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view on githubraw file Latest commit ba0b0470 on 2021-04-08 01:06:32 UTC
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0001 #ifdef ALLOW_ICEFRONT
                0003 CBOP
                0004 C !ROUTINE: ICEFRONT.h
                0006 C !DESCRIPTION: \bv
5b87731ef2 Jean*0007 C     *==========================================================*
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0008 C     | ICEFRONT.h                                               |
                0009 C     | o Basic header thermodnynamic shelf ice package.         |
                0010 C     |   Contains all ICEFRONT field declarations.              |
5b87731ef2 Jean*0011 C     *==========================================================*
e3eaf00330 Jean*0012 C \ev
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0013 
                0014 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
e3eaf00330 Jean*0015 C--   Constants that can be set in data.icefront, namelist /ICEFRONT_PARM01/
8126484198 Dimi*0016 C     ICEFRONTdepthFile        - name of icefront depth file (m)
                0017 C                                2D file containing depth of the ice front
                0018 C                                at each model grid cell
                0019 C     ICEFRONTlengthFile       - name of icefront length file (m/m^2)
                0020 C                                2D file containing the ratio of the horizontal
                0021 C                                length of the ice front in each model grid cell
                0022 C                                divided by the grid cell area
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0023 C     ICEFRONTheatTransCoeff   - heat transfer coefficient that determines
                0024 C                                 heat flux into icefront (m/s)
                0025 C     ICEFRONTsaltTransCoeff   - salinity transfer coefficient that determines
                0026 C                                salt flux into icefront (m/s)
e34b832b57 Yun *0027 C     ICEFRONTthetaSurface     - surface temperature on the top of icefront (oC)
                0028 C                                interior temperture of the ice changes linearly
                0029 C                                from ICEFRONTthetaSurface at surface to 0 oC at
                0030 C                                the bottom
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0031 C     ICEFRONTlatentHeat       - latent heat of fusion (J/kg)
5b87731ef2 Jean*0032 C     applyIcefrontTendT/S     -
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0033 C
e3eaf00330 Jean*0034 C     K_icefront          - # of icefront model levels at every horizontal location (2D)
                0035 C     R_icefront          - icefront depth [m] (2D)
                0036 C     icefrontlength      - icefront horizontal length divided
                0037 C                           by grid cell area [m/m^2] (2D)
                0038 C     icefront_TendT      - temperature tendency (Kelvin/s)
ba0b047096 Mart*0039 C     icefront_TendS      - salinity tendency (g/kg/s)
6261b3c726 Dimi*0040 C
e3eaf00330 Jean*0041 C--   Constants that can be set in data.icefront, namelist /ICEFRONT_EXF_PARM02/
                0042 C     SGRunOffFile           - name of subglacial runoff file (kg/s)
6261b3c726 Dimi*0043 C                              2D file containing mass of subglacial runoff
                0044 C                              added at bottom of model ocean
e3eaf00330 Jean*0045 C     SGRunOff               - subglacial runoff (kg/s)
6261b3c726 Dimi*0046 C     Arrays *0 and *1 below are used for temporal interpolation.
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0047 C-----------------------------------------------------------------------
                0048 CEOP
8126484198 Dimi*0050       COMMON /ICEFRONT_PARMS_I/  K_icefront
                0051       INTEGER K_icefront (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
5b87731ef2 Jean*0053       COMMON /ICEFRONT_PARMS_R/
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0054      &     rhoIcefront, ICEFRONTkappa,
                0055      &     ICEFRONTlatentHeat, recip_ICEFRONTlatentHeat,
                0056      &     ICEFRONTheatCapacity_Cp,
55cb9d6db1 Dimi*0057      &     ICEFRONTthetaSurface
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0058       _RL ICEFRONTlatentHeat
                0059       _RL ICEFRONTheatCapacity_Cp
                0060       _RL rhoIcefront
                0061       _RL ICEFRONTkappa
                0062       _RL recip_ICEFRONTlatentHeat
                0063       _RL ICEFRONTthetaSurface
5b87731ef2 Jean*0065       COMMON /ICEFRONT_FIELDS_RL/
8126484198 Dimi*0066      &     icefront_TendT,
                0067      &     icefront_TendS
e5c5488a84 Dimi*0068       _RL icefront_TendT (1:sNx,1:sNy,Nr,nSx,nSy)
                0069       _RL icefront_TendS (1:sNx,1:sNy,Nr,nSx,nSy)
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0070 
5b87731ef2 Jean*0071       COMMON /ICEFRONT_FIELDS_RS/
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0072      &     R_icefront,
fae76d957c Dimi*0073      &     icefrontlength
e5c5488a84 Dimi*0074       _RS R_icefront     (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0075       _RS icefrontlength (1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy:sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
5b87731ef2 Jean*0076 
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0077       LOGICAL ICEFRONTisOn
8126484198 Dimi*0078       LOGICAL applyIcefrontTendT
                0079       LOGICAL applyIcefrontTendS
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0080       COMMON /ICEFRONT_PARMS_L/
                0081      &     ICEFRONTisOn,
8126484198 Dimi*0082      &     applyIcefrontTendT,
                0083      &     applyIcefrontTendS
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0084 
8126484198 Dimi*0085       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) ICEFRONTlengthFile
                0086       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) ICEFRONTdepthFile
5b87731ef2 Jean*0087       COMMON /ICEFRONT_PARM_C/
                0088      &     ICEFRONTlengthFile,
e3eaf00330 Jean*0089      &     ICEFRONTdepthFile
                0091 #ifdef ALLOW_EXF
                0092 C     the following variables are used in conjunction
                0093 C     with pkg/exf to specify sub-glacial runoff
                0094       INTEGER SGRunOffstartdate1
                0095       INTEGER SGRunOffstartdate2
16ee41eab1 Jean*0096       _RL     SGRunOffStartTime
e3eaf00330 Jean*0097       _RL     SGRunOffperiod
                0098       _RL     SGRunOffconst
                0099       _RL     SGRunOff_inscal
                0100       _RL     SGRunOff_remov_intercept
                0101       _RL     SGRunOff_remov_slope
                0102       CHARACTER*(MAX_LEN_FNAM) SGRunOffFile
                0103       CHARACTER*1 SGRunOffmask
                0105       COMMON /ICEFRONT_EXF_PAR_I/
                0106      &       SGRunOffstartdate1, SGRunOffstartdate2
                0107       COMMON /ICEFRONT_EXF_PAR_R/
16ee41eab1 Jean*0108      &       SGRunOffStartTime,  SGRunOffperiod,
e3eaf00330 Jean*0109      &       SGRunOffconst,      SGRunOff_inscal,
                0110      &       SGRunOff_remov_intercept, SGRunOff_remov_slope
                0111       COMMON /ICEFRONT_EXF_PAR_C/
                0112      &       SGRunOffFile,  SGRunOffmask
                0113 #endif /* ALLOW_EXF */
5da8ce63fa Dimi*0114 
                0115 #endif /* ALLOW_ICEFRONT */