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09a6f3668a Jeff*0001       INTEGER nForcingPer
                0002       PARAMETER ( nForcingPer = 12)
                0004       COMMON/TMSTPS4OCN/dtatmo,dtocno,dtcouplo
                0005        _RS dtatmo             ! atmospheric time step (s)
                0006        _RS dtocno             ! ocean time step (s)
                0007        _RS dtcouplo           ! time of coupling period (s)
ea473a204c Jeff*0009 
                0010 C     Files: mean 2D atmos fields used for wind anomaly coupling
9274434acc Jean*0011       COMMON /MEANWIND/
09a6f3668a Jeff*0012      &        atmosTauuFile, atmosTauvFile,atmosWindFile,
                0013      &        atau, atav, awind
                0014        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) atmosTauuFile
                0015        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) atmosTauvFile
                0016        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) atmosWindFile
0efd285817 Jeff*0017        _RL atau(jm0,nForcingPer) ! zonal wind stress
                0018        _RL atav(jm0,nForcingPer) ! meridional wind stress
                0019        _RL awind(jm0,nForcingPer)! (total) wind speed
09a6f3668a Jeff*0020 
ea473a204c Jeff*0022 C     Files: basic state 3D wind fields, and E,P, and qnet prescibed fluxes (if used)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0023       COMMON /OCEAN_2D_FILES/
                0024      &        tauuFile, tauvFile, windFile,
7ad882c4ff Jeff*0025      &        qnetFile, evapFile, precipFile, new_mon
09a6f3668a Jeff*0026 
                0027        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) tauuFile
                0028        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) tauvFile
                0029        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) windFile
                0030        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) qnetFile
                0031        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) evapFile
                0032        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) precipFile
7ad882c4ff Jeff*0033        LOGICAL new_mon         ! toggle for loading new calendar month data
09a6f3668a Jeff*0034 
                0035       COMMON /OCEAN_RELAX_FILES/
                0036      &        thetaRelaxFile, saltRelaxFile,
                0037      &        tauThetaRelax, tauSaltRelax,
                0038      &        r_tauThetaRelax, r_tauSaltRelax,
                0039      &        nttyperelax, nstyperelax
                0042        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) thetaRelaxFile
                0043        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) saltRelaxFile
0efd285817 Jeff*0044        _RL          tauThetaRelax   ! relaxation time (s) for temp
                0045        _RL          tauSaltRelax    ! relaxation time (s) for salt
                0046        _RL          r_tauThetaRelax ! reciprocal of above
                0047        _RL          r_tauSaltRelax  ! reciprocal of above
                0048        INTEGER      ntTypeRelax     ! method of relaxation for temp, non-zero is tapered
                0049        INTEGER      nsTypeRelax     ! method of relaxation for salt, non-zero is tapered
09a6f3668a Jeff*0050 
9274434acc Jean*0052       COMMON /RUNOFF_DATA/
09a6f3668a Jeff*0053      &        runoffFile, runoffMapFile,
                0054      &        runoffVal, numBands, rband, runIndex
                0056        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) runoffFile
                0057        CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) runoffMapFile
                0058        _RL          runoffVal (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0059        INTEGER      numBands      ! number of runoff bands
