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view on githubraw file Latest commit 0bad585a on 2022-02-16 18:55:09 UTC
8679f9097b Jeff*0001 .. include:: ../defs.hrst
                0003 .. _sub_phys_pkg_fizhi:
                0005 Fizhi: High-end Atmospheric Physics
                0006 -----------------------------------
                0009 Introduction
                0010 ++++++++++++
                0012 The fizhi (high-end atmospheric physics) package includes a collection
                0013 of state-of-the-art physical parameterizations for atmospheric
                0014 radiation, cumulus convection, atmospheric boundary layer turbulence,
                0015 and land surface processes. The collection of atmospheric physics
                0016 parameterizations were originally used together as part of the GEOS-3
                0017 (Goddard Earth Observing System-3) GCM developed at the NASA/Goddard
                0018 Global Modelling and Assimilation Office (GMAO).
                0020 Equations
                0021 +++++++++
                0023 Moist Convective Processes:
                0026 .. _para_phys_pkg_fizhi_mc:
                0028 Sub-grid and Large-scale Convection
                0029 ###################################
                0031 Sub-grid scale cumulus convection is parameterized using the Relaxed
                0032 Arakawa Schubert (RAS) scheme of :cite:`moorsz:92`, which is a linearized Arakawa
                0033 Schubert type scheme. RAS predicts the mass flux from an ensemble of
                0034 clouds. Each subensemble is identified by its entrainment rate and level
                0035 of neutral bouyancy which are determined by the grid-scale properties.
                0037 The thermodynamic variables that are used in RAS to describe the grid
                0038 scale vertical profile are the dry static energy, :math:`s=c_pT +gz`,
                0039 and the moist static energy, :math:`h=c_p T + gz + Lq`. The conceptual
                0040 model behind RAS depicts each subensemble as a rising plume cloud,
                0041 entraining mass from the environment during ascent, and detraining all
                0042 cloud air at the level of neutral buoyancy. RAS assumes that the
                0043 normalized cloud mass flux, :math:`\eta`, normalized by the cloud base
                0044 mass flux, is a linear function of height, expressed as:
                0046 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*0048    \pp{\eta(z)}{z} = \lambda \hspace{0.4cm} \text{or} \hspace{0.4cm} \pp{\eta(P^{\kappa})}{P^{\kappa}} = 
                0049    -\frac{c_p}{g} \theta \lambda
8679f9097b Jeff*0050 
                0051 where we have used the hydrostatic equation written in the form:
0bad585a21 Navi*0053 .. math:: \pp{z}{P^{\kappa}} = -\frac{c_p}{g} \theta
8679f9097b Jeff*0054 
                0055 The entrainment parameter, :math:`\lambda`, characterizes a particular
                0056 subensemble based on its detrainment level, and is obtained by assuming
                0057 that the level of detrainment is the level of neutral buoyancy, ie., the
                0058 level at which the moist static energy of the cloud, :math:`h_c`, is
                0059 equal to the saturation moist static energy of the environment,
                0060 :math:`h^*`. Following :cite:`moorsz:92`, :math:`\lambda` may be written as
0bad585a21 Navi*0062 .. math:: \lambda = \frac{h_B - h^*_D}{\frac{c_p}{g} \int_{P_D}^{P_B}\theta(h^*_D-h)dP^{\kappa}}
8679f9097b Jeff*0063 
                0064 where the subscript :math:`B` refers to cloud base, and the subscript
                0065 :math:`D` refers to the detrainment level.
                0067 The convective instability is measured in terms of the cloud work
                0068 function :math:`A`, defined as the rate of change of cumulus kinetic
                0069 energy. The cloud work function is related to the buoyancy, or the
                0070 difference between the moist static energy in the cloud and in the
                0071 environment:
                0073 .. math::
                0075    A = \int_{P_D}^{P_B} \frac{\eta}{1 + \gamma}
                0076    \left[ \frac{h_c-h^*}{P^{\kappa}} \right] dP^{\kappa}
                0078 where :math:`\gamma` is :math:`\frac{L}{c_p}\pp{q^*}{T}` obtained from
                0079 the Claussius Clapeyron equation, and the subscript :math:`c` refers to
                0080 the value inside the cloud.
                0082 To determine the cloud base mass flux, the rate of change of :math:`A`
                0083 in time *due to dissipation by the clouds* is assumed to approximately
                0084 balance the rate of change of :math:`A` *due to the generation by the
                0085 large scale*. This is the quasi-equilibrium assumption, and results in
                0086 an expression for :math:`m_B`:
0bad585a21 Navi*0088 .. math:: m_B = \dfrac{- \left. \frac{dA}{dt} \right|_{\rm ls}}{K}
8679f9097b Jeff*0089 
                0090 where :math:`K` is the cloud kernel, defined as the rate of change of
                0091 the cloud work function per unit cloud base mass flux, and is currently
                0092 obtained by analytically differentiating the expression for :math:`A` in
                0093 time. The rate of change of :math:`A` due to the generation by the large
                0094 scale can be written as the difference between the current
0bad585a21 Navi*0095 :math:`A(t+\Delta t)` and its equilibrated value after the previous
8679f9097b Jeff*0096 convective time step :math:`A(t)`, divided by the time step.
0bad585a21 Navi*0097 :math:`A(t)` is approximated as some critical :math:`A_{\rm crit}`, computed
                0098 by Lord (1982) from in situ observations.
8679f9097b Jeff*0099 
                0100 The predicted convective mass fluxes are used to solve grid-scale
                0101 temperature and moisture budget equations to determine the impact of
                0102 convection on the large scale fields of temperature (through latent
                0103 heating and compensating subsidence) and moisture (through precipitation
                0104 and detrainment):
                0106 .. math:: \left.{\pp{\theta}{t}}\right|_{c} = \alpha \frac{ m_B}{c_p P^{\kappa}} \eta \pp{s}{p}
                0108 and
0bad585a21 Navi*0110 .. math:: \left.{\pp{q}{t}}\right|_{c} = \alpha \frac{m_B}{L} \eta \left( \pp{h}{p}-\pp{s}{p} \right)
8679f9097b Jeff*0111 
                0112 where :math:`\theta = \frac{T}{P^{\kappa}}`, :math:`P = (p/p_0)`, and
                0113 :math:`\alpha` is the relaxation parameter.
                0115 As an approximation to a full interaction between the different
                0116 allowable subensembles, many clouds are simulated frequently, each
                0117 modifying the large scale environment some fraction :math:`\alpha` of
                0118 the total adjustment. The parameterization thereby “relaxes” the large
0bad585a21 Navi*0119 scale environment towards equilibrium.
8679f9097b Jeff*0120 
                0121 In addition to the RAS cumulus convection scheme, the fizhi package
                0122 employs a Kessler-type scheme for the re-evaporation of falling rain :cite:`sudm:88`,
                0123 which correspondingly adjusts the temperature assuming :math:`h` is
                0124 conserved. RAS in its current formulation assumes that all cloud water
                0125 is deposited into the detrainment level as rain. All of the rain is
                0126 available for re-evaporation, which begins in the level below
                0127 detrainment. The scheme accounts for some microphysics such as the
                0128 rainfall intensity, the drop size distribution, as well as the
                0129 temperature, pressure and relative humidity of the surrounding air. The
                0130 fraction of the moisture deficit in any model layer into which the rain
                0131 may re-evaporate is controlled by a free parameter, which allows for a
                0132 relatively efficient re-evaporation of liquid precipitate and larger
                0133 rainout for frozen precipitation.
                0135 Due to the increased vertical resolution near the surface, the lowest
                0136 model layers are averaged to provide a 50 mb thick sub-cloud layer for
                0137 RAS. Each time RAS is invoked (every ten simulated minutes), a number of
                0138 randomly chosen subensembles are checked for the possibility of
                0139 convection, from just above cloud base to 10 mb.
                0141 Supersaturation or large-scale precipitation is initiated in the fizhi
                0142 package whenever the relative humidity in any grid-box exceeds a
0bad585a21 Navi*0143 critical value, currently 100%. The large-scale precipitation
8679f9097b Jeff*0144 re-evaporates during descent to partially saturate lower layers in a
                0145 process identical to the re-evaporation of convective rain.
0bad585a21 Navi*0147 .. _fizhi_clouds:
8679f9097b Jeff*0149 Cloud Formation
                0150 ###############
                0152 Convective and large-scale cloud fractons which are used for
                0153 cloud-radiative interactions are determined diagnostically as part of
                0154 the cumulus and large-scale parameterizations. Convective cloud
                0155 fractions produced by RAS are proportional to the detrained liquid water
                0156 amount given by
0bad585a21 Navi*0158 .. math:: F_{\rm RAS} = \min\left[ \frac{l_{\rm RAS}}{l_c}, 1 \right]
8679f9097b Jeff*0159 
                0160 where :math:`l_c` is an assigned critical value equal to :math:`1.25`
                0161 g/kg. A memory is associated with convective clouds defined by:
0bad585a21 Navi*0163 .. math:: F_{\rm RAS}^n = \min\left[ F_{\rm RAS} + \left(1-\frac{\Delta t_{\rm RAS}}{\tau}\right) F_{\rm RAS}^{n-1} \, , \, 1 \right],
8679f9097b Jeff*0164 
0bad585a21 Navi*0165 where :math:`F_{\rm RAS}` is the instantaneous cloud fraction and
                0166 :math:`F_{\rm RAS}^{n-1}` is the cloud fraction from the previous RAS
8679f9097b Jeff*0167 timestep. The memory coefficient is computed using a RAS cloud
                0168 timescale, :math:`\tau`, equal to 1 hour. RAS cloud fractions are
0bad585a21 Navi*0169 cleared when they fall below 5%.
8679f9097b Jeff*0170 
                0171 Large-scale cloudiness is defined, following Slingo and Ritter (1985),
                0172 as a function of relative humidity:
0bad585a21 Navi*0174 .. math:: F_{\rm ls} = \min\left[ { \left( \frac{\textrm{RH}-\textrm{RH}_c}{1-\textrm{RH}_c} \right) }^2 \, , \, 1 \right]
8679f9097b Jeff*0175 
                0176 where
0bad585a21 Navi*0178 .. math::
                0179    \begin{aligned}
                0180    \textrm{RH}_c & = 1-s(1-s)(2-\sqrt{3}+2\sqrt{3}s)r \\
                0181    s & = p/p_{\rm surf} \\
                0182    r & = \left(\frac{1.0-\textrm{RH}_{\rm min}}{\alpha}\right) \\
                0183    \textrm{RH}_{\rm min} & = 0.75 \\
                0184    \alpha & = 0.573285 \end{aligned}
8679f9097b Jeff*0185 
                0186 These cloud fractions are suppressed, however, in regions where the
                0187 convective sub-cloud layer is conditionally unstable. The functional
0bad585a21 Navi*0188 form of :math:`\textrm{RH}_c` is shown in :numref:`rhcrit`
8679f9097b Jeff*0189 
                0192  .. figure:: figs/rhcrit.*
                0193     :width: 70%
                0194     :align: center
                0195     :alt: critical relative humidity for clouds
                0196     :name: rhcrit
                0198     Critical Relative Humidity for Clouds.
                0202 The total cloud fraction in a grid box is determined by the larger of
                0203 the two cloud fractions:
0bad585a21 Navi*0205 .. math:: F_{\rm cld} = \max \left[ F_{\rm RAS} \, , \, F_{\rm ls} \right]
8679f9097b Jeff*0206 
                0207 Finally, cloud fractions are time-averaged between calls to the
                0208 radiation packages.
                0210 Radiation:
                0212 The parameterization of radiative heating in the fizhi package includes
                0213 effects from both shortwave and longwave processes. Radiative fluxes are
                0214 calculated at each model edge-level in both up and down directions. The
                0215 heating rates/cooling rates are then obtained from the vertical
                0216 divergence of the net radiative fluxes.
                0218 The net flux is
                0220 .. math:: F = F^\uparrow - F^\downarrow
                0222 where :math:`F` is the net flux, :math:`F^\uparrow` is the upward flux
                0223 and :math:`F^\downarrow` is the downward flux.
                0225 The heating rate due to the divergence of the radiative flux is given by
                0227 .. math:: \pp{\rho c_p T}{t} = - \pp{F}{z}
                0229 or
                0231 .. math:: \pp{T}{t} = \frac{g}{c_p \pi} \pp{F}{\sigma}
                0233 where :math:`g` is the accelation due to gravity and :math:`c_p` is the
                0234 heat capacity of air at constant pressure.
