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Warning, /utils/matlab/Graphix/GraphixLoadGradsData.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit c578fd6b on 2005-10-20 18:14:57 UTC
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0001 function [data,xax,yax,zax,months,time,dim] = ...
                0002     DiagLoadGradsData(Grads,dad,fln,DiagDebug)
                0005 % Initial assumptions about data.
                0006 ShiftData = 0;
                0007 MultFiles = 0;
                0008 format = 'NONSEQUENTIAL';
                0011 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0012 %                          Parse table file                               %
                0013 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0014 tablfile = [dad,'/',Grads];
                0015 file = textread(tablfile,'%s','delimiter','\n','whitespace','');
                0017 % Cycle though lines of the GRADS table file, pasring the file line-by-line
                0018 % to properly read in and format the data.  The first line of every file
                0019 % has an identifier denoting the information on that line.  The following
                0020 % blocks of code parse the information according to different identifiers.
                0021 for iline = 1:length(file)
                0022     rem = file{iline}; tokens = {}; itoken = 0;
c578fd6b1e Dani*0023     while ~isempty(rem)
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0024         [token,rem] = strtok(rem); itoken = itoken + 1;
                0025         if ~isempty(token), tokens{itoken} = token; end
                0026     end
                0028     % Determine file(s) to read in.
                0029     if isequal(tokens{1},'DSET')
                0030         if isempty(findstr(tokens{2},'%'))
                0031             datafile = [dad,tokens{2}(2:end)];
                0032         else
                0033             str = tokens{2}(2:end);
                0034             alldatafile = strrep(str,'%y2','*');
                0035             alldatafile = strrep(alldatafile,'%m2','*');
                0036             files = ls([dad,alldatafile]);
                0037             breaks = [0,find(isspace(files))];
                0038             for ibreak = 1:length(breaks)-1
                0039                 datafile{ibreak} = files([breaks(ibreak)+1:breaks(ibreak+1)-1]);
                0040             end
                0041             MultFiles = 1;
                0042         end
                0043     end  
                0045     % Read in x-axis information.
                0046     if isequal(tokens{1},'XDEF')
                0047         if ~isequal(tokens{3},'LINEAR')
                0048             error('Unable to deal with nonlinear grads x-axis data!');
                0049         end
                0050         num = str2num(tokens{2});
                0051         ini = str2num(tokens{4});
                0052         inc = str2num(tokens{5});
                0053         xax = [ini:inc:ini+(num-1)*inc];
                0054         % If the x-axis is from 0 to 360, the axis information and the data
                0055         % will later have to be shifted to a -180 to 180 axis.
                0056         if min(xax) >= 0 && max(xax) > 180
                0057             ShiftData = 1;
                0058         end
                0059         nx = length(xax);
                0060     end
                0062     % Read in y-axis information.
                0063     if isequal(tokens{1},'YDEF')
                0064         if ~isequal(tokens{3},'LINEAR')
                0065             error('Unable to deal with nonlinear grads y-axis data!');
                0066         end
                0067         num = str2num(tokens{2});
                0068         ini = str2num(tokens{4});
                0069         inc = str2num(tokens{5});
                0070         yax = [ini:inc:ini+(num-1)*inc]; ny = length(yax);
                0071     end
                0073     % Read in z-axis information.
                0074     if isequal(tokens{1},'ZDEF')
                0075         if isequal(tokens{2},'1')
                0076             zax = [0]; zax_found = 1; dim = 2;
                0077         else
                0078             dim = 3;
                0079             if isequal(tokens{3},'LINEAR')
                0080                 num = str2num(tokens{2});
                0081                 ini = str2num(tokens{4});
                0082                 inc = str2num(tokens{5});
                0083                 zax = [ini:inc:ini+(num-1)*inc];
                0084             elseif isequal(tokens{3},'LEVELS')
                0085                 num = str2num(tokens{2});
                0086                 for inum = 1:num
                0087                     zax(inum) = 100.*str2num(tokens{inum+3});
                0088                 end
                0089             else
                0090                 error('Unknown information in z-axis data!');
                0091             end
                0092         end
                0093         nz = length(zax);
                0094     end
                0096     % Read in t-axis (time) information.
                0097     if isequal(tokens{1},'TDEF'), ini=tokens{4};
                0098         if ~isequal(tokens{3},'LINEAR')
                0099             error('Currently unable to deal with nonlinear grads t-axis data!');
                0100         end
                0101         if ~isequal(tokens{5},'1mo') & ~isequal(tokens{5},'01mo')
                0102             % Note that monthly mean assumptions are also made when data
                0103             % spanning multiple files are read in later on and that this
                0104             % part must be updated if non-monthly mean data is allowed.
                0105             error('Currently unable to deal with non monthly mean grads data!');
                0106         end
                0107         % Determine initial month and initial year.  This is done in an ad
                0108         % hoc manner in that depending on the length start time string, the
                0109         % month is pluck out.  There would be problems is there are start
                0110         % time strings of different lengths have months in different
                0111         % locations.  In this case the month will not be found and an error
                0112         % will be thrown.  The year is only required for data spanning
                0113         % multiple files, which thus fas has a start time string length of
                0114         % 12.  If it is not found, and error of undefined yrchar will be
                0115         % cast and the code will need to be appropriately updated.
