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Warning, /utils/matlab/Graphix/GraphixPlotResetAxes.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit 4cf7d6e4 on 2006-06-29 18:52:07 UTC
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0001 % DiagPlotResetAxes is called by DiagPlot and cannot be used seperately.
                0004 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0005 %                      (Re)Set color axis and axes                        % 
                0006 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0008 % Set the coloraxis.  It can either be set to a predefined fixed range (use
                0009 % CaxisFixed), the plots minimum and maximum values (use CaxisMinMax), or
                0010 % values calculated by MATLAB (set both to zero).  Also check range.
                0011 datarange = [min(plotdata(:)),max(plotdata(:))];
                0012 try
                0013     eval(['fixedrange = ',fln,'range',flu,';']);
                0014     if datarange(1) < fixedrange(1) | ...
                0015        datarange(2) > fixedrange(2)
                0016         disp(['***Warning***  Value out of range for ',fln]);
                0017         disp(['               Data range:  ',mat2str(datarange)]);
                0018         disp(['               Fixed range:  ',mat2str(fixedrange)]);
                0019     end
                0020 catch
                0021     disp(['***Warning***  No range information found.']);
                0022     disp(['               Data range:  ',mat2str(datarange)]);
                0023 end
                0024 if ~isequal(pst,'Lin')
                0025     try caxis(crange);
                0026     catch
                0027                 if CaxisFixed
                0028             if ismember(cmp,{'Sep','Sbs'})
                0029                 try
                0030                     eval(['caxis(',fln,'range',flu,');']);
                0031                 end
                0032             end
                0033                 elseif CaxisMinMax
                0034             if ismember(cmp,{'Sep','Dif','Sbs'})
                0035                 caxis([min(plotdata(:)),max(plotdata(:))]);
                0036             end
                0037                 end
                0038     end
                0039 end
                0041 % Reset the axis.  It can either be set to the axis limits (use AxesFixed),
                0042 % the x-axis can be trimmed (use AxesTrimX) to avoid the sometimes
                0043 % appearing white space, or the axis values calculated by MATLAB can be
                0044 % used (use nothing).  CURRENTLY NOT DEFINED FOR CS DATA!!!
                0045 if AxesTrimX
                0046     if ~isCS
                0047         set(gca,'xlim',[min(xax{inrow}{incol}(:)),...
                0048                         max(xax{inrow}{incol}(:))]);
                0049     end
                0050 end
                0051 if AxesTrimY
                0052     if ~ismember(pltslc{inrow}{incol},{'lonfld','latfld','timfld'}) && ~isCS
                0053         set(gca,'ylim',[min(yax{inrow}{incol}(:)),...
                0054                         max(yax{inrow}{incol}(:))]);
                0055     end
                0056 end
                0058 % Limit y range -- Good for looking at upper layer of ocean.
                0059 if isequal(flu,'O') && ~isempty(ylimO) && ...
                0060    isequal(pltslc{inrow}{incol}(4:6),'hgt'), set(gca,'ylim',ylimO); end
                0061 if isequal(flu,'A') && ~isempty(ylimA) && ...
                0062    isequal(pltslc{inrow}{incol}(4:6),'hgt'), set(gca,'ylim',ylimA); end
4cf7d6e47a Dani*0063 if ~isempty(xlim), set(gca,'xlim',xlim); end
                0064 if ~isempty(ylim) && isequal(pltslc{inrow}{incol}(4:6),'fld')
                0065     set(gca,'ylim',ylim); end
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0067 
                0068 % If this is a Dimension-height plot, the axis must be flipped.
                0069 if ismember(pltslc{inrow}{incol},{'lonhgt','lathgt'}) && isequal(flu,'A')
                0070     set(gca,'ydir','reverse');
                0071 end