                0236 The time tendency for Longwave Radiation is updated every 3 hours. The
                0237 time tendency for Shortwave Radiation is updated once every three hours
                0238 assuming a normalized incident solar radiation, and subsequently
                0239 modified at every model time step by the true incident radiation. The
0bad585a21 Navi*0240 solar constant value used in the package is equal to 1365 W m\ :sup:`--2`
                0241 and a CO\ :sub:`2` mixing ratio of 330 ppm. For the ozone mixing ratio,
8679f9097b Jeff*0242 monthly mean zonally averaged climatological values specified as a
                0243 function of latitude and height :cite:`rosen:87` are linearly interpolated to the
                0244 current time.
                0246 Shortwave Radiation
                0247 ###################
                0249 The shortwave radiation package used in the package computes solar
                0250 radiative heating due to the absoption by water vapor, ozone, carbon
                0251 dioxide, oxygen, clouds, and aerosols and due to the scattering by
                0252 clouds, aerosols, and gases. The shortwave radiative processes are
                0253 described by :cite:`chou:90,chou:92`. This shortwave package uses the Delta-Eddington
                0254 approximation to compute the bulk scattering properties of a single
                0255 layer following King and Harshvardhan (JAS, 1986). The transmittance and
                0256 reflectance of diffuse radiation follow the procedures of Sagan and
                0257 Pollock (JGR, 1967) and :cite:`lhans:74`.
                0259 Highly accurate heating rate calculations are obtained through the use
                0260 of an optimal grouping strategy of spectral bands. By grouping the UV
                0261 and visible regions as indicated in :numref:`tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_solar1`, the
                0262 Rayleigh scattering and the ozone absorption of solar radiation can be
                0263 accurately computed in the ultraviolet region and the photosynthetically
                0264 active radiation (PAR) region. The computation of solar flux in the
                0265 infrared region is performed with a broadband parameterization using the
                0266 spectrum regions shown in :numref:`tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_solar2`. The solar radiation
                0267 algorithm used in the fizhi package can be applied not only for climate
                0268 studies but also for studies on the photolysis in the upper atmosphere
                0269 and the photosynthesis in the biosphere.
0bad585a21 Navi*0272 .. table:: UV and visible spectral regions used in shortwave radiation package. 
8679f9097b Jeff*0273   :name: tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_solar1
                0275   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0276   |     **UV and Visible Spectral Regions**   |
                0277   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0278   | Region   | Band   | Wavelength (micron)   |
                0279   +==========+========+=======================+
                0280   | UV-C     | 1.     | .175 - .225           |
                0281   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0282   |          | 2.     | .225 - .245           |
                0283   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0284   |          |        | .260 - .280           |
                0285   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0286   |          | 3.     | .245 - .260           |
                0287   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0288   | UV-B     | 4.     | .280 - .295           |
                0289   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0290   |          | 5.     | .295 - .310           |
                0291   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0292   |          | 6.     | .310 - .320           |
                0293   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0294   | UV-A     | 7.     | .320 - .400           |
                0295   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
                0296   | PAR      | 8.     | .400 - .700           |
                0297   +----------+--------+-----------------------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0302 .. table:: Infrared spectral regions used in shortwave radiation package.
8679f9097b Jeff*0303   :name: tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_solar2
                0305   +--------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+
                0306   |            **Infrared Spectral Regions**                         |
                0307   +--------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+
                0308   | Band   | Wavenumber (cm\ :sup:`--1`)     | Wavelength (micron)   |
                0309   +========+=================================+=======================+
                0310   | 1      | 1000-4400                       | 2.27-10.0             |
                0311   +--------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+
                0312   | 2      | 4400-8200                       | 1.22-2.27             |
                0313   +--------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+
                0314   | 3      | 8200-14300                      | 0.70-1.22             |
                0315   +--------+---------------------------------+-----------------------+
                0318 Within the shortwave radiation package, both ice and liquid cloud
                0319 particles are allowed to co-exist in any of the model layers. Two sets
                0320 of cloud parameters are used, one for ice paticles and the other for
                0321 liquid particles. Cloud parameters are defined as the cloud optical
                0322 thickness and the effective cloud particle size. In the fizhi package,
                0323 the effective radius for water droplets is given as 10 microns, while 65
                0324 microns is used for ice particles. The absorption due to aerosols is
                0325 currently set to zero.
                0327 To simplify calculations in a cloudy atmosphere, clouds are grouped into
                0328 low (:math:`p>700` mb), middle (700 mb :math:`\ge p > 400` mb), and high
                0329 (:math:`p < 400` mb) cloud regions. Within each of the three regions,
                0330 clouds are assumed maximally overlapped, and the cloud cover of the
                0331 group is the maximum cloud cover of all the layers in the group. The
                0332 optical thickness of a given layer is then scaled for both the direct
                0333 (as a function of the solar zenith angle) and diffuse beam radiation so
                0334 that the grouped layer reflectance is the same as the original
                0335 reflectance. The solar flux is computed for each of eight cloud
                0336 realizations possible within this low/middle/high classification, and
                0337 appropriately averaged to produce the net solar flux.
                0339 Longwave Radiation
                0340 ##################
                0342 The longwave radiation package used in the fizhi package is thoroughly
39fa6219cc Oliv*0343 described by :cite:`chsz:94`. As described in that document, IR fluxes are
                0344 computed due to absorption by water vapor, carbon dioxide, and ozone. The
                0345 spectral bands together with their absorbers and parameterization methods,
                0346 configured for the fizhi package, are shown in
                0347 :numref:`tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_longwave`.
8679f9097b Jeff*0348 
0bad585a21 Navi*0349 .. table:: IR spectral bands, absorbers, and parameterization method
8679f9097b Jeff*0350   :name: tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_longwave
                0352   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
                0353   |                  **IR Spectral Bands**                                                        |
                0354   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
                0355   | Band           | Spectral Range (cm\ :sup:`--1`)    | Absorber                     | Method   |
                0356   +================+====================================+==============================+==========+
0bad585a21 Navi*0357   | 1              | 0-340                              | H\ :sub:`2`\ O line          | T        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0358   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0359   | 2              | 340-540                            | H\ :sub:`2`\ O line          | T        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0360   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0361   | 3a             | 540-620                            | H\ :sub:`2`\ O line          | K        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0362   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0363   | 3b             | 620-720                            | H\ :sub:`2`\ O continuum     | S        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0364   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0365   | 3b             | 720-800                            | CO\ :sub:`2`                 | T        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0366   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0367   | 4              | 800-980                            | H\ :sub:`2`\ O line          | K        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0368   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0369   |                |                                    | H\ :sub:`2`\ O continuum     | S        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0370   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0371   |                |                                    | H\ :sub:`2`\ O line          | K        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0372   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0373   | 5              | 980-1100                           | H\ :sub:`2`\ O continuum     | S        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0374   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0375   |                |                                    | O\ :sub:`3`                  | T        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0376   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0377   | 6              | 1100-1380                          | H\ :sub:`2`\ O line          | K        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0378   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0379   |                |                                    | H\ :sub:`2`\ O continuum     | S        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0380   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0381   | 7              | 1380-1900                          | H\ :sub:`2`\ O line          | T        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0382   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
0bad585a21 Navi*0383   | 8              | 1900-3000                          | H\ :sub:`2`\ O line          | K        |
8679f9097b Jeff*0384   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
                0385   | K: :math:`k`-distribution method with linear pressure scaling                                 |
                0386   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
                0387   | T: Table look-up with temperature and pressure scaling                                        |
                0388   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
                0389   | S: One-parameter temperature scaling                                                          |
                0390   +----------------+------------------------------------+------------------------------+----------+
                0393 The longwave radiation package accurately computes cooling rates for the
                0394 middle and lower atmosphere from 0.01 mb to the surface. Errors are
0bad585a21 Navi*0395 < 0.4 C day\ :sup:`--1` in cooling rates and < 1% in
8679f9097b Jeff*0396 fluxes. From Chou and Suarez, it is estimated that the total effect of
                0397 neglecting all minor absorption bands and the effects of minor infrared
0bad585a21 Navi*0398 absorbers such as nitrous oxide (N\ :sub:`2`\ O), methane
                0399 (CH\ :sub:`4`), and the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), is an underestimate
                0400 of :math:`\approx 5` W m\ :sup:`--2` in the downward flux at the surface
                0401 and an overestimate of :math:`\approx 3` W m\ :sup:`--2` in the upward
8679f9097b Jeff*0402 flux at the top of the atmosphere.
                0404 Similar to the procedure used in the shortwave radiation package, clouds
                0405 are grouped into three regions catagorized as low/middle/high. The net
                0406 clear line-of-site probability :math:`(P)` between any two levels,
                0407 :math:`p_1` and :math:`p_2 \quad (p_2 > p_1)`, assuming randomly
                0408 overlapped cloud groups, is simply the product of the probabilities
                0409 within each group:
0bad585a21 Navi*0411 .. math:: P_{\rm net} = P_{\rm low} \times P_{\rm mid} \times P_{\rm hi}
8679f9097b Jeff*0412 
                0413 Since all clouds within a group are assumed maximally overlapped, the
                0414 clear line-of-site probability within a group is given by:
0bad585a21 Navi*0416 .. math:: P_{\rm group} = 1 - F_{\rm max}
8679f9097b Jeff*0417 
0bad585a21 Navi*0418 where :math:`F_{\rm max}` is the maximum cloud fraction encountered between
8679f9097b Jeff*0419 :math:`p_1` and :math:`p_2` within that group. For groups and/or levels
                0420 outside the range of :math:`p_1` and :math:`p_2`, a clear line-of-site
                0421 probability equal to 1 is assigned.
                0423 Cloud-Radiation Interaction
                0424 ###########################
                0426 The cloud fractions and diagnosed cloud liquid water produced by moist
                0427 processes within the fizhi package are used in the radiation packages to
                0428 produce cloud-radiative forcing. The cloud optical thickness associated
                0429 with large-scale cloudiness is made proportional to the diagnosed
                0430 large-scale liquid water, :math:`\ell`, detrained due to
                0431 super-saturation. Two values are used corresponding to cloud ice
                0432 particles and water droplets. The range of optical thickness for these
                0433 clouds is given as
0bad585a21 Navi*0435 .. math:: 0.0002 \le \tau_{\rm ice} (\text{mb}^{-1}) \le 0.002  \quad\mbox{for}\quad  0 \le \ell \le 2 \; \text{mg/kg}
8679f9097b Jeff*0436 
0bad585a21 Navi*0437 .. math:: 0.02 \le \tau_{\rm H_2O} (\text{mb}^{-1}) \le 0.2  \quad\mbox{for}\quad  0 \le \ell \le 10 \; \text{mg/kg}
8679f9097b Jeff*0438 
                0439 The partitioning, :math:`\alpha`, between ice particles and water
                0440 droplets is achieved through a linear scaling in temperature:
0bad585a21 Navi*0442 .. math:: 0 \le \alpha \le 1 \quad\mbox{for}\quad  233.15 \le T \le 253.15
8679f9097b Jeff*0443 
                0444 The resulting optical depth associated with large-scale cloudiness is
                0445 given as
0bad585a21 Navi*0447 .. math:: \tau_{\rm ls} = \alpha \tau_{\rm H_2O} + (1-\alpha) \tau_{\rm ice}
8679f9097b Jeff*0448 
                0449 The optical thickness associated with sub-grid scale convective clouds
                0450 produced by RAS is given as
0bad585a21 Navi*0452 .. math:: \tau_{\rm RAS} = 0.16 \; \text{mb}^{-1}
8679f9097b Jeff*0453 
                0454 The total optical depth in a given model layer is computed as a weighted
                0455 average between the large-scale and sub-grid scale optical depths,
                0456 normalized by the total cloud fraction in the layer:
0bad585a21 Navi*0458 .. math:: \tau = \left( \frac{F_{\rm RAS} \,\,\, \tau_{\rm RAS} + F_{\rm ls} \,\,\, \tau_{\rm ls} }{ F_{\rm RAS}+F_{\rm ls} } \right) \Delta p
8679f9097b Jeff*0459 
0bad585a21 Navi*0460 where :math:`F_{\rm RAS}` and :math:`F_{\rm ls}` are the time-averaged cloud
8679f9097b Jeff*0461 fractions associated with RAS and large-scale processes described in
0bad585a21 Navi*0462 :numref:`fizhi_clouds`. The optical thickness for the longwave
                0463 radiative feedback is assumed to be 75%  of these values.
