Warning, /utils/matlab/cs_grid/latloncap/convert_format.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
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4ec37fd829 Jean*0001 %- this is an example which do conversion between
0002 % a) old-format (not compact) to compact format
0003 % b) compact-format to per face format (matlab structure)
0005 rgbDim=[90 270 90];
0006 %rgbDim=[1 1 1]*32;
0008 %- set all 6 faces dimensions
0009 nR=rgbDim(1); nG=rgbDim(2); nB=rgbDim(3);
0010 nf=ones(6,2);
0011 nf(1,:)=[nR nG]; nf(2,:)=[nB nG]; nf(3,:)=[nB nR];
0012 nf(4,:)=[nG nR]; nf(5,:)=[nG nB]; nf(6,:)=[nR nB];
0013 fdim=prod(nf,2); fd2= cumsum(fdim); fd1=fd2-fdim+1;
0015 namf='XC';
0016 namf=['res_s00/',namf]; oldFormat=1;
0017 %namf=['res_n00/',namf]; oldFormat=0;
0019 %- read file:
0020 fprintf(['reading file: ',namf,' ...']);TimeT0=clock;
0021 v0=rdmds(namf);
0022 TimeT1=clock; fprintf(' (took %6.4f s)\n',etime(TimeT1,TimeT0));
0023 dim0=size(v0); ndims=length(dim0);
0025 if oldFormat,
0026 %- with old format, cannot guess Nb of faces to process --> specify it here:
0027 %- default = 6 ; polar-cap (with or without missing tiles) = 5
0028 % NOTE: has changed (2007-03-21) rdmds so that it always return
0029 % a full domain array (filling up for missing tiles)
0030 nFaces=6;
0032 lgx=nR+2*nB+2*nG+nR; lgy=nG;
0033 if nFaces==5, lgx=lgx-nR; end %- face 6 missing
0035 %- field was read from standard (old) format file (global or tiled):
0036 % expected size: lgx * lgy ; transfert v0 -> v1 in compact format
0037 nPg=fd2(nFaces); ib=0;
0038 if ndims == 2,
0039 v1=zeros(nPg,1); dim1=[nPg 1];
0040 for n=1:nFaces
0041 vv=v0(ib+1:ib+nf(n,1),1:nf(n,2)); %- extract face n
0042 v1(fd1(n):fd2(n),1)=reshape(vv,[fdim(n) 1]);
0043 ib=ib+nf(n,1);
0044 end
0045 else
0046 n3=prod(dim0(3:end));
0047 v1=zeros(nPg,1,n3);
0048 for n=1:nFaces
0049 vv=v0(ib+1:ib+nf(n,1),1:nf(n,2),:); %- extract face n
0050 v1(fd1(n):fd2(n),1,:)=reshape(vv,[fdim(n) 1 n3]);
0051 ib=ib+nf(n,1);
0052 end
0053 dim1=[nPg 1 dim0(3:end)];
0054 v1=reshape(v1,dim1);
0055 end
0057 %-- end olfFormat
0058 end
0060 if ~oldFormat,
0061 %- field was read from compact (new) format file (global or tiled):
0062 % just copy to v1:
0063 v1=v0;
0064 nPg=dim0(1)*dim0(2);
0065 %-- check that number of points "nPg" matches fd2(nFaces)
0066 [N]=find(fd2 == nPg);
0067 if length(N) == 1, nFaces=N; else
0068 fprintf(' # of points nPg= %i do not match any Nb faces (fd2):\n',nPg);
0069 fprintf(' fd2='); fprintf(' %i ,',fd2); fprintf('\n');
0070 error('check size of (compact fmt) input !')
0071 end
0072 if ndims == 2, dim1=[nPg 1]; else dim1=[nPg 1 dim0(3:end)]; end
0073 v1=reshape(v1,dim1);
0074 end
0076 %- put variable into matlab structure "vF", with 6 faces: vF.f001, vF.f002, ...
0077 if ndims == 2, dim1=[dim1 1]; end; n3=prod(dim1(3:end));
0078 v1=reshape(v1,[nPg n3]);
0079 clear vF
0080 for n=1:nFaces,
0081 v1f=reshape(v1(fd1(n):fd2(n),:),[nf(n,:) dim1(3:end)]);
0082 nvar=sprintf('vF.f%3.3i=v1f;',n); eval(nvar)
0083 end
0085 return
0086 %----------------------------------------------------------------------
0087 %- make a plot to check
0088 figure(1);clf; ccB=[0 0];
0089 xyP=zeros(6,4);
0090 xyP(1,:)=[0.05 0.05 0.20 0.72];
0091 xyP(2,:)=[0.29 0.05 0.20 0.72];
0092 xyP(3,:)=[0.29 0.80 0.20 0.18];
0093 xyP(4,:)=[0.53 0.05 0.20 0.72];
0094 xyP(5,:)=[0.77 0.05 0.20 0.72];
0095 xyP(6,:)=[0.77 0.80 0.20 0.18];
0097 k=1; ccB=[-1 1]*190;
0098 for n=1:nFaces,
0099 nvar=sprintf('var=vF.f%3.3i;',n); eval(nvar);
0100 if ndims > 2, var=var(:,:,k); end
0101 if n > 3, var=fliplr(var'); end
0102 AA=axes('position',xyP(n,:));
0103 imagesc(var'); set(gca,'YDir','normal');
0104 if ccB(1) < ccB(2), caxis(ccB); end
0105 end
0106 H=colorbar('peer',AA,'North');
0107 set(H,'Position',[xyP(4,1) 0.90 xyP(4,3) 0.020]);