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b35bd3101a Jean*0001 #include "ADMTLM_OPTIONS.h"
a5276edbc9 Patr*0002 
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0003       subroutine admtlm_dsvd ( mythid )
                0004 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0005 c     This example program is intended to illustrate the
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0006 c     the use of ARPACK to compute the Singular Value Decomposition.
b35bd3101a Jean*0007 c
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0008 c     This code shows how to use ARPACK to find a few of the
b35bd3101a Jean*0009 c     largest singular values(sigma) and corresponding right singular
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0010 c     vectors (v) for the the matrix A by solving the symmetric problem:
b35bd3101a Jean*0011 c
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0012 c                        (A'*A)*v = sigma*v
b35bd3101a Jean*0013 c
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0014 c     where A is an m by n real matrix.
                0015 c
                0016 c     This code may be easily modified to estimate the 2-norm
                0017 c     condition number  largest(sigma)/smallest(sigma) by setting
                0018 c     which = 'BE' below.  This will ask for a few of the smallest
                0019 c     and a few of the largest singular values simultaneously.
                0020 c     The condition number could then be estimated by taking
                0021 c     the ratio of the largest and smallest singular values.
                0022 c
                0023 c     This formulation is appropriate when  m  .ge.  n.
                0024 c     Reverse the roles of A and A' in the case that  m .le. n.
                0025 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0026 c     The main points illustrated here are
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0027 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0028 c        1) How to declare sufficient memory to find NEV
                0029 c           largest singular values of A .
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0030 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0031 c        2) Illustration of the reverse communication interface
                0032 c           needed to utilize the top level ARPACK routine DSAUPD
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0033 c           that computes the quantities needed to construct
                0034 c           the desired singular values and vectors(if requested).
                0035 c
                0036 c        3) How to extract the desired singular values and vectors
                0037 c           using the ARPACK routine DSEUPD.
                0038 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0039 c        4) How to construct the left singular vectors U from the
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0040 c           right singular vectors V to obtain the decomposition
                0041 c
                0042 c                        A*V = U*S
                0043 c
                0044 c           where S = diag(sigma_1, sigma_2, ..., sigma_k).
                0045 c
                0046 c     The only thing that must be supplied in order to use this
b35bd3101a Jean*0047 c     routine on your problem is to change the array dimensions
                0048 c     appropriately, to specify WHICH singular values you want to
                0049 c     compute and to supply a the matrix-vector products
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0050 c
                0051 c                         w <-  Ax
                0052 c                         y <-  A'w
                0053 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0054 c     in place of the calls  to AV( ) and ATV( ) respectively below.
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0055 c
                0056 c     Further documentation is available in the header of DSAUPD
                0057 c     which may be found in the SRC directory.
                0058 c
                0059 c     This codes implements
                0060 c
                0061 c\Example-1
                0062 c     ... Suppose we want to solve A'A*v = sigma*v in regular mode,
b35bd3101a Jean*0063 c         where A is derived from the simplest finite difference
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0064 c         discretization of the 2-dimensional kernel  K(s,t)dt  where
                0065 c
                0066 c                 K(s,t) =  s(t-1)   if 0 .le. s .le. t .le. 1,
b35bd3101a Jean*0067 c                           t(s-1)   if 0 .le. t .lt. s .le. 1.
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0068 c
                0069 c         See subroutines AV  and ATV for details.
                0070 c     ... OP = A'*A  and  B = I.
                0071 c     ... Assume "call av (n,x,y)" computes y = A*x
                0072 c     ... Assume "call atv (n,y,w)" computes w = A'*y
                0073 c     ... Assume exact shifts are used
                0074 c     ...
                0075 c
                0076 c\BeginLib
                0077 c
                0078 c\Routines called:
                0079 c     dsaupd  ARPACK reverse communication interface routine.
                0080 c     dseupd  ARPACK routine that returns Ritz values and (optionally)
                0081 c             Ritz vectors.
