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7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0001 #include "FIZHI_OPTIONS.h"
                0002        subroutine update_ocean_exports (myTime, myIter, myThid)
                0003 c----------------------------------------------------------------------
                0004 c  Subroutine update_ocean_exports - 'Wrapper' routine to update
88f72205aa Jean*0005 c        the fields related to the ocean surface that are needed
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0006 c        by fizhi (sst and sea ice extent).
                0007 c
                0008 c Call:  getsst  (Return the current sst field-read dataset if needed)
                0009 c        getsice (Return the current sea ice field-read data if needed)
                0010 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                0011        implicit none
                0012 #include "SIZE.h"
                0013 #include "GRID.h"
                0014 #include "fizhi_ocean_coms.h"
                0015 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0016 #include "chronos.h"
                0017 #ifdef ALLOW_EXCH2
0adbb390e0 Jean*0018 #include "W2_EXCH2_SIZE.h"
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0019 #include "W2_EXCH2_TOPOLOGY.h"
                0020 #endif /* ALLOW_EXCH2 */
                0022        integer myIter, myThid
                0023        _RL myTime
ff726dc601 Jean*0025        INTEGER xySize
                0026 #if defined(ALLOW_EXCH2)
                0027        PARAMETER ( xySize = W2_ioBufferSize )
                0028 #else
                0029        PARAMETER ( xySize = Nx*Ny )
                0030 #endif
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0031        integer i, j, bi, bj, bislot, bjslot
                0032        integer im1, im2, jm1, jm2, idim1, idim2, jdim1, jdim2
                0033        integer xsize, ysize
3215907427 Jean*0034        _RL        sstmin
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0035        parameter ( sstmin = 273.16 )
ff726dc601 Jean*0037        _RL sst1 (xySize), sst2 (xySize)
                0038        _RL sice1(xySize), sice2(xySize)
                0039 c      _RL sst1(xsize,ysize),sst2(xsize,ysize)
                0040 c      _RL sice1(xsize,ysize),sice2(xsize,ysize)
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0041        integer nymd1sst(nSx,nSy),nymd2sst(nSx,nSy)
                0042        integer nymd1sice(nSx,nSy),nymd2sice(nSx,nSy)
                0043        integer nhms1sst(nSx,nSy),nhms2sst(nSx,nSy)
                0044        integer nhms1sice(nSx,nSy),nhms2sice(nSx,nSy)
                0045        integer sstdates(370,nSx,nSy),sicedates(370,nSx,nSy)
                0046        integer ssttimes(370,nSx,nSy),sicetimes(370,nSx,nSy)
                0047        logical first(nSx,nSy)
                0048        integer nSxnSy
                0049        parameter(nSxnSy = nSx*nSy)
                0050        data first/nSxnSy*.true./
                0052        save nymd1sst,nymd2sst,nymd1sice,nymd2sice
                0053        save nhms1sst,nhms2sst,nhms1sice,nhms2sice
                0054        save sst1, sst2, sice1, sice2
                0055        save sstdates, sicedates
                0056        save ssttimes, sicetimes
ff726dc601 Jean*0058 #if defined(ALLOW_EXCH2)
                0059        xsize = exch2_global_Nx
                0060        ysize = exch2_global_Ny
                0061 #else
                0062        xsize = Nx
                0063        ysize = Ny
                0064 #endif
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0065        idim1 = 1-OLx
                0066        idim2 = sNx+OLx
                0067        jdim1 = 1-OLy
                0068        jdim2 = sNy+OLy
                0069        im1 = 1
                0070        im2 = sNx
                0071        jm1 = 1
                0072        jm2 = sNy
                0074 C***********************************************************************
                0076        DO BJ = myByLo(myThid),myByHi(myThid)
                0077        DO BI = myBxLo(myThid),myBxHi(myThid)
                0078 #if defined(ALLOW_EXCH2)
c424ee7cc7 Jean*0079        bislot = exch2_txglobalo(W2_myTileList(bi,bj))-1
                0080        bjslot = exch2_tyglobalo(W2_myTileList(bi,bj))-1
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0081 #else
                0082        bislot = myXGlobalLo-1+(bi-1)*sNx
                0083        bjslot = myYGlobalLo-1+(bj-1)*sNy
                0084 #endif
a968dd4cbf Andr*0086        call getsst(ksst,sstclim,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,
                0087      .  jm1,jm2,nSx,nSy,xsize,ysize,bi,bj,bislot,bjslot,nymd,nhms,
                0088      .  sst1,sst2,first(bi,bj),nymd1sst(bi,bj),nymd2sst(bi,bj),
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0089      .  nhms1sst(bi,bj),nhms2sst(bi,bj),sstdates(1,bi,bj),
                0090      .  ssttimes(1,bi,bj),sst,myThid)
a968dd4cbf Andr*0091        call getsice(kice,siceclim,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,
                0092      .  jm1,jm2,nSx,nSy,xsize,ysize,bi,bj,bislot,bjslot,nymd,nhms,
                0093      .  sice1,sice2,first(bi,bj),nymd1sice(bi,bj),nymd2sice(bi,bj),
