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Warning, /utils/matlab/cs_grid/bk_line/sep_API_basins.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
323aa12fe2 Jean*0001 
                0002 krd=1; kpr=1; kgr=0; kwr=1;
                0003 %krd=0; kpr=0; kgr=1; kwr=0; % <- execute a 2nd time & draw some plot
                0005 if krd == 1,
0c7ba451ba Jean*0006 %- set ncdf=1 to load MNC (NetCDF) grid-files ;
                0007 %   or ncdf=0 to load MDS (binary) grid-files :
                0008  ncdf=0;
                0009 %rac='/home/jmc/grid_cs32/';
                0010  rac='grid_files/';
323aa12fe2 Jean*0012 %- load: bkl_Ylat, bkl_Npts, bkl_Flg, bkl_IJuv, bkl_Xsg, bkl_Ysg, bkl_Zon
                0013  bk_lineF=[rac,'isoLat_cs32_59'];
                0014  load(bk_lineF);
                0015  ydim=length(bkl_Ylat); ydimC=ydim+1;
                0016  fprintf([' load bk_line description from: ',bk_lineF,'.mat \n']);
0c7ba451ba Jean*0017 
323aa12fe2 Jean*0018 %- load 'Nu','Nv','Iu','Iv':
                0019  namf=[rac,'open_basins_section'];
                0020  load(namf);
0c7ba451ba Jean*0021  fprintf(['       and API separation from: ',namf,'.mat : O.K.\n']);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0022 
                0023  namf='maskC_bas.bin';
                0024  fid=fopen([rac,namf],'r','b'); mskBasC=fread(fid,'real*4'); fclose(fid);
f3103ba969 Jean*0026  G=load_grid(rac,0+ncdf);
0c7ba451ba Jean*0027  xcs=G.xC; ycs=G.yC; xcg=G.xG; ycg=G.yG; arc=G.rAc;
                0028  ncx=G.dims(1); nc=G.dims(2); ncp=nc+1;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0029 %mskBasC=rdda([rac,namf],[ncx nc 3],1,'real*4','b');
                0030  mskBasC=reshape(mskBasC,[ncx nc 3]);
                0032  xc1=reshape(xcs,1,ncx*nc);
                0033  yc1=reshape(ycs,1,ncx*nc);
                0034 %xg1=reshape(xcg,1,ncx*nc);
                0035 %yg1=reshape(ycg,1,ncx*nc);
                0036 %xg6=split_Z_cub(xcg);
                0037 %yg6=split_Z_cub(ycg);
                0038  xc6=split_C_cub(xcs,1);
                0039  yc6=split_C_cub(ycs,1);
0c7ba451ba Jean*0041  hFacC=G.hFacC; hFacW=G.hFacW; hFacS=G.hFacS;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0042  mskC=min(1,hFacC(:,:,1)); mskC=ceil(mskC);
                0043  mskW=min(1,hFacW(:,:,1)); mskW=ceil(mskW);
                0044  mskS=min(1,hFacS(:,:,1)); mskS=ceil(mskS);
                0045  mskW=reshape(mskW,1,ncx*nc);
                0046  mskS=reshape(mskS,1,ncx*nc);
                0048 end
f3103ba969 Jean*0050 if kpr ==1,
323aa12fe2 Jean*0051  [xdum,xPA,yPA,xAI,yAI,xIP,yIP]=line_sep(0);
0c7ba451ba Jean*0052 
                0053 %- define Bas-Sep point (as U,V point) for each Lat-band
                0054 %  the list of U,V point
323aa12fe2 Jean*0055  MxSiz=ceil(nc*nc/2/ydimC);
                0056  nbpSep=zeros(3,ydimC);
                0057  ijSep=zeros(3,ydimC,MxSiz); typSep=zeros(3,ydimC,MxSiz);
0c7ba451ba Jean*0058  n2s=zeros(3,1); jl2s=zeros(3,MxSiz);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0059  xc2s=zeros(3,MxSiz,2); yc2s=zeros(3,MxSiz,2);