                0082 c     dnrm2   Level 1 BLAS that computes the norm of a vector.
                0083 c     daxpy   Level 1 BLAS that computes y <- alpha*x+y.
                0084 c     dscal   Level 1 BLAS thst computes x <- x*alpha.
                0085 c     dcopy   Level 1 BLAS thst computes y <- x.
                0086 c
                0087 c\Author
                0088 c     Richard Lehoucq
                0089 c     Danny Sorensen
                0090 c     Chao Yang
                0091 c     Dept. of Computational &
                0092 c     Applied Mathematics
                0093 c     Rice University
                0094 c     Houston, Texas
                0095 c
                0096 c\SCCS Information: @(#)
                0097 c FILE: svd.F   SID: 2.4   DATE OF SID: 10/17/00   RELEASE: 2
                0098 c
                0099 c\Remarks
                0100 c     1. None
                0101 c
                0102 c\EndLib
                0103 c
                0104 c-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                0105 c
                0106 c     %------------------------------------------------------%
                0107 c     | Storage Declarations:                                |
                0108 c     |                                                      |
                0109 c     | It is assumed that A is M by N with M .ge. N.        |
                0110 c     |                                                      |
                0111 c     | The maximum dimensions for all arrays are            |
                0112 c     | set here to accommodate a problem size of            |
                0113 c     | M .le. MAXM  and  N .le. MAXN                        |
                0114 c     |                                                      |
                0115 c     | The NEV right singular vectors will be computed in   |
                0116 c     | the N by NCV array V.                                |
                0117 c     |                                                      |
                0118 c     | The NEV left singular vectors will be computed in    |
                0119 c     | the M by NEV array U.                                |
                0120 c     |                                                      |
                0121 c     | NEV is the number of singular values requested.      |
                0122 c     |     See specifications for ARPACK usage below.       |
                0123 c     |                                                      |
                0124 c     | NCV is the largest number of basis vectors that will |
                0125 c     |     be used in the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi      |
                0126 c     |     Process.  Work per major iteration is            |
                0127 c     |     proportional to N*NCV*NCV.                       |
                0128 c     |                                                      |
                0129 c     | You must set:                                        |
                0130 c     |                                                      |
                0131 c     | MAXM:   Maximum number of rows of the A allowed.     |
                0132 c     | MAXN:   Maximum number of columns of the A allowed.  |
                0133 c     | MAXNEV: Maximum NEV allowed                          |
                0134 c     | MAXNCV: Maximum NCV allowed                          |
                0135 c     %------------------------------------------------------%
                0136 c
a5276edbc9 Patr*0137 C     !USES:
                0138 C     == Global variables ===
                0139 #include "SIZE.h"
                0140 #include "EEPARAMS.h"
                0141 #include "PARAMS.h"
                0142 #ifdef ALLOW_ADMTLM
7c50f07931 Mart*0143 # ifdef ALLOW_AUTODIFF_TAMC
                0144 #  include "tamc.h"
                0145 # endif
4d72283393 Mart*0146 # include "CTRL.h"
65754df434 Mart*0147 # include "OPTIMCYCLE.h"
e4939baa16 Patr*0148 # include "cost.h"
                0149 # include "adcost.h"
                0150 # include "g_cost.h"
a5276edbc9 Patr*0151 #endif
                0153 C     !INPUT/OUTPUT PARAMETERS:
                0154 C     == Routine arguments ==
                0155       INTEGER mythid
                0157 C     == PARAMETERS ==
faf44775ba Patr*0158       integer          maxnev, maxncv, ldv, ldu
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0159 cph(
faf44775ba Patr*0160       parameter       ( maxnev=15, maxncv=30, ldu = maxm, ldv=maxn )
a5276edbc9 Patr*0161       character*(80)   fnameGlobal
