Warning, /utils/matlab/Graphix/GraphixAverage.m is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit 4cf7d6e4 on 2006-06-29 18:52:07 UTC
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0001 function data = GraphixAverage(data,fln,avg,absmonths,ddf,Dim);
0003 % Function: GraphixAverage
0004 % Author: Daniel Enderton
0005 %
0006 % Input Fields:
0007 %
0008 % Field Type (Brief) Description
0009 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0010 % data array Data
0011 % fln string Field name
0012 % avg string Averaging scheme ('Ann','DJF', 'JJA',...)
0013 % absmonths array Absolute months (time axis of data)
0014 %
0015 % Output Fields:
0016 %
0017 % Field Type (Brief) Description
0018 % -----------------------------------------------------------------------
0019 % data array Averaged data.
0020 %
0021 % Descripton:
0022 % This function averages the data. The field to average is defined by
0023 % 'fln', and the loaded, pre-averaged data is 'data'. The field
0024 % 'absmonths' is the time axis given in months (1,13,25,... are assumed
0025 % to be Janurary), and is returned in 'datatime' so that there can be a
0026 % time axis for every experiment / configuration setting. It is
0027 % important to remember that this function assumed monthly data!
0029 % Load parameters (here only general parameters).
0030 GraphixGenParam;
0032 % Calcuate months of year.
0033 months = mod(absmonths-1,12)+1;
0035 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0036 % Take monthly average of data %
0037 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0039 % Take monthly average of data. The result has the same dimensions of the
0040 % time-independent field (2D or 3D), and the last dimension is the time,
0041 % which has a length of 12, running from 1 to 12, representing January
0042 % through December respectively. If there is no data for a months, that
0043 % months values are set to NaN.
0044 if isequal(avg,'Non')
0045 temp = data;
0046 elseif isequal(avg,'Avg')
0047 if isequal(Dim,2), temp = meanovernan(data,3);
0048 elseif isequal(Dim,3), temp = meanovernan(data,4); end
4cf7d6e47a Dani*0049 elseif isequal(avg,'Tse')
0050 temp = data;
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0051 else
0052 for imon = 1:12
0053 if isequal(Dim,2)
0054 if isempty(find(months == imon))
0055 dataMonAvg(:,:,imon) = NaN * zeros(size(data(:,:,1)));
0056 else
0057 inds=find(months==imon);
0058 dataMonAvg(:,:,imon) = meanovernan(data(:,:,absmonths(inds)),3);
0059 end
0060 elseif isequal(Dim,3)
0061 if isempty(find(months == imon))
0062 dataMonAvg(:,:,:,imon) = NaN * zeros(size(data(:,:,:,1)));
0063 else
0064 inds=find(months==imon);
0065 dataMonAvg(:,:,:,imon) = meanovernan(data(:,:,:,absmonths(inds)),4);
0066 end
0067 else
0068 error('Field not accounted for in ''fields2D'' of ''fields3D''');
0069 end
0070 end
0071 end
0074 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0075 % Average data %
0076 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
0078 % If 'avg' (the averaging scheme) is time-sequential, merely return the
0079 % data, if it is time-year, merely return the monthly averaged data. Note
0080 % that these options are for a contour plot of a property which is only a
0081 % function of latitude, that is you can only use this for a zonally
0082 % averaged to i=# slice of a 2D field.
4cf7d6e47a Dani*0083 if ismember(avg,{'Non','Avg','Tse'})
5bbd0d07c9 Dani*0084 dummy = 1;
0085 elseif isequal(avg,'Tyr')
0086 temp = dataMonAvg;
0087 temp(:,:,13) = temp(:,:,1);
0091 % Average along certain month combinations, or just select a month itself.
0092 % Here we pick the month index number(s) based on the averaging parameter,
0093 % and then select those indecies of the monthly averaged data and take a
0094 % mean over the time axis.
0095 else
0096 if isequal(avg,'Jan'), index = [1];
0097 elseif isequal(avg,'Feb'), index = [2];
0098 elseif isequal(avg,'Mar'), index = [3];
0099 elseif isequal(avg,'Apr'), index = [4];
0100 elseif isequal(avg,'May'), index = [5];
0101 elseif isequal(avg,'Jun'), index = [6];
0102 elseif isequal(avg,'Jul'), index = [7];
0103 elseif isequal(avg,'Aug'), index = [8];
0104 elseif isequal(avg,'Sep'), index = [9];
0105 elseif isequal(avg,'Oct'), index = [10];
0106 elseif isequal(avg,'Nov'), index = [11];
0107 elseif isequal(avg,'Dec'), index = [12];
0108 elseif isequal(avg,'DJF'), index = [12,1,2];
0109 elseif isequal(avg,'MAM'), index = [3,4,5];
0110 elseif isequal(avg,'JJA'), index = [6,7,8];
0111 elseif isequal(avg,'SON'), index = [9,10,11];
0112 elseif isequal(avg,'Ann'), index = [1:12];
0113 else
0114 error(['Unaccounted for averaging scheme: ',avg]);
0115 end
0117 % Make an array 'newindex' which has all the values as in 'index', but
0118 % with the emission those months with no data (all NaNs). Note that
0119 % sometimes the edges of the U and V velocity fields can be NaN from
0120 % the interpolation, so check for NaN months a few horizontal indecies
0121 % into the array.
0122 umonths = unique(months);
0123 newindex = umonths(ismember(umonths,index));
0125 % Cast a warning or error for all or some missing data, respectively.
0126 if isempty(newindex)
0127 error(['No data for the averaging sceheme: ',avg,]);
0128 elseif length(newindex) ~= length(index)
0129 disp(['***Warning*** Missing data for averaging scheme: ',avg]);
0130 disp([' Month(s) with data: ',mat2str(newindex)]);
0131 disp([' Month(s) for averaging: ',mat2str(index)]);
0132 end
0134 % Perform time averaging.
0135 if isequal(Dim,2)
0136 temp = meanovernan(dataMonAvg(:,:,newindex),3);
0137 elseif isequal(Dim,3)
0138 temp = meanovernan(dataMonAvg(:,:,:,newindex),4);
0139 end
0141 end
0143 data = temp;