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Warning, /utils/matlab/cs_grid/bk_line/gener_bk_line.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
323aa12fe2 Jean*0001 % main script to generate broken lines that folows the cubic grid
                0002 % and stay close as possible to a given latitude
                0003 %-----------------------
                0004 %- load definition of the grid (needs to be done at the 1rst call):
                0006 if size(who('krd'),1) > 0,
                0007  fprintf('krd is defined and = %i \n',krd);
                0008 else
                0009  fprintf('krd undefined ; set to 1 \n'); krd=1 ;
0c7ba451ba Jean*0010 end
                0011 if krd==1,
9194d1ae0e Jean*0012  more off ;
0c7ba451ba Jean*0013 %- set ncdf=1 to load MNC (NetCDF) grid-files ;
                0014 %   or ncdf=0 to load MDS (binary) grid-files :
                0015  ncdf=0;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0016 %rac='/home/jmc/grid_cs32/';
                0017  rac='grid_files/';
0c7ba451ba Jean*0018  G=load_grid(rac,10+ncdf);
                0019  xcs=G.xC; ycs=G.yC; xcg=G.xG; ycg=G.yG; arc=G.rAc;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0020 %- 1rst try:
0c7ba451ba Jean*0021  ydim=1; jl=1; yl=35; kwr=0;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0022 else
                0023 %- do the real calculation and write to file:
                0024  ydim=2; kwr=1;
                0025 end
                0027 %------------
                0028 nc=size(xcs,2) ; ncp=nc+1 ;
                0030 %- output arrays:
                0031  ylat=-87:3:87;
                0032 if ydim > 1,  ydim=length(ylat); end
                0033  savNpts=zeros(ydim,1);
28aaff1409 Jean*0034  savFlg=zeros(6*ncp,ydim);
                0035  savIuv=zeros(6*ncp,ydim); savJuv=zeros(6*ncp,ydim);
                0036  savXsg=zeros(6*ncp,ydim); savYsg=zeros(6*ncp,ydim);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0037 
                0038 kplot=zeros(ydim,1);
28aaff1409 Jean*0039 kplot(1:ydim)=1;
                0040 %kplot(1)=1;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0041 nf1=1; nf2=6; %- allow to treat only few faces (debug) : n=nf1:nf2,
                0043 %------------------------------
                0044 %- face 3 & 6 : long cover ]-180;180]
0c7ba451ba Jean*0045 %- face 4 : long in 2 part ]-180;-135] + ]135;180];
323aa12fe2 Jean*0046 % => put together (in xx2) with xMid=180
0c7ba451ba Jean*0047 xMid=zeros(6,1);
                0048 xMid(4)=180;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0049 
                0050 %-- define large value for X,Y position :
                0051 XYout=1000;
9194d1ae0e Jean*0053 nPxy=nc*6*nc; nPp2=nPxy+2;
                0054 yg2=zeros(nPp2,1); yg2([1:nPxy],1)=reshape(ycg,[nPxy 1]);
                0055 xg2=zeros(nPp2,1); xg2([1:nPxy],1)=reshape(xcg,[nPxy 1]);
                0056 %-- add missing corner:
                0057 xg2(nPxy+1)=xg2(1); yg2(nPxy+1)=yg2(1+2*nc);
                0058 xg2(nPxy+2)=xg2(1+3*nc); yg2(nPxy+2)=yg2(1);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0059 
9194d1ae0e Jean*0060 %------------------------------
                0061 yy2=split_Z_cub(yg2);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0062 %-- define dylat = width of Lat. band that contains the broken line:
0c7ba451ba Jean*0063 ddy=zeros(ncp,ncp,6);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0064 ddy(1:nc,:,:)=yy2(1:nc,:,:)-yy2(2:ncp,:,:); ddy=abs(ddy);
                0065 dyImx=max(max(max(ddy))) ;
0c7ba451ba Jean*0066 ddy=zeros(ncp,ncp,6);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0067 ddy(:,1:nc,:)=yy2(:,1:nc,:)-yy2(:,2:ncp,:); ddy=abs(ddy);
                0068 dyJmx=max(max(max(ddy)));
                0069 dylat=sqrt(2)*max(dyImx,dyJmx);
                0070 fprintf('dyImx,dyJmx = %7.3f %7.3f ; ==> select dylat= %9.6f \n', ...