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0162 cph)
                0163 c
                0164 c     %--------------%
                0165 c     | Local Arrays |
                0166 c     %--------------%
                0167 c
                0168       Double precision
b35bd3101a Jean*0169      &                 v(ldv,maxncv), u(ldu, maxnev),
                0170      &                 workl(maxncv*(maxncv+8)), workd(3*maxn),
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0171      &                 s(maxncv,2), resid(maxn), ax(maxm)
                0172       logical          select(maxncv)
                0173       integer          iparam(11), ipntr(11)
                0174 c
                0175 c     %---------------%
                0176 c     | Local Scalars |
                0177 c     %---------------%
                0178 c
                0179       character        bmat*1, which*2
                0180       integer          ido, m, n, nev, ncv, lworkl, info, ierr,
                0181      &                 j, ishfts, maxitr, mode, nconv
                0182       logical          rvec
b35bd3101a Jean*0183       Double precision
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0184      &                 tol, sigma, temp
                0185 c
                0186 c     %------------%
                0187 c     | Parameters |
                0188 c     %------------%
                0189 c
                0190       Double precision
                0191      &                 one, zero
                0192       parameter        (one = 1.0D+0, zero = 0.0D+0)
b35bd3101a Jean*0193 c
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0194 c     %-----------------------------%
                0195 c     | BLAS & LAPACK routines used |
                0196 c     %-----------------------------%
                0197 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0198       Double precision
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0199      &                 dnrm2
                0200       external         dnrm2, daxpy, dcopy, dscal
                0202 cph(
a5276edbc9 Patr*0203       integer l, ilinsysinfo, ii, jj
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0204       integer ipiv(maxn)
                0205       integer phiwork(maxn)
                0207       double precision ferr, berr
                0208       double precision phtmpin(maxn), phtmpout(maxn)
                0209       double precision phxout(maxn)
                0210       double precision tmpvec1(maxn), tmpvec2(maxn)
                0211       double precision phrwork(3*maxn)
a5276edbc9 Patr*0212 cph      double precision metricLoc(maxn,maxn)
                0213 cph      double precision metricTriag(maxn,maxn)
                0214 cph      double precision metricInv(maxn,maxn)
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0215 
                0216 cph      DATA (metricInv(ii,1),ii=1,maxn)
b35bd3101a Jean*0217 cph     &     / 9.9896D+07, 0.0519D+07, -0.0415D+07,
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0218 cph     &     0.0486D+07, -0.2432D+07, 0.1945D+07 /
                0219 cph      DATA (metricInv(ii,2),ii=1,maxn)
                0220 cph     &     / 0.0519D+07, 9.7403D+07, 0.2077D+07,
                0221 cph     &     -0.2432D+07, 1.2158D+07, -0.9726D+07 /
                0222 cph      DATA (metricInv(ii,3),ii=1,maxn)
                0223 cph     &     / -0.0415D+07, 0.2077D+07, 9.8338D+07,
                0224 cph     &     0.1945D+07, -0.9726D+07, 0.7781D+07 /
                0225 cph      DATA (metricInv(ii,4),ii=1,maxn)
                0226 cph     &     / 0.0486D+07, -0.2432D+07, 0.1945D+07,
                0227 cph     &     9.7723D+07, 1.1385D+07, -0.9108D+07 /
                0228 cph      DATA (metricInv(ii,5),ii=1,maxn)
                0229 cph     &     / -0.2432D+07, 1.2158D+07, -0.9726D+07,
                0230 cph     &     1.1385D+07, 4.3073D+07, 4.5542D+07 /
                0231 cph      DATA (metricInv(ii,6),ii=1,maxn)
                0232 cph     &     / 0.1945D+07, -0.9726D+07, 0.7781D+07,
                0233 cph     &     -0.9108D+07, 4.5542D+07, 6.3567D+07 /
                0234 cph)
                0235 c
                0236 c     %-----------------------%
                0237 c     | Executable Statements |
                0238 c     %-----------------------%
                0239 c
                0240 c     %-------------------------------------------------%
                0241 c     | The following include statement and assignments |
                0242 c     | initiate trace output from the internal         |
                0243 c     | actions of ARPACK.  See debug.doc in the        |