8679f9097b Jeff*0464 
                0465 The entire Moist Convective Processes Module is called with a frequency
                0466 of 10 minutes. The cloud fraction values are time-averaged over the
                0467 period between Radiation calls (every 3 hours). Therefore, in a
                0468 time-averaged sense, both convective and large-scale cloudiness can
                0469 exist in a given grid-box.
                0471 Turbulence
                0472 ##########
                0474 Turbulence is parameterized in the fizhi package to account for its
                0475 contribution to the vertical exchange of heat, moisture, and momentum.
                0476 The turbulence scheme is invoked every 30 minutes, and employs a
                0477 backward-implicit iterative time scheme with an internal time step of 5
                0478 minutes. The tendencies of atmospheric state variables due to turbulent
                0479 diffusion are calculated using the diffusion equations:
                0481 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*0482    \begin{aligned}
                0483    {\pp{u}{t}}_{\rm turb} &= {\pp{}{z} }{(- \overline{u^{\prime}w^{\prime}})}
                0484     = {\pp{}{z} }{\left(K_m \pp{u}{z}\right)} \nonumber \\
                0485    {\pp{v}{t}}_{\rm turb} &= {\pp{}{z} }{(- \overline{v^{\prime}w^{\prime}})}
                0486     = {\pp{}{z} }{\left(K_m \pp{v}{z}\right)} \nonumber \\
                0487    {\pp{T}{t}} = P^{\kappa}{\pp{\theta}{t}}_{\rm turb} &= 
8679f9097b Jeff*0488    P^{\kappa}{\pp{}{z} }{(- \overline{w^{\prime}\theta^{\prime}})}
0bad585a21 Navi*0489     = P^{\kappa}{\pp{}{z} }{\left(K_h \pp{\theta_v}{z}\right)} \nonumber \\
                0490    {\pp{q}{t}}_{\rm turb} &= {\pp{}{z} }{(- \overline{w^{\prime}q^{\prime}})}
                0491     = {\pp{}{z} }{\left(K_h \pp{q}{z}\right)}
                0492    \end{aligned}
8679f9097b Jeff*0493 
                0494 Within the atmosphere, the time evolution of second turbulent moments is
                0495 explicitly modeled by representing the third moments in terms of the
                0496 first and second moments. This approach is known as a second-order
                0497 closure modeling. To simplify and streamline the computation of the
                0498 second moments, the level 2.5 assumption of Mellor and Yamada (1974) and :cite:`yam:77`
                0499 is employed, in which only the turbulent kinetic energy (TKE),
0bad585a21 Navi*0501 .. math:: {\h}{q^2}={\overline{{u^{\prime}}^2}}+{\overline{{v^{\prime}}^2}}+{\overline{{w^{\prime}}^2}}
8679f9097b Jeff*0502 
                0503 is solved prognostically and the other second moments are solved
                0504 diagnostically. The prognostic equation for TKE allows the scheme to
                0505 simulate some of the transient and diffusive effects in the turbulence.
                0506 The TKE budget equation is solved numerically using an implicit backward
                0507 computation of the terms linear in :math:`q^2` and is written:
                0509 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*0511    {\dd{}{t} \left({{\h} q^2}\right)} - { \pp{}{z} \left[{ \frac{5}{3} {{\lambda}_1} q { \pp {}{z} 
                0512    \left({\h}q^2\right)} }\right]} =
8679f9097b Jeff*0513    {- \overline{{u^{\prime}}{w^{\prime}}} { \pp{U}{z} }} - {\overline{{v^{\prime}}{w^{\prime}}} 
                0514    { \pp{V}{z} }} + {\frac{g}{\Theta_0}{\overline{{w^{\prime}}{{{\theta}_v}^{\prime}}}}
                0515    - \frac{ q^3}{{\Lambda}_1} }
                0517 where :math:`q` is the turbulent velocity, :math:`{u^{\prime}}`,
                0518 :math:`{v^{\prime}}`, :math:`{w^{\prime}}` and
                0519 :math:`{{\theta}^{\prime}}` are the fluctuating parts of the velocity
                0520 components and potential temperature, :math:`U` and :math:`V` are the
                0521 mean velocity components, :math:`{\Theta_0}^{-1}` is the coefficient of
                0522 thermal expansion, and :math:`{{\lambda}_1}` and :math:`{{\Lambda} _1}`
                0523 are constant multiples of the master length scale, :math:`\ell`, which
                0524 is designed to be a characteristic measure of the vertical structure of
                0525 the turbulent layers.
                0527 The first term on the left-hand side represents the time rate of change
                0528 of TKE, and the second term is a representation of the triple
                0529 correlation, or turbulent transport term. The first three terms on the
                0530 right-hand side represent the sources of TKE due to shear and bouyancy,
                0531 and the last term on the right hand side is the dissipation of TKE.
                0533 In the level 2.5 approach, the vertical fluxes of the scalars
                0534 :math:`\theta_v` and :math:`q` and the wind components :math:`u` and
                0535 :math:`v` are expressed in terms of the diffusion coefficients
                0536 :math:`K_h` and :math:`K_m`, respectively. In the statisically
                0537 realizable level 2.5 turbulence scheme of :cite:`helflab:88`, these diffusion coefficients
                0538 are expressed as
                0540 .. math::
                0542    K_h 
                0543     = \left\{ \begin{array}{l@{\quad\mbox{for}\quad}l} q \, \ell \, S_H(G_M,G_H) \, & \mbox{decaying turbulence}
0bad585a21 Navi*0544    \\ \frac{ q^2 }{ q_{\rm eq} } \, \ell \, S_{H}(G_{M_e},G_{H_e}) \, & \mbox{growing turbulence} \end{array} \right.
8679f9097b Jeff*0545 
                0546 and
                0548 .. math::
                0550    K_m
                0551     = \left\{ \begin{array}{l@{\quad\mbox{for}\quad}l} q \, \ell \, S_M(G_M,G_H) \, & \mbox{decaying turbulence}                
0bad585a21 Navi*0552    \\ \frac{ q^2 }{ q_{\rm eq} } \, \ell \, S_{M}(G_{M_e},G_{H_e}) \, & \mbox{growing turbulence} \end{array} \right.
8679f9097b Jeff*0553 
0bad585a21 Navi*0554 where the subscript 'eq' refers to the value under conditions of
                0555 local equilibrium (obtained from the Level 2.0 Model), :math:`\ell` is
8679f9097b Jeff*0556 the master length scale related to the vertical structure of the
                0557 atmosphere, and :math:`S_M` and :math:`S_H` are functions of :math:`G_H`
                0558 and :math:`G_M`, the dimensionless buoyancy and wind shear parameters,
                0559 respectively. Both :math:`G_H` and :math:`G_M`, and their equilibrium
                0560 values :math:`G_{H_e}` and :math:`G_{M_e}`, are functions of the
                0561 Richardson number:
                0563 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*0564    \textrm{RI} = \frac{ \frac{g}{\theta_v} \pp{\theta_v}{z} }{ (\pp{u}{z})^2 + (\pp{v}{z})^2 }
                0565    =  \frac{c_p \pp{\theta_v}{z} \pp{P^ \kappa}{z} }{ (\pp{u}{z})^2 + (\pp{v}{z})^2 }
8679f9097b Jeff*0566 
                0567 Negative values indicate unstable buoyancy and shear, small positive
0bad585a21 Navi*0568 values (<0.2) indicate dominantly unstable shear, and large
8679f9097b Jeff*0569 positive values indicate dominantly stable stratification.
                0571 Turbulent eddy diffusion coefficients of momentum, heat and moisture in
                0572 the surface layer, which corresponds to the lowest GCM level (see *—
                0573 missing table —*), are calculated using stability-dependant functions
                0574 based on Monin-Obukhov theory:
0bad585a21 Navi*0576 .. math:: {K_m} ({\rm surface}) = C_u \times u_* = C_D W_s
8679f9097b Jeff*0577 
                0578 and
0bad585a21 Navi*0580 .. math:: {K_h} ({\rm surface}) =  C_t \times u_* = C_H W_s
8679f9097b Jeff*0581 
                0582 where :math:`u_*=C_uW_s` is the surface friction velocity, :math:`C_D`
                0583 is termed the surface drag coefficient, :math:`C_H` the heat transfer
                0584 coefficient, and :math:`W_s` is the magnitude of the surface layer wind.
                0586 :math:`C_u` is the dimensionless exchange coefficient for momentum from
                0587 the surface layer similarity functions:
                0589 .. math:: {C_u} = \frac{u_* }{ W_s} = \frac{ k }{ \psi_{m} }
                0591 where k is the Von Karman constant and :math:`\psi_m` is the surface
                0592 layer non-dimensional wind shear given by
0bad585a21 Navi*0594 .. math:: \psi_{m} = {\int_{\zeta_{0}}^{\zeta} \frac{\phi_{m} }{ \zeta} d \zeta}
8679f9097b Jeff*0595 
                0596 Here :math:`\zeta` is the non-dimensional stability parameter, and
                0597 :math:`\phi_m` is the similarity function of :math:`\zeta` which
                0598 expresses the stability dependance of the momentum gradient. The
                0599 functional form of :math:`\phi_m` is specified differently for stable
                0600 and unstable layers.
                0602 :math:`C_t` is the dimensionless exchange coefficient for heat and
                0603 moisture from the surface layer similarity functions:
                0605 .. math::
                0607    {C_t} = -\frac{( \overline{w^{\prime}\theta^{\prime}}) }{ u_* \Delta \theta } =
                0608    -\frac{( \overline{w^{\prime}q^{\prime}}) }{ u_* \Delta q } =
                0609    \frac{ k }{ (\psi_{h} + \psi_{g}) }
                0611 where :math:`\psi_h` is the surface layer non-dimensional temperature
                0612 gradient given by
0bad585a21 Navi*0614 .. math:: \psi_{h} = {\int_{\zeta_{0}}^{\zeta} \frac{\phi_{h} }{ \zeta} d \zeta}
8679f9097b Jeff*0615 
                0616 Here :math:`\phi_h` is the similarity function of :math:`\zeta`, which
                0617 expresses the stability dependance of the temperature and moisture
                0618 gradients, and is specified differently for stable and unstable layers
                0619 according to :cite:`helfschu:95`.
                0621 :math:`\psi_g` is the non-dimensional temperature or moisture gradient
                0622 in the viscous sublayer, which is the mosstly laminar region between the
                0623 surface and the tops of the roughness elements, in which temperature and
                0624 moisture gradients can be quite large. Based on :cite:`yagkad:74`:
                0626 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*0628    \psi_{g} = \frac{ 0.55 ({\rm Pr}^{2/3} - 0.2) }{ \nu^{1/2} }
                0629    (h_{0}u_{*} - h_{0_{\rm ref}}u_{*_{\rm ref}})^{1/2}
8679f9097b Jeff*0630 
                0631 where Pr is the Prandtl number for air, :math:`\nu` is the molecular
                0632 viscosity, :math:`z_{0}` is the surface roughness length, and the
0bad585a21 Navi*0633 subscript 'ref' refers to a reference value. :math:`h_{0} = 30z_{0}`
                0634 with a maximum value over land of 0.01.
8679f9097b Jeff*0635 
                0636 The surface roughness length over oceans is is a function of the
                0637 surface-stress velocity,
                0639 .. math:: {z_0} = c_1u^3_* + c_2u^2_* + c_3u_* + c_4 + \frac{c_5 }{ u_*}
                0641 where the constants are chosen to interpolate between the reciprocal
                0642 relation of :cite:`kondo:75` for weak winds, and the piecewise linear relation of :cite:`larpond:81` for
                0643 moderate to large winds. Roughness lengths over land are specified from
                0644 the climatology of :cite:`dorsell:89`.