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0094      .  nhms1sice(bi,bj),nhms2sice(bi,bj),sicedates(1,bi,bj),
                0095      .  sicetimes(1,bi,bj),sice,myThid)
                0097 c Check for Minimum Open-Water SST
                0098 c --------------------------------
                0099        do j=jm1,jm2
                0100        do i=im1,im2
                0101        if(sice(i,j,bi,bj).eq.0.0 .and. sst(i,j,bi,bj).lt.sstmin)
                0102      .                                          sst(i,j,bi,bj) = sstmin
                0103        enddo
                0104        enddo
                0106        ENDDO
                0107        ENDDO
12ffad7671 Jean*0108        _EXCH_XY_RL(sst,myThid)
                0109        _EXCH_XY_RL(sice,myThid)
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0110 
                0111        return
                0112        end
a968dd4cbf Andr*0114        subroutine getsice(iunit,clim,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,
                0115      .   jm1,jm2,nSumx,nSumy,xsize,ysize,bi,bj,bislot,bjslot,nymd,nhms,
                0116      .   sicebc1,sicebc2,first,nymdbc1,nymdbc2,nhmsbc1,nhmsbc2,
                0117      .   nymdbc,nhmsbc,sice,mythid)
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0118 C***********************************************************************
                0119 C
ff726dc601 Jean*0120 C!ROUTINE: GETSICE
                0121 C!DESCRIPTION: GETSICE returns the sea ice depth.
                0122 C!             This routine is adaptable for any frequency
                0123 C!             data upto a daily frequency.
                0124 C!             note: for diurnal data ndmax should be increased.
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0125 C
                0126 C!INPUT PARAMETERS:
ff726dc601 Jean*0127 C!      iunit     Unit number assigned to the sice data file
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0128 C!      idim1     Start dimension in x-direction
                0129 C!      idim2     End dimension in x-direction
                0130 C!      jdim1     Start dimension in y-direction
                0131 C!      jdim2     End dimension in y-direction
                0132 C!      im1       Begin of x-direction span for filling sice
                0133 C!      im2       End of x-direction span for filling sice
                0134 C!      jm1       Begin of y-direction span for filling sice
                0135 C!      jm2       End of y-direction span for filling sice
                0136 C!      nSumx     Number of processors in x-direction (local processor)
                0137 C!      nSumy     Number of processors in y-direction (local processor)
                0138 C!      xsize      Number of processors in x-direction (global)
                0139 C!      ysize      Number of processors in y-direction (global)
                0140 C!      bi        Processor number in x-direction (local to processor)
                0141 C!      bj        Processor number in y-direction (local to processor)
                0142 C!      bislot  Processor number in x-direction (global)
                0143 C!      bjslot  Processor number in y-direction (global)
ff726dc601 Jean*0144 C!      nymd   YYMMDD of the current model timestep
                0145 C!      nhms   HHMMSS of the model time
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0146 C
                0147 C!OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
ff726dc601 Jean*0148 C!      sice(idim1:idim2,jdim1:jdim2,nSumx,nSumy) Sea ice depth in meters
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0149 C
                0150 C!ROUTINES CALLED:
                0151 C
ff726dc601 Jean*0152 C!      bcdata      Reads the data for a given unit number
                0153 C!      bcheader     Reads the header info for a given unit number
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0154 C!      interp_time  Returns weights for linear interpolation
                0155 C
                0156 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------
                0158       implicit none
                0159 #include "SIZE.h"
                0160 #include "GRID.h"
                0162       integer iunit,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,nSumx,nSumy
                0163       integer xsize,ysize,bi,bj,bislot,bjslot,nymd,nhms,mythid
                0165       _RL sicebc1(xsize,ysize)
                0166       _RL sicebc2(xsize,ysize)
                0167       _RL sice(idim1:idim2,jdim1:jdim2,nSumx,nSumy)
                0168       integer nhmsbc1,nhmsbc2,nymdbc1,nymdbc2
                0169       logical first
a968dd4cbf Andr*0170       logical clim
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0171 
                0172 C Maximum number of dates in one year for the data
                0173       integer   ndmax
                0174       parameter (ndmax = 370)
                0175       integer nymdbc(ndmax),nhmsbc(ndmax)
                0177       integer i,j
3215907427 Jean*0178 
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0179       do j = jm1,jm2
                0180       do i = im1,im2
                0181        sice(i,j,bi,bj) = 0.
