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ef080e1d37 Dimi*0001 %%
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85d26bffb0 Jean*0004 Pacakge sbo implements diagnostic code to compute IERS Special
0005 Bureau for the Oceans (SBO) core products, including oceanic mass,
0006 center-of-mass, and angular momentum.
0007 Adapted from equations in
0008 ftp://euler.jpl.nasa.gov/sbo/publications/sbo_technical_note.pdf
0009 See also: http://euler.jpl.nasa.gov/sbo/
0011 Includes time variable mass from freshwater flux, which affects OAMP
0012 and COM. To remove freshwater flux impacts from OAMP, simply remove
0013 the provided freshwater component: OAMP_nofw = OAMP - OAMP_fw. To
0014 remove freshwater flux impacts from COM, you need to scale by mass:
0015 COM_nofw = (COM*mass - COM_fw*mass_fw)/(mass - mass_fw).