                0060  for b=1:3,
                0061   fprintf(' b= %i ; Nu,Nv= %3i %3i \n',b,Nu(b),Nv(b));
f3103ba969 Jean*0062 %-
                0063   nU=Nu(b); I=Iu(b,1:nU); xSp=zeros(2,nU);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0064    i0=rem(I-1,ncx);j1=1+fix((I-1)/ncx);
                0065    i1=1+rem(i0,nc); k1=1+fix(i0/nc);
                0066    for i=1:nU,
                0067     jl=1+bkl_Zon(I(i));
                0068     nn=1+nbpSep(b,jl);
                0069     nbpSep(b,jl)=nn;
                0070     ijSep(b,jl,nn)=I(i);
                0071     typSep(b,jl,nn)=1;
                0072     if i1(i) == 1,
                0073      xx=xc6(i1(i),1+j1(i),k1(i)); yy=yc6(i1(i),1+j1(i),k1(i));
                0074      [Im]=find( xc1 == xx & yc1 == yy );
                0075      if length(Im) ~= 1, fprintf(' stop A \n'); return ; end
                0076     else Im=I(i)-1; end
                0077     jj=1+bkl_Zon(Im);
                0078     if jj ~= jl,
                0079      nn=1+nbpSep(b,jj);
                0080      nbpSep(b,jj)=nn;
                0081      ijSep(b,jj,nn)=I(i);
                0082      typSep(b,jj,nn)=-1;
                0083      if (mskW(I(i)) == 1),
                0084       nn=n2s(b)+1; n2s(b)=nn;
                0085       jl2s(b,nn)=max(jj,jl);
                0086       xc2s(b,nn,1)=xc1(Im);   yc2s(b,nn,1)=yc1(Im);
                0087       xc2s(b,nn,2)=xc1(I(i)); yc2s(b,nn,2)=yc1(I(i));
                0088      end
                0089     end
f3103ba969 Jean*0090     xSp(1,i)=xc6(1+i1(i),1+j1(i),k1(i));
                0091     xSp(2,i)=xc6( i1(i), 1+j1(i),k1(i));
323aa12fe2 Jean*0092     ySepU(b,i)=(yc6(1+i1(i),1+j1(i),k1(i))+yc6(i1(i),1+j1(i),k1(i)))/2;
                0093    end
f3103ba969 Jean*0094    var=reshape(xcg,[1 ncx*nc]);
                0095    xSp(1,:)=var(I)-180+rem(xSp(1,:)-var(I)+3*180,360);
                0096    xSp(2,:)=var(I)-180+rem(xSp(2,:)-var(I)+3*180,360);
                0097    xSepU(b,1:nU)=(xSp(1,:)+xSp(2,:))/2;
                0098 %-
                0099   nV=Nv(b); J=Iv(b,1:nV); xSp=zeros(2,nV);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0100    i0=rem(J-1,ncx);j1=1+fix((J-1)/ncx);
                0101    i1=1+rem(i0,nc); k1=1+fix(i0/nc);
                0102    for i=1:nV,
                0103     jl=1+bkl_Zon(J(i));
                0104     nn=1+nbpSep(b,jl);
                0105     nbpSep(b,jl)=nn;
                0106     ijSep(b,jl,nn)=J(i);
                0107     typSep(b,jl,nn)=2;
                0108     if j1(i) == 1,
                0109      xx=xc6(1+i1(i),j1(i),k1(i)); yy=yc6(1+i1(i),j1(i),k1(i));
                0110      [Jm]=find( xc1 == xx & yc1 == yy );
                0111      if length(Jm) ~= 1, fprintf(' stop B \n'); return ; end
                0112     else Jm=J(i)-ncx; end
                0113     jj=1+bkl_Zon(Jm);
                0114     if jj ~= jl,
                0115      nn=1+nbpSep(b,jj);
                0116      nbpSep(b,jj)=nn;
                0117      ijSep(b,jj,nn)=J(i);
                0118      typSep(b,jj,nn)=-2;
