lvap+Lfresh
                0159                 ssq =           qs1i*EXP( -qs2i/Tsf ) / rhoA
                0160                 dEvdT = qs2i
                0161               ENDIF
                0162 c             ssq = ssq0*EXP( lath*(ssq1-ssq2/Tsf) ) / p0
                0163 c             dEvdT = lath*ssq2
                0165               delth  = Ta + gamma_blk*zth - Tsf
                0166               delq   = Qa - ssq
                0168 C--  initial guess for exchange coefficients:
                0169 C    take U_N = del.U ; stability from del.Theta ;
                0170               stable = half + SIGN(half, delth)
                0171               tmpBlk = cdrag_1/wsm + cdrag_2 + cdrag_3*wsm
                0172               rdn = SQRT(tmpBlk)
                0173               rhn = stable*cStantonS + (one-stable)*cStantonU
                0174               ren = cDalton
                0175 c             rdn=xkar/(LOG(zref/zice))
                0176 c             rhn=rdn
                0177 c             ren=rdn
                0178 C--  calculate turbulent scales
                0179               ustar=rdn*wsm
                0180               tstar=rhn*delth
                0181               qstar=ren*delq
                0183 C--- iterate with psi-functions to find transfer coefficients
                0184               DO iter=1,blk_nIter
                0186                  huol   = ( tstar/t0
                0187      &                     +qstar/(Qa + one/humid_fac)
                0188      &                    )*czol/(ustar*ustar)
                0189                  huol   = SIGN( MIN(abs(huol),10. _d 0), huol)
                0190                  stable = half + SIGN(half, huol)
                0191                  xsq    = SQRT( ABS(one - huol*16. _d 0) )
                0192                  x      = SQRT(xsq)
                0193                  psimh = -5. _d 0*huol*stable
                0194      &             + (one-stable)*
                0195      &                    ( LOG( (one + two*x + xsq)*(one+xsq)*.125 )
                0196      &                     -two*ATAN(x) + half*pi )
                0197                  htol   = huol*zth/zwd
                0198                  xsq    = SQRT( ABS(one - htol*16. _d 0) )
                0199                  psixh  = -5. _d 0*htol*stable
                0200      &             + (one-stable)*( two*LOG(half*(one+xsq)) )
                0202 C-   Shift wind speed using old coefficient
                0203                  usn = ws/(one + rdn/xkar*(zwln-psimh) )
                0204                  usm = MAX(usn, umin)
                0206 C-   Update the 10m, neutral stability transfer coefficients
                0207                  tmpBlk = cdrag_1/usm + cdrag_2 + cdrag_3*usm
                0208                  rdn = SQRT(tmpBlk)
                0209                  rhn = stable*cStantonS + (one-stable)*cStantonU
                0210                  ren = cDalton
                0212 C-   Shift all coefficients to the measurement height and stability.
                0213                  rd = rdn/(1. _d 0 + rdn*(zwln-psimh)/xkar)
                0214                  rh = rhn/(1. _d 0 + rhn*(ztln-psixh)/xkar)
                0215                  re = ren/(1. _d 0 + ren*(ztln-psixh)/xkar)
                0217 C--  Update ustar, tstar, qstar using updated, shifted coefficients.
                0218                  ustar = rd*wsm
                0219                  qstar = re*delq
                0220                  tstar = rh*delth
                0222               ENDDO
                0224 C-   Coeff:
                0225               tau   = rhoA*rd*ws
                0226               csha  = cpAir*tau*rh
                0227               clha  =  lath*tau*re
                0229 C-   Turbulent Fluxes
                0230               fsha  = csha*delth
                0231               flha  = clha*delq
                0232               evp   = -flha/lath
                0233               ust   = tau*rd*uw
ec561b83af Mart*0234               vst   = tau*rd*vw
f664a6d8bb Jean*0235 
                0236 C-   surf.Temp derivative of turbulent Fluxes
                0237               dEvdT  =  tau*re*ssq*dEvdT/Ts2
                0238               dflhdT = -lath*dEvdT
                0239               dfshdT = -csha
                0241 C--- Upward long wave radiation
                0242               IF ( iceornot.EQ.0 ) THEN
                0243                 flwupa  = ocean_emissivity*stefan*Ts2*Ts2
                0244                 dflwupdT= ocean_emissivity*stefan*Ts2*Tsf*4. _d 0
                0245               ELSEIF (iceornot.EQ.2) THEN
                0246                 flwupa   = snow_emissivity*stefan*Ts2*Ts2
                0247                 dflwupdT = snow_emissivity*stefan*Ts2*Tsf*4. _d 0
                0248               ELSE
                0249                 flwupa   =  ice_emissivity*stefan*Ts2*Ts2
                0250                 dflwupdT =  ice_emissivity*stefan*Ts2*Tsf*4. _d 0
                0251               ENDIF
                0253 C-   Total derivative with respect to surface temperature
                0254               df0dT = -dflwupdT+dfshdT+dflhdT
                0256 #endif /*ALLOW_BULK_FORCE*/
                0258       RETURN
                0259       END