                0060        INTEGER      rband(sNy)    ! first band j=1,rband(1); next j=rband(1)+1,rband(2) etc.
                0061        INTEGER      runIndex(sNy) ! for specific latitude, corresponding runoff band
                0063       COMMON /OPTIONS_1DTO2D/
                0064      &        useObsEmP, useObsRunoff, useAltDeriv
ea473a204c Jeff*0065        LOGICAL         useObsEmP    ! if true, do not pass 2D atmos fluxes to ocean
                0066        LOGICAL         useObsRunoff ! if true, do do not pass 2S atmos runoff to ocean
                0067        LOGICAL         useAltDeriv  ! use alternate derivative formulation (smaller derivates)
                0068                                     ! not used for thSice surface temp solver
09a6f3668a Jeff*0069 
                0070       COMMON /ATMOS4OCN/ atm_tauu, atm_tauv, atm_Tair,
9274434acc Jean*0071      &           atm_precip, atm_runoff,
09a6f3668a Jeff*0072      &           atm_evap_ice, atm_evap_ocn,
                0073      &           atm_qnet_ice, atm_qnet_ocn,
                0074      &           atm_dLdt_ice, atm_dLdt_ocn,
                0075      &           atm_dFdt_ice, atm_dFdt_ocn,
                0076      &           atm_dLdt_iceq, atm_dLdt_ocnq,
                0077      &           atm_dFdt_iceq, atm_dFdt_ocnq,
                0078      &           atm_solarinc, atm_solar_ice,
                0079      &           atm_solar_ocn, atm_windspeed,
                0080      &           atm_slp, atm_pco2
                0081        _RL atm_tauu(jm0)      ! zonal mom flux at lower boundary (N/m2)
                0082        _RL atm_tauv(jm0)      ! merid. mom flux at lower boundary (N/m2)
                0083        _RL atm_Tair(jm0)      ! precipitation temp (used over seaice) (C)
                0084        _RL atm_precip(jm0)    ! precip (m/s) (+=out of ocean, - definite)
ea473a204c Jeff*0085        _RL atm_runoff(jm0)    ! runoff (m3/s) (+=out of ocean, normally - )
09a6f3668a Jeff*0086        _RL atm_evap_ice(jm0)  ! seaice evap. (m/s) (-=out of ocean, normally -)
9274434acc Jean*0087        _RL atm_evap_ocn(jm0)  ! ocean evap. (m/s) (-=out of ocean, normally -)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0088        _RL atm_qnet_ice(jm0)  ! seaice surf. heat flux (W/m2) (+=upward)
                0089        _RL atm_qnet_ocn(jm0)  ! ocean surf. heat flux (W/m2) (+=upward)
                0090        _RL atm_dLdt_ice(jm0)  ! dL/dT ice (m/s/K) (-)
                0091        _RL atm_dLdt_ocn(jm0)  ! dL/dT ocean (m/s/K) (-)
                0092        _RL atm_dFdt_ice(jm0)  ! dF/dT ice (W/m2/K) (+)
9274434acc Jean*0093        _RL atm_dFdt_ocn(jm0)  ! dF/dT ocean (W/m2/K) (+)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0094        _RL atm_dLdt_iceq(jm0) ! dL/dT ice, alternate form (m/s/K) (-)
                0095        _RL atm_dLdt_ocnq(jm0) ! dL/dT ocean, alternate form (m/s/K) (-)
                0096        _RL atm_dFdt_iceq(jm0) ! dF/dT ice, alternate form (W/m2/K) (+)
9274434acc Jean*0097        _RL atm_dFdt_ocnq(jm0) ! dF/dT ocean, alternate form (W/m2/K) (+)
b926efee65 Jeff*0098        _RL atm_solarinc(jm0)  ! solar incoming (W/m2 +=into ocean)
                0099        _RL atm_solar_ice(jm0) ! net solar rad to ice (unused)(+=into ocean)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0100        _RL atm_solar_ocn(jm0) ! solar incoming to ocean (+=into ocean)
                0101        _RL atm_windspeed(jm0) ! windspeed at ocean surface (m/s)
9274434acc Jean*0102        _RL atm_slp(jm0)       ! SLP anomaly (mb)
                0103        _RL atm_pco2(jm0)      ! atmospheric pCO2 (ppmv)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0104 
                0105 c
                0106 c ocean data zonal means
4d21e0b7f4 Jean*0107       COMMON/OCN_ZONALMN/ ctocn, ctice, cfice, csAlb, csAlbNIR,
7533602568 Jeff*0108      &                    ocnArea, cco2flux
ea473a204c Jeff*0109        _RL ctocn(jm0)    ! zonal mean ice-free ocean temp
                0110        _RL ctice(jm0)    ! zonal mean seaice surface temp
                0111        _RL cfice(jm0)    ! zonal mean ice fraction
                0112        _RL csAlb(jm0)    ! zonal mean seaice albedo
7533602568 Jeff*0113        _RL csAlbNIR(jm0)    ! zonal mean seaice albedo
ea473a204c Jeff*0114        _RL ocnArea(jm0)  ! ocean area of latitude strip on atm grid (m2)
07038f52c0 Jeff*0115        _RL cco2flux(jm0) ! zonally integrated flux of CO2 from ocean->atm (mol/m2/s)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0116 
                0117 c
ea473a204c Jeff*0118 c OCN fluxes after conversion from 1D to 2D, whether by flux adj.,
09a6f3668a Jeff*0119 c restoring, or by manipulating 1D atmos values for ocean model
                0120 c