                0244 c     | DOCUMENTS directory for usage.  Initially, the  |
                0245 c     | most useful information will be a breakdown of  |
                0246 c     | time spent in the various stages of computation |
                0247 c     | given by setting msaupd = 1.                    |
                0248 c     %-------------------------------------------------%
                0249 c
                0250       include 'arpack_debug.h'
                0251       ndigit = -3
                0252       logfil = 6
                0253       msgets = 0
b35bd3101a Jean*0254       msaitr = 0
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0255       msapps = 0
                0256       msaupd = 1
                0257       msaup2 = 0
                0258       mseigt = 0
                0259       mseupd = 0
                0260 c
                0261 c     %-------------------------------------------------%
                0262 c     | The following sets dimensions for this problem. |
                0263 c     %-------------------------------------------------%
                0264 c
                0265 cph(
e4939baa16 Patr*0266       m = admtlmrec
                0267       n = admtlmrec
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0268 cph)
                0269 c
                0270 c     %------------------------------------------------%
b35bd3101a Jean*0271 c     | Specifications for ARPACK usage are set        |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0272 c     | below:                                         |
                0273 c     |                                                |
b35bd3101a Jean*0274 c     |    1) NEV = 4 asks for 4 singular values to be |
                0275 c     |       computed.                                |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0276 c     |                                                |
                0277 c     |    2) NCV = 20 sets the length of the Arnoldi  |
                0278 c     |       factorization                            |
                0279 c     |                                                |
                0280 c     |    3) This is a standard problem               |
                0281 c     |         (indicated by bmat  = 'I')             |
                0282 c     |                                                |
                0283 c     |    4) Ask for the NEV singular values of       |
                0284 c     |       largest magnitude                        |
                0285 c     |         (indicated by which = 'LM')            |
                0286 c     |       See documentation in DSAUPD for the      |
b35bd3101a Jean*0287 c     |       other options SM, BE.                    |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0288 c     |                                                |
                0289 c     | Note: NEV and NCV must satisfy the following   |
                0290 c     |       conditions:                              |
                0291 c     |                 NEV <= MAXNEV,                 |
                0292 c     |             NEV + 1 <= NCV <= MAXNCV           |
                0293 c     %------------------------------------------------%
                0294 c
                0295 cph(
                0296       nev   = 15
                0297       ncv   = 30
                0298       bmat  = 'I'
                0299 cph)
                0300       which = 'LM'
                0301 c
                0302       if ( n .gt. maxn ) then
                0303          print *, ' ERROR with _SVD: N is greater than MAXN '
                0304          go to 9000
                0305       else if ( m .gt. maxm ) then
                0306          print *, ' ERROR with _SVD: M is greater than MAXM '
                0307          go to 9000
                0308       else if ( nev .gt. maxnev ) then
                0309          print *, ' ERROR with _SVD: NEV is greater than MAXNEV '
                0310          go to 9000
                0311       else if ( ncv .gt. maxncv ) then
                0312          print *, ' ERROR with _SVD: NCV is greater than MAXNCV '
                0313          go to 9000
                0314       end if
                0315 c
                0316 c     %-----------------------------------------------------%
                0317 c     | Specification of stopping rules and initial         |
                0318 c     | conditions before calling DSAUPD                    |
                0319 c     |                                                     |
                0320 c     |           abs(sigmaC - sigmaT) < TOL*abs(sigmaC)    |
