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view on githubraw file Latest commit 4ec37fd8 on 2023-10-03 22:00:32 UTC
323aa12fe2 Jean*0001 kgr=3; nRgr=3; kwr=1;
                0002 dbug=1;
0c7ba451ba Jean*0004 %- set ncdf=1 to load MNC (NetCDF) grid-files ;
                0005 %   or ncdf=0 to load MDS (binary) grid-files :
                0006  ncdf=0;
4ec37fd829 Jean*0007  gDir='grid_files/';
                0008  G=load_grid(gDir,10+ncdf);
                0009  xcs=G.xC; ycs=G.yC; xcg=G.xG; ycg=G.yG;
                0011 %------------
                0012 n1h=size(xcs,1); n2h=size(xcs,2);
                0013 if n1h == 6*n2h, nc=n2h;
                0014 elseif n1h*6 == n2h, nc=n1h;
                0015 else
                0016  error([' grid var size: ',int2str(n1h),' x ',int2str(n2h),' does not fit regular cube !']);
                0017 end
                0018 nPg=nc*nc*6; ncp=nc+1; nPp2=nPg+2; n6c=nc*6;
                0019 %------------
                0021 %--------------------------------
                0022 %- when stored in long-vector, use "compact" convention (i.e., 1 face after the other)
                0023  if n2h == nc,
                0024    xcg=permute(reshape(xcg,[nc 6 nc]),[1 3 2]);
                0025    ycg=permute(reshape(ycg,[nc 6 nc]),[1 3 2]);
                0026  end
                0027  xcg=reshape(xcg,[nPg 1]); ycg=reshape(ycg,[nPg 1]);
                0028 %- add the 2 missing corners:
                0029  xcg(nPg+1)=xcg(1); ycg(nPg+1)=ycg(1+2*nc*nc);
                0030  xcg(nPg+2)=xcg(1+3*nc*nc); ycg(nPg+2)=ycg(1);
                0031  fprintf(' add 1rst corner: %i %8.3f %8.3f\n',nPg+1,xcg(nPg+1,1),ycg(nPg+1,1));
                0032  fprintf(' add  2nd corner: %i %8.3f %8.3f\n',nPg+2,xcg(nPg+2,1),ycg(nPg+2,1));
                0033 %--------------------------------
                0035 %- make a "small list" of Z point (= with no double point)
                0036 xx1=xcg; yy1=ycg;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0037 
0c7ba451ba Jean*0038 xx2=split_Z_cub(xcg);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0039 yy2=split_Z_cub(ycg);
                0040 xx3=reshape(xx2,ncp*ncp*6,1); yy3=reshape(yy2,ncp*ncp*6,1);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0042 %- store number of "round" (nRd) and for each round:
                0043 %  list_N = number of Strean-Function (Psi) to assign
                0044 %  list_C = list of Current Psi point to assign
                0045 %  list_P = list of Previously assigned Psi point to add to
                0046 %  listUV = list of transport (U or V) to use from P to C
                0047 %  list_T = list to select sign and component (U or V) to use
                0048 %  tagC   = just to keep track of which Psi point has been assigned
                0049 %--
                0050 list_C=zeros(n6c,n6c); list_P=zeros(n6c,n6c);
                0051 listUV=zeros(n6c,n6c); list_T=zeros(n6c,n6c);
                0052 list_N=zeros(1,n6c); tagC=zeros(nPp2,1);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0053 
                0054 %-- start from the N.Pole:
0c7ba451ba Jean*0055 [IJ]=find(yy1==max(yy1));
4ec37fd829 Jean*0056 nRd=1; nbp=length(IJ); list_N(1,nRd)=nbp;
                0057  list_C(1:nbp,nRd)=IJ; tagC(IJ(1:nbp),1)=nRd;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0058 
                0059 doRd=1;
                0060  fprintf('nRd= %i ; nbp= %i \n',nRd,nbp);
                0061 while doRd > 0,
                0062 %- next round :
                0063  n2p=0;
4ec37fd829 Jean*0064  list_c=zeros(n6c,1); list_p=zeros(n6c,1);
                0065  listuv=zeros(n6c,1); list_t=zeros(n6c,1);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0066 
                0067 %- for all point of the previous list, find the neighbour point not yet tagged:
                0068  for n=1:nbp,
                0069 %- find the 4 neighbours:
0c7ba451ba Jean*0070    ij=list_C(n,nRd);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0071    i=1+rem(ij-1,nc); j=fix((ij-1)/nc); k=1+fix(j/nc); j=1+rem(j,nc);
                0072    if ij > nPg | i*j==1,
323aa12fe2 Jean*0073 %-- Corner point:
                0074      nbv=3;
                0075      [I]=find( xx3==xx1(ij) & yy3==yy1(ij) ) ;
                0076      if dbug>0, fprintf('Corner: i,j,k= %2i %2i %i ',i,j,k); end
                0077      if length(I) ~= 3, fprintf('Pb C: stop\n'); return; end
                0078      for l=1:length(I),
                0079        i2=I(l);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0080        j2=fix((i2-1)/ncp); k2=1+fix(j2/ncp); j2=1+rem(j2,ncp); i2=1+rem(i2-1,ncp);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0081        if dbug>0, fprintf(';  l=%i: %2i %2i %i ',l,i2,j2,k2); end
4ec37fd829 Jean*0082        if ij==nPg+2,
                0083 %-      3 times (nc,1) :
                0084         lc(l)=nc+(j2-1)*nc+(k2-1)*nc*nc; luv(l)=lc(l); typ(l)=-2;
                0085        elseif ij==nPg+1,
                0086 %-      3 times (1,nc) :
                0087         lc(l)=i2+(nc-1)*nc+(k2-1)*nc*nc; luv(l)=lc(l); typ(l)=1;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0088        elseif i2==ncp & j2==1,
4ec37fd829 Jean*0089         lc(2)=nc+(j2-1)*nc+(k2-1)*nc*nc; luv(2)=lc(2); typ(2)=-2;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0090        elseif i2==1 & j2==ncp,
4ec37fd829 Jean*0091         lc(2)=i2+(nc-1)*nc+(k2-1)*nc*nc; luv(2)=lc(2); typ(2)=1;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0092        end
                0093      end
                0094      if dbug>0, fprintf('\n'); end
4ec37fd829 Jean*0095      if ij <= nPg,
323aa12fe2 Jean*0096        lc(1)=ij+1;   luv(1)=ij;     typ(1)=2;
4ec37fd829 Jean*0097        lc(3)=ij+nc;  luv(3)=ij;     typ(3)=-1;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0098      end
                0099 %    fprintf('Pb C: stop\n'); return;
                0100    else
                0101 %-- Not a corner point:
                0102     nbv=4;
                0103 %--- set 1rst neighbour i+1 :
                0104     lc(1)=ij+1;   luv(1)=ij;     typ(1)=2;
                0105     if i==nc,
                0106 %-  edge point:
                0107       [I]=find( xx1==xx2(i+1,j,k) & yy1==yy2(i+1,j,k) ) ;
                0108       if length(I) ~= 1, fprintf('Pb A-i: stop\n'); return; end
                0109       lc(1)=I(1);
                0110     end
                0111 %--- set 2nd  neighbour i-1 :
                0112     if i==1,
                0113 %-  edge point:
                0114       [I]=find( xx3==xx1(ij) & yy3==yy1(ij) ) ;
                0115       if dbug>1, fprintf('Edge: i,j,k= %2i %2i %i ',i,j,k); end
                0116       if length(I) ~= 2, fprintf('Pb E-i: stop\n'); return; end
                0117       for l=1:length(I),
                0118         i2=I(l);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0119         j2=fix((i2-1)/ncp); k2=1+fix(j2/ncp); j2=1+rem(j2,ncp); i2=1+rem(i2-1,ncp);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0120         if dbug>1, fprintf('; l= %i : i,j,k_2= %2i %2i %i ',l,i2,j2,k2); end
0c7ba451ba Jean*0121         if k2 ~= k & i2==ncp,
4ec37fd829 Jean*0122          lc(2)=nc+(j2-1)*nc+(k2-1)*nc*nc; luv(2)=lc(2); typ(2)=-2;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0123         elseif k2 ~= k & j2==ncp,
4ec37fd829 Jean*0124          lc(2)=i2+(nc-1)*nc+(k2-1)*nc*nc; luv(2)=lc(2); typ(2)=1;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0125         end
                0126       end
                0127       if dbug>1, fprintf('\n'); end
