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d676f916b2 Jean*0001 #ifdef ALLOW_AIM
                0003 C  2nd part of original file "com_radcon.h":
                0004 C   contains temp. variables used within radiation scheme
                0005 C   and passed as arguments to SOL_OZ, RADSW & RADLW
                0006 C   (originally passed through common blocks)
                0008 C--   COMMON /RADZON/: Zonally-averaged fields for SW scheme
                0009 C               (updated in SOL_OZ)
                0010 C      FSOL   = flux of incoming solar radiation
                0011 C      OZONE  = flux absorbed by ozone (lower stratos.)
                0012 C      OZUPP  = flux absorbed by ozone (upper stratos.)
                0013 C      ZENIT  = optical depth ratio (function of solar zenith angle) 
                0014 c     COMMON /RADZON/ FSOL, OZONE, OZUPP, ZENIT, STRATZ
                0015       _RL FSOL(NGP), OZONE(NGP), OZUPP(NGP), ZENIT(NGP), STRATZ(NGP)
                0017 C--   COMMON /RADFLD/: Transmissivity and blackbody rad.
                0018 C               (updated in RADSW/RADLW)
                0019 C      TAU2   = transmissivity of atmospheric layers
                0020 C      ST4A   = blackbody emission from full and half atmospheric levels
                0021 C      STRATC = stratospheric correction term 
                0022 C      FLUX   = radiative flux in different spectral bands
                0023 c     COMMON /RADFLD/ TAU2, ST4A, STRATC, FLUX
                0024       _RL TAU2(NGP,NLEV,NBAND), ST4A(NGP,NLEV,2)
                0025       _RL STRATC(NGP), FLUX(NGP,NBAND)
                0027 C---+----1----+----2----+----3----+----4----+----5----+----6----+----7-|--+----|
                0028 #endif /* ALLOW_AIM */