                0646 For an unstable surface layer, the stability functions, chosen to
                0647 interpolate between the condition of small values of :math:`\beta` and
                0648 the convective limit, are the KEYPS function :cite:`pano:73` for momentum, and its
                0649 generalization for heat and moisture:
                0651 .. math::
                0653    {\phi_m}^4 - 18 \zeta {\phi_m}^3 = 1 \hspace{1cm} ; \hspace{1cm} 
0bad585a21 Navi*0654    {\phi_h}^2 - 18 \zeta {\phi_h}^3 = 1 \hspace{1cm}
8679f9097b Jeff*0655 
                0656 The function for heat and moisture assures non-vanishing heat and
                0657 moisture fluxes as the wind speed approaches zero.
                0659 For a stable surface layer, the stability functions are the
                0660 observationally based functions of :cite:`clarke:70`, slightly modified for the momemtum
                0661 flux:
                0663 .. math::
                0665    {\phi_m} = \frac{ 1 + 5 {{\zeta}_1} }{ 1 + 0.00794 {\zeta}_1
                0666    (1+ 5 {\zeta}_1) } \hspace{1cm} ; \hspace{1cm}
                0667    {\phi_h} = \frac{ 1 + 5 {{\zeta}_1} }{ 1 + 0.00794 {\zeta}
0bad585a21 Navi*0668    (1+ 5 {{\zeta}_1}) }
8679f9097b Jeff*0669 
                0670 The moisture flux also depends on a specified evapotranspiration
                0671 coefficient, set to unity over oceans and dependant on the
                0672 climatological ground wetness over land.
                0674 Once all the diffusion coefficients are calculated, the diffusion
                0675 equations are solved numerically using an implicit backward operator.
                0677 Atmospheric Boundary Layer
                0678 ##########################
                0680 The depth of the atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) is diagnosed by the
                0681 parameterization as the level at which the turbulent kinetic energy is
                0682 reduced to a tenth of its maximum near surface value. The vertical
                0683 structure of the ABL is explicitly resolved by the lowest few (3-8)
                0684 model layers.
                0686 Surface Energy Budget
                0687 #####################
                0689 The ground temperature equation is solved as part of the turbulence
                0690 package using a backward implicit time differencing scheme:
0bad585a21 Navi*0692 .. math:: C_g\pp{T_g}{t} = R_{\rm sw} - R_{\rm lw} + Q_{\rm ice} - H - LE
8679f9097b Jeff*0693 
0bad585a21 Navi*0694 where :math:`R_{\rm sw}` is the net surface downward shortwave radiative
                0695 flux and :math:`R_{\rm lw}` is the net surface upward longwave radiative
8679f9097b Jeff*0696 flux.
                0698 :math:`H` is the upward sensible heat flux, given by:
                0700 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*0701    {H} = P^{\kappa}\rho c_{p} C_{H} W_s (\theta_{\rm surface} - \theta_{\rm NLAY})
                0702    \hspace{1cm}\text{where}: \hspace{.2cm}C_H = C_u C_t
8679f9097b Jeff*0703 
                0704 where :math:`\rho` = the atmospheric density at the surface,
                0705 :math:`c_{p}` is the specific heat of air at constant pressure, and
                0706 :math:`\theta` represents the potential temperature of the surface and
                0707 of the lowest :math:`\sigma`-level, respectively.
0bad585a21 Navi*0709 The upward latent heat flux, :math:`\textrm{LE}`, is given by
8679f9097b Jeff*0710 
                0711 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*0713    \textrm{LE} =  \rho \beta L C_{H} W_s (q_{\rm surface} - q_{\rm NLAY})
                0714    \hspace{1cm}\text{where}: \hspace{.2cm}C_H = C_u C_t
8679f9097b Jeff*0715 
                0716 where :math:`\beta` is the fraction of the potential evapotranspiration
                0717 actually evaporated, L is the latent heat of evaporation, and
0bad585a21 Navi*0718 :math:`q_{\rm surface}` and :math:`q_{\rm NLAY}` are the specific humidity of
8679f9097b Jeff*0719 the surface and of the lowest :math:`\sigma`-level, respectively.
0bad585a21 Navi*0721 The heat conduction through sea ice, :math:`Q_{\rm ice}`, is given by
8679f9097b Jeff*0722 
0bad585a21 Navi*0723 .. math:: {Q_{\rm ice}} = \frac{C_{\rm ti} }{ H_i} (T_i-T_g)
8679f9097b Jeff*0724 
0bad585a21 Navi*0725 where :math:`C_{\rm ti}` is the thermal conductivity of ice, :math:`H_i` is
                0726 the ice thickness, assumed to be 3 m where sea ice
8679f9097b Jeff*0727 is present, :math:`T_i` is 273 degrees Kelvin, and :math:`T_g` is the
                0728 surface temperature of the ice.
                0730 :math:`C_g` is the total heat capacity of the ground, obtained by
                0731 solving a heat diffusion equation for the penetration of the diurnal
0bad585a21 Navi*0732 cycle into the ground (Blackadar 1977), and is given by:
8679f9097b Jeff*0733 
                0734 .. math::
                0736    C_g = \sqrt{ \frac{\lambda C_s }{ 2\omega} } = \sqrt{(0.386 + 0.536W + 0.15W^2)2\times10^{-3}
0bad585a21 Navi*0737    \frac{86400}{2\pi} }
8679f9097b Jeff*0738 
                0739 Here, the thermal conductivity, :math:`\lambda`, is equal to
0bad585a21 Navi*0740 :math:`2\times10^{-3}` :math:`\frac{\text{ly}}{\text{sec}}\frac{\text{cm}}{\text{K}}`,
                0741 the angular velocity of the earth, :math:`\omega`, is
                0742 written as 86400 sec day\ :sup:`--1` divided by :math:`2 \pi`
                0743 radians day\ :sup:`--1`, and the expression for :math:`C_s`, the heat capacity per unit
8679f9097b Jeff*0744 volume at the surface, is a function of the ground wetness, :math:`W`.
                0746 Land Surface Processes:
                0748 Surface Type
                0749 ############
                0751 The fizhi package surface Types are designated using the Koster-Suarez
                0752 :cite:`ks:91,ks:92` Land Surface Model (LSM) mosaic philosophy which allows multiple
                0753 “tiles”, or multiple surface types, in any one grid cell. The
                0754 Koster-Suarez LSM surface type classifications are shown in :numref:`tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_surface_type_designation`. The surface types and the percent of the grid cell
                0755 occupied by any surface type were derived from the surface
                0756 classification of :cite:`deftow:94`, and information about the location of permanent ice
                0757 was obtained from the classifications of :cite:`dorsell:89`. The surface type map for a
                0758 :math:`1^\circ` grid is shown in :numref:`fig_phys_pkg_fizhi_surftype`. The
                0759 determination of the land or sea category of surface type was made from
                0760 NCAR’s 10 minute by 10 minute Navy topography dataset, which includes
                0761 information about the percentage of water-cover at any point. The data
                0762 were averaged to the model’s grid resolutions, and any grid-box whose
                0763 averaged water percentage was :math:`\geq 60 \%` was defined as a water
                0764 point. The Land-Water designation was further modified subjectively to
                0765 ensure sufficient representation from small but isolated land and water
                0766 regions.
                0768 .. table:: Surface Type Designation
                0769     :name: tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_surface_type_designation
                0771     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0772     | Type   | Vegetation Designation      |
                0773     +========+=============================+
                0774     | 1      | Broadleaf Evergreen Trees   |
                0775     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0776     | 2      | Broadleaf Deciduous Trees   |
                0777     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0778     | 3      | Needleleaf Trees            |
                0779     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0780     | 4      | Ground Cover                |
                0781     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0782     | 5      | Broadleaf Shrubs            |
                0783     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0784     | 6      | Dwarf Trees (Tundra)        |
                0785     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0786     | 7      | Bare Soil                   |
                0787     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0788     | 8      | Desert (Bright)             |
                0789     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0790     | 9      | Glacier                     |
                0791     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0792     | 10     | Desert (Dark)               |
                0793     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0794     | 100    | Ocean                       |
                0795     +--------+-----------------------------+
                0799 .. figure:: figs/surftype.*
                0800     :width: 70%
                0801     :align: center
                0802     :alt: surface type combinations
                0803     :name: fig_phys_pkg_fizhi_surftype
                0805     Surface type combinations 
                0809 Surface Roughness
                0810 #################
                0812 The surface roughness length over oceans is computed iteratively with
                0813 the wind stress by the surface layer parameterization :cite:`helfschu:95`. It employs an
                0814 interpolation between the functions of :cite:`larpond:81` for high winds and of :cite:`kondo:75` for weak
                0815 winds.
                0818 Albedo
                0819 ######
                0821 The surface albedo computation, described in , employs the “two stream”
                0822 approximation used in Sellers’ (1987) Simple Biosphere (SiB) Model which
                0823 distinguishes between the direct and diffuse albedos in the visible and
                0824 in the near infra-red spectral ranges. The albedos are functions of the
                0825 observed leaf area index (a description of the relative orientation of
                0826 the leaves to the sun), the greenness fraction, the vegetation type, and
                0827 the solar zenith angle. Modifications are made to account for the
                0828 presence of snow, and its depth relative to the height of the vegetation
                0829 elements.
                0831 Gravity Wave Drag
                0832 #################
                0834 The fizhi package employs the gravity wave drag scheme of :cite:`zhouetal:95`. This scheme
                0835 is a modified version of Vernekar et al. (1992), which was based on
                0836 Alpert et al. (1988) and Helfand et al. (1987). In this version, the
                0837 gravity wave stress at the surface is based on that derived by
                0838 Pierrehumbert (1986) and is given by:
                0840 .. math:: 
0bad585a21 Navi*0841   |\vec{\tau}_{\rm sfc}| = \frac{\rho U^3}{N \ell^*} \left( \frac{F_r^2}{1+F_r^2}\right)
8679f9097b Jeff*0842 
                0844 where :math:`F_r = N h /U` is the Froude number, :math:`N` is the *Brunt
                0845 - Visl* frequency, :math:`U` is the surface wind speed, :math:`h` is
                0846 the standard deviation of the sub-grid scale orography, and
                0847 :math:`\ell^*` is the wavelength of the monochromatic gravity wave in
                0848 the direction of the low-level wind. A modification introduced by Zhou
                0849 et al. allows for the momentum flux to escape through the top of the
                0850 model, although this effect is small for the current 70-level model. The
                0851 subgrid scale standard deviation is defined by :math:`h`, and is not
                0852 allowed to exceed 400 m.
                0854 The effects of using this scheme within a GCM are shown in :cite:`taksz:96`. Experiments
                0855 using the gravity wave drag parameterization yielded significant and
                0856 beneficial impacts on both the time-mean flow and the transient
                0857 statistics of the a GCM climatology, and have eliminated most of the
                0858 worst dynamically driven biases in the a GCM simulation. An examination
                0859 of the angular momentum budget during climate runs indicates that the
                0860 resulting gravity wave torque is similar to the data-driven torque
                0861 produced by a data assimilation which was performed without gravity wave
                0862 drag. It was shown that the inclusion of gravity wave drag results in
                0863 large changes in both the mean flow and in eddy fluxes. The result is a
                0864 more accurate simulation of surface stress (through a reduction in the
                0865 surface wind strength), of mountain torque (through a redistribution of
                0866 mean sea-level pressure), and of momentum convergence (through a
                0867 reduction in the flux of westerly momentum by transient flow eddies).
0bad585a21 Navi*0869 Boundary Conditions and other Input Data
                0870 ########################################
8679f9097b Jeff*0871 
                0872 Required fields which are not explicitly predicted or diagnosed during
                0873 model execution must either be prescribed internally or obtained from
                0874 external data sets. In the fizhi package these fields include: sea
                0875 surface temperature, sea ice estent, surface geopotential variance,
                0876 vegetation index, and the radiation-related background levels of: ozone,
                0877 carbon dioxide, and stratospheric moisture.
                0879 Boundary condition data sets are available at the model’s resolutions
                0880 for either climatological or yearly varying conditions. Any frequency of
                0881 boundary condition data can be used in the fizhi package; however, the
                0882 current selection of data is summarized in :numref:`tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_inputs`. The
                0883 time mean values are interpolated during each model timestep to the
                0884 current time.
                0886 .. table:: Boundary conditions and other input data used in the fizhi package. Also noted are the current years and frequencies available.