                0121        COMMON/FLUXES_2D_OCN/ qneto_2D, evapo_2D, runoff_2D,
                0122      &                   precipo_2D, fu_2D, fv_2D, solarnet_ocn_2D,
                0123      &                   slp_2D, pCO2_2D, wspeed_2D
                0124        _RL qneto_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)   ! ocean surf. heat flux (W/m2) (+=upward)
9274434acc Jean*0125        _RL evapo_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)   ! ocean evap. (m/s) (-=out of ocean)
ea473a204c Jeff*0126        _RL runoff_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)  ! runoff (m/s over gridcell) (+=out of ocean)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0127        _RL precipo_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy) ! precip (m/s) (+=out of ocean, - definite)
                0128        _RL fu_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)      ! zonal mom flux at lower boundary (N/m2)
                0129        _RL fv_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)      ! merid. mom flux at lower boundary (N/m2)
                0130        _RL solarnet_ocn_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy) ! solar incoming to ocean (+=into ocean)
b533acbe62 Jeff*0131        _RL slp_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)     ! SLP anomaly (mb)
9274434acc Jean*0132        _RL pCO2_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)    ! atmospheric pCO2  (ppmv)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0133        _RL wspeed_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)  ! windspeed at ocean surface (m/s)
                0135 c
ea473a204c Jeff*0136 c ICE fluxes after conversion from 1D to 2D, whether by flux adj.,
09a6f3668a Jeff*0137 c restoring, or by manipulating 1D atmos values for seaice model
                0138 c
9274434acc Jean*0139       COMMON/FLUXES_2D_ICE/ qneti_2D, evapi_2D, precipi_2D,
09a6f3668a Jeff*0140      &                   solarinc_2D, dFdT_ice_2D, Tair_2D
                0141        _RL qneti_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)   ! seaice surf. heat flux (W/m2) (+=upward)
                0142        _RL evapi_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)   ! ocean evap. (m/s) (-=out of ocean)
                0143        _RL precipi_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy) ! precip (m/s) (+=out of ocean, - definite)
b926efee65 Jeff*0144        _RL solarinc_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)! solar incoming (+=into ocean)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0145        _RL dFdT_ice_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)! dF/dT ice (W/m^2/K) (+ given +=up HF)
                0146        _RL Tair_2D(1:sNx,1:sNy)    ! precipitation temp (used over seaice) (C)
                0148 c
                0149 c lookup table for ocean gridcell to atmos grid cell. The weight
                0150 c is for that atmos grid cell; 1-weight is for atmos cell+1.
9274434acc Jean*0151 c
c78aef0012 Jean*0152       COMMON/LOOKUP_GRID/ atm_oc_ind, atm_oc_wgt,
                0153      &                    atm_oc_frac1, atm_oc_frac2,
                0154      &                  endwgt1, endwgt2, rsumwgt, tauv_jpt, tauv_jwght
0efd285817 Jeff*0155        INTEGER atm_oc_ind(sNy) ! lookup of (first) atm grid for given ocean lat
                0156        _RL atm_oc_wgt(sNy)    ! weight of first atm grid for given ocean lat
                0157        _RL atm_oc_frac1(sNy)  ! fraction of atm lat area covered by ocean lat
                0158        _RL atm_oc_frac2(sNy)  ! fraction of atm+1 lat area covered by ocean lat
                0159        _RL endwgt1            ! weighting of atmos polar cap
                0160        _RL endwgt2            ! weighting of atmos cell next polar cap
                0161        _RL rsumwgt            ! recip of sum of above
4d21e0b7f4 Jean*0162        INTEGER tauv_jpt(sNy)  ! lookup of (first) atm grid for ocean tauv on C-grid
                0163        _RL tauv_jwght(sNy)    ! weight of (first) atm grid for ocean tauv
09a6f3668a Jeff*0164 
9274434acc Jean*0165 
ea473a204c Jeff*0166 C     Fields use to sum 2D ocean fluxes over several atm timesteps
                0167 C     Also sum of atm E,P  for seaice growth step, and sum of seaice bottom fluxes->ocean
09a6f3668a Jeff*0168       COMMON/OCN_FLUXES_SUM/ sum_runoff, sum_precip, sum_evap, sum_qnet,
9274434acc Jean*0169      &                       sum_fu, sum_fv, sum_wspeed,
09a6f3668a Jeff*0170      &                       sum_solarnet, sum_slp, sum_pCO2,
                0171      &                       sum_prcIce, sum_snowPrc, sum_evapIce,
                0172      &                       sum_sHeat, sum_flxCnB
9274434acc Jean*0173        _RL sum_runoff(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! sum of runoff (m/s) (+=out of ocean)
