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Warning, /utils/matlab/cs_grid/rotate_uv2uvEN.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 6b4f212f on 2024-06-05 16:55:17 UTC
4582449b53 Jean*0001 function [uE,vN,msk] = rotate_uv2uvEN(u,v,AngleCS,AngleSN,Grid,maskW,maskS)
a8e064706f Jean*0002 % [uE,vN,msk] = rotate_uv2uvEN(u,v,AngleCS,AngleSN,[Grid,maskW,maskS])
5cea1a7045 Dani*0003 %
                0004 % Rotate cube sphere U and V vector components to east-west (uE) and
                0005 % north-south (vN) components located on cube sphere grid centers.
                0006 %
6b4f212f67 Jean*0007 % Assume all input arrays have same shape, either original format (nc*6,nc,*)
                0008 %  or compact format (nc,nc*6,*), where nc is the cube face resolution.
                0009 % Incoming u and v matricies are cube sphere A-grid (Grid='A') or C-grid vector
                0010 %  fields (defaut, Grid='C'). There may be up 2 more dimensions (likely z and
                0011 %  time) for a total of 4 dimensions.
                0012 % Output uE,vN is returned in the shape shape (with same dimensions).
4ec37fd829 Jean*0013 % Optional maskW & maskS can be provided (for C-grid vector input case)
4582449b53 Jean*0014 %  and used for cell-center interpolation
5cea1a7045 Dani*0015 %
                0016 % e.g.
                0017 %
                0018 % >> uC=rdmds('uVeltave.0000513360');
                0019 % >> vC=rdmds('vVeltave.0000513360');
                0020 % >> AngleCS=rdmds('AngleCS');
                0021 % >> AngleSN=rdmds('AngleSN');
                0022 % >> [uE,vN] = rotate_uv2uvEN(uC,vC,AngleCS,AngleSN);
                0023 %
                0024 % >> uA=rdmds('uVeltaveA.0000513360');
                0025 % >> vA=rdmds('vVeltaveA.0000513360');
                0026 % >> AngleCS=rdmds('AngleCS');
                0027 % >> AngleSN=rdmds('AngleSN');
                0028 % >> [uE,vN] = rotate_uv2uvEN(uA,vA,AngleCS,AngleSN,'A');
                0030 % Default is a C-grid configuration.
                0031 if nargin == 4, Grid = 'C'; end
4582449b53 Jean*0032 UVmsk=0; if isequal(Grid,'C') & nargin == 7, UVmsk=1; end
5cea1a7045 Dani*0033 
4ec37fd829 Jean*0034 n1h=size(u,1); n2h=size(u,2);
5cea1a7045 Dani*0035 % Verify dimensions are that of cube-sphere
4ec37fd829 Jean*0036  if ~isequal(size(u),size(v)) | ...
                0037     ~isequal(size(AngleCS),[n1h n2h]) | ...
                0038     ~isequal(size(AngleSN),[n1h n2h])
                0039     error(['Error in Input-array dimensions: ',...
5cea1a7045 Dani*0040            'u = ',mat2str(size(u)),', ',...
4ec37fd829 Jean*0041            'v = ',mat2str(size(v)),', ',...
                0042            'AnCS = ',mat2str(size(AngleCS)),', ',...
                0043            'AnSN = ',mat2str(size(AngleSN))]);
                0044  end
                0045  if n1h == n2h*6, nc=n2h; elseif n1h*6 == n2h, nc=n1h;
                0046  else
                0047     error(['Error in CS-dimensions: ',...
                0048            'n1h,n2h = ',int2str(n1h),', ',int2str(n2h)])
                0049  end
                0050 dim=size(u); ncp=nc+1;
4582449b53 Jean*0051 nz=1; if length(dim) > 2, nz=prod(dim(3:end)); end
5cea1a7045 Dani*0052 
4582449b53 Jean*0053 if UVmsk == 1,
                0054  if length(dim) == 2,
                0055    n3d=1;
a8e064706f Jean*0056    maskW=maskW(:,:,1);
                0057    maskS=maskS(:,:,1);
4582449b53 Jean*0058  else
                0059    n3d=dim(3);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0060  end
4582449b53 Jean*0061  dim3d=[dim(1:2) n3d];
                0062  if ~isequal(size(maskW),dim3d),
                0063     error(['Error in MaskW-dimensions: ',...
                0064            'u = ',mat2str(size(u)),', ',...
                0065            'maskW = ',mat2str(size(maskW))]);
                0066  end
                0067  if ~isequal(size(maskS),dim3d),
                0068     error(['Error in MaskS-dimensions: ',...
                0069            'v = ',mat2str(size(v)),', ',...