                0119      if (mskS(J(i)) == 1),
                0120       nn=n2s(b)+1; n2s(b)=nn;
                0121       jl2s(b,nn)=max(jj,jl);
                0122       xc2s(b,nn,1)=xc1(Jm); yc2s(b,nn,1)=yc1(Jm);
                0123       xc2s(b,nn,2)=xc1(J(i)); yc2s(b,nn,2)=yc1(J(i));
                0124      end
                0125     end
f3103ba969 Jean*0126     xSp(1,i)=xc6(1+i1(i),1+j1(i),k1(i));
                0127     xSp(2,i)=xc6(1+i1(i), j1(i), k1(i));
323aa12fe2 Jean*0128     ySepV(b,i)=(yc6(1+i1(i),1+j1(i),k1(i))+yc6(1+i1(i),j1(i),k1(i)))/2;
                0129    end
f3103ba969 Jean*0130    xSp(1,:)=var(J)-180+rem(xSp(1,:)-var(J)+3*180,360);
                0131    xSp(2,:)=var(J)-180+rem(xSp(2,:)-var(J)+3*180,360);
                0132    xSepV(b,1:nV)=(xSp(1,:)+xSp(2,:))/2;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0133  end
                0134    NbpSep=max(nbpSep');
                0135    fprintf(' NbpSep = %2i %2i %2i \n',NbpSep);
                0136    fprintf(' Dbl Sep: %2i %2i %2i \n',n2s);
                0138 end
f3103ba969 Jean*0140 if kwr ==1,
323aa12fe2 Jean*0141  %- reduce size :
                0142  mxSiz=max(NbpSep);
                0143  ij_Sep=ijSep(:,:,1:mxSiz); tp_Sep=typSep(:,:,1:mxSiz); np_Sep=nbpSep;
                0145  namf=['sepBas_cs',int2str(nc),'_',int2str(ydimC)];
                0146  save(namf,'np_Sep','ij_Sep','tp_Sep');
                0147  fprintf(['write Basin Separation on file:',namf,'.mat : O.K. \n']);
                0148 end
0c7ba451ba Jean*0150 if kgr ==1,
                0151  figure(1); clf;
f3103ba969 Jean*0152  shift=-1; cbV=1; ccB=[0 0]; AxBx=[-182 182 -90 90];
                0153  for bp=1:3, subplot(310+bp);
                0154 %for bp=2:2,
                0155 %AxBx=[80 181  30  91];
                0156 %AxBx=[80 181 -91 -30];
0c7ba451ba Jean*0157  var=mskBasC(:,:,1)+2*mskBasC(:,:,2)+3*mskBasC(:,:,3);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0158  ccB=[-1 5]; var(find(mskC==0))=NaN;
                0159  grph_CS(var,xcs,ycs,xcg,ycg,ccB(1),ccB(2),shift,cbV,AxBx);
                0160  hold on ;
f3103ba969 Jean*0161  [L0]=plot(xPA,yPA,'*b-',xAI,yAI,'*b-',xIP,yIP,'*b-'); set(L0,'MarkerSize',6);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0162  for b=bp:bp,
                0163   xloc=squeeze(xc2s(b,:,:)); yloc=squeeze(yc2s(b,:,:));
                0164   for i=1:n2s(b), jl=jl2s(b,i)-1;
                0165    ie=bkl_Npts(jl)+1;
                0166    [L1]=plot(bkl_Xsg(1:ie,jl),bkl_Ysg(1:ie,jl),'r-');
                0167   %set(L1,'Color',[.9 .2 .0],'LineWidth',1); % set(L1,'LineStyle','-');
f3103ba969 Jean*0168    [L2]=plot(xloc(i,:),yloc(i,:),'xw-');
323aa12fe2 Jean*0169    set(L2,'LineWidth',2);
                0170   end
f3103ba969 Jean*0171   [L3]=plot(xSepU(b,1:Nu(b)),ySepU(b,1:Nu(b)),'m*'); set(L3,'MarkerSize',6);
                0172   [L4]=plot(xSepV(b,1:Nv(b)),ySepV(b,1:Nv(b)),'mo'); set(L4,'MarkerSize',6);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0173  end
                0174  hold off
                0175  end
                0176 end
                0178 return