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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
70117b93f1 Andr*0001 function [UVtot,UVtrans,U2tot,U2trans,V2tot,V2trans,errFlag]=calc2ndmom(u,v,usq,vsq,uv,cosalpha,sinalpha);
896b20e91e Jean*0002 % [UVtot,UVtrans,U2tot,U2trans,V2tot,V2trans,errFlag]=calc2ndmom(u,v,usq,vsq,uv);
                0003 % Compute UV, U2 and V2 (at cubed-sphere A grid points) using cubed-sphere input
                0004 % u       = time averaged u-wind on cubed sphere grid at u-points
                0005 % v       = time averaged v-wind on cubed sphere grid at v-points
                0006 % usq     = time averaged square of u-wind on cubed sphere grid at u-points
                0007 % vsq     = time averaged square of v-wind on cubed sphere grid at v-points
                0008 % uv      = time averaged product of u-wind and v-wind on cubed sphere grid at mass points
                0009 %
                0010 % Written by, 2005.
                0011 fprintf('Entering calc2ndmom: \n');
                0012 errFlag=0;
                0013 %
                0014 nc=size(u,2); ncx=6*nc; nPg=ncx*nc;
                0015 nz=size(u,3);
                0016 %
                0017 %Check size of input arrays. if read by rdmnc, remove column and row
                0018 %                            if read by rdmds, leave alone
                0019 %                            if wrong size altogether, get out with error
                0020 %
                0021 NN = size(u);
                0022 if NN(1) == 6*nc+1,
                0023  fprintf('Need to remove a column \n');
05128db2bc Davi*0024  U = u(1:6*nc,:);
                0025  U2 = usq(1:6*nc,:);
896b20e91e Jean*0026 elseif NN(1) == 6*nc,
                0027  fprintf('No U reshaping needed \n');
05128db2bc Davi*0028  U = u;
                0029  U2 = usq;
896b20e91e Jean*0030 else
                0031  fprintf('Error in U-point CS-dim: %i %i %i \n',NN);
                0032  return
                0033 end
                0034 %
                0035 NN = size(v);
                0036 if NN(2) == nc+1,
                0037  fprintf('Need to remove a row ');
05128db2bc Davi*0038  V = v(:,1:nc);
                0039  V2 = vsq(:,1:nc);
896b20e91e Jean*0040 elseif NN(2) == nc,
                0041  fprintf('No V reshaping needed \n');
05128db2bc Davi*0042  V = v;
                0043  V2 = vsq;
896b20e91e Jean*0044 else
                0045  fprintf('Error in V-point CS-dim: %i %i %i \n',NN);
                0046  return
                0047 end
                0048 %
                0049 %Get ready to do the exchange
                0050 %
05128db2bc Davi*0051 U=reshape(U,[nc 6 nc nz]);
                0052 U2=reshape(U2,[nc 6 nc nz]);
                0053 V=reshape(V,[nc 6 nc nz]);
                0054 V2=reshape(V2,[nc 6 nc nz]);
896b20e91e Jean*0055 %
                0056 uu=zeros(nc+1,6,nc,nz);
                0057 uu2=zeros(nc+1,6,nc,nz);
                0058 vv=zeros(nc,6,nc+1,nz);
                0059 vv2=zeros(nc,6,nc+1,nz);
                0060 %
                0061 for ifc=1:6;
                0062  uu(1:nc,ifc,:,:)=U(:,ifc,:,:);
                0063  uu2(1:nc,ifc,:,:)=U2(:,ifc,:,:);
                0064  vv(:,ifc,1:nc,:)=V(:,ifc,:,:);
                0065  vv2(:,ifc,1:nc,:)=V2(:,ifc,:,:);
                0066 end
                0067 %
                0068 % do the exchange
                0069 for k=1:nz;
                0070 uu(nc+1,1:2:6,:,k)=uu(1,2:2:6,:,k);
                0071 uu(nc+1,2:2:6,:,k)=vv(nc:-1:1,[4:2:6 2:2:3],1,k)';
                0072 uu2(nc+1,1:2:6,:,k)=uu2(1,2:2:6,:,k);
                0073 uu2(nc+1,2:2:6,:,k)=vv2(nc:-1:1,[4:2:6 2:2:3],1,k)';
