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Warning, /utils/matlab/nc_add.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
a33039f58e Alis*0001 function [] = nc_add(nc,shortName,longName,units,grid,var,varargin)
                0002 % nc_add(nc,shortName,longName,units,grid,var)
                0003 % nc_add(nc,shortName,longName,units,grid,var,record_number)
                0004 %
                0005 % Adds variables (with data) to a NETCDF file with handle "nc"
                0006 %  nc  is the netcdf file handle
                0007 %  shortName     is the name used to refer to the variable 'theta'
                0008 %  longName      is a more descriptive name e.g. 'Potential temperature'
                0009 %  units         is the units of the variable e.g. 'Degrees Celsius'
                0010 %  grid          is a collection cell array of dimensino names e.g. {'Y' 'X'}
                0011 %  var           is the scalar/vector/array of data to be written
                0012 %  record_number is the record slot to write when there is a "recordable"
                0013 %                dimension in the grid specification
                0014 %  
                0015 % If "shortName" is identical to "grid" then the variable is written to the
                0016 % netcdf file as dimension data and can subsequently be used in other grid
                0017 % specifications. The size of the dimension is the length of the vector of
                0018 % data. To create a recordable dimension, supply an empty vector, [].
                0019 %
                0020 % e.g.
                0021 % >> nc=netcdf('','clobber');
                0022 %
                0023 % Add a dimension (use grid==shortName)
                0024 % >> nc_add(nc,'lon','Longitude','Degrees East','lon',xc)
                0025 % >> nc_add(nc,'lat','Latitude','Degrees North','lat',yc)
                0026 %
                0027 % Add a record dimension (use grid==shortName and no values)
                0028 % >> nc_add(nc,'time','Time','Years','time',[])
                0029 %
                0030 % Add a variable on a grid
                0031 % >> nc_add(nc,'H','Orography','m',{'lat' 'lon'},H)
                0032 %
                0033 % Add a variable on a grid with recordable dimension
                0034 % >> nc_add(nc,'time','Time','Years','time',1978,1)
                0035 % >> nc_add(nc,'time','Time','Years','time',1978,2)
                0036 % >> nc_add(nc,'theta','Pot. Temp','Degrees K',{'time' 'lat' 'lon'},theta,1)
                0037 % >> nc_add(nc,'theta','Pot. Temp','Degrees K',{'time' 'lat' 'lon'},theta,2)
                0038 %
                0039 % >> close(nc);
                0040 %
                0041 % Written by, 2004.
                0042 if strcmp(shortName,grid{1})
                0043  nc(shortName) = length(var);
                0044 end
                0046 nc{shortName} = grid;
                0047 %nc{shortName}.uniquename = longName;
                0048 nc{shortName}.long_name = longName;
                0049 nc{shortName}.units = units;
                0050 nc{shortName}.missing_value = ncdouble(NaN);
                0052 nvargs=nargin-6;
                0053 rcn=0;
                0054 if nvargs==1
                0055  rcn=varargin{1};
                0056 end
                0058 if ~isempty(var)
                0059  if prod(size(var))==1
                0060   nc{shortName}(rcn) = var;
                0061  else
                0062   if rcn ~= 0
                0063    nc{shortName}(rcn,:) = permute(var,ndims(var):-1:1);
                0064   else
                0065    nc{shortName}(:) = permute(var,ndims(var):-1:1);
                0066   end
                0067  end
                0068 end