                0887     :name: tab_phys_pkg_fizhi_inputs
                0889     +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+
                0890     | **Fizhi Input Datasets**                                                          |
                0891     +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+
                0892     | Sea Ice Extent                          | monthly   | 1979-current, climatology   |
                0893     +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+
                0894     | Sea Ice Extent                          | weekly    | 1982-current, climatology   |
                0895     +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+
                0896     | Sea Surface Temperature                 | monthly   | 1979-current, climatology   |
                0897     +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+
                0898     | Sea Surface Temperature                 | weekly    | 1982-current, climatology   |
                0899     +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+
                0900     | Zonally Averaged Upper-Level Moisture   | monthly   | climatology                 |
                0901     +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+
                0902     | Zonally Averaged Ozone Concentration    | monthly   | climatology                 |
                0903     +-----------------------------------------+-----------+-----------------------------+
                0906 Topography and Topography Variance
                0907 ##################################
                0909 Surface geopotential heights are provided from an averaging of the Navy
                0910 10 minute by 10 minute dataset supplied by the National Center for
                0911 Atmospheric Research (NCAR) to the model’s grid resolution. The original
                0912 topography is first rotated to the proper grid-orientation which is
                0913 being run, and then averages the data to the model resolution.
                0915 The standard deviation of the subgrid-scale topography is computed by
                0916 interpolating the 10 minute data to the model’s resolution and
                0917 re-interpolating back to the 10 minute by 10 minute resolution. The
                0918 sub-grid scale variance is constructed based on this smoothed dataset.
                0921 Upper Level Moisture
                0922 ####################
                0924 The fizhi package uses climatological water vapor data above 100 mb from
                0925 the Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment (SAGE) as input into the
                0926 model’s radiation packages. The SAGE data is archived as monthly zonal
                0927 means at :math:`5^\circ` latitudinal resolution. The data is
                0928 interpolated to the model’s grid location and current time, and blended
                0929 with the GCM’s moisture data. Below 300 mb, the model’s moisture data is
                0930 used. Above 100 mb, the SAGE data is used. Between 100 and 300 mb, a
                0931 linear interpolation (in pressure) is performed using the data from SAGE
                0932 and the GCM.
9ce7d74115 Jeff*0934 
                0935 .. _fizhi_diagnostics:
8679f9097b Jeff*0937 Fizhi Diagnostics
                0938 +++++++++++++++++
0bad585a21 Navi*0940 Fizhi Diagnostic Menu:
8679f9097b Jeff*0941     
                0942 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0943 | NAME   |  UNITS                           |  LEVELS | DESCRIPTION                                      |
                0944 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0945 | UFLUX  |  N m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  1      | Surface U-Wind Stress on the atmosphere          |
                0946 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0947 | VFLUX  |  N m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  1      | Surface V-Wind Stress on the atmosphere          |
                0948 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0949 | HFLUX  |  W m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  1      | Surface Flux of Sensible Heat                    |
                0950 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0951 | EFLUX  |  W m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  1      | Surface Flux of Latent Heat                      |
                0952 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0953 | QICE   |  W m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  1      | Heat Conduction through Sea-Ice                  |
                0954 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0955 | RADLWG |  W m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  1      | Net upward LW flux at the ground                 |
                0956 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0957 | RADSWG |  W m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  1      | Net downward SW flux at the ground               |
                0958 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0959 | RI     |  dimensionless                   |  Nrphys | Richardson Number                                |
                0960 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0961 | CT     |  dimensionless                   |  1      | Surface Drag coefficient for T and Q             |
                0962 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0963 | CU     |  dimensionless                   |  1      | Surface Drag coefficient for U and V             |
                0964 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0965 | ET     |  m\ :sup:`2` s\ :sup:`--1`       |  Nrphys | Diffusivity coefficient for T and Q              |
                0966 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0967 | EU     |  m\ :sup:`2` s\ :sup:`--1`       |  Nrphys | Diffusivity coefficient for U and V              |
                0968 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0969 | TURBU  |  m s\ :sup:`--1` day\ :sup:`--1` |  Nrphys | U-Momentum Changes due to Turbulence             |
                0970 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0971 | TURBV  |  m s\ :sup:`--1` day\ :sup:`--1` |  Nrphys | V-Momentum Changes due to Turbulence             |
                0972 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0973 | TURBT  |  deg day\ :sup:`--1`             |  Nrphys | Temperature Changes due to Turbulence            |
                0974 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0975 | TURBQ  |  g/kg/day                        |  Nrphys | Specific Humidity Changes due to Turbulence      |
                0976 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0977 | MOISTT |  deg day\ :sup:`--1`             |  Nrphys | Temperature Changes due to Moist Processes       |
                0978 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0979 | MOISTQ |  g/kg/day                        |  Nrphys | Specific Humidity Changes due to Moist Processes |  
                0980 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0981 | RADLW  |  deg day\ :sup:`--1`             |  Nrphys | Net Longwave heating rate for each level         |
                0982 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0983 | RADSW  |  deg day\ :sup:`--1`             |  Nrphys | Net Shortwave heating rate for each level        |
                0984 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0985 | PREACC |  mm/day                          |  1      | Total Precipitation                              |
                0986 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0987 | PRECON |  mm/day                          |  1      | Convective Precipitation                         |
                0988 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0989 | TUFLUX |  N m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  Nrphys | Turbulent Flux of U-Momentum                     |
                0990 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0991 | TVFLUX |  N m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  Nrphys | Turbulent Flux of V-Momentum                     |
                0992 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0993 | TTFLUX |  W m\ :sup:`--2`                 |  Nrphys | Turbulent Flux of Sensible Heat                  |
                0994 +--------+----------------------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------------+
                0997 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                0998 | NAME   |  UNITS              |  LEVELS | DESCRIPTION                                                                         |
                0999 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1000 | TQFLUX | W m\ :sup:`--2`     | Nrphys  | Turbulent Flux of Latent Heat                                                       |
                1001 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1002 | CN     | dimensionless       | 1       | Neutral Drag Coefficient                                                            |
                1003 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1004 | WINDS  | m s\ :sup:`--1`     | 1       | Surface Wind Speed                                                                  |
                1005 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1006 | DTSRF  | deg                 | 1       | Air/Surface virtual temperature difference                                          |
                1007 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1008 | TG     | deg                 | 1       | Ground temperature                                                                  |
                1009 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1010 | TS     | deg                 | 1       | Surface air temperature (Adiabatic from lowest model layer)                         |
                1011 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1012 | DTG    | deg                 | 1       | Ground temperature adjustment                                                       |
                1013 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1014 | QG     | g kg\ :sup:`--1`    | 1       | Ground specific humidity                                                            |
                1015 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1016 | QS     | g kg\ :sup:`--1`    | 1       | Saturation surface specific humidity                                                |
                1017 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1018 | TGRLW  | deg                 | 1       | Instantaneous ground temperature used as input to the Longwave radiation subroutine |
                1019 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1020 | ST4    | W m\ :sup:`--2`     | 1       | Upward Longwave flux at the ground (:math:`\sigma T^4`)                             |
                1021 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1022 | OLR    | W m\ :sup:`--2`     | 1       | Net upward Longwave flux at the top of the model                                    |
                1023 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1024 | OLRCLR | W m\ :sup:`--2`     | 1       | Net upward clearsky Longwave flux at the top of the model                           |
                1025 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1026 | LWGCLR | W m\ :sup:`--2`     | 1       | Net upward clearsky Longwave flux at the ground                                     |
                1027 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1028 | LWCLR  | deg day\ :sup:`--1` | Nrphys  | Net clearsky Longwave heating rate for each level                                   |
                1029 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1030 | TLW    | deg                 | Nrphys  | Instantaneous temperature used as input to the Longwave radiation subroutine        |
                1031 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1032 | SHLW   | g g\ :sup:`--1`     | Nrphys  | Instantaneous specific humidity used as input to the Longwave radiation subroutine  |
                1033 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1034 | OZLW   | g g\ :sup:`--1`     | Nrphys  | Instantaneous ozone used as input to the Longwave radiation subroutine              |
                1035 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1036 | CLMOLW | :math:`0-1`         | Nrphys  | Maximum overlap cloud fraction used in the Longwave radiation subroutine            |
                1037 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1038 | CLDTOT | :math:`0-1`         | Nrphys  | Total cloud fraction used in the Longwave and Shortwave radiation subroutines       |
                1039 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1040 | LWGDOWN| W m\ :sup:`--2`     | 1       | Downwelling Longwave radiation at the ground                                        |
                1041 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1042 | GWDT   | deg day\ :sup:`--1` | Nrphys  | Temperature tendency due to Gravity Wave Drag                                       |
                1043 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1044 | RADSWT | W m\ :sup:`--2`     | 1       | Incident Shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere                           |
                1045 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1046 | TAUCLD | per 100 mb          | Nrphys  | Counted Cloud Optical Depth (non-dimensional) per 100 mb                            |
                1047 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1048 | TAUCLDC| Number              | Nrphys  | Cloud Optical Depth Counter                                                         |
                1049 +--------+---------------------+---------+-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                1051 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1052 | NAME   | UNITS           | LEVELS   | Description                                                   |
                1053 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1054 | CLDLOW | 0-1             | Nrphys   | Low-Level ( 1000-700 hPa) Cloud Fraction (0-1)                |
                1055 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1056 | EVAP   | mm/day          | 1        | Surface evaporation                                           |
                1057 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1058 | DPDT   | hPa/day         | 1        | Surface Pressure time-tendency                                |
                1059 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1060 | UAVE   | m/sec           | Nrphys   | Average U-Wind                                                |
                1061 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1062 | VAVE   | m/sec           | Nrphys   | Average V-Wind                                                |
                1063 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1064 | TAVE   | deg             | Nrphys   | Average Temperature                                           |
                1065 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1066 | QAVE   | g/kg            | Nrphys   | Average Specific Humidity                                     |
                1067 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1068 | OMEGA  | hPa/day         | Nrphys   | Vertical Velocity                                             |
                1069 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1070 | DUDT   | m/sec/day       | Nrphys   | Total U-Wind tendency                                         |
                1071 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1072 | DVDT   | m/sec/day       | Nrphys   | Total V-Wind tendency                                         |
                1073 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1074 | DTDT   | deg/day         | Nrphys   | Total Temperature tendency                                    |
                1075 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1076 | DQDT   | g/kg/day        | Nrphys   | Total Specific Humidity tendency                              |
                1077 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1078 | VORT   | 10^{-4}/sec     | Nrphys   | Relative Vorticity                                            |
                1079 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1080 | DTLS   | deg/day         | Nrphys   | Temperature tendency due to Stratiform Cloud Formation        |
                1081 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1082 | DQLS   | g/kg/day        | Nrphys   | Specific Humidity tendency due to Stratiform Cloud Formation  |
                1083 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1084 | USTAR  | m/sec           | 1        | Surface USTAR wind                                            |
                1085 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1086 | Z0     | m               | 1        | Surface roughness                                             |