                0071          dyImx,dyJmx,dylat);
9194d1ae0e Jean*0072 %-- set long precision ; deal with long=-180 / +180 separation
                0073 epsil=dylat*1.e-10;
                0074 dd0=abs(xg2+180); ddd=dd0; ddd(find(ddd<epsil))=200; dd1=min(ddd(:));
                0075 ddd=abs(xg2-180);          ddd(find(ddd<epsil))=200; dd2=min(ddd(:));
                0076 if ( dd1 < dylat/10 | dd2 < dylat/10 ),
                0077   fprintf(' date change line is poorly defined : dd1= %g , dd2= %g\n',dd1,dd2);
                0078   fprintf(' needs to be +/-180 (+/- esilon=%10.3e) ==> Stop here\n',epsil);
                0079   return
                0080 end
                0081 %-- change long=-180 (+/- epsil) to +180
                0082 [II]=find(dd0<epsil); xg2(II)=xg2(II)+360; clear II;
                0083 %---------
                0084 xx1=split_Z_cub(xg2);
                0085 %- dx,dy not used but would be  necessary to compute the length of broken-lines
                0086 % [dy6t,dx6t]=split_UV_cub(dyg,dxg);
                0087 xx2=xx1;
                0088 for n=1:6,
                0089  if xMid(n) ~= 0,
                0090    dec=xMid(n)-180;
                0091    xx2(:,:,n)=rem( xx2(:,:,n)+360-dec, 360) +dec ;
                0092  end
                0093  fprintf('face  %i : x1 min,max= %8.3f %8.3f', ...
                0094              n, min(min(xx1(:,:,n))), max(max(xx1(:,:,n))) );
                0095  fprintf(' ; xMid= %8.3f ; x2 min,max= %8.3f %8.3f \n', ...
                0096              xMid(n), min(min(xx2(:,:,n))), max(max(xx2(:,:,n))) );
                0097 end
323aa12fe2 Jean*0098 %------------------------------
                0100 %-----------------------------------------
                0101 %-- illustrate with a 2.D plot :
                0102 if max(kplot) > 0,
                0103  face_color=zeros(7,3); lineThick=3*ones(7);
28aaff1409 Jean*0104  face_color(1,:)=[1 0 0]; face_color(4,:)=face_color(1,:);
                0105  face_color(2,:)=[0 1 0]; face_color(5,:)=face_color(2,:);
                0106  face_color(3,:)=[0 0 1]; face_color(6,:)=face_color(3,:);
                0107  face_color(7,:)=[1 0 1]; lineThick(7)=2;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0108 
                0109  figure(1); clf;
                0110  %subplot(212);
9194d1ae0e Jean*0111  ccB=[-25 40]; shift=-1; cbV=2; AxBx=[-180 180 -90 90]; kEnv=0;
                0112  if ydim == 1, AxBx(3:4)=[-15 15]+yl ; end
                0113  grph_CS(zeros(6*nc,nc),xcs,ycs,xg2,yg2,ccB(1),ccB(2),shift,cbV,AxBx,kEnv);
0c7ba451ba Jean*0114  AA=axis;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0115  if ydim == 1,
                0116   h(1)=line(AA(1:2),[yl yl]);
                0117   h(2)=line(AA(1:2),[yl-dylat/2 yl-dylat/2]);
                0118   h(3)=line(AA(1:2),[yl+dylat/2 yl+dylat/2]);
                0119   set(h,'Color',[0 0 0],'LineWidth',1,'LineStyle','--');
                0120  end
                0121  hold on
                0122 end
                0123 %------------------------------
0c7ba451ba Jean*0125 %-- Start loop on jl :
323aa12fe2 Jean*0126 for jl=1:ydim,
                0127  if ydim > 1, yl=ylat(jl) ; end
                0128  fprintf(' Define broken line closest to yl= %8.3f \n',yl);
                0129 %======================================================================
                0131 %--------------------------------------
                0132 % 1rst step : fort each "yl" and for each face;
                0133 % find the broken-line closest to yl, starting from the West side = min(x)
28aaff1409 Jean*0135 %nMx6t=zeros(6,1);
                0136 %savI=zeros(nc*6,6); savJ=zeros(nc*6,6); savF=zeros(nc*6,6);
                0137 %isav=zeros(nc*6,6); jsav=zeros(nc*6,6); xsav=zeros(nc*6,6);
                0138 %find_bk_line
                0139 [savI,savJ,savF,isav,jsav,xsav,nMx6t] = ...