                0074 vv(:,2:2:6,nc+1,k)=vv(:,[3:2:6 1],1,k);
                0075 vv(:,1:2:6,nc+1,k)=squeeze(uu(1,[3:2:6 1],nc:-1:1,k))';
                0076 vv2(:,2:2:6,nc+1,k)=vv2(:,[3:2:6 1],1,k);
                0077 vv2(:,1:2:6,nc+1,k)=squeeze(uu2(1,[3:2:6 1],nc:-1:1,k))';
                0078 end
                0079 %
                0080 % Interp to mass points
                0081 ui=(uu(1:nc,:,:,:)+uu(2:nc+1,:,:,:))/2;
                0082 ub2i=(uu(1:nc,:,:,:).*uu(1:nc,:,:,:)+uu(2:nc+1,:,:,:).*uu(2:nc+1,:,:,:))/2;
                0083 u2i=(uu2(1:nc,:,:,:)+uu2(2:nc+1,:,:,:))/2;
                0084 vj=(vv(:,:,1:nc,:)+vv(:,:,2:nc+1,:))/2;
                0085 vb2j=(vv(:,:,1:nc,:).*vv(:,:,1:nc,:)+vv(:,:,2:nc+1,:).*vv(:,:,2:nc+1,:))/2;
                0086 v2j=(vv2(:,:,1:nc,:)+vv2(:,:,2:nc+1,:))/2;
                0087 %
                0088 ui=reshape(ui,[nPg nz]);
                0089 u2i=reshape(u2i,[nPg nz]);
6f3388b7c3 Andr*0090 ub2i=reshape(ub2i,[nPg nz]);
896b20e91e Jean*0091 vj=reshape(vj,[nPg nz]);
                0092 v2j=reshape(v2j,[nPg nz]);
6f3388b7c3 Andr*0093 vb2j=reshape(vb2j,[nPg nz]);
896b20e91e Jean*0094 UV=reshape(uv,[nPg nz]);
                0095 %
70117b93f1 Andr*0096 % Read cos and sin of rotation angle if not provided on input
                0097 if nargin == 5
                0098  Rac='/u/u2/jmc/';
                0099  namfil=['proj_cs',int2str(nc),'_2uEvN.bin'];
                0100  cosalpha=zeros(nPg); sinalpha=zeros(nPg);
                0101  fid=fopen([Rac,namfil],'r','b'); 
                0102  cosalpha=fread(fid,nPg,'real*8'); 
                0103  sinalpha=fread(fid,nPg,'real*8'); 
                0104  fclose(fid);
                0105 end
896b20e91e Jean*0106 %
                0107 UVtrans=zeros(nPg,nz); UVtot=zeros(nPg,nz);
                0108 U2trans=zeros(nPg,nz); U2tot=zeros(nPg,nz);
                0109 V2trans=zeros(nPg,nz); V2tot=zeros(nPg,nz);
                0110 %
                0111 for k=1:nz;
                0112  UVtrans(:,k)=( (u2i(:,k)-ub2i(:,k)) - (v2j(:,k)-vb2j(:,k))) .* cosalpha .* sinalpha ...
                0113               + ( UV(:,k) - ui(:,k).*vj(:,k) ) .* (cosalpha.*cosalpha - sinalpha.*sinalpha);
                0114  UVtot(:,k)=UVtrans(:,k) + ( ui(:,k).*ui(:,k) - vj(:,k).*vj(:,k) ) .* cosalpha .* sinalpha ...
                0115                     + ui(:,k).*vj(:,k).*(cosalpha.*cosalpha - sinalpha.*sinalpha);
                0116  U2tot(:,k) = u2i(:,k) .* cosalpha.*cosalpha + v2j(:,k).*sinalpha.*sinalpha ...
                0117               - 2.* UV(:,k) .*cosalpha .* sinalpha;
                0118  U2trans(:,k) = U2tot(:,k) - ...
                0119                 (  ui(:,k).*ui(:,k).*cosalpha.*cosalpha + vj(:,k).*vj(:,k).*sinalpha.*sinalpha ...
                0120                    - 2.* ui(:,k).*vj(:,k) .*cosalpha .* sinalpha);
                0121  V2tot(:,k) = u2i(:,k) .* sinalpha.*sinalpha + v2j(:,k).*cosalpha.*cosalpha ...
                0122               + 2.* UV(:,k) .*cosalpha .* sinalpha;
                0123  V2trans(:,k) = V2tot(:,k) - ...
                0124                 (  ui(:,k).*ui(:,k).*sinalpha.*sinalpha + vj(:,k).*vj(:,k).*cosalpha.*cosalpha ...
                0125                    + 2.* ui(:,k).*vj(:,k) .*cosalpha .* sinalpha);
                0126 end
                0127 %
                0128 UVtot=reshape(UVtot,[6*nc nc nz]);
                0129 UVtrans=reshape(UVtrans,[6*nc nc nz]);
                0130 U2tot=reshape(U2tot,[6*nc nc nz]);
                0131 U2trans=reshape(U2trans,[6*nc nc nz]);
                0132 V2tot=reshape(V2tot,[6*nc nc nz]);
                0133 V2trans=reshape(V2trans,[6*nc nc nz]);
                0134 %
                0135 clear sinalpha cosalpha