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48dac89262 Jean*0001       subroutine template()
                0002       use OAD_cp
                0003       use OAD_tape
                0004       use OAD_rev
                0008       integer :: cp_loop_variable_1,cp_loop_variable_2,
                0009      +     cp_loop_variable_3,cp_loop_variable_4
                0011       type(modeType) :: our_orig_mode
                0013       integer iaddr
                0014       external iaddr
                0016       Real*8 cg_Uin_p (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0017       Real*8 cg_Vin_p (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0018       Real*8 cg_Bu_p  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0019       Real*8 cg_Bv_p  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0020       Real*8 A_uu_p (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy,-1:1,-1:1)
                0021       Real*8 A_vu_p (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy,-1:1,-1:1)
                0022       Real*8 A_uv_p (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy,-1:1,-1:1)
                0023       Real*8 A_vv_p (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy,-1:1,-1:1)
                0024       Real*8 cg_Uin_d (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0025       Real*8 cg_Vin_d (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0026       Real*8 cg_Bu_d  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0027       Real*8 cg_Bv_d  (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0028       Real*8 A_uu_d (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy,-1:1,-1:1)
                0029       Real*8 A_vu_d (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy,-1:1,-1:1)
                0030       Real*8 A_uv_d (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy,-1:1,-1:1)
                0031       Real*8 A_vv_d (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy,-1:1,-1:1)
                0033 #ifdef OAD_DEBUG_JOINT
                0034       character*(80):: indentation='                                        
                0035      +                                         '
                0036       our_indent=our_indent+1
                0038       write(standardmessageunit, '(A,A,A)', ADVANCE='NO') 
                0039      +'OAD:',indentation(1:our_indent), 'enter __SRNAME__:'
                0040       call oad_dump_revmod(); call oad_dump_tapestats()
                0041       write(standardmessageunit,*) 
                0042 #endif
                0043       if (our_rev_mode%plain) then
                0044 #ifdef OAD_DEBUG_JOINT
                0045          write(standardmessageunit,'(A,A,A)') 
                0046      +'OAD:',indentation(1:our_indent), 
                0047      +' __SRNAME__: entering plain'
                0048 #endif
                0049 c set up for plain execution
                0050          our_orig_mode=our_rev_mode
                0051          our_rev_mode%arg_store=.FALSE.
                0052          our_rev_mode%arg_restore=.FALSE.
                0053          our_rev_mode%plain=.TRUE.
                0054          our_rev_mode%tape=.FALSE.
                0055          our_rev_mode%adjoint=.FALSE.
                0056 #ifdef OAD_DEBUG_JOINT
                0057          write(standardmessageunit,'(A,A,A)') 
                0058      +'OAD:',indentation(1:our_indent), 
                0059      +' __SRNAME__: runninng plain / down plain'
                0060 #endif
                0061          cg_Uin_p = cg_Uin%v
                0062          cg_Vin_p = cg_Vin%v
                0063          cg_Bu_p  = cg_Bu%v
                0064          cg_Bv_p  = cg_Bv%v
                0065          A_uu_p  = A_uu%v
                0066          A_uv_p  = A_uv%v
                0067          A_vu_p  = A_vu%v
                0068          A_vv_p  = A_vv%v
                0069          call STREAMICE_CG_SOLVE( 
                0070      U        cg_Uin_p,     
                0071      U        cg_Vin_p,     
                0072      I        cg_Bu_p,      
                0073      I        cg_Bv_p,      
                0074      I        A_uu_p,       
                0075      I        A_uv_p,       
                0076      I        A_vu_p,       
                0077      I        A_vv_p,       
                0078      I        tolerance, 
                0079      O        iters,
29190957c7 Dani*0080      I        maxIter,
48dac89262 Jean*0081      I        myThid )
                0082          cg_Uin%v = cg_Uin_p
                0083          cg_Vin%v = cg_Vin_p
                0084 c reset the mode
                0085          our_rev_mode=our_orig_mode
                0086       end if
                0087       if (our_rev_mode%tape) then
                0089 #ifdef OAD_DEBUG_JOINT
                0090          write(standardmessageunit,'(A,A,A)') 
                0091      +'OAD:',indentation(1:our_indent), 
                0092      +' __SRNAME__: entering tape'
                0093 #endif
                0094 c set up for plain execution
                0095          our_orig_mode=our_rev_mode
                0096          our_rev_mode%arg_store=.FALSE.
                0097          our_rev_mode%arg_restore=.FALSE.
                0098          our_rev_mode%plain=.TRUE.
                0099          our_rev_mode%tape=.FALSE.
                0100          our_rev_mode%adjoint=.FALSE.