                0321 c     |               computed   true                       |
                0322 c     |                                                     |
                0323 c     |      If TOL .le. 0,  then TOL <- macheps            |
                0324 c     |              (machine precision) is used.           |
                0325 c     |                                                     |
                0326 c     | IDO  is the REVERSE COMMUNICATION parameter         |
                0327 c     |      used to specify actions to be taken on return  |
                0328 c     |      from DSAUPD. (See usage below.)                |
                0329 c     |                                                     |
                0330 c     |      It MUST initially be set to 0 before the first |
b35bd3101a Jean*0331 c     |      call to DSAUPD.                                |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0332 c     |                                                     |
                0333 c     | INFO on entry specifies starting vector information |
                0334 c     |      and on return indicates error codes            |
                0335 c     |                                                     |
b35bd3101a Jean*0336 c     |      Initially, setting INFO=0 indicates that a     |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0337 c     |      random starting vector is requested to         |
                0338 c     |      start the ARNOLDI iteration.  Setting INFO to  |
                0339 c     |      a nonzero value on the initial call is used    |
                0340 c     |      if you want to specify your own starting       |
b35bd3101a Jean*0341 c     |      vector (This vector must be placed in RESID.)  |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0342 c     |                                                     |
b35bd3101a Jean*0343 c     | The work array WORKL is used in DSAUPD as           |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0344 c     | workspace.  Its dimension LWORKL is set as          |
                0345 c     | illustrated below.                                  |
                0346 c     %-----------------------------------------------------%
                0347 c
                0348       lworkl = ncv*(ncv+8)
                0349 cph(
b35bd3101a Jean*0350       tol = zero
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0351 cph      tol = 1.D-10
                0352 cph)
                0353       info = 0
                0354       ido = 0
                0355 c
                0356 c     %---------------------------------------------------%
                0357 c     | Specification of Algorithm Mode:                  |
                0358 c     |                                                   |
                0359 c     | This program uses the exact shift strategy        |
                0360 c     | (indicated by setting IPARAM(1) = 1.)             |
                0361 c     | IPARAM(3) specifies the maximum number of Arnoldi |
                0362 c     | iterations allowed.  Mode 1 of DSAUPD is used     |
                0363 c     | (IPARAM(7) = 1). All these options can be changed |
                0364 c     | by the user. For details see the documentation in |
                0365 c     | DSAUPD.                                           |
                0366 c     %---------------------------------------------------%
                0367 c
                0368       ishfts = 1
                0369 cph(
a5276edbc9 Patr*0370       maxitr = 10
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0371 c      maxitr = 5
                0372 c
                0373       mode = 1
                0374 cph)
                0375       iparam(1) = ishfts
b35bd3101a Jean*0376 c
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0377       iparam(3) = maxitr
b35bd3101a Jean*0378 c
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0379       iparam(7) = mode
                0380 c
                0381 c     %------------------------------------------------%
                0382 c     | M A I N   L O O P (Reverse communication loop) |
                0383 c     %------------------------------------------------%
                0384 c
8f0b59c61c Patr*0385 C--   Set model configuration (fixed arrays)
                0386       CALL INITIALISE_FIXED( myThid )
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0387 c
                0388  10   continue
                0389 c
                0390       print *, 'ph----------------------------------------------------'
                0391       print *, 'ph----------------------------------------------------'
