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Warning, /utils/matlab/ini_poly3.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
b30af0ec84 Alis*0001 function [poly3] = ini_poly3()
                0002 % P=INI_POLY3
                0003 %
                0004 % Reads the file 'POLY3.COEFFS' and returns coefficients in P
                0006 fid=fopen('POLY3.COEFFS','r');
                0008 n=fscanf(fid,'%i',1);
                0010 for k=1:n,
                0011  a=fscanf(fid,'%g',3);
                0012  T(k)=a(1);
                0013  S(k)=a(2);
                0014  D(k)=a(3);
                0015  poly3(k).t=a(1);
                0016  poly3(k).s=a(2);
                0017  poly3(k).dens=a(3);
                0018 end
                0019 for k=1:n,
                0020  a=fscanf(fid,'%g',9);
                0021  P(k,:)=a';
                0022  poly3(k).coeffs=a';
                0023 end
                0024 P(:,10)=T';
                0025 P(:,11)=S';
                0026 P(:,12)=D';