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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
b3563e12af Jean*0001 #! /usr/bin/env bash
                0002 #
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0003 # This is a shell script to combine multiple MITgcm mnc output files from
c9520951e9 Bayl*0004 # different tiles into one global file.
                0005 # All of the variables should be in one directory, where this script is run.
                0006 #
                0007 # To combine all state.0000000000.t*.nc files,
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0008 #  gluemnc state.0000000000.*.nc
                0009 # This will result in an output file
c9520951e9 Bayl*0010 # Where glob is for global.
                0011 #
                0012 # You can even combine all mnc files, use
                0013 #  gluemnc *.nc
                0014 # This will result in a series of global files,
                0015 #, ...
                0016 #, ...
                0017 #, ...
                0018 #
5a7515e136 Bayl*0019 # A lot of hard drive activity is needed.  If you have a fast drive
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0020 # export TMPDIR=<path of hard drive>.  On some high-performance
5a7515e136 Bayl*0021 # systems, this is already done for you.
                0022 #
c9520951e9 Bayl*0023 # **********WARNINGS**********
                0024 # This will probably not work at all with exch2/cubed sphere.
                0025 # In that case, you probably can assemble all of the tiles on a face,
                0026 # but combining faces is currently not implemented.
                0027 #
                0028 # Be sure you have enough disk space for the copies!  In this version
                0029 # nothing is done to assure all of the data is copied.
                0030 #
                0031 # Be careful!  It will be easy to exceed the 2 GB limit for the old 32-bit
                0032 # version of netcdf.  If you do not have large-file support or 64-bit netcdf
                0033 # you will have to be clever in dividing up your tiled files,
                0034 # e.g., along the time dimension before combining to global files.
5a7515e136 Bayl*0035 # The nco operator ncks is adept at shortening files to fewer snapshots.
c9520951e9 Bayl*0036 # *****************************
                0037 #
015eade80b Bayl*0038 # Good luck and happy gluing,
c9520951e9 Bayl*0039 # Baylor Fox-Kemper
5a7515e136 Bayl*0041 DEBUG="--dbg_lvl=0"
                0042 LOGFILE="/dev/null"
                0044 DIRORIG=`pwd`
015eade80b Bayl*0045 
5a7515e136 Bayl*0046 if [ ! ${#TMPDIR} -gt 0 ]; then
                0047   TMPDIR=$DIRORIG
                0048 fi
                0050 export DIRNAME="$TMPDIR/gluedir.$RANDOM"
6e746ed878 Bayl*0051 mkdir $DIRNAME
1ee755b0e2 Bayl*0052 
5a7515e136 Bayl*0053 echo Using temporary directory $DIRNAME
1ee755b0e2 Bayl*0055 if [ -f xplodemnc ]; then
                0056  cp xplodemnc $DIRNAME
                0057 else
                0058  cp `which xplodemnc` $DIRNAME
                0059 fi
f5d24cf70c Mart*0061 # find an unambiguous name for a new record dimension
                0062 myrecname=record`echo $DIRNAME | awk -F. '{print $NF}'`
6e746ed878 Bayl*0064 cd $DIRNAME
015eade80b Bayl*0065 
c9520951e9 Bayl*0066 inone=$1
                0067 inone=${1:?"You must input mnc filenames to be glued"}
                0069 for somefile in $@
                0070 do
5a7515e136 Bayl*0071   ln -s $DIRORIG/$somefile .