                0392       print *, 'ph----------------------------------------------------'
                0393 c
                0394 c        %---------------------------------------------%
b35bd3101a Jean*0395 c        | Repeatedly call the routine DSAUPD and take |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0396 c        | actions indicated by parameter IDO until    |
                0397 c        | either convergence is indicated or maxitr   |
                0398 c        | has been exceeded.                          |
                0399 c        %---------------------------------------------%
                0400 c
faf44775ba Patr*0401 ctest(
b35bd3101a Jean*0402          CALL DSAUPD ( ido, bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid,
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0403      &                 ncv, v, ldv, iparam, ipntr, workd, workl,
                0404      &                 lworkl, info )
faf44775ba Patr*0405 ctest         ido = -1
                0406 ctest)
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0407 c
                0408 cph(
b35bd3101a Jean*0409          print *, 'ph-count: optimcycle, ido, info, ipntr(1) ',
a5276edbc9 Patr*0410      &        optimcycle, ido, info, ipntr(1)
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0411 cph)
                0413          if (ido .eq. -1 .or. ido .eq. 1) then
                0414 c
                0415 c           %---------------------------------------%
                0416 c           | Perform matrix vector multiplications |
                0417 c           |              w <--- A*x       (av())  |
                0418 c           |              y <--- A'*w      (atv()) |
                0419 c           | The user should supply his/her own    |
                0420 c           | matrix vector multiplication routines |
                0421 c           | here that takes workd(ipntr(1)) as    |
                0422 c           | the input, and returns the result in  |
                0423 c           | workd(ipntr(2)).                      |
                0424 c           %---------------------------------------%
                0425 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0426 c           call  av (m, n, workd(ipntr(1)), ax)
a5276edbc9 Patr*0427 c           call atv (m, n, ax, workd(ipntr(2)))
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0428 c
                0429 cph(
a5276edbc9 Patr*0430 c            do l = 1, n
b35bd3101a Jean*0431 c               print *, 'ph-test A ', l,
a5276edbc9 Patr*0432 c     &              workd(ipntr(1)+l), workd(ipntr(2)+l), workd(l)
                0433 c            enddo
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0434 cph)
                0435             do l = 1, n
875eeaf325 Patr*0436                phtmpadmtlm(l) = workd(ipntr(1)+l-1)
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0437             enddo
a5276edbc9 Patr*0438 
faf44775ba Patr*0439             IF (optimcycle .GT. 0 ) THEN
                0440                _BEGIN_MASTER( mythid )
                0441                IF ( myProcId .eq. 0 ) THEN
                0442                   call admtlm_dsvd2model( .FALSE., mythid )
                0443                ENDIF
                0444                _END_MASTER( mythid )
                0445 cph               CALL ADMTLM_UPXX( mythid )
                0446             ENDIF
a5276edbc9 Patr*0447 
faf44775ba Patr*0448 c--         MWMWMWMWMWMWMW
8f0b59c61c Patr*0449             CALL ADMTLM_DRIVER( mythid )
faf44775ba Patr*0450 c--         MWMWMWMWMWMWMW
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0451 
faf44775ba Patr*0452             _BEGIN_MASTER( mythid )
                0453             IF ( myProcId .eq. 0 ) THEN
                0454                call admtlm_model2dsvd( .FALSE., mythid )
                0455             ENDIF
                0456             _END_MASTER( mythid )
a5276edbc9 Patr*0457 
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0458             do l = 1, n
875eeaf325 Patr*0459                workd(ipntr(2)+l-1) = phtmpadmtlm(l)
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0460             enddo
                0461 c
a5276edbc9 Patr*0462 
faf44775ba Patr*0463             if (optimcycle .EQ. 4)
a5276edbc9 Patr*0464      &           STOP 'in ADMTLM_DSVD after the_model_main'
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0466 cph(
                0467 cph   Since we solve for a generalized EV problem, we have to solve
                0468 cph   M*y=A*x for y with known matrix M and vector A*x
a5276edbc9 Patr*0469 c            do ii = 1, n
                0470 c               phxout(ii) = 0.
