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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
4a6ce70b57 Ed H*0001 function rho = densmdjwf(s,t,p);
7f0effbc3a Jean*0003 %
4a6ce70b57 Ed H*0004 % DENSMDJWF    Density of sea water
                0005 %=========================================================================
7f0effbc3a Jean*0006 %
4a6ce70b57 Ed H*0007 % USAGE:  dens = densmdjwf(S,Theta,P)
                0008 %
                0009 % DESCRIPTION:
a88d221e3f Mart*0010 %    Density of Sea Water using the McDougall et al. 2003 (JAOT 20)
                0011 %    polynomial.
4a6ce70b57 Ed H*0012 %
                0013 % INPUT:  (all must have same dimensions)
                0014 %   S     = salinity    [psu      (PSS-78)]
                0015 %   Theta = potential temperature [degree C (IPTS-68)]
                0016 %   P     = pressure    [dbar]
                0017 %       (P may have dims 1x1, mx1, 1xn or mxn for S(mxn) )
                0018 %
                0019 % OUTPUT:
                0020 %   dens = density  [kg/m^3] 
                0021 % 
                0022 % AUTHOR:  Martin Losch 2002-08-09  (
                0023 %
                0024 % check value
                0025 % S     = 35.5 PSU
                0026 % Theta = 3 degC
                0027 % P     = 3000 dbar
                0028 % rho   = 1041.83267 kg/m^3
7f0effbc3a Jean*0029 
4a6ce70b57 Ed H*0030 
a88d221e3f Mart*0031 % McDougall et al., 2003, JAOT 20(5), pp. 730-741
4a6ce70b57 Ed H*0032 
                0033 % created by mlosch on 2002-08-09
                0034 %----------------------
                0035 % CHECK INPUT ARGUMENTS
                0036 %----------------------
                0037   if nargin ~=3
                0038     error('densjmd95.m: Must pass 3 parameters')
                0039   end 
                0040   if ndims(s) > 2
                0041     dims = size(s);
                0042     dimt = size(t);
                0043     dimp = size(p);
                0044     if length(dims) ~= length(dimt) | length(dims) ~= length(dimp) ...
                0045           length(dimt) ~= length(dimp)
                0046       error(['for more than two dimensions, S, Theta, and P must have the' ...
                0047              ' same number of dimensions'])
                0048     else
                0049       for k=length(dims)
                0050         if dims(k)~=dimt(k) | dims(k)~=dimp(k) | dimt(k)~=dimp(k)
                0051           error(['for more than two dimensions, S, Theta, and P must have' ...
                0052                  ' the same dimensions'])
                0053         end
                0054       end
                0055     end
                0056   else
                0057     % CHECK S,T,P dimensions and verify consistent
                0058     [ms,ns] = size(s);
                0059     [mt,nt] = size(t);
                0060     [mp,np] = size(p);
                0062     % CHECK THAT S & T HAVE SAME SHAPE
                0063     if (ms~=mt) | (ns~=nt)
                0064       error('check_stp: S & T must have same dimensions')
                0065     end %if
                0067     % CHECK OPTIONAL SHAPES FOR P
                0068     if     mp==1  & np==1      % P is a scalar.  Fill to size of S
                0069       p = p(1)*ones(ms,ns);
                0070     elseif np==ns & mp==1      % P is row vector with same cols as S
                0071       p = p( ones(1,ms), : ); %   Copy down each column.