c9520951e9 Bayl*0072   if [ ! -s $somefile ]; then
                0073     echo "Error: $somefile is missing or empty"
                0074     exit 1
                0075   fi
                0076 done
                0078 prels=${@%.t???.nc}
                0080 for somepre in $prels
                0081 do
                0082   inls=0
                0083   for somepres in $sprels
                0084   do
                0085     if [ "$somepre" = "$somepres" ]; then
                0086       inls=1
                0087     fi
                0088   done
                0089   if [ "$inls" = "0" ]; then
                0090    sprels=$sprels" "$somepre
                0091   fi
                0092 done
                0094 prels=$sprels
c22edc7ca6 Mart*0096 # ML: determine the coordinate variable (this is hack for the unlikely
                0097 # case that we do not have X or Y as coordinate variables; this can
                0098 # happen, when only U-point or V-point variables are written to a
                0099 # diagnostics stream; I do not know if this always works, but it works for me)
                0100 echo Determine a usable coordinate variable
                0101 somefile=${prels}
                0102 # first try X and Y
                0103 Xcoord=X
                0104 Ycoord=Y
                0105 Xtest=$(ncdump -vX -l 10000 $somefile | grep "X = ")
                0106 Ytest=$(ncdump -vY -l 10000 $somefile | grep "Y = ")
                0107 if [ ${#Xtest} = 0 ]; then
                0108     echo "X not found, trying Xp1"
                0109     Xtest=$(ncdump -vXp1 -l 10000 $somefile | grep "Xp1 = ")
                0110     Xcoord=Xp1
                0111 fi
                0112 if [ ${#Xtest} = 0 ]; then
                0113     echo "no X-coordinate found"
                0114     Xcoord=
                0115 fi
                0116 if [ ${#Ytest} = 0 ]; then
                0117     echo "Y not found, trying Yp1"
                0118     Ytest=$(ncdump -vYp1 -l 10000 $somefile | grep "Yp1 = ")
                0119     Ycoord=Yp1
                0120 fi
                0121 if [ ${#Ytest} = 0 ]; then
                0122     echo "no Y-coordinate found"
                0123     Ycoord=
                0124 fi
                0125 if [ ${#Xcoord} = 0 ]; then
                0126     echo cannot continue
                0127     exit
                0128 fi
                0129 if [ ${#Ycoord} = 0 ]; then
                0130     echo cannot continue
                0131     exit
                0132 fi
c9520951e9 Bayl*0134 for somepre in $prels
                0135 do
                0136   echo Making $
                0137   Xsls=
                0138   Ysls=
                0140   for somefile in $@
                0141   do
                0142     if [ "${somefile%.t???.nc}" = "$somepre" ]; then
                0143       echo Scanning $somefile...
c22edc7ca6 Mart*0144       Xs=$(ncdump -v${Xcoord} -l 10000 $somefile | grep "${Xcoord} = ")
c9520951e9 Bayl*0145       Xs=${Xs#*;}
                0146       Xs=${Xs%;*}
                0147       Xs=$(echo $Xs | sed s/' '//g)
                0148       Xsls=$Xsls$Xs" "
c22edc7ca6 Mart*0150       Ys=$(ncdump -v${Ycoord} -l 10000 $somefile | grep "${Ycoord} = ")
c9520951e9 Bayl*0151       Ys=${Ys#*;}
                0152       Ys=${Ys%;*}
                0153       Ys=$(echo $Ys | sed s/' '//g)
                0154       Ysls=$Ysls$Ys" "
                0155     fi
                0156   done
                0158   sYsls=
                0159   sXsls=
                0161   # Determine all the X locations
                0162   countx=0
                0163   for someXs in $Xsls
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0164   do
c9520951e9 Bayl*0165     inls=0
                0166     for somesXs in $sXsls
                0167     do
                0168       if [ "$someXs" = "$somesXs" ]; then
                0169         inls=1
                0170       fi
                0171     done
                0172     if [ "$inls" = "0" ]; then
                0173       sXsls=$sXsls$someXs" "
                0174       countx=$((countx))+1
                0175     fi
                0176   done
c9520951e9 Bayl*0178   echo $((countx)) tiles found in x-direction.
