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a33039f58e Alis*0001 function [del] = griddata_preprocess(x,y,xi,yi,method)
                0002 %GRIDDATA_PREPROCESS Pre-calculate Delaunay triangulation for use
                0003 %   with GRIDDATA_FAST.
                0004 %
                0005 %   DEL = GRIDDATA_PREPROCESS(X,Y,XI,YI)
                0007 %   Based on
                0008 %   Clay M. Thompson 8-21-95
                0009 %   Copyright 1984-2001 The MathWorks, Inc. 
4ec37fd829 Jean*0011 narginchk(4,5)
a33039f58e Alis*0012 
dc4631a0e8 Jean*0013 %- To interpolate to a section (with position vector xi,yi), skip the
                0014 %  ndgrid call hereafter. However, since this is poorly documented, 
                0015 %  leave the unconditional call to ndgrid to avoid falling into this trap 
                0016 %  when doing 2-D interpolation on to a square grid (xi & yi of equal size)
                0017 %if prod(size(xi)) ~= prod(size(yi))
a33039f58e Alis*0018  [yi,xi]=ndgrid(yi,xi);
dc4631a0e8 Jean*0019 %end
a33039f58e Alis*0020 
                0021 if nargin<6, method = 'linear'; end
                0022 if ~isstr(method), 
                0023   error('METHOD must be one of ''linear'',''cubic'',''nearest'', or ''v4''.');
                0024 end
                0027 switch lower(method),
                0028   case 'linear'
                0029     del = linear(x,y,xi,yi);
                0030 % case 'cubic'
                0031 %   zi = cubic(x,y,z,xi,yi);
                0032 % case 'nearest'
                0033 %   zi = nearest(x,y,z,xi,yi);
                0034 % case {'invdist','v4'}
                0035 %   zi = gdatav4(x,y,z,xi,yi);
                0036   otherwise
                0037     error('Unknown method.');
                0038 end
                0042 %------------------------------------------------------------
                0043 function delau = linear(x,y,xi,yi)
                0044 %LINEAR Triangle-based linear interpolation
                0046 %   Reference: David F. Watson, "Contouring: A guide
                0047 %   to the analysis and display of spacial data", Pergamon, 1994.
                0049 siz = size(xi);
                0050 xi = xi(:); yi = yi(:); % Treat these as columns
                0051 x = x(:); y = y(:); % Treat these as columns
4f46ae74ad Mart*0053 % older version of matlab do not have DelaunayTri, later versions do not
                0054 % have tsearch
                0055 msg=which('DelaunayTri');
                0056 if length(msg) > 0 % version is 2012 or newer
                0057   % Triangularize the data
                0058   tri=DelaunayTri(x,y);
                0059   if isempty(tri),
                0060     warning('Data cannot be triangulated.');
                0061     return
                0062   end
                0064   % Find the nearest triangle (t)
                0065   [t, bcs] = pointLocation(tri, xi, yi);
                0067 else % use delaunay and tsearch (and hope it is available)
                0069   % Triangularize the data
                0070   tri = delaunayn([x y]);
                0071   if isempty(tri),
                0072     warning('Data cannot be triangulated.');
                0073     return
                0074   end
                0076   % Find the nearest triangle (t)
                0077   t = tsearch(x,y,tri,xi,yi);
a33039f58e Alis*0078 
4f46ae74ad Mart*0079 end % end of selecting version
a33039f58e Alis*0080 
                0081 % Only keep the relevant triangles.
                0082 out = find(isnan(t));
                0083 if ~isempty(out), t(out) = ones(size(out)); end
                0084 tri = tri(t,:);
                0086 % Compute Barycentric coordinates (w).  P. 78 in Watson.
                0087 del = (x(tri(:,2))-x(tri(:,1))) .* (y(tri(:,3))-y(tri(:,1))) - ...
                0088       (x(tri(:,3))-x(tri(:,1))) .* (y(tri(:,2))-y(tri(:,1)));
                0089 w(:,3) = ((x(tri(:,1))-xi).*(y(tri(:,2))-yi) - ...
                0090           (x(tri(:,2))-xi).*(y(tri(:,1))-yi)) ./ del;
                0091 w(:,2) = ((x(tri(:,3))-xi).*(y(tri(:,1))-yi) - ...
                0092           (x(tri(:,1))-xi).*(y(tri(:,3))-yi)) ./ del;
                0093 w(:,1) = ((x(tri(:,2))-xi).*(y(tri(:,3))-yi) - ...
                0094           (x(tri(:,3))-xi).*(y(tri(:,2))-yi)) ./ del;
                0095 w(out,:) = zeros(length(out),3);
                0097 delau.tri=tri;
                0098 delau.w=w;
                0099 delau.siz=siz;
                0100 delau.out=out;
                0102 %------------------------------------------------------------