                1087 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1088 | FRQTRB | 0-1             | Nrphys-1 | Frequency of Turbulence                                       |
                1089 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1090 | PBL    | mb              | 1        | Planetary Boundary Layer depth                                |
                1091 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1092 | SWCLR  | deg/day         | Nrphys   | Net clearsky Shortwave heating rate for each level            |
                1093 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1094 | OSR    | W m\ :sup:`--2` | 1        | Net downward Shortwave flux at the top of the model           |
                1095 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1096 | OSRCLR | W m\ :sup:`--2` | 1        | Net downward clearsky Shortwave flux at the top of the model  |
                1097 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1098 | CLDMAS | kg / m^2        | Nrphys   | Convective cloud mass flux                                    |
                1099 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1100 | UAVE   | m/sec           | Nrphys   | Time-averaged :math:`u`-Wind                                  |
                1101 +--------+-----------------+----------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1105 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1106 | NAME   | UNITS             | LEVELS | DESCRIPTION                                                   |
                1107 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1108 | VAVE   | m/sec             | Nrphys | Time-averaged :math:`v`-Wind                                  |
                1109 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1110 | TAVE   | deg               | Nrphys | Time-averaged Temperature`                                    |
                1111 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1112 | QAVE   | g/g               | Nrphys | Time-averaged Specific Humidity                               |
                1113 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1114 | RFT    | deg/day           | Nrphys | Temperature tendency due Rayleigh Friction                    |
                1115 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1116 | PS     | mb                | 1      | Surface Pressure                                              |
                1117 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1118 | QQAVE  | (m/sec)\ :sup:`2` | Nrphys | Time-averaged Turbulent Kinetic Energy                        |
                1119 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1120 | SWGCLR | W m\ :sup:`--2`   | 1      | Net downward clearsky Shortwave flux at the ground            |
                1121 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1122 | PAVE   | mb                | 1      | Time-averaged Surface Pressure                                |
                1123 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1124 | DIABU  | m/sec/day         | Nrphys | Total Diabatic forcing on :math:`u`-Wind                      |
                1125 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1126 | DIABV  | m/sec/day         | Nrphys | Total Diabatic forcing on :math:`v`-Wind                      |
                1127 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1128 | DIABT  | deg/day           | Nrphys | Total Diabatic forcing on Temperature                         |
                1129 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1130 | DIABQ  | g/kg/day          | Nrphys | Total Diabatic forcing on Specific Humidity                   |
                1131 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1132 | RFU    | m/sec/day         | Nrphys | U-Wind tendency due to Rayleigh Friction                      |
                1133 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1134 | RFV    | m/sec/day         | Nrphys | V-Wind tendency due to Rayleigh Friction                      |
                1135 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1136 | GWDU   | m/sec/day         | Nrphys | U-Wind tendency due to Gravity Wave Drag                      |
                1137 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1138 | GWDU   | m/sec/day         | Nrphys | V-Wind tendency due to Gravity Wave Drag                      |
                1139 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1140 | GWDUS  | N m\ :sup:`--2`   | 1      | U-Wind Gravity Wave Drag Stress at Surface                    |
                1141 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1142 | GWDVS  | N m\ :sup:`--2`   | 1      | V-Wind Gravity Wave Drag Stress at Surface                    |
                1143 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1144 | GWDUT  | N m\ :sup:`--2`   | 1      | U-Wind Gravity Wave Drag Stress at Top                        |
                1145 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1146 | GWDVT  | N m\ :sup:`--2`   | 1      | V-Wind Gravity Wave Drag Stress at Top                        |
                1147 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1148 | LZRAD  | mg/kg             | Nrphys | Estimated Cloud Liquid Water used in Radiation                |
                1149 +--------+-------------------+--------+---------------------------------------------------------------+
                1151 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1152 | NAME   | UNITS             | LEVELS | DESCRIPTION                                         |
                1153 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1154 | SLP    | mb                | 1      | Time-averaged Sea-level Pressure                    |
                1155 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1156 | CLDFRC | 0-1               | 1      | Total Cloud Fraction                                |
                1157 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1158 | TPW    | gm cm\ :sup:`--2` | 1      | Precipitable water                                  |
                1159 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1160 | U2M    | m/sec             | 1      | U-Wind at 2 meters                                  |
                1161 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1162 | V2M    | m/sec             | 1      | V-Wind at 2 meters                                  |
                1163 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1164 | T2M    | deg               | 1      | Temperature at 2 meters                             |
                1165 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1166 | Q2M    | g/kg              | 1      | Specific Humidity at 2 meters                       |
                1167 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1168 | U10M   | m/sec             | 1      | U-Wind at 10 meters                                 |
                1169 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1170 | V10M   | m/sec             | 1      | V-Wind at 10 meters                                 |
                1171 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1172 | T10M   | deg               | 1      | Temperature at 10 meters                            |
                1173 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1174 | Q10M   | g/kg              | 1      | Specific Humidity at 10 meters                      |
                1175 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1176 | DTRAIN | kg m\ :sup:`--2`  | Nrphys | Detrainment Cloud Mass Flux                         |
                1177 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1178 | QFILL  | g/kg/day          | Nrphys | Filling of negative specific humidity               |
                1179 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1180 | DTCONV | deg/sec           | Nr     | Temp Change due to Convection                       |
                1181 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1182 | DQCONV | g/kg/sec          | Nr     | Specific Humidity Change due to Convection          |
                1183 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1184 | RELHUM | percent           | Nr     | Relative Humidity                                   |
                1185 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1186 | PRECLS | g/m^2/sec         | 1      | Large Scale Precipitation                           |
                1187 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1188 | ENPREC | J/g               | 1      | Energy of Precipitation (snow, rain Temp)           |
                1189 +--------+-------------------+--------+-----------------------------------------------------+
                1192 Fizhi Diagnostic Description
                1193 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                1195 In this section we list and describe the diagnostic quantities available
                1196 within the GCM. The diagnostics are listed in the order that they appear
                1197 in the Diagnostic Menu, Section [sec:pkg:fizhi:diagnostics]. In all
                1198 cases, each diagnostic as currently archived on the output datasets is
                1199 time-averaged over its diagnostic output frequency:
                1201 .. math:: {\bf DIAGNOSTIC} = \frac{1}{TTOT} \sum_{t=1}^{t=TTOT} diag(t)
                1203 where :math:`TTOT = \frac{ {\bf NQDIAG} }{\Delta t}`, **NQDIAG** is the
                1204 output frequency of the diagnostic, and :math:`\Delta t` is the timestep
                1205 over which the diagnostic is updated.
                1207 Surface Zonal Wind Stress on the Atmosphere (:math:`Newton/m^2`)
                1208 ################################################################
                1210 The zonal wind stress is the turbulent flux of zonal momentum from the
                1211 surface.
                1213 .. math:: {\bf UFLUX} =  - \rho C_D W_s u \hspace{1cm}where: \hspace{.2cm}C_D = C^2_u
                1215 where :math:`\rho` = the atmospheric density at the surface,
                1216 :math:`C_{D}` is the surface drag coefficient, :math:`C_u` is the
                1217 dimensionless surface exchange coefficient for momentum (see diagnostic
                1218 number 10), :math:`W_s` is the magnitude of the surface layer wind, and
                1219 :math:`u` is the zonal wind in the lowest model layer.
                1221 Surface Meridional Wind Stress on the Atmosphere (:math:`Newton/m^2`)
                1222 ######################################################################
                1224 The meridional wind stress is the turbulent flux of meridional
                1225 momentum from the surface.
                1227 .. math:: {\bf VFLUX} =  - \rho C_D W_s v \hspace{1cm}where: \hspace{.2cm}C_D = C^2_u
                1229 where :math:`\rho` = the atmospheric density at the surface,
                1230 :math:`C_{D}` is the surface drag coefficient, :math:`C_u` is the
                1231 dimensionless surface exchange coefficient for momentum (see diagnostic
                1232 number 10), :math:`W_s` is the magnitude of the surface layer wind, and
                1233 :math:`v` is the meridional wind in the lowest model layer.
                1235 Surface Flux of Sensible Heat (W m\ :sup:`--2`)
                1236 ################################################
                1238 The turbulent flux of sensible heat from the surface to the atmosphere
                1239 is a function of the gradient of virtual potential temperature and the
                1240 eddy exchange coefficient:
                1242 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*1244    {\bf HFLUX} =  P^{\kappa}\rho c_{p} C_{H} W_s (\theta_{\rm surface} - \theta_{Nrphys})
8679f9097b Jeff*1245    \hspace{1cm}where: \hspace{.2cm}C_H = C_u C_t
                1247 where :math:`\rho` = the atmospheric density at the surface,
                1248 :math:`c_{p}` is the specific heat of air, :math:`C_{H}` is the
                1249 dimensionless surface heat transfer coefficient, :math:`W_s` is the
                1250 magnitude of the surface layer wind, :math:`C_u` is the dimensionless
                1251 surface exchange coefficient for momentum (see diagnostic number 10),
                1252 :math:`C_t` is the dimensionless surface exchange coefficient for heat
                1253 and moisture (see diagnostic number 9), and :math:`\theta` is the
                1254 potential temperature at the surface and at the bottom model level.
                1256 Surface Flux of Latent Heat (:math:`Watts/m^2`)
                1257 ###############################################
                1259 The turbulent flux of latent heat from the surface to the atmosphere
                1260 is a function of the gradient of moisture, the potential
                1261 evapotranspiration fraction and the eddy exchange coefficient:
                1263 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*1265    {\bf EFLUX} =  \rho \beta L C_{H} W_s (q_{\rm surface} - q_{Nrphys})
8679f9097b Jeff*1266    \hspace{1cm}where: \hspace{.2cm}C_H = C_u C_t
                1268 where :math:`\rho` = the atmospheric density at the surface,
                1269 :math:`\beta` is the fraction of the potential evapotranspiration
                1270 actually evaporated, L is the latent heat of evaporation, :math:`C_{H}`
                1271 is the dimensionless surface heat transfer coefficient, :math:`W_s` is
                1272 the magnitude of the surface layer wind, :math:`C_u` is the
                1273 dimensionless surface exchange coefficient for momentum (see diagnostic
                1274 number 10), :math:`C_t` is the dimensionless surface exchange
                1275 coefficient for heat and moisture (see diagnostic number 9), and
0bad585a21 Navi*1276 :math:`q_{\rm surface}` and :math:`q_{Nrphys}` are the specific humidity at
8679f9097b Jeff*1277 the surface and at the bottom model level, respectively.
                1279 Heat Conduction Through Sea Ice (:math:`Watts/m^2`)
                1280 ###################################################
                1282 Over sea ice there is an additional source of energy at the surface due
                1283 to the heat conduction from the relatively warm ocean through the sea
                1284 ice. The heat conduction through sea ice represents an additional energy
                1285 source term for the ground temperature equation.
                1287 .. math:: {\bf QICE} = \frac{C_{ti}}{H_i} (T_i-T_g)
                1289 where :math:`C_{ti}` is the thermal conductivity of ice, :math:`H_i` is
                1290 the ice thickness, assumed to be :math:`3 \hspace{.1cm} m` where sea ice
                1291 is present, :math:`T_i` is 273 degrees Kelvin, and :math:`T_g` is the
                1292 temperature of the sea ice.
                1294 NOTE: QICE is not available through model version 5.3, but is
                1295 available in subsequent versions.
                1298 Net upward Longwave Flux at the surface (:math:`Watts/m^2`)
                1299 ###########################################################
                1301 .. math::
                1303    \begin{aligned}
                1304    {\bf RADLWG} & =  & F_{LW,Nrphys+1}^{Net} \\
                1305                 & =  & F_{LW,Nrphys+1}^\uparrow - F_{LW,Nrphys+1}^\downarrow\end{aligned}
                1307 where Nrphys+1 indicates the lowest model edge-level, or
                1308 :math:`p = p_{surf}`. :math:`F_{LW}^\uparrow` is the upward Longwave
                1309 flux and :math:`F_{LW}^\downarrow` is the downward Longwave flux.
                1312 Net downard shortwave Flux at the surface (:math:`Watts/m^2`)
                1313 #############################################################
                1315 .. math::
                1317    \begin{aligned}
                1318    {\bf RADSWG} & =  & F_{SW,Nrphys+1}^{Net} \\
                1319                 & =  & F_{SW,Nrphys+1}^\downarrow - F_{SW,Nrphys+1}^\uparrow\end{aligned}
                1321 where Nrphys+1 indicates the lowest model edge-level, or
                1322 :math:`p = p_{surf}`. :math:`F_{SW}^\downarrow` is the downward
                1323 Shortwave flux and :math:`F_{SW}^\uparrow` is the upward Shortwave flux.
                1325 Richardson number (:math:`dimensionless`)
                1326 #########################################
                1328 The non-dimensional stability indicator is the ratio of the buoyancy
                1329 to the shear:
                1331 .. math::
                1333    {\bf RI} = \frac{ \frac{g}{\theta_v} \pp {\theta_v}{z} }{ (\pp{u}{z})^2 + (\pp{v}{z})^2 }
                1334     =  \frac{c_p \pp{\theta_v}{z} \pp{P^ \kappa}{z} }{ (\pp{u}{z})^2 + (\pp{v}{z})^2 }
                1336 where we used the hydrostatic equation:
                1338 .. math:: {\pp{\Phi}{P^ \kappa}} = c_p \theta_v
                1340 Negative values indicate unstable buoyancy **AND** shear, small positive
                1341 values (:math:`<0.4`) indicate dominantly unstable shear, and large
                1342 positive values indicate dominantly stable stratification.