                0140 find_bk_line( nf1,nf2,nc,ydim,yl,dylat,XYout,xMid,xx1,xx2,yy2,xcs,ycs );
323aa12fe2 Jean*0141 
                0142 %--------------------------------------
                0143 %- define "segments" = continuous part of the broken line :
28aaff1409 Jean*0145 %ncut=zeros(6,1); icut=zeros(nc,6,6); xcut=zeros(nc,4,6); ycut=zeros(nc,4,6);
                0146 %clean_bk_line
                0147 [ncut,icut,xcut,ycut,misfit,xyfit] = ....
                0148 clean_bk_line( nf1,nf2,nc,ydim,yl,dylat,xMid,xx1,xx2,yy2, ...
                0149                savI,savJ,savF,isav,jsav,xsav,nMx6t );
323aa12fe2 Jean*0150 
                0151 %-- plot the results:
0c7ba451ba Jean*0152 if kplot(jl) == 2 | ( max(kplot) > 0 & misfit > 0 ),
323aa12fe2 Jean*0153  for n=nf1:nf2, if ncut(n) > 0,
                0154   yloc=zeros(6*nc,1);
                0155   for i=1:nMx6t(n), yloc(i)=yy2(isav(i,n),jsav(i,n),n); end;
0c7ba451ba Jean*0156   clear P ; np=0;
                0157   for in=1:ncut(n), if icut(in,6,n) >= 0,
323aa12fe2 Jean*0158 %  is=3; ie=4;
0c7ba451ba Jean*0159 %  if icut(in,is,n)*icut(in,ie,n)==0 | icut(in,is,n) >= icut(in,ie,n),
323aa12fe2 Jean*0160 %    is=1; ie=2; end
                0161    is=3; if icut(in,is,n) <= 0, is=1 ; end
                0162    ie=4; if icut(in,ie,n) <= 0, ie=2 ; end
                0163    if icut(in,is,n) > icut(in,ie,n), is=1 ; ie=2 ; end
0c7ba451ba Jean*0164    if icut(in,is,n) > 0 & icut(in,ie,n) > 0 & icut(in,is,n) < icut(in,ie,n),
323aa12fe2 Jean*0165      np=np+1;
                0166      P(np)=plot(xsav(icut(in,is,n):icut(in,ie,n),n), ...
                0167                 yloc(icut(in,is,n):icut(in,ie,n)),'*');
9194d1ae0e Jean*0168 %fprintf( ...
                0169 %'n,in= %i %i ; is,ict,x,y= %i %i %6.2f %6.2f ; ie,ict,x,y= %i %i %6.2f %6.2f\n', ...
                0170 %   n,in,is,icut(in,is,n),xsav(icut(in,is,n),n),yloc(icut(in,is,n)), ...
                0171 %        ie,icut(in,ie,n),xsav(icut(in,ie,n),n),yloc(icut(in,ie,n)) );
323aa12fe2 Jean*0172   end ; end; end
                0173   if np > 0,
                0174    set(P,'Color',face_color(n,:),'LineWidth',lineThick(n),'LineStyle','-'); end
0c7ba451ba Jean*0175  end; end
323aa12fe2 Jean*0176 end
0c7ba451ba Jean*0178 if misfit > 0,
323aa12fe2 Jean*0179  fprintf('misfit= %i , xyfit= %i ; ==> must do something ! \n', ...
0c7ba451ba Jean*0180     misfit,xyfit);
323aa12fe2 Jean*0181  return
                0182 end
                0184 %--------------------------------------
28aaff1409 Jean*0185 %- output : put together the pieces of bk-lines from the 6 faces :
0c7ba451ba Jean*0187 %save_bk_line
6f2602a7ee Jean*0188 [svNpts,svFlg,svIuv,svJuv,svXsg,svYsg,svXx1,svYy1]= ...
28aaff1409 Jean*0189 save_bk_line( nf1,nf2,nc,ydim,yl,dylat,XYout,xMid,xx1,yy2,yy2, ...