c9520951e9 Bayl*0180 
                0181   # Determine all the Y locations
                0182   county=0
                0183   for someYs in $Ysls
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0184   do
c9520951e9 Bayl*0185     inls=0
                0186     for somesYs in $sYsls
                0187     do
                0188       if [ "$someYs" = "$somesYs" ]; then
                0189         inls=1
                0190       fi
                0191     done
                0192     if [ "$inls" = "0" ]; then
                0193       sYsls=$sYsls$someYs" "
                0194       county=$((county))+1
                0195     fi
                0196   done
c9520951e9 Bayl*0198   echo $((county)) tiles found in y-direction.
c9520951e9 Bayl*0200 
                0201   countyy=1000
                0202   countxx=1000
015eade80b Bayl*0204   cntls=
c9520951e9 Bayl*0205   for someX in $sXsls
                0206   do
                0207     countxx=$((countxx+1))
015eade80b Bayl*0208     cntls=$cntls$countxx" "
                0210     echo  Prepping X tile $((countxx-1000))
c9520951e9 Bayl*0213     for somefile in $@
                0214     do
                0215       if [ "${somefile%.t???.nc}" = "$somepre" ]; then
c22edc7ca6 Mart*0216         Xs=$(ncdump -v${Xcoord} -l 10000 $somefile | grep "${Xcoord} = ")
c9520951e9 Bayl*0217         Xs=${Xs#*;}
                0218         Xs=${Xs%;*}
                0219         Xs=$(echo $Xs | sed s/' '//g)
                0221         if [ "$someX" = $Xs ]; then
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0222           ./xplodemnc $somefile
79ad2ffb0a Jean*0223           if [ -f iter.$somefile ]; then
                0224             mv iter.$somefile iter.${somefile%t???.nc}
                0225           fi
c9520951e9 Bayl*0226           for somesplit in $(ls *.$somefile)
                0227           do
f5d24cf70c Mart*0228             # Added to account for grid files with no T dimension defined:
                0229             # Search for the unlimited dimension and get its name, assuming
                0230             # that its first character is a letter from the alphabet, the "tr"
                0231             # removes the blank characters
                0232             recname=$(ncdump -h $somesplit \
                0233                       | sed -n 's/\([a-z,A-Z]*\) = \(UNLIMITED\) .*/\1/p' \
                0234                       | tr -d ' \t' )
                0235             if [[ -z "$recname" ]]; then
                0236                echo "No record dimension found, adding one now: "$myrecname
                0237                ncecat $DEBUG -O -u $myrecname $somesplit $somesplit > $LOGFILE
                0238                recname=$myrecname
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0239             fi
c9520951e9 Bayl*0240             withY=$(ncdump -h $somesplit | grep "Y =")
                0241             if [ ${#withY} -gt 1 ]; then
                0242               echo Changing Y to record variable in $somesplit
f5d24cf70c Mart*0243               ncpdq $DEBUG -O -a Y,$recname $somesplit $somesplit > $LOGFILE
b3563e12af Jean*0244               mv $somesplit i$countxx.$somesplit
c9520951e9 Bayl*0245             fi
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0246 
5a7515e136 Bayl*0247             if [ -f $somesplit ]; then
                0248               withYp1=$(ncdump -h $somesplit | grep "Yp1 =")
                0249               if [ ${#withYp1} -gt 1 ]; then
                0250                 Yp1len=${withYp1#*= }
                0251                 Yp1len=$((${Yp1len% ;}-1))
                0252                 #  Strip off the repeated value in Yp1
                0253                 echo Changing Yp1 to record variable in $somesplit
f5d24cf70c Mart*0254                 ncpdq $DEBUG -O -a Yp1,$recname -F -d Yp1,1,$Yp1len $somesplit $somesplit > $LOGFILE
b3563e12af Jean*0255                 mv $somesplit i$countxx.$somesplit
5a7515e136 Bayl*0256               fi
c9520951e9 Bayl*0257             fi
                0258           done
                0259         fi
                0260       fi
                0261     done
015eade80b Bayl*0262   done
                0263   echo Tile names $cntls