ea473a204c Jeff*0174        _RL sum_precip(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! sum ocean-only precip (m/s) (+=out of ocean, - def)
                0175        _RL sum_evap(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)   ! sum ocean-only evap (m/s) (-=out of ocean)
                0176        _RL sum_qnet(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)   ! sum ocean-only qnet (W/m2) (+=upward)
                0177        _RL sum_fu(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)     ! sum of zonal wind stress applied to ocean (N/m2)
                0178        _RL sum_fv(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)     ! sum of merid wind stress applied to ocean (N/m2)
                0179        _RL sum_wspeed(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! sum of wind speed applied to ocean (m/s)
b926efee65 Jeff*0180        _RL sum_solarnet(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! sum of net solar into ocean, inc. thru ice (+=into ocn)
b533acbe62 Jeff*0181        _RL sum_slp(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)    ! sum of SLP anomaly (mb)
9274434acc Jean*0182        _RL sum_pCO2(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)   ! sum of atmospheric pCO2  (ppmv)
ea473a204c Jeff*0183        _RL sum_prcIce(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! sum of total precip over ice (kg/m2/s, + def)
                0184        _RL sum_snowPrc(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)! sum of snow precip to ice (kg/m2/s, + def)
                0185        _RL sum_evapIce(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)! total evap over ice (kg/m2/s, +=out of ocean)
b6a1ae81d9 Jeff*0186        _RL sum_sHeat(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)  ! surf heating, post ice temp step, to melt ice/snow
ea473a204c Jeff*0187        _RL sum_flxCnB(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! heat flux conducted through ice to bottom surface
4d21e0b7f4 Jean*0188 C                                                  ! W/m2, +=down
09a6f3668a Jeff*0189 
b926efee65 Jeff*0190 
                0191 C     These are the fluxes actually passed to the ocean model (w/some unit/sign conversion)
c78aef0012 Jean*0192       COMMON/OCN_FLUXES_PASS/ pass_runoff, pass_precip, pass_evap,
                0193      &                        pass_qnet, pass_fu, pass_fv, pass_wspeed,
ea473a204c Jeff*0194      &                        pass_solarnet, pass_slp, pass_pCO2,
                0195      &                        pass_sIceLoad, sFluxFromIce
                0196        _RL pass_runoff(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! runoff -> ocean (m/s) (+=out of ocean)
                0197        _RL pass_precip(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! precip -> ocean (m/s) (+=out of ocean, - def)
                0198        _RL pass_evap(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)   ! evap -> ocean (m/s) (+=out of ocean), inc. seaice part
                0199        _RL pass_qnet(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)   ! HF-> ocean (W/m2) (+=out of ocean), inc seaice part
                0200        _RL pass_fu(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)     ! zonal wind stress -> ocean (N/m2)
                0201        _RL pass_fv(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)     ! merid wind stress -> ocean (N/m2
                0202        _RL pass_wspeed(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! wind speed -> ocean (m/s)
b926efee65 Jeff*0203        _RL pass_solarnet(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! total net solar -> ocean (+=out of ocn, - def)
b533acbe62 Jeff*0204        _RL pass_slp(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)    ! slp anomaly -> ocean (pascals)
b926efee65 Jeff*0205        _RL pass_pCO2(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)   ! atmos pCO2 -> ocean (parts by volume, i.e. ppmv*1e-6)
9274434acc Jean*0206        _RL pass_sIceLoad(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)  ! seaice mass loading -> ocean
ba0b047096 Mart*0207        _RL sFluxFromIce(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy) ! upward salt flux->ocean (g/m^2/s)
ea473a204c Jeff*0208 
9274434acc Jean*0209 
7b7831d041 Jean*0210       COMMON/ICE_FLUXES_PASS/ netSW, sFlx, dTsurf, pass_prcAtm, snowPrc
b6a1ae81d9 Jeff*0211        _RL netSW(sNx,sNy)    ! net shortwave flux to ice (W/m2) (+= down)
ea473a204c Jeff*0212        _RL sFlx(sNx,sNy,0:2) ! input variables to seaice temp solver:
4d21e0b7f4 Jean*0213 C                            ! 0: sFlx(:,1) - Tsurf * dF/dT (W/m2)
                0214 C                            ! 1: surface heat flux to ice, no SW (Ts=Ts^n) (W/m2) (+=down)
