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Identifier search

Type the full name of an identifier to look for (a function name, variable name, typedef, etc).
Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for rd

Type Member of File Line
local and common block variable /pkg/aim_v23/com_physcon.h 13
global or module variable /pkg/aim_v23/com_physcon.h 14
local and common block variable /pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_formula_aim.F 97
local and common block variable /pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_formula_lanl.F 83
local and common block variable /pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_formula_lay.F 92
local and common block variable /pkg/cheapaml/cheapaml_lanl_flux.F 66
local and common block variable /pkg/exf/exf_bulkformulae.F 191
local and common block variable /pkg/streamice/adstreamice_invert_surf_forthick.F 51
local and common block variable /pkg/thsice/thsice_get_exf.F 103
local and common block variable /verification/advect_xy/code/ini_salt.F 45
local and common block variable /verification/advect_xy/code/ini_theta.F 46

11 declarations in 10 files.

References to rd

File Line
/pkg/aim_v23/com_physcon.h 13 14
/pkg/aim_v23/phy_convmf.F 119
/pkg/aim_v23/phy_inphys.F 63
/pkg/aim_v23/phy_snow_precip.F 75
/pkg/aim_v23/phy_suflux_prep.F 123 162
/pkg/aim_v23/phy_vdifsc.F 117 121
/pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_formula_aim.F 97 101 133
/pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_formula_lanl.F 83 178 182 189 190
/pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_formula_lay.F 92 213 218 225 233 234
/pkg/cheapaml/cheapaml_lanl_flux.F 66 177 181 187 188
/pkg/exf/exf_bulkformulae.F 191 449 451 453 456 458 502 513
/pkg/streamice/adstreamice_invert_surf_forthick.F 13 51 116 117
/pkg/thsice/thsice_get_exf.F 103 198 382 384 390 413 415
/verification/advect_xy/code/ini_salt.F 45 62 66
/verification/advect_xy/code/ini_theta.F 46 63 67

54 references in 15 files.