                0128     else
                0129       lc(2)=ij-1;   luv(2)=ij-1;   typ(2)=-2;
                0130     end
                0131 %--- set 3rd  neighbour j+1 :
4ec37fd829 Jean*0132     lc(3)=ij+nc;  luv(3)=ij;     typ(3)=-1;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0133     if j==nc,
                0134 %-  edge point:
                0135       [I]=find( xx1==xx2(i,j+1,k) & yy1==yy2(i,j+1,k) ) ;
                0136       if length(I) ~= 1, fprintf('Pb A-j: stop\n'); return; end
                0137       lc(3)=I(1);
                0138     end
                0139 %--- set 4th neighbour j-1 :
                0140     if j==1,
                0141 %-  edge point:
                0142       [I]=find( xx3==xx1(ij) & yy3==yy1(ij) ) ;
                0143       if dbug>1, fprintf('Edge: i,j,k= %2i %2i %i ',i,j,k); end
                0144       if length(I) ~= 2, fprintf('Pb E-j: stop\n'); return; end
                0145       for l=1:length(I),
                0146         i2=I(l);
4ec37fd829 Jean*0147         j2=fix((i2-1)/ncp); k2=1+fix(j2/ncp); j2=1+rem(j2,ncp); i2=1+rem(i2-1,ncp);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0148         if dbug>1, fprintf('; l= %i : i,j,k_2= %2i %2i %i ',l,i2,j2,k2); end
0c7ba451ba Jean*0149         if k2 ~= k & j2==ncp,
4ec37fd829 Jean*0150          lc(4)=i2+(nc-1)*nc+(k2-1)*nc*nc; luv(4)=lc(4); typ(4)=1;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0151         elseif k2 ~= k & i2==ncp,
4ec37fd829 Jean*0152          lc(4)=nc+(j2-1)*nc+(k2-1)*nc*nc; luv(4)=lc(4); typ(4)=-2;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0153         end
                0154       end
                0155       if dbug>1, fprintf('\n'); end
                0156     else
4ec37fd829 Jean*0157       lc(4)=ij-nc; luv(4)=ij-nc; typ(4)=1;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0158     end
                0159    end
                0160 %- keep the untagged points in a temp list:
0c7ba451ba Jean*0161    for l=1:nbv, if tagC(lc(l))==0,
                0162     n2p=n2p+1;
                0163     list_p(n2p)=ij;  list_c(n2p)=lc(l);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0164     listuv(n2p)=luv(l); list_t(n2p)=typ(l);
                0165    end; end;
                0166  end
                0167  if kgr == 1 & nRd==nRgr,
                0168   for n=1:n2p,
                0169    xloc=[xx1(list_p(n)) xx1(list_c(n))];
4ec37fd829 Jean*0170    xloc(2)=xloc(1)+rem(xloc(2)-xloc(1)+540,360)-180;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0171    yloc=[yy1(list_p(n)) yy1(list_c(n))];
4ec37fd829 Jean*0172    plot(xloc,yloc,'bx-');
323aa12fe2 Jean*0173    if n==1, hold on ; end
                0174   end
                0175   hold off ; grid
                0176  elseif kgr == 2 & nRd==nRgr,
                0177   xloc=xx1(list_c(1:n2p)); yloc=yy1(list_c(1:n2p));
                0178   plot(xloc,yloc,'ro'); hold on ;
                0179   xloc=xx1(list_p(1:n2p)); yloc=yy1(list_p(1:n2p));
                0180   plot(xloc,yloc,'bo');
0c7ba451ba Jean*0181   hold off ; grid ;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0182  end
                0183  if n2p == 0, doRd=0; else nRd=nRd+1 ; end
                0184 %- deal with non-single points:
                0185  nbp=0;
                0186  for n=1:n2p,
                0187   ij=list_c(n); dbl=0;
                0188   if n > 1, [I]=find(list_C(1:nbp,nRd)==ij); dbl=length(I); end
                0189   if dbl==0,
                0190    nbp=nbp+1;
                0191    list_C(nbp,nRd)=list_c(n);
                0192    list_P(nbp,nRd)=list_p(n);
                0193    listUV(nbp,nRd)=listuv(n);
                0194    list_T(nbp,nRd)=list_t(n);
                0195    tagC(ij,1)=nRd;
                0196   elseif dbl==1,