                0190               savI,savJ,savF,isav,jsav,xsav,ncut,icut,xcut,ycut );
                0191 %- easier to debug this way:
                0192 savNpts(jl)=svNpts;
                0193 savFlg(:,jl)=svFlg;
                0194 savIuv(:,jl)=svIuv;
                0195 savJuv(:,jl)=svJuv;
6f2602a7ee Jean*0196 savXsg(:,jl)=svXx1;
                0197 savYsg(:,jl)=svYy1;
28aaff1409 Jean*0198 
                0199 %-- check that this broken-line is different from any previous one :
                0200 check_bk_line( nc,ydim,jl,ylat,savNpts,savFlg,savIuv,savJuv,savXsg,savYsg );
                0202 if kplot(jl) == 1 | ( max(kplot) > 0 &  misfit > 0 ),
323aa12fe2 Jean*0203  titr=sprintf('nMx6t= %i %i %i %i %i %i ;  yLat= %8.3f',nMx6t,yl);
                0204  title(titr);
                0205  if lineThick(7) > 0,
28aaff1409 Jean*0206    clear Pu ict
                0207    np=1; ict(1)=0;
                0208    sNp = savNpts(jl)+1;
                0209    xloc=savXsg(1:sNp,jl);
                0210    yloc=savYsg(1:sNp,jl);
                0211    ddMx=0; % ddMx=dylat/cos(yl*pi/180);
                0212    if ddMx > 0,
                0213     dd=abs(xloc(2:sNp)-xloc(1:sNp-1));
                0214     fprintf(' np, Max(dd) : %i %8.3f\n',np,max(dd(:)) );
                0215     while max(dd(:)) > ddMx,
                0216      [I]=find(dd==max(dd(:)));
                0217      ict(np+1)=I(1);
                0218      xloc(I+1:sNp+1)=xloc(I:sNp);
                0219      yloc(I+1:sNp+1)=yloc(I:sNp);
                0220      sNp=sNp+1; np=np+1;
                0221      dec=xloc(I+2)-180;
                0222      xloc(I+1)=dec+rem(xloc(I+1)-dec+360,360);
                0223      for j=1:np-1, if ict(j) > I, ict(j)=ict(j)+1; end; end
                0224      dd=abs(xloc(2:sNp)-xloc(1:sNp-1));
                0225      for j=2:np, dd(ict(j))=0; end
                0226      fprintf(' np, Max(dd) : %i %8.3f\n',np,max(dd(:)) );
                0227      if np > 10, dd=0; end
                0228     end
                0229    end
                0230    ict(np+1)=sNp;
                0231    for j=1:np,
                0232      Pu(j)=plot(xloc(1+ict(j):ict(j+1)),yloc(1+ict(j):ict(j+1)));
                0233    end
                0234   %Pu=plot(savXsg(1:nPts,jl),savYsg(1:nPts,jl));
                0235    set(Pu,'Color',face_color(7,:),'LineWidth',lineThick(7),'LineStyle','-');
323aa12fe2 Jean*0236 end ; end
0c7ba451ba Jean*0238 if misfit > 0,
323aa12fe2 Jean*0239  fprintf('misfit= %i , Pb in connecting segment jl,yLat= %i %8.3f \n', ...
                0240           misfit,jl,yl);
                0241  return
                0242 end
                0244 %======================================================================
                0245 end %- end jl loop
                0247 if max(kplot) > 0, hold off ; end
                0249 %------------------------------
                0250 %-- save to a matlab file :
                0251 if ydim > 1 & kwr == 1,
                0253 %- write smaller arrays : reduce size from nc*6 to Max(savNpts) :
0c7ba451ba Jean*0254 
323aa12fe2 Jean*0255   mxNpt=1+max(savNpts);
                0256   bkl_Flg=zeros(mxNpt,ydim);
                0257   bkl_Iuv=zeros(mxNpt,ydim); bkl_Juv=zeros(mxNpt,ydim);
                0258   bkl_Xsg=zeros(mxNpt,ydim); bkl_Ysg=zeros(mxNpt,ydim);
                0260   bkl_Ylat=ylat ;
0c7ba451ba Jean*0261   bkl_Npts=savNpts ;
323aa12fe2 Jean*0262   bkl_Flg=savFlg(1:mxNpt,:);
                0263   bkl_Iuv=savIuv(1:mxNpt,:); bkl_Juv=savJuv(1:mxNpt,:);
                0264   bkl_Xsg=savXsg(1:mxNpt,:); bkl_Ysg=savYsg(1:mxNpt,:);
                0266 dyMean=round((ylat(ydim)-ylat(1))/ydim) ;
                0267 namf=['isoLat_cube',int2str(nc),'_',int2str(ydim)];
                0269 save(namf,'bkl_Ylat','bkl_Npts','bkl_Flg','bkl_Iuv','bkl_Juv','bkl_Xsg','bkl_Ysg');
                0271 fprintf([' ==> Save %i lines on matlab file: ',namf,'\n'],ydim);
                0273 end
                0274 %------------------------------
                0276 return
                0277 %------------------------------