Warning, /utils/matlab/gluemnc.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
5669773747 Bayl*0001 function foo = gluemnc(diags,nIter0)
0002 % gluemnc.m
0003 % written by david wang, ldeo
0004 %
0005 % purpose: use mnc_assembly.m to glue the multi-tile *.*.nc mnc output
0006 % into a single "global" nc file, which is subject to further
0007 % manipulation (e.g., adding/modifying coordiates/attributes)
0008 % if necessary.
0009 %
0010 % diags: diagnostics name
0011 % nIter0: 10-digit iterate #
0012 % EXAMPLE:
0013 % foo = gluemnc('state','0000000000');
0015 if nargin ~= 2, error('there have to be two input arguments!'); end
0017 nc_in = [diags,'.',nIter0,'.t%03d.nc'];
0018 nc_inone = [diags,'.',nIter0,'.t001.nc'];
0019 nc_inall = [diags,'.',nIter0,'.t*.nc'];
0020 nc_out = [diags,'_',nIter0,'.nc'];
0022 varlist = ncload(nc_inone);
0023 nvars = length(varlist);
0024 vars = struct([]);
0026 for i = 1:nvars,
0027 vars(i).name = char(varlist(i));
0028 end
0030 [nt,nf] = mnc_assembly(nc_in, vars, nc_out);
0032 reply = input('delete the original tiled files? [y/n] ','s');
0033 if isempty(reply), reply = 'y'; end
0034 if strcmpi(reply,'y'), delete(nc_inall); end
0036 return