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Warning, /utils/matlab/cs_grid/cubeCalcAngle.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 6940509b on 2005-10-20 16:42:30 UTC
6940509b5a Dani*0001 function [AngleCS,AngleSN] = cubeCalcAngle(YG,RAC,dxG,dyG);
                0002 % [AngleCS,AngleSN] = cubeCalcAngle(YG,RAC,dxG,dyG);
                0003 %
                0004 % Determine rotation angle, alpha (returned as cos(alpha) and sin(alpha)),
                0005 % to convert cube sphere C-grid vectors to east-west and north-south
                0006 % components.
                0007 %
                0008 % e.g.
                0009 %
                0010 % >> XG=rdmds('XG');
                0011 % >> YG=rdmds('YG');
                0012 % >> RAC=rdmds('RAC');
                0013 % >> dxG=rdmds('dxG');
                0014 % >> dyG=rdmds('dyG');
                0015 % >> [AngleCS,AngleSN] = cubeCalcAngle(YG,RAC,dxG,dyG);
                0016 %
                0017 % >> u=rdmds('uVeltave.0000513360');
                0018 % >> v=rdmds('vVeltave.0000513360');
                0019 % >> [uE,vN] = rotate_csCg_EN(u,v,AngleCS,AngleSN,XG,YG);
                0021 nc=size(RAC,2);
                0022 deg2rad=pi/180;
                0023 r_earth=sqrt(sum(sum(RAC))./(4.*pi));
                0025 [yZ6]=split_Z_cub(YG);
                0027 % Build purely zonal flow from a stream function, psi = r_earth * latitude.
                0028 psi=-r_earth.*yZ6.*deg2rad;
                0029 uZ=psi([1:nc],[1:nc],:)-psi([1:nc],[2:nc+1],:);
                0030 vZ=psi([2:nc+1],[1:nc],:)-psi([1:nc],[1:nc],:);
                0031 uZ=reshape(permute(uZ,[1 3 2]),[6.*nc nc])./dyG;
                0032 vZ=reshape(permute(vZ,[1 3 2]),[6.*nc nc])./dxG;
                0034 % Put constructed zonal wind at cell center.
                0035 [uu,vv]=split_UV_cub(uZ,vZ);
                0036 u=(uu(1:nc,:,:)+uu(2:nc+1,:,:))/2;
                0037 v=(vv(:,1:nc,:)+vv(:,2:nc+1,:))/2;
                0038 uZc=reshape(permute(u,[1 3 2]),[6.*nc nc]);
                0039 vZc=reshape(permute(v,[1 3 2]),[6.*nc nc]);
                0041 % Calculate angles.
                0042 norm=sqrt(uZc.*uZc+vZc.*vZc);
                0043 AngleCS =  uZc./norm;
                0044 AngleSN = -vZc./norm;