Warning, /utils/matlab/Graphix/GraphixGenParam.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit e5f86a2f on 2005-11-25 06:32:19 UTC
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0001 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0002 % Experiment and configuration indecies %
0003 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0005 % Current experiment order with indecies defined:
0006 % { FieldName (fln), Experiment (trl), DataType (dat),...
0007 % DataDir (dad), GridDir (grd), Iterations (itr),...
0008 % TimeStep (tst), Fluid (flu), DataFormat (drm),...
0009 % Averaging (avg), SliceType (slc), PlotStyle (pst),...
0010 % Optional parameters}
0011 %
0012 % Field descriptions/options:
0013 % FieldName (fln): Variable name.
0014 % FileName (fil): File name.
0015 % DataDir (dad): Data directory.
0016 % GridDir (grd): Grid data directory.
0017 % Experiment (trl): Experiment name.
0018 % DataType (dat): Data type, supports 'Tav', 'Ins'.
0019 % Iterations (itr): Iterations for analysis.
0020 % TimeStep (tst): Time step.
0021 % Fluid (flu): Fluid, supports 'A', 'O'.
0022 % DataFormat (dfm): Data format, supports 'MDS', 'MNC'.
0023 % Averaging (avg): 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun',
0024 % 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sep', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec',
0025 % 'DJF', 'MAM', 'JJA', 'SON', 'Ann', 'Ins',
0026 % SliceType (slc): 'Sur', 'Zon', 'i=#', 'j=#', 'k=#'
0027 % PlotStyle (pst): 'Grd', 'Int', 'Con', 'Cnf', 'Lin'
0028 ifln = 1;
0029 ifil = 2;
0030 idad = 3;
0031 igrd = 4;
0032 itrl = 5;
0033 idat = 6;
0034 iitr = 7;
0035 itst = 8;
0036 iflu = 9;
0037 iddf = 10;
0038 igdf = 11;
0039 iavg = 12;
0040 islc = 13;
0041 ipst = 14;
0044 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0045 % Field Dimensions %
0046 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0048 fields2D = {'USTR' ,'VSTR' ,'TSR' ,'OLR' ,'SSR' ,...
0049 'SLR' ,'SHF' ,'EVAP' ,'PRECNV','PRECLS',...
0050 'CLOUDC','CLTOP' ,'CBMF' ,'DRAG' ,'aimV0' ,...
0051 'aimT0' ,'aimQ0' ,'EnFxPr','albedo','dTsurf',...
0052 'fract' ,'iceH' ,'snowH' ,'Tsrf' ,'Tice1' ,...
0053 'Tice2' ,'snowPr','albedo','flx2oc','frw2oc',...
0054 'SLP' ,'HF' ,'QSW' ,'TX' ,'TY' ,...
0055 'FW' ,'SFx' ,'SIC' ,'MXL' ,'SST' ,...
0056 'SSS' ,'vSq' ,'Eta' ,'ETAstd'};
0058 fields3D = {'S','T','U','V','W','RH','Tstd','KEpri','phiHyd',...
0059 'Psi','Bol','Res','Conv','ActT','ThetaEc','ActTstd'};
e5f86a2f55 Dani*0062 % Zonal averaging parameters.
0063 ny = 64;
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0064
0065 % Constants
0066 g = 9.81; % Acceleration due to gravity [m/s2].
0067 presrefA = 100000; % Atmospheric reference pressure [Pa].
0068 RdA = 287.05; % Gas constant for dry air [J/kg/K].
0069 RvA = 461; % Gas constant for ?moist? air [J/kg/K].
0070 cpA = 1005; % Atmos. spec. heat at constant pres. [J/kg/K].
0071 LHvapA = 2501000; % Atmos. latent heat of vaporization [J/kg].
0072 A_CC = 611; % Clausius-Clapeyron A coefficient [Pa].
0073 Beta_CC = 0.067; % Clausius-Clapeyron Beta coefficient [1/C].
0075 % Conversions
0076 K2C = 273.15; % Kelvin = K2C + Celsius [K or C].