                0264   for countxx in $cntls
                0265   do
                0267     echo  Combining X tile $((countxx-1000))
                0269     varls=
b3563e12af Jean*0270     cxfilels=$(ls i$countxx.*)
015eade80b Bayl*0271     oldvar=
                0272     for somefile in $cxfilels
                0273     do
79ad2ffb0a Jean*0274       varname=`echo $somefile | sed 's/^i[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]\.//; s/\..*nc//'`
015eade80b Bayl*0275       if [ "$varname" = "$oldvar" ]; then
                0276         echo $varname repeated
                0277       else
                0278         varls=$varls$varname" "
                0279       fi
                0280       oldvar=$varname
                0281     done
                0283     echo Found these variables to combine: $varls
c9520951e9 Bayl*0285     for somevar in $varls
                0286     do
                0288       echo Combining $somevar files in Y
c9520951e9 Bayl*0290 
b3563e12af Jean*0291       filelist=(`ls i$countxx.$somevar.$somepre.*.nc`)
                0292       withY=$(ncdump -h ${filelist[0]} | grep "Y =")
                0293       withYp1=$(ncdump -h ${filelist[0]} | grep "Yp1 =")
c9520951e9 Bayl*0294 
b3563e12af Jean*0295       ncrcat $DEBUG i$countxx.$somevar.$somepre.*.nc $somevar.$somepre.gloy.$ > $LOGFILE
015eade80b Bayl*0296       echo Just combined $countxx.$somevar
b3563e12af Jean*0297       rm i$countxx.$somevar.$somepre.t???.nc
c9520951e9 Bayl*0298 
f5d24cf70c Mart*0299       # Recover the name of the record variable, there are two possibilities:
                0300       # T (MITgcm convention) and $myrecname.
                0301       # I must admit that this could be more elegant.
                0302       recname=$(ncdump -h $somevar.$somepre.gloy.$ | grep $myrecname)
                0303       if [[ -z $recname ]]; then
                0304        recname=T
                0305       else
                0306        recname=$myrecname
                0307       fi
c9520951e9 Bayl*0308       if [ ${#withY} -gt 1 ]; then
f5d24cf70c Mart*0309         echo Changing $recname to record variable in $somevar.$somepre.gloy.$
                0310         ncpdq $DEBUG -O -a $recname,Y $somevar.$somepre.gloy.$ $somevar.$somepre.gloy.$ > $LOGFILE
c9520951e9 Bayl*0311       fi
                0313       if [ ${#withYp1} -gt 1 ]; then
f5d24cf70c Mart*0314         echo Changing $recname to record variable in $somevar.$somepre.gloy.$
                0315         ncpdq $DEBUG -O -a $recname,Yp1 $somevar.$somepre.gloy.$ $somevar.$somepre.gloy.$ > $LOGFILE
c9520951e9 Bayl*0316       fi
                0317     done
                0318   done
                0319   for somevar in $varls
                0320   do
                0322     echo Combining $somevar files in X...
c9520951e9 Bayl*0324     for somegloy in $(ls $somevar.$somepre.gloy.*.nc)
                0325     do
                0326       withX=$(ncdump -h $somegloy | grep "X =")
                0327       withXp1=$(ncdump -h $somegloy | grep "Xp1 =")
f5d24cf70c Mart*0328       recname=$(ncdump -h $somegloy \
                0329                       | sed -n 's/\([a-z,A-Z]*\) = \(UNLIMITED\) .*/\1/p' \
                0330                       | tr -d ' \t' )
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0331 
c9520951e9 Bayl*0332       if [ ${#withX} -gt 1 ]; then
                0333         echo Changing X to record variable in $somegloy
f5d24cf70c Mart*0334         ncpdq $DEBUG -O -a X,$recname $somegloy $somegloy > $LOGFILE
c9520951e9 Bayl*0335       fi
                0337       if [ ${#withXp1} -gt 1 ]; then
                0338         Xp1len=${withXp1#*= }
                0339         Xp1len=$((${Xp1len% ;}-1))
                0340         #  Strip off the repeated value in Xp1
015eade80b Bayl*0341         echo Changing Xp1 to record variable in $somegloy
f5d24cf70c Mart*0342 echo    ncpdq $DEBUG -O -a Xp1,$recname -F -d Xp1,1,$Xp1len $somegloy $somegloy > $LOGFILE
                0343         ncpdq $DEBUG -O -a Xp1,$recname -F -d Xp1,1,$Xp1len $somegloy $somegloy > $LOGFILE
c9520951e9 Bayl*0344       fi
                0345     done
                0346     echo Combining $somevar.gloy files...
