Warning, /utils/matlab/grepread.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
9bfa9538f6 Alis*0001 function [vals] = grepread(file,varargin)
0003 %
0004 % Extracts the expressions "expr1","expr2",... from the file "file".
0005 % This assumes output in the standard form defined by the MITgcm
0006 % monitor package and is not a replacement for TEXTREAD.
7f0effbc3a Jean*0007 %
9bfa9538f6 Alis*0008 % e.g.
0009 % >> vals=grepread('output.txt','time_secondsf','ke_mean','ke_max');
0010 % >> plot(vals(:,1)/86400,vals(:,2:3));
0012 if nargin<2
0013 error('You must supply a filename and at least one search expression!')
0014 end
0016 tfile=sprintf('/tmp/grepexpr%15.15f',rand);
0017 for k=1:nargin-1;
0018 try
b9d1708fe8 Alis*0019 eval(['!grep ' varargin{k} ' ' file ' | sed s/.\*=// | sed s/NAN/1.23456789/ >! ' tfile])
9bfa9538f6 Alis*0020 vals(:,k)=textread(tfile,'%f');
0021 delete(tfile)
0022 catch
0023 delete(tfile)
0024 error(sprintf('An error occured while scanning for: %s',varargin{k}));
0025 end
0026 end