                0101 #ifdef OAD_DEBUG_JOINT
                0102          write(standardmessageunit,'(A,A,A)') 
                0103      +'OAD:',indentation(1:our_indent), 
                0104      +' __SRNAME__: runninng plain / down plain'
                0105 #endif
                0106          cg_Uin_p = cg_Uin%v
                0107          cg_Vin_p = cg_Vin%v
                0108          cg_Bu_p  = cg_Bu%v
                0109          cg_Bv_p  = cg_Bv%v
                0110          A_uu_p  = A_uu%v
                0111          A_uv_p  = A_uv%v
                0112          A_vu_p  = A_vu%v
                0113          A_vv_p  = A_vv%v
                0114          call oad_tape_push(cg_Bu_p)      
                0115          call oad_tape_push(cg_Bv_p)      
                0116          call oad_tape_push(A_uu_p)       
                0117          call oad_tape_push(A_uv_p)       
                0118          call oad_tape_push(A_vu_p)       
                0119          call oad_tape_push(A_vv_p)       
d0538d9e95 Jean*0120          call oad_tape_push(tolerance)
48dac89262 Jean*0121          call oad_tape_push(mythid)
                0122          call STREAMICE_CG_SOLVE( 
                0123      U        cg_Uin_p,     
                0124      U        cg_Vin_p,     
                0125      I        cg_Bu_p,      
                0126      I        cg_Bv_p,      
                0127      I        A_uu_p,       
                0128      I        A_uv_p,       
                0129      I        A_vu_p,       
                0130      I        A_vv_p,       
                0131      I        tolerance, 
                0132      O        iters,
29190957c7 Dani*0133      I        maxIter,
48dac89262 Jean*0134      I        myThid )
                0135          call oad_tape_push(cg_Uin_p)     
                0136          call oad_tape_push(cg_Vin_p)     
                0137          cg_Uin%v = cg_Uin_p
                0138          cg_Vin%v = cg_Vin_p
                0139 c reset the mode
                0140          our_rev_mode=our_orig_mode
                0141       end if
                0142       if (our_rev_mode%adjoint) then
                0143 #ifdef OAD_DEBUG_JOINT
                0144          write(standardmessageunit,'(A,A,A)') 
                0145      +'OAD:',indentation(1:our_indent), 
                0146      +' __SRNAME__: entering adjoint'
                0147 #endif
                0148          call oad_tape_pop(cg_Vin_p)     
                0149          call oad_tape_pop(cg_Uin_p)     
                0150          call oad_tape_pop(mythid)
d0538d9e95 Jean*0151          call oad_tape_pop(tolerance)
48dac89262 Jean*0152          call oad_tape_pop(A_vv_p)       
                0153          call oad_tape_pop(A_vu_p)       
                0154          call oad_tape_pop(A_uv_p)       
                0155          call oad_tape_pop(A_uu_p)       
                0156          call oad_tape_pop(cg_Bv_p)      
                0157          call oad_tape_pop(cg_Bu_p)   
                0158 c set up for plain execution
                0159          our_orig_mode=our_rev_mode
                0160          our_rev_mode%arg_store=.FALSE.
                0161          our_rev_mode%arg_restore=.FALSE.
                0162          our_rev_mode%plain=.TRUE.
                0163          our_rev_mode%tape=.FALSE.
                0164          our_rev_mode%adjoint=.FALSE.
                0165 #ifdef OAD_DEBUG_JOINT
                0166          write(standardmessageunit,'(A,A,A)') 
                0167      +'OAD:',indentation(1:our_indent), 
                0168      +' __SRNAME__: runninng self adjoint / down plain'
                0169 #endif
                0170          cg_Uin_d = cg_Uin%d
                0171          cg_Vin_d = cg_Vin%d
                0172          cg_Bu_d  = cg_Bu%d
                0173          cg_Bv_d  = cg_Bv%d
                0174          A_uu_d  = A_uu%d
                0175          A_uv_d  = A_uv%d
                0176          A_vu_d  = A_vu%d
                0177          A_vv_d  = A_vv%d
                0178       call ADSTREAMICE_CG_SOLVE(
                0179      U                               cg_Uin_p,   ! velocities - solution 
7a007583db Dani*0180      I                               cg_Uin_d,      ! adjoint of vel (input)
48dac89262 Jean*0181      U                               cg_Vin_p,   ! velocities - solution
7a007583db Dani*0182      I                               cg_Vin_d,      ! adjoint of vel (input)
48dac89262 Jean*0183      I                               cg_Bu_p,    ! to recalc velocities
7a007583db Dani*0184      U                               cg_Bu_d,     ! adjoint of RHS (output)
48dac89262 Jean*0185      I                               cg_Bv_p,    ! to recalc velocities
7a007583db Dani*0186      U                               cg_Bv_d,     ! adjoint of RHS (output)
48dac89262 Jean*0187      I                               A_uu_p,     ! section of matrix that multiplies u and projects on u
                0188      U                               A_uu_d,     ! adjoint of matrix coeffs (output)
                0189      I                               A_uv_p,     ! section of matrix that multiplies v and projects on u
                0190      U                               A_uv_d,     ! adjoint of matrix coeffs (output)
                0191      I                               A_vu_p,     ! section of matrix that multiplies u and projects on v
                0192      U                               A_vu_d,     ! adjoint of matrix coeffs (output)
                0193      I                               A_vv_p,     ! section of matrix that multiplies v and projects on v
                0194      U                               A_vv_d,     ! adjoint of matrix coeffs (output)
                0195      I                               tolerance,
29190957c7 Dani*0196      I                               maxIter,
48dac89262 Jean*0197      I                               myThid )
                0198 c reset the mode
                0199          cg_Uin%d = cg_Uin_d
                0200          cg_Vin%d = cg_Vin_d
                0201          cg_Bu%d  = cg_Bu_d
                0202          cg_Bv%d  = cg_Bv_d
                0203          A_uu%d  = A_uu_d
                0204          A_uv%d  = A_uv_d
                0205          A_vu%d  = A_vu_d
                0206          A_vv%d  = A_vv_d
                0207          our_rev_mode=our_orig_mode
                0208       end if 
                0209 #ifdef OAD_DEBUG_JOINT
                0210       write(standardmessageunit,'(A,A,A)', ADVANCE='NO') 
                0211      +'OAD:',indentation(1:our_indent), 'leave __SRNAME__:'
                0212       call oad_dump_revmod(); call oad_dump_tapestats()
                0213       write(standardmessageunit,*) 
                0215       our_indent=our_indent-1
                0216 #endif
                0218       end subroutine template