5a7515e136 Bayl*0347     ncrcat $DEBUG $somevar.$somepre.gloy.*.nc $somevar.$ > $LOGFILE
                0348 #    rm $somevar.$somepre.gloy.*.nc
c9520951e9 Bayl*0349 
f5d24cf70c Mart*0350     # recname is still valid, so change back to it without testing for it again
c9520951e9 Bayl*0351     if [ ${#withX} -gt 1 ]; then
f5d24cf70c Mart*0352       echo Changing $recname to record variable in $somevar.$
                0353       ncpdq $DEBUG -O -a $recname,X $somevar.$ $somevar.$ > $LOGFILE
c9520951e9 Bayl*0354     fi
                0356     if [ ${#withXp1} -gt 1 ]; then
f5d24cf70c Mart*0357       echo Changing $recname to record variable in $somevar.$
                0358       ncpdq $DEBUG -O -a $recname,Xp1 $somevar.$ $somevar.$ > $LOGFILE
                0359     fi
                0360     if [ "$recname" = "$myrecname" ]; then
                0361      # only for variables that did not have a record dimension to begin with
                0362      echo "removing record dimension $recname from $somevar.$"
                0363      ncwa $DEBUG -O -a $recname $somevar.$ $somevar.$
c9520951e9 Bayl*0364     fi
1676642123 Mart*0365     ncks $DEBUG -A $somevar.$ $ > $LOGFILE
79ad2ffb0a Jean*0366 #   rm $somevar.$
c9520951e9 Bayl*0367   done
79ad2ffb0a Jean*0368   if [ -f iter.$ ]; then
1676642123 Mart*0369     ncks $DEBUG -A iter.$ $ > $LOGFILE
79ad2ffb0a Jean*0370   fi
                0371 # rm iter.$
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0373   # another hack by rpa to accomodate files
                0374   # (there are several variables with just Z dimension that we want to keep)
430a231cb7 Mart*0375 #  varsz=$( ncdump -h $ | sed -n 's/^\s*\(double\|float\).* \(\w*\)(Z\w*).*/\2/p' )
f5d24cf70c Mart*0376   # The OR ("\|") and "\s", "\w" only work for GNU-sed, but not for
                0377   # BSD-sed or SunOS-sed, therefore we need to use some work-arounds:
                0378   varsz=$( ncdump -h $ | egrep "double|float" \
                0379            | grep -v , | sed -n 's/.* \(.*\)(Z.*).*/\1/p' )
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0380   fixed=
                0381   for varz in $varsz
                0382   do
430a231cb7 Mart*0383      # check to make sure the variable does not already exist in the glob file
2f5a5ed175 Jean*0384      if [[ -z $( ncdump -h $ | grep " $varz(" ) ]]
                0385      then
                0386         echo "Adding variable $varz to $"
                0387         ncks $DEBUG -A -v $varz $ $ > $LOGFILE
                0388      fixed='yes'
                0389      fi
                0390   done
5a7515e136 Bayl*0392   cp $ $DIRORIG
c9520951e9 Bayl*0393 done
5a7515e136 Bayl*0395 
                0396 cd $DIRORIG
6e746ed878 Bayl*0397 rm -rf $DIRNAME
c9520951e9 Bayl*0398