                1344 CT - Surface Exchange Coefficient for Temperature and Moisture (dimensionless)
                1345 ###############################################################################
                1347 The surface exchange coefficient is obtained from the similarity
                1348 functions for the stability dependant flux profile relationships:
                1350 .. math::
                1352    {\bf CT} = -\frac{( \overline{w^{\prime}\theta^{\prime}} ) }{ u_* \Delta \theta } = 
                1353    -\frac{( \overline{w^{\prime}q^{\prime}} ) }{ u_* \Delta q } = 
                1354    \frac{ k }{ (\psi_{h} + \psi_{g}) }
                1356 where :math:`\psi_h` is the surface layer non-dimensional temperature
                1357 change and :math:`\psi_g` is the viscous sublayer non-dimensional
                1358 temperature or moisture change:
                1360 .. math::
                1362    \psi_{h} = \int_{\zeta_{0}}^{\zeta} \frac{\phi_{h} }{ \zeta} d \zeta \hspace{1cm} and 
                1363    \hspace{1cm} \psi_{g} = \frac{ 0.55 (Pr^{2/3} - 0.2) }{ \nu^{1/2} } 
                1364    (h_{0}u_{*} - h_{0_{ref}}u_{*_{ref}})^{1/2}
                1366 and: :math:`h_{0} = 30z_{0}` with a maximum value over land of 0.01
                1368 :math:`\phi_h` is the similarity function of :math:`\zeta`, which
                1369 expresses the stability dependance of the temperature and moisture
                1370 gradients, specified differently for stable and unstable layers
                1371 according to . k is the Von Karman constant, :math:`\zeta` is the
                1372 non-dimensional stability parameter, Pr is the Prandtl number for air,
                1373 :math:`\nu` is the molecular viscosity, :math:`z_{0}` is the surface
                1374 roughness length, :math:`u_*` is the surface stress velocity (see
                1375 diagnostic number 67), and the subscript ref refers to a reference
                1376 value.
                1378 CU - Surface Exchange Coefficient for Momentum (dimensionless)
                1379 ##############################################################
                1381 The surface exchange coefficient is obtained from the similarity
                1382 functions for the stability dependant flux profile relationships:
                1384 .. math:: {\bf CU} = \frac{u_* }{ W_s} = \frac{ k }{ \psi_{m} }
                1386 where :math:`\psi_m` is the surface layer non-dimensional wind shear:
                1388 .. math:: \psi_{m} = {\int_{\zeta_{0}}^{\zeta} \frac{\phi_{m} }{ \zeta} d \zeta}
                1390 :math:`\phi_m` is the similarity function of :math:`\zeta`, which
                1391 expresses the stability dependance of the temperature and moisture
                1392 gradients, specified differently for stable and unstable layers
                1393 according to . k is the Von Karman constant, :math:`\zeta` is the
                1394 non-dimensional stability parameter, :math:`u_*` is the surface stress
                1395 velocity (see diagnostic number 67), and :math:`W_s` is the magnitude of
                1396 the surface layer wind.
                1398 ET - Diffusivity Coefficient for Temperature and Moisture (m^2/sec) 
                1399 ###################################################################
                1401 In the level 2.5 version of the Mellor-Yamada (1974) hierarchy, the
                1402 turbulent heat or moisture flux for the atmosphere above the surface
                1403 layer can be expressed as a turbulent diffusion coefficient :math:`K_h`
                1404 times the negative of the gradient of potential temperature or moisture.
                1405 In the :cite:`helflab:88` adaptation of this closure, :math:`K_h` takes the form:
                1407 .. math::
                1409    {\bf ET} = K_h = -\frac{( \overline{w^{\prime}\theta_v^{\prime}}) }{ \pp{\theta_v}{z} } 
                1410     = \left\{ \begin{array}{l@{\quad\mbox{for}\quad}l} q \, \ell \, S_H(G_M,G_H) & \mbox{decaying turbulence}
                1411    \\ \frac{ q^2 }{ q_e } \, \ell \, S_{H}(G_{M_e},G_{H_e}) & \mbox{growing turbulence} \end{array} \right.
                1413 where :math:`q` is the turbulent velocity, or
                1414 :math:`\sqrt{2*turbulent \hspace{.2cm} kinetic \hspace{.2cm} 
                1415 energy}`, :math:`q_e` is the turbulence velocity derived from the more
                1416 simple level 2.0 model, which describes equilibrium turbulence,
                1417 :math:`\ell` is the master length scale related to the layer depth,
                1418 :math:`S_H` is a function of :math:`G_H` and :math:`G_M`, the
                1419 dimensionless buoyancy and wind shear parameters, respectively, or a
                1420 function of :math:`G_{H_e}` and :math:`G_{M_e}`, the equilibrium
                1421 dimensionless buoyancy and wind shear parameters. Both :math:`G_H` and
                1422 :math:`G_M`, and their equilibrium values :math:`G_{H_e}` and
                1423 :math:`G_{M_e}`, are functions of the Richardson number.
                1425 For the detailed equations and derivations of the modified level 2.5
                1426 closure scheme, see :cite:`helflab:88`.
                1428 In the surface layer, :math:`{\bf {ET}}` is the exchange coefficient
                1429 for heat and moisture, in units of :math:`m/sec`, given by:
                1431 .. math:: {\bf ET_{Nrphys}} =  C_t * u_* = C_H W_s
                1433 where :math:`C_t` is the dimensionless exchange coefficient for heat and
                1434 moisture from the surface layer similarity functions (see diagnostic
                1435 number 9), :math:`u_*` is the surface friction velocity (see diagnostic
                1436 number 67), :math:`C_H` is the heat transfer coefficient, and
                1437 :math:`W_s` is the magnitude of the surface layer wind.
                1440 EU - Diffusivity Coefficient for Momentum (m^2/sec)
                1441 ###################################################
                1443 In the level 2.5 version of the Mellor-Yamada (1974) hierarchy, the
                1444 turbulent heat momentum flux for the atmosphere above the surface layer
                1445 can be expressed as a turbulent diffusion coefficient :math:`K_m` times
                1446 the negative of the gradient of the u-wind. In the :cite:`helflab:88` adaptation of this
                1447 closure, :math:`K_m` takes the form:
                1449 .. math::
                1451    {\bf EU} = K_m = -\frac{( \overline{u^{\prime}w^{\prime}} ) }{ \pp{U}{z} }
                1452     = \left\{ \begin{array}{l@{\quad\mbox{for}\quad}l} q \, \ell \, S_M(G_M,G_H) & \mbox{decaying turbulence}
                1453    \\ \frac{ q^2 }{ q_e } \, \ell \, S_{M}(G_{M_e},G_{H_e}) & \mbox{growing turbulence} \end{array} \right.
                1455 where :math:`q` is the turbulent velocity, or
                1456 :math:`\sqrt{2*turbulent \hspace{.2cm} kinetic \hspace{.2cm}
                1457 energy}`, :math:`q_e` is the turbulence velocity derived from the more
                1458 simple level 2.0 model, which describes equilibrium turbulence,
                1459 :math:`\ell` is the master length scale related to the layer depth,
                1460 :math:`S_M` is a function of :math:`G_H` and :math:`G_M`, the
                1461 dimensionless buoyancy and wind shear parameters, respectively, or a
                1462 function of :math:`G_{H_e}` and :math:`G_{M_e}`, the equilibrium
                1463 dimensionless buoyancy and wind shear parameters. Both :math:`G_H` and
                1464 :math:`G_M`, and their equilibrium values :math:`G_{H_e}` and
                1465 :math:`G_{M_e}`, are functions of the Richardson number.
                1467 For the detailed equations and derivations of the modified level 2.5
                1468 closure scheme, see :cite:`helflab:88`.
                1470 In the surface layer, :math:`{\bf {EU}}` is the exchange coefficient
                1471 for momentum, in units of :math:`m/sec`, given by:
                1473 .. math:: {\bf EU_{Nrphys}} = C_u * u_* = C_D W_s
                1475 where :math:`C_u` is the dimensionless exchange coefficient for momentum
                1476 from the surface layer similarity functions (see diagnostic number 10),
                1477 :math:`u_*` is the surface friction velocity (see diagnostic number 67),
                1478 :math:`C_D` is the surface drag coefficient, and :math:`W_s` is the
                1479 magnitude of the surface layer wind.
                1483 TURBU - Zonal U-Momentum changes due to Turbulence (m/sec/day) 
                1484 ##############################################################
                1486 The tendency of U-Momentum due to turbulence is written:
                1488 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*1490    {\bf TURBU} = {\pp{u}{t}}_{\rm turb} = {\pp{}{z} }{(- \overline{u^{\prime}w^{\prime}})}
8679f9097b Jeff*1491     = {\pp{}{z} }{(K_m \pp{u}{z})}
                1493 The Helfand and Labraga level 2.5 scheme models the turbulent flux of
                1494 u-momentum in terms of :math:`K_m`, and the equation has the form of a
                1495 diffusion equation.
                1497 TURBV - Meridional V-Momentum changes due to Turbulence (m/sec/day) 
                1498 ###################################################################
                1500 The tendency of V-Momentum due to turbulence is written:
                1502 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*1504    {\bf TURBV} = {\pp{v}{t}}_{\rm turb} = {\pp{}{z} }{(- \overline{v^{\prime}w^{\prime}})}
8679f9097b Jeff*1505     = {\pp{}{z} }{(K_m \pp{v}{z})}
                1507 The Helfand and Labraga level 2.5 scheme models the turbulent flux of
                1508 v-momentum in terms of :math:`K_m`, and the equation has the form of a
                1509 diffusion equation.
                1512 TURBT - Temperature changes due to Turbulence (deg/day) 
                1513 #######################################################
                1515 The tendency of temperature due to turbulence is written:
                1517 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*1519    {\bf TURBT} = {\pp{T}{t}} = P^{\kappa}{\pp{\theta}{t}}_{\rm turb} = 
8679f9097b Jeff*1520    P^{\kappa}{\pp{}{z} }{(- \overline{w^{\prime}\theta^{\prime}})}
                1521     = P^{\kappa}{\pp{}{z} }{(K_h \pp{\theta_v}{z})}
                1523 The Helfand and Labraga level 2.5 scheme models the turbulent flux of
                1524 temperature in terms of :math:`K_h`, and the equation has the form of a
                1525 diffusion equation.
                1528 TURBQ - Specific Humidity changes due to Turbulence (g/kg/day) 
                1529 ###############################################################
                1531 The tendency of specific humidity due to turbulence is written:
                1533 .. math::
0bad585a21 Navi*1535    {\bf TURBQ} = {\pp{q}{t}}_{\rm turb} = {\pp{}{z} }{(- \overline{w^{\prime}q^{\prime}})}
8679f9097b Jeff*1536     = {\pp{}{z} }{(K_h \pp{q}{z})}
                1538 The Helfand and Labraga level 2.5 scheme models the turbulent flux of
                1539 temperature in terms of :math:`K_h`, and the equation has the form of a
                1540 diffusion equation.
                1543 MOISTT - Temperature Changes Due to Moist Processes (deg/day) 
                1544 #############################################################
                1546 .. math:: {\bf MOISTT} = \left. {\pp{T}{t}}\right|_{c} + \left. {\pp{T}{t}} \right|_{ls}
                1548 where:
                1550 .. math::
                1552    \left.{\pp{T}{t}}\right|_{c} = R \sum_i \left( \alpha \frac{m_B}{c_p} \Gamma_s \right)_i 
                1553    \hspace{.4cm} and 
                1554    \hspace{.4cm} \left.{\pp{T}{t}}\right|_{ls} = \frac{L}{c_p} (q^*-q)
                1556  and
                1558 .. math:: \Gamma_s = g \eta \pp{s}{p}
                1560 The subscript :math:`c` refers to convective processes, while the
                1561 subscript :math:`ls` refers to large scale precipitation processes, or
                1562 supersaturation rain. The summation refers to contributions from each
                1563 cloud type called by RAS. The dry static energy is given as :math:`s`,
                1564 the convective cloud base mass flux is given as :math:`m_B`, and the
                1565 cloud entrainment is given as :math:`\eta`, which are explicitly defined
                1566 in :numref:`para_phys_pkg_fizhi_mc`, the description of the convective
                1567 parameterization. The fractional adjustment, or relaxation parameter,
                1568 for each cloud type is given as :math:`\alpha`, while :math:`R` is the
                1569 rain re-evaporation adjustment.
