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Check "Definitions only" to find only definitions of the symbol (unchecked, all references).
999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for yC

Type Member of File Line
local and common block variable /model/inc/GRID.h 417
global or module variable /model/inc/GRID.h 450
global or module variable /verification/flt_example/extra/write_float.F 7
variable /verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/analysis/ 26

4 declarations in 3 files.

References to yC

File Line
/model/inc/GRID.h 417 450
/model/inc/YC_MACROS.h 18 22 26 30
/model/src/config_summary.F 942
/model/src/ini_cartesian_grid.F 83
/model/src/ini_curvilinear_grid.F 81 83 228 297 375 431
/model/src/ini_cylinder_grid.F 88 96
/model/src/ini_depths.F 240 262
/model/src/ini_forcing.F 47 53
/model/src/ini_grid.F 71 215
/model/src/ini_mixing.F 63 65
/model/src/ini_p_ground.F 180 328
/model/src/ini_spherical_polar_grid.F 88 100 190 191 216 277
/model/src/write_grid.F 82 178
/pkg/aim_v23/aim_dyn2aim.F 76 77 227
/pkg/aim_v23/aim_surf_bc.F 231 232
/pkg/aim_v23/phy_suflux_post.F 155
/pkg/atm2d/relax_add.F 86 92
/pkg/atm_phys/atm_phys_dyn2phys.F 68
/pkg/bling/bling_carbon_chem.F 436
/pkg/bling/bling_fields_load.F 286
/pkg/bling/bling_ini_forcing.F 108
/pkg/bling/bling_light.F 187
/pkg/bling/bling_main.F 221
/pkg/cfc/cfc11_forcing.F 141
/pkg/cfc/cfc12_forcing.F 142
/pkg/dic/insol.F 65
/pkg/ebm/ebm_area_t.F 75 76 81 82 87 88 93 94
/pkg/ebm/ebm_atmosphere.F 113 115 117 119 121 219 235 316
/pkg/ebm/ebm_load_climatology.F 71
/pkg/ecco/cost_sla_read.F 169
/pkg/ecco/cost_sla_read_yd.F 131
/pkg/exf/exf_getclim.F 80 109
/pkg/exf/exf_getffields.F 121 168 181 196 218 233 246 261 275 289 303 339 355 368 385 401 417 432 447 463
/pkg/exf/exf_init_varia.F 77 88 118 129 153 164 175 188 199 212 223 236 248 260 271 286 300 311 325 339 352 365 376 390 403 416 429 440
/pkg/exf/exf_set_uv.F 241 252 263 315 323 406 417 428 476 484 549 560
/pkg/exf/exf_zenithangle.F 189 190 298 299 310
/pkg/exf/exf_zenithangle_table.F 123
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_init_fixed.F 87
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_wrapper.F 262
/pkg/fizhi/update_chemistry_exports.F 71
/pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 76
/pkg/kpp/kpp_calc.F 551 653
/pkg/land/land_monitor.F 131 167 195 223 254 271
/pkg/mnc/mnc_cw_cvars.F 207 279
/pkg/mnc/mnc_cw_write_grid_info.F 140 194
/pkg/profiles/profiles_init_fixed.F 411 412 418 419 440 441 443 444 512 514 906
/pkg/salt_plume/salt_plume_tendency_apply_s.F 79 92 131 132
/pkg/salt_plume/salt_plume_volfrac.F 100
/pkg/sbo/sbo_calc.F 269
/pkg/seaice/dynsolver.F 142
/pkg/seaice/lsr.F 220
/pkg/seaice/seaice_freedrift.F 98 116
/pkg/seaice/seaice_get_dynforcing.F 177 224
/pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F 1788 1995 2024 2057 2116
/pkg/seaice/seaice_growth_adx.F 983
/pkg/seaice/seaice_oceandrag_coeffs.F 94
/pkg/seaice/seaice_solve4temp.F 288
/pkg/shelfice/shelfice_remesh_c_mask.F 110 168
/pkg/streamice/streamice_init_fixed.F 349
/pkg/streamice/streamice_init_varia.F 542 560
/pkg/thsice/thsice_monitor.F 129 151 170 202 227
/pkg/zonal_filt/zonal_filt_init.F 94 104
/pkg/zonal_filt/zonal_filter.F 55
/verification/advect_xy/code/ini_salt.F 63
/verification/advect_xy/code/ini_theta.F 64
/verification/aim.5l_Equatorial_Channel/code/aim_surf_bc.F 248 249 335
/verification/aim.5l_Equatorial_Channel/code/ini_depths.F 237 240 259 262
/verification/fizhi-cs-aqualev20/code/fizhi_init_fixed.F 74
/verification/fizhi-cs-aqualev20/code/update_ocean_exports.F 266 267
/verification/fizhi-gridalt-hs/code/fizhi_init_fixed.F 74
/verification/flt_example/extra/write_float.F 7 48 50 54 89 111 138 164 186
/verification/hs94.128x64x5/code/external_forcing.F 190 193 201
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code/apply_forcing.F 255 258 285
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code/ini_theta.F 66 68
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_ad/apply_forcing.F 255 258 285
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_ad/ini_theta.F 66 68
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/apply_forcing.F 255 258 285
/verification/hs94.1x64x5/code_oad/ini_theta.F 66 68
/verification/hs94.cs-32x32x5/code/apply_forcing.F 255 258 285
/verification/hs94.cs-32x32x5/code/ini_theta.F 66 68
/verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/analysis/ 26 220
/verification/tutorial_baroclinic_gyre/analysis/ 239
/verification/tutorial_held_suarez_cs/code/apply_forcing.F 255 258 285

251.5 references in 83 files.