                0070            'maskS = ',mat2str(size(maskS))]);
                0071  end
                0072 else
                0073  dim3d=dim;
                0074 end
                0076 %- apply mask (if provided)
                0077 if UVmsk == 1,
                0078   if n3d == nz,
                0079    nt=1;
a8e064706f Jean*0080    u=u.*maskW;
                0081    v=v.*maskS;
4582449b53 Jean*0082   else
                0083    nt=dim(4);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0084    u=reshape(u,[n1h*n2h*n3d nt]);
                0085    v=reshape(v,[n1h*n2h*n3d nt]);
                0086    maskW=reshape(maskW,[n1h*n2h*n3d 1]);
                0087    maskS=reshape(maskS,[n1h*n2h*n3d 1]);
4582449b53 Jean*0088    u=u.*(maskW*ones(1,nt));
                0089    v=v.*(maskS*ones(1,nt));
                0090   end
                0091 end
4ec37fd829 Jean*0092 % Parse dimension information, flatten extra dimensions.
                0093 u=reshape(u,[n1h n2h nz]);
                0094 v=reshape(v,[n1h n2h nz]);
5cea1a7045 Dani*0095 
                0096 % Do simple average to put u,v at the cell center (A-grid) as needed.
                0097 if isequal(Grid,'A')
4582449b53 Jean*0098     msk=ones(dim3d);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0099     u=reshape(u,[n1h*n2h nz]);
                0100     v=reshape(v,[n1h*n2h nz]);
5cea1a7045 Dani*0101 elseif isequal(Grid,'C')
4582449b53 Jean*0102     [uu,vv] = split_UV_cub(u,v,1);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0103     uu=reshape(uu,[ncp nc nz 6]);
                0104     vv=reshape(vv,[nc ncp nz 6]);
4582449b53 Jean*0105     if UVmsk == 1,
4ec37fd829 Jean*0106       maskW=reshape(maskW,[n1h n2h n3d]);
                0107       maskS=reshape(maskS,[n1h n2h n3d]);
4582449b53 Jean*0108       [mu,mv] = split_UV_cub(maskW,maskS,0);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0109       mu=reshape(mu,[ncp nc n3d 6]);
                0110       mv=reshape(mv,[nc ncp n3d 6]);
                0111       um=(mu(1:nc,:,:,:)+mu(2:ncp,:,:,:))/2;
                0112       vm=(mv(:,1:nc,:,:)+mv(:,2:ncp,:,:))/2;
4582449b53 Jean*0113       msk=(um+vm)/2;
                0114       msk = reshape(msk,dim3d);
                0115 %-----
4ec37fd829 Jean*0116       u=(uu(1:nc,:,:,:)+uu(2:ncp,:,:,:))/2;
                0117       v=(vv(:,1:nc,:,:)+vv(:,2:ncp,:,:))/2;
                0118       u=reshape(permute(u,[1 2 4 3]),[nc*nc*6*n3d nt]);
                0119       v=reshape(permute(v,[1 2 4 3]),[nc*nc*6*n3d nt]);
                0120       um=reshape(permute(um,[1 2 4 3]),[nc*nc*6*n3d 1]);
                0121       vm=reshape(permute(vm,[1 2 4 3]),[nc*nc*6*n3d 1]);
                0122       um(find(um==0))=1; um=1./um;
                0123       vm(find(vm==0))=1; vm=1./vm;
4582449b53 Jean*0124       u=u.*(um*ones(1,nt));
                0125       v=v.*(vm*ones(1,nt));
4ec37fd829 Jean*0126       if n2h == nc,
                0127        u=permute(reshape(u,[nc nc 6 nz]),[1 3 2 4]);
                0128        v=permute(reshape(v,[nc nc 6 nz]),[1 3 2 4]);
                0129       end
4582449b53 Jean*0130     else
                0131       msk=ones(dim);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0132       u=(uu(1:nc,:,:,:)+uu(2:ncp,:,:,:))/2;
                0133       v=(vv(:,1:nc,:,:)+vv(:,2:ncp,:,:))/2;
                0134       if n1h == nc,
                0135        u=permute(u,[1 2 4 3]);
                0136        v=permute(v,[1 2 4 3]);
                0137       else
                0138        u=permute(u,[1 4 2 3]);
                0139        v=permute(v,[1 4 2 3]);
                0140       end
4582449b53 Jean*0141     end
4ec37fd829 Jean*0142     u=reshape(u,[n1h*n2h nz]);
                0143     v=reshape(v,[n1h*n2h nz]);
5cea1a7045 Dani*0144 else
                0145     error(['Unrecognized grid type:  ',Grid]);
                0146 end
                0148 % Make rotation to find uE, vN.
4ec37fd829 Jean*0149 uE=NaN.*zeros(n1h*n2h,nz);
                0150 vN=NaN.*zeros(n1h*n2h,nz);
5cea1a7045 Dani*0151 for k=1:nz;
                0152     uE(:,k)=AngleCS(:).*u(:,k)-AngleSN(:).*v(:,k);
                0153     vN(:,k)=AngleSN(:).*u(:,k)+AngleCS(:).*v(:,k);
                0154 end
                0155 uE = reshape(uE,dim);
bd73609d51 Jean*0156 vN = reshape(vN,dim);
                0157 return