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Warning, /utils/matlab/Graphix/GraphixRunDefaults.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 9928f98a on 2006-04-11 19:10:46 UTC
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0001 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0002 %       GraphixRun default parameters (also used in GraphixLoad)          %
                0003 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0005 % All of these defaults can be overriden in the GraphixRun call or in the
                0006 % panel cell arrays themselves (if you do not want them overriden for
                0007 % everything on the page).
                0009 DumpData     = 0;
                0010 GraphixDebug = 0;
                0011 LoadGridData = 1;
                0012 LoadData     = 1;
                0013 OutputDir    = '';
                0014 SavePlots    = 1;
9928f98a52 Dani*0015 PlotResults  = 1;
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0016 
                0017 Grads      = 0;
                0018 GridSuffix = '';
                0019 ZcordFile  = '';
                0020 Vector     = 0;
9928f98a52 Dani*0021 SecMom     = '';
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0022 uFld       = 'uVeltave';
9928f98a52 Dani*0023 u2Fld      = 'UUtave';
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0024 vFld       = 'vVeltave';
9928f98a52 Dani*0025 v2Fld      = 'VVtave';
                0026 TFld       = 'Ttave';
                0027 T2Fld      = 'TTtave';
                0028 EtaFld     = 'Etatave';
                0029 Eta2Fld    = 'Eta2tave';
                0030 WFld       = 'WVEL';
                0031 W2Fld      = 'WVELSQ';
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0032 gmfile     = 'gm_tave';
                0033 KwxFld     = 'Kwx';
                0034 KwyFld     = 'Kwy';
                0035 Mate       = 0;
                0036 Index      = {};
                0037 Dim        = 0;
                0038 Year0Iter  = 0;
                0039 SecPerYear = 31104000;
                0040 Months     = [];
                0041 PlotFld    = '';
                0042 DataIn     = [];
9928f98a52 Dani*0043 XL         = -180:2:178;%-180:2:178;
                0044 YL         =  -90:2: 90;% -90:2: 90;
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0045 ThetaToActT    = 0;
9928f98a52 Dani*0046 ThetaToThetaEc = 0;
                0047 DevFromMean = 0;