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view on githubraw file Latest commit e34349a8 on 2005-09-07 14:54:19 UTC
4cee17c1be Patr*0001 
60c4531875 Patr*0002       subroutine lswri( isize, phniter, NN, xx, gg, lphprint )
4cee17c1be Patr*0003 
                0004 c     ==================================================================
                0005 c     SUBROUTINE lswri
                0006 c     ==================================================================
                0007 c
                0008 c     o writes formatted output of updated controls and 
                0009 c       adjoint variables
                0010 c
                0011 c     o started: Patrick Heimbach, MIT/EAPS
                0012 c                01-Apr-1999
                0013 c
                0014 c     ==================================================================
                0015 c     SUBROUTINE lswri
                0016 c     ==================================================================
                0018       implicit none
                0020 C     ========= Routine arguments ======================================
60c4531875 Patr*0022       INTEGER   isize, phniter, NN
                0023       real*4 xx(NN), gg(NN)
                0024 cph      DOUBLE PRECISION      xx(NN), gg(NN)
4cee17c1be Patr*0025       LOGICAL   lphprint
                0027 cph      CHARACTER yitnum*3
                0028 c
                0030 C     ========= Local variables ========================================
                0033 C=======================================================================
e34349a865 Patr*0035 c      if (lphprint) 
                0036 c     &   print *, 'pathei: formatted output of xx, gg, in lswri: ',
                0037 c     &   phniter
4cee17c1be Patr*0038 c
e34349a865 Patr*0039 c      open(95,
                0040 c     &     FILE='PH_X.dat',
                0041 c     &     FORM='UNFORMATTED',
                0042 c     &     ACCESS='DIRECT',
                0043 c     &     RECL=NN*isize)
                0044 c      write(95,REC=phniter+1) xx
                0045 c      close(95)
4cee17c1be Patr*0046 c
e34349a865 Patr*0047 c      open(95,
                0048 c     &     FILE='PH_G.dat',
                0049 c     &     FORM='UNFORMATTED',
                0050 c     &     ACCESS='DIRECT',
                0051 c     &     RECL=NN*isize)
                0052 c      write(95,REC=phniter+1) gg
                0053 c      close(95)
4cee17c1be Patr*0054 
                0055       end