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999 line numbers denote case-insensitive occurrences (either belonging to a case-insensitive language or differing in case).


Definitions for ONE

Type Member of File Line
local and common block variable /pkg/admtlm/admtlm_dsvd.F 191
local and common block variable /pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_formula_lay.F 119
local and common block variable /pkg/chronos/chronos.F 737
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_clockstuff.F 900
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 47
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 1646
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 2373
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 1976
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 2100
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 2139
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/fizhi_utils.F 669
global or module variable /pkg/fizhi/sibber.h 10
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/update_chemistry_exports.F 302
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 216
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 708
local and common block variable /pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 868
local and common block variable /pkg/mom_fluxform/mom_u_coriolis.F 42
local and common block variable /pkg/mom_fluxform/mom_v_coriolis.F 42
local and common block variable /pkg/salt_plume/salt_plume_frac.F 72
global or module variable /pkg/seaice/SEAICE_PARAMS.h 647

20 declarations in 14 files.

References to ONE

File Line
/pkg/admtlm/admtlm_dsvd.F 191 192 600
/pkg/bulk_force/bulkf_formula_lay.F 119 125 152 173 187 191 194 195 198 200 203 209
/pkg/chronos/chronos.F 737 742 764 765 818 821 822 833
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_clockstuff.F 900 904 919 920 985 988 989 1000
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_lsm.F 202 733 737 740 745 756 760
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_moist.F 47 48 651 1646 1647 1954 2022 2107 2113 2373 2384 2466 2472 2509 2561
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_swrad.F 1976 1977 1993 2000 2002 2003 2015 2033 2036 2037 2043 2100 2101 2115 2116 2117 2119 2120 2122 2123 2139 2140 2147
/pkg/fizhi/fizhi_utils.F 669 670 694
/pkg/fizhi/sibber.h 10 18
/pkg/fizhi/update_chemistry_exports.F 302 304 338
/pkg/fizhi/update_earth_exports.F 216 223 654 655 708 710 806 808 868 869 887 889
/pkg/mom_fluxform/mom_u_coriolis.F 42 43 79
/pkg/mom_fluxform/mom_v_coriolis.F 42 43 77
/pkg/salt_plume/salt_plume_frac.F 72 73 120 142 146 208 216
/pkg/seaice/SEAICE_PARAMS.h 647 648
/pkg/seaice/dynsolver.F 68 146 151 225
/pkg/seaice/lsr.F 338 378 728 974
/pkg/seaice/ostres.F 85 87
/pkg/seaice/seaice_advdiff.F 192 221 245 273 306 333 360 389 455
/pkg/seaice/seaice_calc_viscosities.F 95 99 179 212 217 219 230 235 239 270 275 277 285 288 291 295 310 313 318 319 321
/pkg/seaice/seaice_diagnostics_state.F 104 108
/pkg/seaice/seaice_do_ridging.F 111
/pkg/seaice/seaice_dynsolver.F 99
/pkg/seaice/seaice_evp.F 196 935 937
/pkg/seaice/seaice_growth.F 341 344 345 351 355 368 371 529 566 570 931 933 946 948 1027 1031 1033 1090 1891 2014 2015 2069 2100 2101 2107 2200 2256 2315 2364 2378 2525
/pkg/seaice/seaice_growth_adx.F 306 309 311 318 321 322 323 324 325 326 328 611 835 836 876 897 930 931 937 984 987 996 1055 1083 1131 1199 1285
/pkg/seaice/seaice_init_fixed.F 123 124 125
/pkg/seaice/seaice_init_varia.F 328 343 458
/pkg/seaice/seaice_itd_redist.F 74
/pkg/seaice/seaice_lsr.F 571 579 1474 1537
/pkg/seaice/seaice_ocean_stress.F 77 89 135 136
/pkg/seaice/seaice_preconditioner.F 195 202
/pkg/seaice/seaice_readparms.F 711
/pkg/seaice/seaice_reg_ridge.F 85
/pkg/seaice/seaice_tracer_phys.F 196
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/OLDadBuffer.h 51 54
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/adTool/support.h 130 148 349 355 361 367 458 607
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/ampi.h 15
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/bookkeeping/support.h 28 36
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/libCommon/modified.h 740
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/modified.h 25
/tools/TAP_support/ADFirstAidKit/ampi/userIF/window.h 17 29 74
/tools/mpack-1.6/md5.h 28

266 references in 43 files.