                0182       enddo
                0183       enddo
                0185       return
                0186       end
a968dd4cbf Andr*0187       subroutine getsst(iunit,clim,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,
                0188      .   jm1,jm2,nSumx,nSumy,xsize,ysize,bi,bj,bislot,bjslot,nymd,nhms,
                0189      .   sstbc1,sstbc2,first,nymdbc1,nymdbc2,nhmsbc1,nhmsbc2,
                0190      .   nymdbc,nhmsbc,sst,mythid)
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0191 C***********************************************************************
                0192 C
ff726dc601 Jean*0193 C!ROUTINE: GETSST
                0194 C!DESCRIPTION: GETSST gets the SST data.
                0195 C!             This routine is adaptable for any frequency
                0196 C!             data upto a daily frequency.
                0197 C!             note: for diurnal data ndmax should be increased.
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0198 C
                0199 C!INPUT PARAMETERS:
ff726dc601 Jean*0200 C!      iunit     Unit number assigned to the sice data file
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0201 C!      idim1     Start dimension in x-direction
                0202 C!      idim2     End dimension in x-direction
                0203 C!      jdim1     Start dimension in y-direction
                0204 C!      jdim2     End dimension in y-direction
                0205 C!      im1       Begin of x-direction span for filling sst
                0206 C!      im2       End of x-direction span for filling sst
                0207 C!      jm1       Begin of y-direction span for filling sst
                0208 C!      jm2       End of y-direction span for filling sst
                0209 C!      nSumx     Number of processors in x-direction (local processor)
                0210 C!      nSumy     Number of processors in y-direction (local processor)
                0211 C!      xsize     x-dimension of global array
                0212 C!      ysize     y-dimension of global array
                0213 C!      bi        Processor number in x-direction (local to processor)
                0214 C!      bj        Processor number in y-direction (local to processor)
                0215 C!      bislot    Slot number into global array in x-direction (global)
                0216 C!      bjslot    Slot number into global array in y-direction (global)
ff726dc601 Jean*0217 C!      nymd      YYMMDD of the current model timestep
                0218 C!      nhms      HHMMSS of the model time
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0219 C
                0220 C!OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
ff726dc601 Jean*0221 C!     sst(idim1:idim2,jdim1:jdim2,nSumx,nSumy) Sea surface temperature (K)
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0222 C
                0223 C!ROUTINES CALLED:
                0224 C
ff726dc601 Jean*0225 C!     bcdata      Reads the data for a given unit number
                0226 C!     bcheader     Reads the header info for a given unit number
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0227 C!     interp_time      Returns weights for linear interpolation
                0228 C
                0229 C--------------------------------------------------------------------------
                0231       implicit none
                0232 #include "SIZE.h"
                0233 #include "GRID.h"
                0235       integer iunit,idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,nSumx,nSumy
                0236       integer xsize,ysize,bi,bj,bislot,bjslot,nymd,nhms,mythid
                0238       _RL sstbc1(xsize,ysize)
                0239       _RL sstbc2(xsize,ysize)
                0240       _RL sst(idim1:idim2,jdim1:jdim2,nSumx,nSumy)
                0241       integer nhmsbc1,nhmsbc2,nymdbc1,nymdbc2
                0242       logical first
a968dd4cbf Andr*0243       logical clim
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0244 
                0245 C Maximum number of dates in one year for the data
                0246       integer   ndmax
                0247       parameter (ndmax = 370)
                0248       integer nymdbc(ndmax),nhmsbc(ndmax)
3215907427 Jean*0250       _RL getcon
                0251       _RL pi,pio2,pio3,mpio3,pio36,deg2rad,sinarg 
                0252 c     _RL factor,cosarg1,cosarg2
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0253 
                0254       integer i,j
                0256       deg2rad = getcon('DEG2RAD')
                0257       pi = getcon('PI')
                0258       pio2 = pi / 2. _d 0
                0259       pio3 = pi / 3. _d 0
                0260       pio36 = pi / 36. _d 0
                0261       mpio3 = -1. _d 0 * pi / 3. _d 0
                0263       do j = jm1,jm2
                0264       do i = im1,im2
                0265 C Control - max sst on equator, zonally symmetric
                0266        if( abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad)  .lt. pio3 ) then
                0267         sinarg = 3.*yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad/2.
