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Warning, /utils/matlab/cm_landwater.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
9e9d388224 Alis*0001 function [c] = cm_landwater(n,varargin)
                0002 % [c] = cm_landwater(n)
                0003 % [c] = cm_landwater(n,f)
                0004 %
                0005 %  n - is size of color map
                0006 %  f is scalar fraction that should be water (default=0.5)
                0007 %    or vector [hmin hmax] from which f will be calculated
                0008 %
                0009 % e.g.
                0010 % >> cm_landwater(64,caxis);
                0011 %
                0012 % Green-yellor land/blue water colormap
                0014 if nargin==1
                0015  f=0.5;
                0016 else
                0017  f=varargin{1};
                0018 end
                0020 if prod(size(f))==2
                0021  hmin=f(1);hmax=f(2);
                0022  f=-hmin/(hmax-hmin);
                0023  f=max(0,f);f=min(1,f);
                0024 end
                0026 if mod(n,2)==0
                0027  nb=round(n*f(1));
                0028  ng=n-nb;
                0029  nw=0;
                0030 else
                0031  nb=floor(n*f(1));
                0032  nw=1;
                0033  ng=n-nb-nw;
                0034 end
                0035 b=bluewater(nb);
                0036 g=greenland(ng);
                0037 w=ones(nw,1)*[1 1 0.55];
                0039 c=[b' w' g']';
                0040 if nargout==0
                0041  colormap(c);
                0042 end
                0044 %subplot(211)
                0045 %plot((0:(n-1))/(n-1),c(:,3:-1:1))
                0046 %subplot(212)
                0047 %pcol([-1:.1/n:1])
                0048 %axis off
                0050 % ----------------------------------------------------
                0051 function [c] = bluewater(n)
                0052 % Blue colormap
                0054 x=(0:n-1)'/(n-1);
                0055 c=((.7-.7*x)*[1 1 0]+max(0,(1-.65*x))*[0 0 1]);
                0056 c=c(end:-1:1,:);
                0057 %colormap(c);
                0058 % ----------------------------------------------------
                0059 function [c] = greenland(n)
                0060 % Green land colormap
                0062 x=(0:n-1)'/(n-1);
                0063 r=max(0,(-.25+1.8*x));
                0064 g=.4*(1+2.5*x);
                0065 b=0.5*max(0,(-.25+2.0*x));
                0066 i=find(r>1);
                0067 r(i)=max( 1.7-1*x(i), b(i));
                0068 i=find(g>1);
                0069 g(i)=max( 1.5-1*x(i), b(i));
                0070 c=r*[1 0 0]+g*[0 1 0]+b*[0 0 1];
                0071 c=min(max(0,c),1);
                0072 %colormap(c);
                0073 % ----------------------------------------------------