                0215 C                            ! 2: dF/dT (over ice), (- def, as for +=down HF)
ea473a204c Jeff*0216        _RL dTsurf(sNx,sNy)   ! surf temp adjustment Ts^n+1 - Ts^n
07038f52c0 Jeff*0217        _RL pass_prcAtm(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)  ! total precip -> seaice top (kg/m2/s, +=precip to ice)
7b7831d041 Jean*0218        _RL snowPrc(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)  ! snow precip (kg/m2/s)
ea473a204c Jeff*0219 
                0220 C     Variables used to sum and compute atm2d diagnostic outputs
09a6f3668a Jeff*0221       COMMON/DIAGS_1DTO2D/ qnet_atm, evap_atm, precip_atm, runoff_atm,
9274434acc Jean*0222      &                     sum_qrel, sum_frel,
09a6f3668a Jeff*0223      &                     sum_iceMask, sum_iceHeight, sum_iceTime,
                0224      &                     sum_oceMxLT, sum_oceMxLS,
9274434acc Jean*0225      &                     qnet_atm_ta, evap_atm_ta,
09a6f3668a Jeff*0226      &                     precip_atm_ta, runoff_atm_ta,
                0227      &                     sum_qrel_ta, sum_frel_ta,
9274434acc Jean*0228      &                     sum_iceMask_ta, sum_iceHeight_ta,
09a6f3668a Jeff*0229      &                     sum_iceTime_ta,
                0230      &                     sum_oceMxLT_ta, sum_oceMxLS_ta,
                0231      &                     sum_tauu_ta, sum_tauv_ta, sum_wsocean_ta,
                0232      &                     sum_ps4ocean_ta
9274434acc Jean*0233        _RL qnet_atm(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0234        _RL evap_atm(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0235        _RL precip_atm(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0236        _RL runoff_atm(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0237        _RL sum_qrel(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0238        _RL sum_frel(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0239        _RL sum_iceMask(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0240        _RL sum_iceHeight(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0241        _RL sum_iceTime(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0242        _RL sum_oceMxLT(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0243        _RL sum_oceMxLS(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy)
                0244        _RL qnet_atm_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0245        _RL evap_atm_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0246        _RL precip_atm_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0247        _RL runoff_atm_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0248        _RL sum_qrel_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0249        _RL sum_frel_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0250        _RL sum_iceMask_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0251        _RL sum_iceHeight_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0252        _RL sum_iceTime_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0253        _RL sum_oceMxLT_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
                0254        _RL sum_oceMxLS_ta(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nForcingPer)
09a6f3668a Jeff*0255        _RL sum_tauu_ta(jm0,nForcingPer)
                0256        _RL sum_tauv_ta(jm0,nForcingPer)
                0257        _RL sum_wsocean_ta(jm0,nForcingPer)
                0258        _RL sum_ps4ocean_ta(jm0,nForcingPer)
9274434acc Jean*0259 
8e101fde6e Jeff*0260 C      Yearly output diagnostics
9274434acc Jean*0261       COMMON/YR_MEAN_DIAG/ sst_tave, sss_tave, SHice_min, SHice_max,
c78aef0012 Jean*0262      &                    NHice_min, NHice_max, HF2ocn_tave,
                0263      &                    FW2ocn_tave, CO2flx_tave
8e101fde6e Jeff*0264        _RL sst_tave
                0265        _RL sss_tave
                0266        _RL SHice_min
                0267        _RL SHice_max
                0268        _RL NHice_min
                0269        _RL NHice_max
9274434acc Jean*0270        _RL HF2ocn_tave
                0271        _RL FW2ocn_tave
                0272        _RL CO2flx_tave
8e101fde6e Jeff*0273 
ea473a204c Jeff*0274 
                0275 C      Variables passed from ocean model
07038f52c0 Jeff*0276       COMMON/FROM_OCN/ sstFromOcn, sssFromOcn, oFluxCO2, mlDepth
09a6f3668a Jeff*0277        _RL sstFromOcn(1:sNx,1:sNy)
                0278        _RL sssFromOcn(1:sNx,1:sNy)
07038f52c0 Jeff*0279        _RL oFluxCO2(1:sNx,1:sNy)   ! flux of CO2 from ocean DIC etc. package (mol/m2/s)
ea473a204c Jeff*0280        _RL mlDepth(1:sNx,1:sNy)    ! at present, simply the depth of top ocean grid cell (m)