                0471 c               do jj = 1, n
                0472 c                  phxout(ii) = phxout(ii) +
                0473 c     &                 metricInv(ii,jj)*phtmpout(jj)
                0474 c               enddo
                0475 c               print *, 'ph-test C ', ii, phxout(ii)
                0476 c            enddo
                0477 c
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0478 c            call dposvx (
                0479 c     &           'E', 'U', maxn, 1, metricLoc, 6, metricTriag, 6,
                0480 c     &           'N', tmpvec1, phtmpout, 6, phxout, 6, tmpvec2,
                0481 c     &           ferr, berr, phrwork, phiwork, ilinsysinfo)
                0482 cph
b35bd3101a Jean*0483 c            call dgesv ( maxn, 1, metricLoc, maxn,
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0484 c     &                 ipiv, phtmpout, maxn, ilinsysinfo )
                0485 cph
                0486 c
                0487 cph    Finally schift result y -> workd(ipntr(2))
                0488 cph            call dcopy ( maxn, tmpvec1, 1, workd(ipntr(2)), 1 )
                0489 cph    We have restored orig. standard EV problem
                0490 cph    OP*x = lambda*x for OP = INV(M)*A
                0491 cph)
                0492 c
                0493 c           %-----------------------------------------%
                0494 c           | L O O P   B A C K to call DSAUPD again. |
                0495 c           %-----------------------------------------%
                0496 c
a5276edbc9 Patr*0497             optimcycle = optimcycle + 1
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0499             go to 10
                0500 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0501          end if
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0502 c
                0503 cph(
                0504  1001    continue
                0505          print *, 'ph-continue ', info, ierr
                0506 cph)
                0507 c
                0508 c     %----------------------------------------%
                0509 c     | Either we have convergence or there is |
                0510 c     | an error.                              |
                0511 c     %----------------------------------------%
                0512 c
                0513       if ( info .lt. 0 ) then
                0514 c
                0515 c        %--------------------------%
                0516 c        | Error message. Check the |
                0517 c        | documentation in DSAUPD. |
                0518 c        %--------------------------%
                0519 c
                0520          print *, ' '
                0521          print *, ' Error with _saupd, info = ', info
                0522          print *, ' Check documentation in _saupd '
                0523          print *, ' '
                0524 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0525       else
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0526 c
                0527 c        %--------------------------------------------%
                0528 c        | No fatal errors occurred.                  |
                0529 c        | Post-Process using DSEUPD.                 |
                0530 c        |                                            |
b35bd3101a Jean*0531 c        | Computed singular values may be extracted. |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0532 c        |                                            |
                0533 c        | Singular vectors may also be computed now  |
b35bd3101a Jean*0534 c        | if desired.  (indicated by rvec = .true.)  |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0535 c        |                                            |
                0536 c        | The routine DSEUPD now called to do this   |
b35bd3101a Jean*0537 c        | post processing                            |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0538 c        %--------------------------------------------%
b35bd3101a Jean*0539 c
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0540          rvec = .true.
                0541 c
b35bd3101a Jean*0542          call dseupd ( rvec, 'All', select, s, v, ldv, sigma,
                0543      &        bmat, n, which, nev, tol, resid, ncv, v, ldv,
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0544      &        iparam, ipntr, workd, workl, lworkl, ierr )
                0545 c
                0546 c        %-----------------------------------------------%
                0547 c        | Singular values are returned in the first     |
                0548 c        | column of the two dimensional array S         |
b35bd3101a Jean*0549 c        | and the corresponding right singular vectors  |
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0550 c        | are returned in the first NEV columns of the  |
                0551 c        | two dimensional array V as requested here.    |
                0552 c        %-----------------------------------------------%
                0553 c
                0554          if ( ierr .ne. 0) then
                0555 c
                0556 c           %------------------------------------%
                0557 c           | Error condition:                   |
                0558 c           | Check the documentation of DSEUPD. |
                0559 c           %------------------------------------%
                0560 c
                0561             print *, ' '
                0562             print *, ' Error with _seupd, info = ', ierr
                0563             print *, ' Check the documentation of _seupd. '
                0564             print *, ' '
                0565 c
                0566          else
                0567 c
                0568             nconv =  iparam(5)
                0569 cph(
                0570             do j=1, nconv
                0571                print *, 'ph-ev ', j, s(j,1), s(j,2)