                0197 %- choose between 2 origin points: select the smaller Delta-X
0c7ba451ba Jean*0198    xx=xx1(ij);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0199    dx1=xx1(list_P(I,nRd)); dx1=rem(dx1-xx+540,360)-180;
                0200    dx2=xx1(list_p(n));     dx2=rem(dx2-xx+540,360)-180;
                0201    if abs(dx2) < abs(dx1),
                0202 %- replace I with n :
                0203     list_C(I,nRd)=list_c(n);
                0204     list_P(I,nRd)=list_p(n);
                0205     listUV(I,nRd)=listuv(n);
                0206     list_T(I,nRd)=list_t(n);
                0207    else
                0208 %-  remove point n :
                0209     list_c(n)=0;
                0210    end
                0211   else
                0212    fprintf('Pb D: stop\n'); return;
                0213   end
                0214  end
4ec37fd829 Jean*0215  if nbp > 0,
323aa12fe2 Jean*0216   list_N(1,nRd)=nbp;
                0217   fprintf('nRd= %i ; nbp= %i \n',nRd,nbp);
                0218  end
                0219 %if nRd > 64, doRd=0; end
                0220 end
                0222  if kgr == 3,
                0223   for n=2:nRd,
4ec37fd829 Jean*0224    if n == nRgr, linC='r-o'; else linC='b-'; end
323aa12fe2 Jean*0225    for i=1:list_N(1,n),
                0226     xloc=[xx1(list_P(i,n)) xx1(list_C(i,n))];
                0227     yloc=[yy1(list_P(i,n)) yy1(list_C(i,n))];
                0228     plot(xloc,yloc,linC);
                0229     if i==1 & n==2, hold on ; end
                0230    end
                0231   end
0c7ba451ba Jean*0232   hold off ; AA=axis;
                0233   AA(1)=max(-180,AA(1)); AA(2)=min(183,AA(2));
                0234   AA(3)=max(-90,AA(3)); AA(4)=min(90,AA(4));
323aa12fe2 Jean*0235   axis(AA); grid
                0236  elseif kgr == 4,
                0237   for n=1:nRd,
                0238    if n == nRd, linC='ro'; else linC='ko'; end
                0239    nbp=list_N(1,n);
                0240    xloc=xx1(list_C(1:nbp,n)); yloc=yy1(list_C(1:nbp,n));
                0241    plot(xloc,yloc,linC);
                0242    if n==1, hold on ; end
                0243   end
                0244   xloc=xx1(list_P(1:nbp,nRd)); yloc=yy1(list_P(1:nbp,nRd));
                0245   plot(xloc,yloc,'bx');
0c7ba451ba Jean*0246   hold off ; grid ;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0247  end
                0249 if kwr==1,
                0250 %-- copy to the right sixe arrays:
                0251  psiNx=max(list_N);
0c7ba451ba Jean*0252  psiNy=nRd;
4ec37fd829 Jean*0253 %- store number of pass (nRd) and for each pass:
                0254 %  psi_N = number of Strean-Function (Psi) to assign
                0255 %  psi_C = list of Current Psi point to assign
                0256 %  psi_P = list of Previously assigned Psi point to add to
                0257 %  psiUV = list of transport (U or V) to use from P to C
                0258 %  psi_T = list to select sign and component (U or V) to use
                0259 %--
323aa12fe2 Jean*0260  psi_N=zeros(1,psiNy);
                0261  psi_C=zeros(psiNx,psiNy); psi_P=zeros(psiNx,psiNy);
                0262  psiUV=zeros(psiNx,psiNy); psi_T=zeros(psiNx,psiNy);
                0263  psi_N=list_N(1,1:psiNy);
                0264  psi_C=list_C(1:psiNx,1:psiNy);
                0265  psi_P=list_P(1:psiNx,1:psiNy);
                0266  psiUV=listUV(1:psiNx,1:psiNy);
                0267  psi_T=list_T(1:psiNx,1:psiNy);
                0268 %- write to a file :
                0269  namf=['psiLine_N2S_cs',int2str(nc)];
                0270  fprintf(['write on file : ',namf,'.mat ']);
                0271  save(namf,'psi_N','psi_C','psi_P','psiUV','psi_T');
                0272  fprintf(' <== O.K. \n');
                0273 end