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Warning, /tools/build_options/linux_amd64_ifort+impi_stampede2_knl is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

view on githubraw file Latest commit c26ad343 on 2023-02-14 14:29:40 UTC
3512573755 Timo*0001 #!/bin/bash
                0002 #
                0003 # For running on TACC's Stampede 2, Knight's Landing processors
                0004 #
                0005 # Note that for performance you may need to use many more processes on this
                0006 # machine; the individual cores are actually quite slow and rely on memory
                0007 # bandwidth and massive parallelism for throughput
                0008 #
                0009 # Make sure the following modules are loaded:
                0010 #   intel/18.0.2 impi/18.0.2 netcdf/
                0012 CC=icc
                0013 FC=ifort
                0014 F90C=ifort
                0015 LINK="$F90C -no-ipo"
                0017 DEFINES='-DALLOW_USE_MPI -DWORDLENGTH=4'
                0018 CPP='cpp -traditional -P'
                0019 F90FIXEDFORMAT='-fixed -Tf'
                0020 EXTENDED_SRC_FLAG='-132'
                0021 GET_FC_VERSION="--version"
c26ad343d2 Jean*0022 OMPFLAG='-qopenmp'
3512573755 Timo*0023 
                0024 NOOPTFLAGS='-O1 -fp-model precise'
                0026 FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -W0 -WB -convert big_endian -assume byterecl"
                0027 FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -fPIC"
                0029 if test "x$IEEE" = x ; then
                0030     FOPTIM="-align -traceback -xMIC-AVX512 -O2 -ip -ftz -fp-model precise"
                0031     NOOPTFILES='seaice_growth.F calc_oce_mxlayer.F fizhi_lsm.F fizhi_clockstuff.F'
                0032 else
                0033     if test "x$DEVEL" = x ; then
                0034         FOPTIM='-O0 -noalign -traceback -xMIC-AVX512 -ip -mp'
                0035     else
                0036         FFLAGS="$FFLAGS -warn all -warn nounused"
                0037         FOPTIM="-fpe0 -fpstkchk -fpmodel except -check all -ftrapuv"
                0038         FOPTIM="-O0 -noalign -g -traceback"
                0039     fi
                0040 fi
                0042 F90FLAGS=$FFLAGS
                0043 F90OPTIM=$FOPTIM
                0044 CFLAGS="-O2 -ip -fPIC"
                0046 INCLUDEDIRS="${TACC_IMPI_INC} ${TACC_NETCDF_INC}"
                0047 INCLUDES="-I${TACC_IMPI_INC} -I${TACC_NETCDF_INC}"
                0048 LIBS="-L${TACC_IMPI_LIB} -lmpi -lmpifort -L${TACC_NETCDF_LIB} -lnetcdf -lnetcdff"
                0049 MPIINCLUDEDIR="${TACC_IMPI_INC}"