                0572             enddo
                0574             STOP 'TEST AFTER dneupd'
                0575 cph)
                0576             do 20 j=1, nconv
                0577 c
                0578                s(j,1) = sqrt(s(j,1))
                0579 c
                0580 c              %-----------------------------%
                0581 c              | Compute the left singular   |
                0582 c              | vectors from the formula    |
                0583 c              |                             |
                0584 c              |     u = Av/sigma            |
                0585 c              |                             |
                0586 c              | u should have norm 1 so     |
                0587 c              | divide by norm(Av) instead. |
                0588 c              %-----------------------------%
                0589 c
                0590                do l = 1, n
                0591                   tmpvec1(l) = v(l,j)
                0592                enddo
a5276edbc9 Patr*0593 
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0594 c
                0595 c--              MWMWMWMWMWMWMW
a5276edbc9 Patr*0596 cph               call box_main( tmpvec1, tmpvec2, metricLoc, ldoadjoint )
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0597 c--              MWMWMWMWMWMWMW
                0598 c
                0599                call dcopy( m, tmpvec2, 1, u(l,j), 1 )
                0600                temp = one / dnrm2( m, u(l,j), 1 )
                0601 cph(
                0602                print *, 'ph-print ', j, dnrm2( m, u(l,j), 1 )
                0603 cph)
                0604                call dscal(m , temp, u(l,j), 1 )
                0606 cph               do l = 1, n
                0607 cph                  u(l,j) = tmpvec2(l)
                0608 cph               enddo
                0609 cph               temp = one/dnrm2(m, tmpvec2, 1)
                0610 cph               call dscal(m, temp, tmpvec2, 1)
                0611 c
                0612 c              %---------------------------%
                0613 c              |                           |
                0614 c              | Compute the residual norm |
                0615 c              |                           |
                0616 c              |   ||  A*v - sigma*u ||    |
                0617 c              |                           |
                0618 c              | for the NCONV accurately  |
                0619 c              | computed singular values  |
                0620 c              | and vectors.  (iparam(5)  |
                0621 c              | indicates how many are    |
                0622 c              | accurate to the requested |
                0623 c              | tolerance).               |
                0624 c              | Store the result in 2nd   |
                0625 c              | column of array S.        |
                0626 c              %---------------------------%
                0627 c
                0628                call daxpy(m, -s(j,1), u(1,j), 1, tmpvec2, 1)
                0629                s(j,2) = dnrm2(m, tmpvec2, 1)
                0630 c
                0631  20         continue
                0632 c
                0633 c           %-------------------------------%
                0634 c           | Display computed residuals    |
                0635 c           %-------------------------------%
                0636 c
                0637             call dmout(6, nconv, 2, s, maxncv, -6,
                0638      &                'Singular values and direct residuals')
                0639          end if
                0640 c
                0641 c        %------------------------------------------%
                0642 c        | Print additional convergence information |
                0643 c        %------------------------------------------%
                0644 c
                0645          if ( info .eq. 1) then
                0646             print *, ' '
                0647             print *, ' Maximum number of iterations reached.'
                0648             print *, ' '
                0649          else if ( info .eq. 3) then
b35bd3101a Jean*0650             print *, ' '
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0651             print *, ' No shifts could be applied during implicit',
                0652      &               ' Arnoldi update, try increasing NCV.'
                0653             print *, ' '
b35bd3101a Jean*0654          end if
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0655 c
                0656          print *, ' '
                0657          print *, ' _SVD '
                0658          print *, ' ==== '
                0659          print *, ' '
                0660          print *, ' Size of the matrix is ', n
                0661          print *, ' The number of Ritz values requested is ', nev
                0662          print *, ' The number of Arnoldi vectors generated',
                0663      &            ' (NCV) is ', ncv
                0664          print *, ' What portion of the spectrum: ', which
b35bd3101a Jean*0665          print *, ' The number of converged Ritz values is ',
                0666      &              nconv
ee5ca1ad15 Patr*0667          print *, ' The number of Implicit Arnoldi update',
                0668      &            ' iterations taken is ', iparam(3)
                0669          print *, ' The number of OP*x is ', iparam(9)
                0670          print *, ' The convergence criterion is ', tol
                0671          print *, ' '
                0672 c
                0673       end if
                0674 c
                0675 c     %-------------------------%
                0676 c     | Done with program dsvd. |
                0677 c     %-------------------------%
                0678 c
                0679  9000 continue
                0680 c
                0681       end