                0072     elseif mp==ms & np==1      % P is column vector
                0073       p = p( :, ones(1,ns) ); %   Copy across each row
                0074     elseif mp==ms & np==ns     % P is a matrix size(S)
                0075                                % shape ok 
                0076     else
                0077       error('check_stp: P has wrong dimensions')
                0078     end %if
                0079     [mp,np] = size(p);
                0081     Transpose = 0;
                0082     if mp == 1  % row vector
                0083       p       =  p(:);
                0084       t       =  t(:);
                0085       s       =  s(:);   
                0086       Transpose = 1;
                0087     end 
                0088     %***check_stp
                0089   end
                0091   % coefficients nonlinear equation of state in pressure coordinates for
                0092   eosMDJWFnum(12) =  9.99843699e+02;
                0093   eosMDJWFnum( 1) =  7.35212840e+00;
                0094   eosMDJWFnum( 2) = -5.45928211e-02;
                0095   eosMDJWFnum( 3) =  3.98476704e-04;
                0096   eosMDJWFnum( 4) =  2.96938239e+00;
                0097   eosMDJWFnum( 5) = -7.23268813e-03;
                0098   eosMDJWFnum( 6) =  2.12382341e-03;
                0099   eosMDJWFnum( 7) =  1.04004591e-02;
                0100   eosMDJWFnum( 8) =  1.03970529e-07;
                0101   eosMDJWFnum( 9) =  5.18761880e-06;
                0102   eosMDJWFnum(10) = -3.24041825e-08;
                0103   eosMDJWFnum(11) = -1.23869360e-11;
                0105   eosMDJWFden(13) =  1.00000000e+00;
                0106   eosMDJWFden( 1) =  7.28606739e-03;
                0107   eosMDJWFden( 2) = -4.60835542e-05; 
                0108   eosMDJWFden( 3) =  3.68390573e-07;
                0109   eosMDJWFden( 4) =  1.80809186e-10;
                0110   eosMDJWFden( 5) =  2.14691708e-03;
                0111   eosMDJWFden( 6) = -9.27062484e-06;
                0112   eosMDJWFden( 7) = -1.78343643e-10;
                0113   eosMDJWFden( 8) =  4.76534122e-06;
                0114   eosMDJWFden( 9) =  1.63410736e-09;
                0115   eosMDJWFden(10) =  5.30848875e-06;
                0116   eosMDJWFden(11) = -3.03175128e-16;
                0117   eosMDJWFden(12) = -1.27934137e-17;
                0119   p1 = p;
                0121   t1 = t;
                0122   t2 = t.*t;
                0124   s1=s;
                0125   is = find(s1(:) < 0 );
                0126   if ~isempty(is)
                0127     warning('found negative salinity values, reset them to NaN');
                0128     s1(is) = NaN;
                0129   end
                0130   sp5 = sqrt(s1);
                0131   p1t1=p1.*t1;
                0132   %
                0133   num = eosMDJWFnum(12) ...
                0134         + t1.*(eosMDJWFnum(1) ... 
                0135         +     t1.*(eosMDJWFnum(2) + eosMDJWFnum(3).*t1) )  ...
                0136         + s1.*(eosMDJWFnum(4) ...
                0137         +     eosMDJWFnum(5).*t1  + eosMDJWFnum(6).*s1) ...
                0138         + p1.*(eosMDJWFnum(7) + eosMDJWFnum(8).*t2 ...
                0139         +     eosMDJWFnum(9).*s1 ...
                0140         +     p1.*(eosMDJWFnum(10) + eosMDJWFnum(11).*t2) );
                0141   den = eosMDJWFden(13) ...
                0142         + t1.*(eosMDJWFden(1) ...
                0143         +     t1.*(eosMDJWFden(2) ...
                0144         +         t1.*(eosMDJWFden(3) + t1.*eosMDJWFden(4) ) ) ) ...
                0145         + s1.*(eosMDJWFden(5) ...
                0146         +     t1.*(eosMDJWFden(6) ... 
                0147         +         eosMDJWFden(7).*t2) ... 
                0148         +     sp5.*(eosMDJWFden(8) + eosMDJWFden(9).*t2) ) ... 
                0149         + p1.*(eosMDJWFden(10) ...
                0150         +     p1t1.*(eosMDJWFden(11).*t2 + eosMDJWFden(12).*p1) );
                0152   epsln = 0;
                0153   denom = 1.0./(epsln+den) ;
                0156   rho = num.*denom;
                0158   return