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09a6f3668a Jeff*0001 #include "ctrparam.h"
                0002 #include "ATM2D_OPTIONS.h"
                0004 C     !INTERFACE:
                0005       SUBROUTINE GET_OCNVARS( myTime, myIter, myThid )
                0006 C     *==========================================================*
                0007 C     | Gets the ocean data from either the ocean common block,  |
                0008 C     | or, in MPI mode, from the passed common block. This data |
                0009 C     | is used by the atmosphere and sea ice models.            |
                0010 C     *==========================================================*
                0011         IMPLICIT NONE
                0013 C     === Global Atmosphere Variables ===
                0014 #include "ATMSIZE.h"
                0015 #include "SIZE.h"
                0016 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0017 #include "THSICE_VARS.h"
                0018 #include "ATM2D_VARS.h"
                0020 #ifdef ATM2D_MPI_ON
                0021 #  include "OCNSIZE.h"
                0022 #  include "OCNVARS.h"
0b83645f94 Jeff*0023 #  include "OCNIDS.h"
09a6f3668a Jeff*0024 #else
                0025 #  include "PARAMS.h"
                0026 #  include "GRID.h"
                0027 #  include "SURFACE.h"
                0028 #  include "DYNVARS.h"
0b83645f94 Jeff*0029 #  ifdef ALLOW_DIC
43e8d37a02 Jeff*0030 #    include "DIC_VARS.h"
0b83645f94 Jeff*0031 #  endif
09a6f3668a Jeff*0032 #endif
                0034 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0035 C     === Routine arguments ===
                0036 C     myTime - current simulation time (ocean model time)
                0037 C     myIter - iteration number (ocean model)
                0038 C     myThid - Thread no. that called this routine.
                0039       _RL     myTime
                0040       INTEGER myIter
                0041       INTEGER myThid
                0043 C     LOCAL VARIABLES:
                0044       INTEGER i,j
                0047 #ifdef ATM2D_MPI_ON
                0048 C presuming ocnsize.h same as size.h
                0049       DO j=1,sNy
                0050         DO i=1,sNx
9274434acc Jean*0051           sstFromOcn(i,j)= SST_ocn(i,j)
                0052           sssFromOcn(i,j)= SSS_ocn(i,j)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0053           mlDepth(i,j) = OcMxlD_ocn(i,j)
0b83645f94 Jeff*0054           IF ( ocnCpl_exchange_DIC ) oFluxCO2(i,j) = fluxCO2_ocn(i,j)
9274434acc Jean*0055 C          IF ( ocnCpl_exchange_DIC )
0b83645f94 Jeff*0056 C     &       print *,'ofluxCO2:',i,j,fluxCO2_ocn(i,j)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0057 
                0058 C Put in seaice common block
9274434acc Jean*0059           tOceMxl(i,j,1,1)= SST_ocn(i,j)
                0060           sOceMxl(i,j,1,1)= SSS_ocn(i,j)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0061           hOceMxl(i,j,1,1) = OcMxlD_ocn(i,j)
                0062           v2ocMxL(i,j,1,1) =  vSq_ocn(i,j)
                0063         ENDDO
                0064       ENDDO
                0066 #else
                0067        DO j=1,sNy
                0068         DO i=1,sNx
                0069           sstFromOcn(i,j) = theta(i,j,1,1,1)
                0070           sssFromOcn(i,j) = salt (i,j,1,1,1)
                0071         ENDDO
                0072        ENDDO
                0074 #  ifdef NONLIN_FRSURF
                0075 Cjrs ask J-M about next lines
22e821eefb Jean*0076       IF ( nonlinFreeSurf.GT.0 .AND. staggerTimeStep ) THEN
09a6f3668a Jeff*0077        IF ( select_rStar.GT.0 ) THEN
                0078         DO j=1,sNy
                0079          DO i=1,sNx
                0080            mlDepth(i,j) =
                0081      &          h0FacC(i,j,1,1,1)*rStarFacC(i,j,1,1)*drF(1)
                0082          ENDDO
                0083         ENDDO
                0084        ELSE
                0085         DO j=1,sNy
                0086          DO i=1,sNx
                0087            mlDepth(i,j) = hFac_surfC(i,j,1,1)*drF(1)
                0088          ENDDO
                0089         ENDDO
                0090        ENDIF
                0091       ELSE
                0092 #  else /* NONLIN_FRSURF */
                0093       IF (.TRUE.) THEN
                0094 #  endif /* NONLIN_FRSURF */
                0095        DO j=1,sNy
                0096         DO i=1,sNx
                0097            mlDepth(i,j) = hFacC(i,j,1,1,1)*drF(1)
                0098         ENDDO
                0099        ENDDO
                0100       ENDIF
0b83645f94 Jeff*0102       DO j=1,sNy
09a6f3668a Jeff*0103         DO i=1,sNx
9274434acc Jean*0104           v2ocMxL(i,j,1,1) =
09a6f3668a Jeff*0105      &              ( uVel(i , j,1,1,1)*uVel(i , j,1,1,1)
                0106      &              + uVel(i+1,j,1,1,1)*uVel(i+1,j,1,1,1)
                0107      &              + vVel(i,j+1,1,1,1)*vVel(i,j+1,1,1,1)
                0108      &              + vVel(i,j , 1,1,1)*vVel(i,j , 1,1,1)
                0109      &              )*0.5 _d 0
                0110         ENDDO
0b83645f94 Jeff*0111       ENDDO
09a6f3668a Jeff*0112 
0b83645f94 Jeff*0113       DO j=1,sNy
09a6f3668a Jeff*0114         DO i=1,sNx
0b83645f94 Jeff*0116 #  ifdef ALLOW_DIC
                0117           oFluxCO2(i,j) = fluxCO2(i,j,1,1)
                0118 #  endif
09a6f3668a Jeff*0119 
                0120 C Put in seaice common block
9274434acc Jean*0121           tOceMxl(i,j,1,1)= sstFromOcn(i,j)
                0122           sOceMxl(i,j,1,1)= sssFromOcn(i,j)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0123           hOceMxl(i,j,1,1) = mlDepth(i,j)
                0124         ENDDO
                0125       ENDDO
9274434acc Jean*0126 
09a6f3668a Jeff*0127 #endif
                0129       RETURN
                0130       END