                0116         if     length(ini) == 13, monchar=ini(9:11);
                0117         elseif length(ini) == 12, monchar=ini(6:8);  yrchar = ini(9:12);
                0118         elseif length(ini) == 10, monchar=ini(6:8);
                0119         elseif length(ini) == 7,  monchar=ini(1:3);
                0120         else, error('Cannot parse TDEF correctly'); end
                0121         monchar = upper(monchar);
                0122         if     isequal(monchar,'JAN'), inimonth = 1;
                0123         elseif isequal(monchar,'FEB'), inimonth = 2;
                0124         elseif isequal(monchar,'MAR'), inimonth = 3;
                0125         elseif isequal(monchar,'APR'), inimonth = 4;
                0126         elseif isequal(monchar,'MAY'), inimonth = 5;
                0127         elseif isequal(monchar,'JUN'), inimonth = 6;
                0128         elseif isequal(monchar,'JUL'), inimonth = 7;
                0129         elseif isequal(monchar,'AUG'), inimonth = 8;
                0130         elseif isequal(monchar,'SEP'), inimonth = 9;
                0131         elseif isequal(monchar,'OCT'), inimonth = 10;
                0132         elseif isequal(monchar,'NOV'), inimonth = 11;
                0133         elseif isequal(monchar,'DEC'), inimonth = 12;
                0134         else, error('Can''t determine initial month in GRADS data!'); end
                0135         num = str2num(tokens{2});
                0136         % Determine num and inimonth parameters accounting for the unknown
                0137         % number of data files present when dealing with multiple data
                0138         % files.  Assumption of monthly mean data is made.
                0139         if MultFiles;
                0140             initFileFound = 0;
                0141             for ifile = 1:length(datafile)
                0142                 initFileFound = ~isempty(findstr(yrchar,datafile{ifile})) ...
                0143                                 | initFileFound;
                0144             end
                0145             if ~initFileFound, inimonth = 1; end
                0146             num = 12.*length(datafile);
                0147         end
                0148         % Assumption of monthly mean data is made.
                0149         months=[inimonth:num+inimonth-1];
                0150         time=months/12; nt = length(months);
                0151     end
                0153     % Find where the desired variable is located.
                0154     if isequal(tokens{1},'VARS')
                0155         nv = str2num(tokens{2});
                0156         VARSline = iline;
                0157     end
                0158     if isequal(tokens{1},fln)
                0159         FIELDline = iline;
                0160         ivar = iline - VARSline;
                0161     end
                0163     % Find the values defonting undefined data.
                0164     if isequal(tokens{1},'UNDEF')
                0165         undef = str2num(tokens{2});
                0166     end
                0168     % Determine data format type.
                0169     if isequal(tokens{1},'FORMAT')
                0170         if isequal(tokens{2},'SEQUENTIAL') | isequal(tokens{2},'sequential')
                0171             format = 'SEQUENTIAL';
                0172         else
                0173             disp(['Unrecognized grads FORMAT:  ',tokens{2}]);
                0174         end
                0175     end 
                0176 end
                0179 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0180 %                       Verification and debugging                        %
                0181 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0183 % Verify that everything we need from the table file has been read in.
                0184 if DiagDebug, disp(['  Debug -- grads data format:  ',format]); end
                0185 parameters = {'xax' ,'yax' ,'zax' ,'time','nv'  ,'undef','ivar'};
                0186 GRADSnames = {'XDEF','YDEF','ZDEF','TDEF','VARS','UNDEF',fln   };
                0187 for ii = 1:length(parameters)
                0188     try
                0189         eval([parameters{ii},';']);
                0190     catch
                0191         error(['GRADS information not found:  ',GRADSnames{ii}]);
                0192     end
                0193 end
                0196 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0197 %                              Read data file                             %
                0198 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
                0200 % Read in data from a single file.
                0201 if ~MultFiles
                0202     fid=fopen(datafile,'r','b');
                0203     data = fread(fid,'real*4');
                0204     fclose(fid);
                0205         if isequal(format,'SEQUENTIAL') | isequal(format,'sequential')
                0206         index=true([nx*ny*nz*nv*nt+2*nv*nt,1]);
                0207         index([1:nx*ny*nz+2:end])=false;
                0208         index([2:nx*ny*nz+2:end])=false;
                0209         data = data(index);
                0210         end
                0211     data = reshape(data,[nx,ny,nz,nv,nt]);
                0212     data = data(:,:,:,ivar,:);
                0213     datatmp(:,:,:,:,inimonth:num+inimonth-1) = data;
                0214     datatmp(:,:,:,:,1:inimonth-1) = NaN;
                0215     data=datatmp;
                0216 % Read in data from multiple files.
                0217 else
                0218     for ifile = 1:length(datafile)
                0219         if DiagDebug, disp(['  Debug -- Reading grads ',...
                0220                             'data file:  ',datafile{ifile}]); end
                0221         fid=fopen(datafile{ifile},'r','b');
                0222         datatemp = fread(fid,'real*4');
                0223         fclose(fid);
                0224         % Assumption of monthly mean data is made.
                0225         if MultFiles, nt = 12; end
                0226         if initFileFound & (inimonth ~= 1)
                0227             error(['Currently not able to handle Grads data spanning ',...
                0228                     'multiple files not starting in January']);
                0229         end
                0230         datatemp = reshape(datatemp,[nx,ny,nz,nv,nt]);
                0231         datatemp = squeeze(datatemp(:,:,:,ivar,:));
                0232         data(1:nx,1:ny,1:nz,nt.*(ifile-1)+1:nt.*ifile) = datatemp;
                0233     end
                0234 end
                0235 data = squeeze(data);
                0237 % Turn undefined values into NaN.
                0238 tol = 1e-5;
                0239 data( abs((data-undef)/undef) < tol ) = NaN;
                0241 % Shift data such that it is on a -180 to 180 longitude axis.
                0242 if ShiftData
                0243     indexWestHemi = xax>=180;
                0244     indexEastHemi = xax<180;
                0245     data = cat(1,data(indexWestHemi,:,:,:),data(indexEastHemi,:,:,:));
                0246     xax = cat(2,xax(indexWestHemi)-360,xax(indexEastHemi));
                0247 end