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Last-Modified: Wed, 18 Feb 2025 06:11:59 GMT Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8 MITgcm/MITgcm/utils/matlab/cs_grid/fancycube.m
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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
9e9d388224 Alis*0001 function [] = fancycube(XX,YY,C,H,r)
                0002 % fancycube(x,y,c,h)
                0003 %
                0004 % Plots cubed-sphere data in 3D on sphere. (x,y) are
                0005 % coordinates, c is cell-centered scalar to be plotted.
                0006 % Dimensions should be N+1 x N+1 x 6 for (x,y)
                0007 % and                   N  x  N  x 6 for c
                0008 %
                0009 % The default plotting mode is shading faceted. Using this or
                0010 % shading flat, (x,y) should be the coordinates of grid-corners
                0011 % and can legitimately have dimension (N+1)x(N+1)x6.
                0012 %
                0013 % If using shading interp, then (x,y) must be the coordinates of
                0014 % the cell centers with same dimensions as c.
                0015 %
                0016 % e.g.
                0017 %
                0018 % xg=rdmds('XG');
                0019 % yg=rdmds('YG');
                0020 % ps=rdmds('Eta.0000000000');
                0021 % h=rdmds('ETOPO5');
                0022 % fancycube(xg,yg,ps,h,0.05/5000);
f8d374081f Jean*0023 %
                0024 % Written by adcroft@.mit.edu, 2005.
9e9d388224 Alis*0025 if max(max(max(YY)))-min(min(min(YY))) < 3*pi
                0026  X=tiles(XX*180/pi,1:6);
                0027  Y=tiles(YY*180/pi,1:6);
                0028 else
                0029  X=tiles(XX,1:6);
                0030  Y=tiles(YY,1:6);
                0031 end
                0032 Q=(tiles(C,1:6));
                0033 Qmin=min(Q(:)); Qmax=max(Q(:)); Q=(Q-Qmin)/(Qmax-Qmin)-1;
                0034 q=(tiles(H,1:6));
                0035 q( find(~isnan(Q)) )=NaN;
                0036 %q=min(q,5000);
                0037 %q=max(q,0);
                0038 qmin=min(q(:)); qmax=max(q(:)); q=(q-qmin)/(qmax-qmin);
                0039 Q( find(isnan(Q)) )=q( find(isnan(Q)) );
                0041 % Assume model grid corner coordinates were provided.
                0042 if size(X,1)==size(Q,1)
                0043  X(end+1,:,:)=NaN;
                0044  X(:,end+1,:)=NaN;
                0045  X(end,:,[1 3 5])=X(1,:,[2 4 6]);
                0046  X(:,end,[2 4 6])=X(:,1,[3 5 1]);
                0047  X(:,end,[1 3 5])=squeeze(X(1,end:-1:1,[3 5 1]));
                0048  X(end,:,[2 4 6])=squeeze(X(end:-1:1,1,[4 6 2]));
                0049  Y(end+1,:,:)=NaN;
                0050  Y(:,end+1,:)=NaN;
                0051  Y(end,:,[1 3 5])=Y(1,:,[2 4 6]);
                0052  Y(:,end,[2 4 6])=Y(:,1,[3 5 1]);
                0053  Y(:,end,[1 3 5])=squeeze(Y(1,end:-1:1,[3 5 1]));
                0054  Y(end,:,[2 4 6])=squeeze(Y(end:-1:1,1,[4 6 2]));
                0055 end
                0056 [nx ny nt]=size(X);
                0058 H=tiles(H,1:6); H(end+1,:,:)=H(end,:,:);H(:,end+1,:)=H(:,end,:);
                0059 R=ones(size(X))+r*H;
                0061 z=R.*sin(Y*pi/180);
                0062 x=R.*cos(Y*pi/180).*cos(X*pi/180-pi/2);
                0063 y=R.*cos(Y*pi/180).*sin(X*pi/180-pi/2);
                0065 surf(x(:,:,1),y(:,:,1),z(:,:,1),Q(:,:,1))
                0066 hold on
                0067 for j=2:6
                0068  surf(x(:,:,j),y(:,:,j),z(:,:,j),Q(:,:,j))
                0069 end
                0070 hold off
                0071 xlabel('X');
                0072 ylabel('Y');
                0073 zlabel('Z');
                0075 % Remake colormap
                0076 if size(colormap,1)==64
                0077  CM=colormap;
                0078  cm=cm_landwater(64,0);
                0079  colormap( [CM' cm']' )
                0080 end
                0082 shading flat
                0083 axis([-1 1 -1 1 -1 1]*max(R(:)))
                0084 axis square
                0085 axis vis3d
                0086 pos=get(gcf,'pos');set(gcf,'pos',[pos(1:2) [1 1]*480])  % Movie size (+ screen)
                0087 set(gca,'pos',[0 0 1 1]+.25*[-1 -1 2 2]);               % Fill window
                0088 set(gcf,'paperposition',[0 0 4 4])                      % Square printing
106c7fa961 Alis*0089 set(gca,'projection','perspective')
9e9d388224 Alis*0090 