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cc36b35673 Jean*0001 #include "GRIDALT_OPTIONS.h"
8aa94f3b31 Andr*0003       subroutine phys2dyn(qphy,pephy,im1,im2,jm1,jm2,lmphy,Nsx,Nsy,
                0004      .     idim1,idim2,jdim1,jdim2,bi,bj,pedyn,Lbot,lmdyn,nlperdyn,qdyn)
                0005 C***********************************************************************
                0006 C Purpose:
                0007 C   To interpolate an arbitrary quantity from the 'dynamics' eta (pstar)
cc36b35673 Jean*0008 C               grid to the higher resolution physics grid
8aa94f3b31 Andr*0009 C Algorithm:
                0010 C   Routine works one layer (edge to edge pressure) at a time.
                0011 C   Physics -> Dynamics computes the physics layer mean value,
616b995d4d Andr*0012 C   weighted by dp**kappa (interp1) or by dp.
8aa94f3b31 Andr*0013 C
                0014 C Input:
                0015 C   qphy..... [im,jm,lmphy] Arbitrary Quantity on Input Grid
                0016 C   pephy.... [im,jm,lmphy+1] Pressures at bottom edges of input levels
                0017 C   im1,2 ... Limits for Longitude Dimension of Input
                0018 C   jm1,2 ... Limits for Latitude  Dimension of Input
                0019 C   lmphy.... Vertical  Dimension of Input
                0020 C   Nsx...... Number of processes in x-direction
                0021 C   Nsy...... Number of processes in y-direction
                0022 C   idim1,2.. Beginning and ending i-values to calculate
                0023 C   jdim1,2.. Beginning and ending j-values to calculate
                0024 C   bi....... Index of process number in x-direction
                0025 C   bj....... Index of process number in x-direction
                0026 C   pedyn.... [im,jm,lmdyn+1] Pressures at bottom edges of output levels
                0027 C   lmdyn.... Vertical  Dimension of Output
                0028 C   nlperdyn. Mapping Array-Highest Physics level in each dynmics level
                0029 C
                0030 C Output:
                0031 C   qdyn..... [im,jm,lmdyn] Quantity at output grid (physics grid)
                0032 C
                0033 C Notes:
                0034 C   1) This algorithm assumes that the output (physics) grid levels
                0035 C      fit exactly into the input (dynamics) grid levels
                0036 C***********************************************************************
                0037       implicit none
                0039       integer  im1, im2, jm1, jm2, lmdyn, lmphy, Nsx, Nsy
                0040       integer idim1, idim2, jdim1, jdim2, bi, bj
                0041       _RL qphy(im1:im2,jm1:jm2,lmphy,Nsx,Nsy)
                0042       _RL pedyn(im1:im2,jm1:jm2,lmdyn+1,Nsx,Nsy)
                0043       _RL pephy(im1:im2,jm1:jm2,lmphy+1,Nsx,Nsy)
                0044       integer nlperdyn(im1:im2,jm1:jm2,lmdyn,Nsx,Nsy)
                0045       _RL qdyn(im1:im2,jm1:jm2,lmdyn,Nsx,Nsy)
                0046       integer Lbot(im1:im2,jm1:jm2,Nsx,Nsy)
be5ec7d59d Andr*0048       integer  i,j,L,Lout1,Lout1p1,Lout2,Lphy
4d198cba86 Jean*0049       _RL dpkephy, dpkedyn, sum
8aa94f3b31 Andr*0050 
4d198cba86 Jean*0051 cinterp1  _RL kappa
                0052 #ifdef ALLOW_FIZHI
                0053 cinterp1  _RL getcon
                0054 #else
                0055 cinterp1 #include 'SIZE.h'
                0056 cinterp1 #include 'EEPARAMS.h'
                0057 cinterp1 #include 'PARAMS.h'
                0058 #endif
                0060 #ifdef ALLOW_FIZHI
                0061 cinterp1  kappa = getcon('KAPPA')
                0062 #else
                0063 cinterp1  kappa = atm_kappa
                0064 #endif
8aa94f3b31 Andr*0065 
                0066 c do loop for all dynamics (output) levels
8bb9f0d9db Andr*0067       do L = 1,lmdyn
                0068 c do loop for all grid points
                0069        do j = jdim1,jdim2
                0070         do i = idim1,idim2
8aa94f3b31 Andr*0071          qdyn(i,j,L,bi,bj) = 0.
                0072 c Check to make sure we are above ground - otherwise do nothing
                0073          if(,j,bi,bj))then
                0074           if(L.eq.Lbot(i,j,bi,bj)) then
                0075            Lout1 = 0
                0076           else
                0077            Lout1 = nlperdyn(i,j,L-1,bi,bj)
                0078           endif
                0079           Lout2 = nlperdyn(i,j,L,bi,bj)
                0080 c do loop for all physics levels contained in this dynamics level
616b995d4d Andr*0081 cinterp1  dpkedyn = (pedyn(i,j,L,bi,bj)**kappa)-
                0082 cinterp1                                   (pedyn(i,j,L+1,bi,bj)**kappa)
                0083           dpkedyn = pedyn(i,j,L,bi,bj)-pedyn(i,j,L+1,bi,bj)
8bb9f0d9db Andr*0084           sum = 0.
be5ec7d59d Andr*0085           Lout1p1 = Lout1+1
                0086           do Lphy = Lout1p1,Lout2
616b995d4d Andr*0087 cinterp1   dpkephy = (pephy(i,j,Lphy,bi,bj)**kappa)-
                0088 cinterp1                                (pephy(i,j,Lphy+1,bi,bj)**kappa)
                0089            dpkephy = pephy(i,j,Lphy,bi,bj)-pephy(i,j,Lphy+1,bi,bj)
8bb9f0d9db Andr*0090            sum=sum+qphy(i,j,Lphy,bi,bj)*(dpkephy/dpkedyn)
8aa94f3b31 Andr*0091           enddo
8bb9f0d9db Andr*0092           qdyn(i,j,L,bi,bj) = sum
8aa94f3b31 Andr*0093          endif
                0094         enddo
                0095        enddo
                0096       enddo
                0098       return
                0099       end