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view on githubraw file Latest commit add29e06 on 2018-01-31 20:35:05 UTC
54ef3152f1 Jean*0001 ---- May 12, 2009 (after checkpoint61n)
0002 fortran code to set-up topology is now part of pkg/exch2, with new parameter
0003 file "data.exch2".
0004 None of the modified src file (from any sub.dir) is necessary (just SIZE.h
0005 is enough) and therefore has not been updated. No additional parameter
0006 is needed (can run without "data.exch2", using the default), except for
0007 the last case (s176t_8x4) with blank tiles: data.exch2.16_blk
0008 An other example with blank-tiles can be foundi in:
0009 verification/adjusment.cs-32x32x1/input/data.exch2.mpi
0010 ------------------
0012 Example of modified src code (from matlab-topology-generator) corresponding
0013 to different tiling of regular CS-32 grid:
0015 - s6t_32x32 : 6 tiles, dimension of each tile: 32 x 32 ( 1x1 tile per face)
0016 - s12t_16x32 : 12 tiles, dimension of each tile: 16 x 32 ( 2x1 tile per face)
0017 - s12t_32x16 : 12 tiles, dimension of each tile: 32 x 16 ( 1x2 tile per face)
0018 - s24t_16x16 : 24 tiles, dimension of each tile: 16 x 16 ( 2x2 tile per face)
0019 - s24t_32x8 : 24 tiles, dimension of each tile: 32 x 8 ( 1x4 tile per face)
0020 - s24t_8x32 : 24 tiles, dimension of each tile: 8 x 32 ( 4x1 tile per face)
0021 - s192t_8x4 : 192 tiles, dimension of each tile: 8 x 4 ( 4x8 tile per face)
0022 - s176t_8x4 : 176 tiles, same as s192t_8x4 with 16 blank-tiles
0024 ------------------