                0268         sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16 + 27.*(1.-(sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)))
                0269        else
                0270         sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16
                0271        endif
                0272 C Experiment 2 - Peaked
                0273 C      if( abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad)  .lt. pio3 ) then
                0274 C       factor = 3.*abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj))*deg2rad/pi
                0275 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16 + 27.*(1.-factor)
                0276 C      else
                0277 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16
                0278 C      endif
                0279 C Experiment 3 - Flat
                0280 C      if( abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad)  .lt. pio3 ) then
                0281 C       sinarg = 3.*yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad/2.
3215907427 Jean*0282 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16 +
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0283 C    .        27.*(1.-(sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)))
                0284 C      else
                0285 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16
                0286 C      endif
                0287 C Experiment 4 - Qobs - average of control and exp 3
                0288 C      if( abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad)  .lt. pio3 ) then
                0289 C       sinarg = 3.*yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad/2.
                0290 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16 + 0.5*27*
3215907427 Jean*0291 C    .   (2.- (sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)) -
7ae8fb32b5 Andr*0292 C    .        (sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)))
                0293 C      else
                0294 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16
                0295 C      endif
                0296 C Experiment 5 - max sst at 5N, zonally symmetric
                0297 C      if( (yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad  .lt. pio3 ) .and.
                0298 C    .     (yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad  .gt. pio36 ) ) then
                0299 C       sinarg = (90./55.)*(yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad-pio36)
                0300 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16 + 27.*(1.-(sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)))
                0301 C      elseif ( (yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad  .le. pio36 ) .and.
                0302 C    .     (yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad  .gt. mpio3 ) ) then
                0303 C       sinarg = (90./65.)*(yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad-pio36)
                0304 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16 + 27.*(1.-(sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)))
                0305 C      else
                0306 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16
                0307 C      endif
                0308 C Experiment 6 - 1KEQ max sst at equator, + anomaly centered at greenwich
                0309 C   first set the control sst profile
                0310 C      if( abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad)  .lt. pio3 ) then
                0311 C       sinarg = 3.*yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad/2.
                0312 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16 + 27.*(1.-(sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)))
                0313 C      else
                0314 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16
                0315 C      endif
                0316 C   and now add the anomaly
                0317 C      if( (abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj)) .lt. 15. _d 0) .and.
                0318 C    .     (abs(xc(i,j,bi,bj)) .lt. 30. _d 0) ) then
                0319 C       cosarg1 = pio2*(xc(i,j,bi,bj)/30. _d 0)
                0320 C       cosarg2 = pio2*(yc(i,j,bi,bj)/15. _d 0)
                0321 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = sst(i,j,bi,bj) +
                0322 C    .     cos(cosarg1)*cos(cosarg1)*cos(cosarg2)*cos(cosarg2)
                0323 C      endif
                0324 C Experiment 7 - 3KEQ max sst at equator, + anomaly centered at greenwich
                0325 C   first set the control sst profile
                0326 C      if( abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad)  .lt. pio3 ) then
                0327 C       sinarg = 3.*yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad/2.
                0328 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16 + 27.*(1.-(sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)))
                0329 C      else
                0330 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16
                0331 C      endif
                0332 C   and now add the anomaly
                0333 C      if( (abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj)) .lt. 15. _d 0) .and.
                0334 C    .     (abs(xc(i,j,bi,bj)) .lt. 30. _d 0) ) then
                0335 C       cosarg1 = pio2*(xc(i,j,bi,bj)/30. _d 0)
                0336 C       cosarg2 = pio2*(yc(i,j,bi,bj)/15. _d 0)
                0337 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = sst(i,j,bi,bj) +
                0338 C    .     3.*cos(cosarg1)*cos(cosarg1)*cos(cosarg2)*cos(cosarg2)
                0339 C      endif
                0340 C Experiment 8 - 3KW1 max sst at equator, +/- anomaly centered at greenwich
                0341 C   first set the control sst profile
                0342 C      if( abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad)  .lt. pio3 ) then
                0343 C       sinarg = 3.*yc(i,j,bi,bj)*deg2rad/2.
                0344 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16 + 27.*(1.-(sin(sinarg)*sin(sinarg)))
                0345 C      else
                0346 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = 273.16
                0347 C      endif
                0348 C   and now add the anomaly
                0349 C      if( abs(yc(i,j,bi,bj))  .lt. 30.0 _d 0 ) then
                0350 C       cosarg1 = (xc(i,j,bi,bj))*deg2rad
                0351 C       cosarg2 = pio2*(yc(i,j,bi,bj)/30.0 _d 0)
                0352 C       sst(i,j,bi,bj) = sst(i,j,bi,bj) +
                0353 C    .             3.*cos(cosarg1)*cos(cosarg2)*cos(cosarg2)
                0354 C      endif
                0355       enddo
                0356       enddo
                0358       return
                0359       end