                1571 MOISTQ - Specific Humidity Changes Due to Moist Processes (g/kg/day)
                1572 ####################################################################
                1574 .. math:: {\bf MOISTQ} = \left. {\pp{q}{t}}\right|_{c} + \left. {\pp{q}{t}} \right|_{ls}
                1576 where:
                1578 .. math::
                1580    \left.{\pp{q}{t}}\right|_{c} = R \sum_i \left( \alpha \frac{m_B}{L}(\Gamma_h-\Gamma_s) \right)_i 
                1581    \hspace{.4cm} and 
                1582    \hspace{.4cm} \left.{\pp{q}{t}}\right|_{ls} = (q^*-q)
                1584 and
                1586 .. math:: \Gamma_s = g \eta \pp{s}{p}\hspace{.4cm} and \hspace{.4cm}\Gamma_h = g \eta \pp{h}{p}
                1588 The subscript :math:`c` refers to convective processes, while the
                1589 subscript :math:`ls` refers to large scale precipitation processes, or
                1590 supersaturation rain. The summation refers to contributions from each
                1591 cloud type called by RAS. The dry static energy is given as :math:`s`,
                1592 the moist static energy is given as :math:`h`, the convective cloud base
                1593 mass flux is given as :math:`m_B`, and the cloud entrainment is given as
                1594 :math:`\eta`, which are explicitly defined in :numref:`para_phys_pkg_fizhi_mc`,
                1595 the description of the convective parameterization. The fractional
                1596 adjustment, or relaxation parameter, for each cloud type is given as
                1597 :math:`\alpha`, while :math:`R` is the rain re-evaporation adjustment.
                1600 RADLW - Heating Rate due to Longwave Radiation (deg/day)
                1601 ########################################################
                1603 The net longwave heating rate is calculated as the vertical divergence
                1604 of the net terrestrial radiative fluxes. Both the clear-sky and
                1605 cloudy-sky longwave fluxes are computed within the longwave routine. The
                1606 subroutine calculates the clear-sky flux, :math:`F^{clearsky}_{LW}`,
                1607 first. For a given cloud fraction, the clear line-of-sight probability
                1608 :math:`C(p,p^{\prime})` is computed from the current level pressure
                1609 :math:`p` to the model top pressure, :math:`p^{\prime} = p_{top}`, and
                1610 the model surface pressure, :math:`p^{\prime} = p_{surf}`, for the
                1611 upward and downward radiative fluxes. (see Section
                1612 [sec:fizhi:radcloud]). The cloudy-sky flux is then obtained as:
0bad585a21 Navi*1614 .. math:: F_{LW} = C(p,p') \cdot F^{clearsky}_{LW}
8679f9097b Jeff*1615 
                1616 Finally, the net longwave heating rate is calculated as the vertical
                1617 divergence of the net terrestrial radiative fluxes:
0bad585a21 Navi*1619 .. math:: \pp{\rho c_p T}{t} = - \p{z} F_{LW}^{NET}
8679f9097b Jeff*1620 
                1621 or
0bad585a21 Navi*1623 .. math:: {\bf RADLW} = \frac{g}{c_p \pi} \p{\sigma} F_{LW}^{NET}
8679f9097b Jeff*1624 
                1625 where :math:`g` is the accelation due to gravity, :math:`c_p` is the
                1626 heat capacity of air at constant pressure, and
                1628 .. math:: F_{LW}^{NET} = F_{LW}^\uparrow - F_{LW}^\downarrow
                1631 RADSW - Heating Rate due to Shortwave Radiation (deg/day) 
                1632 #########################################################
                1634 The net Shortwave heating rate is calculated as the vertical divergence
                1635 of the net solar radiative fluxes. The clear-sky and cloudy-sky
                1636 shortwave fluxes are calculated separately. For the clear-sky case, the
                1637 shortwave fluxes and heating rates are computed with both CLMO (maximum
                1638 overlap cloud fraction) and CLRO (random overlap cloud fraction) set to
                1639 zero (see Section [sec:fizhi:radcloud]). The shortwave routine is then
                1640 called a second time, for the cloudy-sky case, with the true
                1641 time-averaged cloud fractions CLMO and CLRO being used. In all cases, a
                1642 normalized incident shortwave flux is used as input at the top of the
                1643 atmosphere.
                1645 The heating rate due to Shortwave Radiation under cloudy skies is
                1646 defined as:
0bad585a21 Navi*1648 .. math:: \pp{\rho c_p T}{t} = - \p{z} F(cloudy)_{SW}^{NET} \cdot {\rm RADSWT}
8679f9097b Jeff*1649 
                1650 or
0bad585a21 Navi*1652 .. math:: {\bf RADSW} = \frac{g}{c_p \pi} \p{\sigma} F(cloudy)_{SW}^{NET}\cdot {\rm RADSWT}
8679f9097b Jeff*1653 
                1654 where :math:`g` is the accelation due to gravity, :math:`c_p` is the
                1655 heat capacity of air at constant pressure, RADSWT is the true incident
                1656 shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere (See Diagnostic #48),
                1657 and
                1659 .. math:: F(cloudy)_{SW}^{Net} = F(cloudy)_{SW}^\uparrow - F(cloudy)_{SW}^\downarrow
                1662 PREACC - Total (Large-scale + Convective) Accumulated Precipition (mm/day) 
                1663 ###########################################################################
                1665 For a change in specific humidity due to moist processes,
                1666 :math:`\Delta q_{moist}`, the vertical integral or total precipitable
                1667 amount is given by:
                1669 .. math::
                1671    {\bf PREACC} = \int_{surf}^{top} \rho \Delta q_{moist} dz = - \int_{surf}^{top} \Delta  q_{moist}
                1672    \frac{dp}{g} = \frac{1}{g} \int_0^1 \Delta q_{moist} dp
                1674 A precipitation rate is defined as the vertically integrated moisture
                1675 adjustment per Moist Processes time step, scaled to :math:`mm/day`.
                1678 PRECON - Convective Precipition (mm/day)
                1679 ########################################
                1681 For a change in specific humidity due to sub-grid scale cumulus
                1682 convective processes, :math:`\Delta q_{cum}`, the vertical integral or
                1683 total precipitable amount is given by:
                1685 .. math::
                1687    {\bf PRECON} = \int_{surf}^{top} \rho \Delta q_{cum} dz = - \int_{surf}^{top} \Delta  q_{cum}
                1688    \frac{dp}{g} = \frac{1}{g} \int_0^1 \Delta q_{cum} dp
                1690 A precipitation rate is defined as the vertically integrated moisture
                1691 adjustment per Moist Processes time step, scaled to :math:`mm/day`.
                1693 TUFLUX - Turbulent Flux of U-Momentum (Newton/m^2)
                1694 ##################################################
                1696 The turbulent flux of u-momentum is calculated for
                1697 :math:`diagnostic \hspace{.2cm} purposes 
                1698 \hspace{.2cm} only` from the eddy coefficient for momentum:
                1700 .. math::
                1702    {\bf TUFLUX} =  {\rho } {(\overline{u^{\prime}w^{\prime}})} =  
                1703    {\rho } {(- K_m \pp{U}{z})}
                1705 where :math:`\rho` is the air density, and :math:`K_m` is the eddy
                1706 coefficient.
                1708 TVFLUX - Turbulent Flux of V-Momentum (Newton/m^2)
                1709 ###################################################
                1711 The turbulent flux of v-momentum is calculated for
                1712 :math:`diagnostic \hspace{.2cm} purposes 
                1713 \hspace{.2cm} only` from the eddy coefficient for momentum:
                1715 .. math::
                1717    {\bf TVFLUX} =  {\rho } {(\overline{v^{\prime}w^{\prime}})} = 
                1718     {\rho } {(- K_m \pp{V}{z})}
                1720 where :math:`\rho` is the air density, and :math:`K_m` is the eddy
                1721 coefficient.
                1724 TTFLUX - Turbulent Flux of Sensible Heat (Watts/m^2) 
                1725 ####################################################
                1727 The turbulent flux of sensible heat is calculated for
                1728 :math:`diagnostic \hspace{.2cm} purposes 
                1729 \hspace{.2cm} only` from the eddy coefficient for heat and moisture:
                1731 .. math::
                1733    {\bf TTFLUX} = c_p {\rho }  
                1734    P^{\kappa}{(\overline{w^{\prime}\theta^{\prime}})}
                1735     = c_p  {\rho } P^{\kappa}{(- K_h \pp{\theta_v}{z})}
                1737 where :math:`\rho` is the air density, and :math:`K_h` is the eddy
                1738 coefficient.
                1741 TQFLUX - Turbulent Flux of Latent Heat (Watts/m^2)
                1742 ###################################################
                1744 The turbulent flux of latent heat is calculated for
                1745 :math:`diagnostic \hspace{.2cm} purposes 
                1746 \hspace{.2cm} only` from the eddy coefficient for heat and moisture:
                1748 .. math::
                1750    {\bf TQFLUX} = {L {\rho } (\overline{w^{\prime}q^{\prime}})} = 
                1751    {L {\rho }(- K_h \pp{q}{z})}
                1753 where :math:`\rho` is the air density, and :math:`K_h` is the eddy
                1754 coefficient.
                1757 CN - Neutral Drag Coefficient (dimensionless)
                1758 #############################################
                1760 The drag coefficient for momentum obtained by assuming a neutrally
                1761 stable surface layer:
                1763 .. math:: {\bf CN} = \frac{ k }{ \ln(\frac{h }{z_0}) }
                1765 where :math:`k` is the Von Karman constant, :math:`h` is the height of
                1766 the surface layer, and :math:`z_0` is the surface roughness.
                1768 WINDS - Surface Wind Speed (meter/sec)
                1769 ######################################
                1771 The surface wind speed is calculated for the last internal turbulence
                1772 time step:
                1774 .. math:: {\bf WINDS} = \sqrt{u_{Nrphys}^2 + v_{Nrphys}^2}
                1776 where the subscript :math:`Nrphys` refers to the lowest model level.
                1778 The air/surface virtual temperature difference measures the stability of
                1779 the surface layer:
                1781 .. math:: {\bf DTSRF} = (\theta_{v{Nrphys+1}} - \theta{v_{Nrphys}}) P^{\kappa}_{surf}
                1783 where
                1785 .. math::
                1787    \theta_{v{Nrphys+1}} = \frac{ T_g }{ P^{\kappa}_{surf} } (1 + .609 q_{Nrphys+1}) \hspace{1cm}
                1788    and \hspace{1cm} q_{Nrphys+1} = q_{Nrphys} + \beta(q^*(T_g,P_s) - q_{Nrphys})
                1790 :math:`\beta` is the surface potential evapotranspiration coefficient
                1791 (:math:`\beta=1` over oceans), :math:`q^*(T_g,P_s)` is the saturation
                1792 specific humidity at the ground temperature and surface pressure, level
                1793 :math:`Nrphys` refers to the lowest model level and level
                1794 :math:`Nrphys+1` refers to the surface.
                1797 TG - Ground Temperature (deg K)
                1798 ################################
                1800 The ground temperature equation is solved as part of the turbulence
                1801 package using a backward implicit time differencing scheme:
                1803 .. math::
                1805    {\bf TG} \hspace{.1cm} is \hspace{.1cm} obtained \hspace{.1cm} from: \hspace{.1cm}
0bad585a21 Navi*1806    C_g\pp{T_g}{t} = R_{sw} - R_{lw} + Q_{\rm ice} - H - LE
8679f9097b Jeff*1807 
                1808 where :math:`R_{sw}` is the net surface downward shortwave radiative
                1809 flux, :math:`R_{lw}` is the net surface upward longwave radiative flux,
0bad585a21 Navi*1810 :math:`Q_{\rm ice}` is the heat conduction through sea ice, :math:`H` is the
8679f9097b Jeff*1811 upward sensible heat flux, :math:`LE` is the upward latent heat flux,
                1812 and :math:`C_g` is the total heat capacity of the ground. :math:`C_g` is
                1813 obtained by solving a heat diffusion equation for the penetration of the
                1814 diurnal cycle into the ground (), and is given by:
                1816 .. math::
                1818    C_g = \sqrt{ \frac{\lambda C_s }{ 2 \omega } } = \sqrt{(0.386 + 0.536W + 0.15W^2)2x10^{-3}
0bad585a21 Navi*1819    \frac{86400.}{2\pi} }
8679f9097b Jeff*1820 
                1821 Here, the thermal conductivity, :math:`\lambda`, is equal to
                1822 :math:`2x10^{-3}` :math:`\frac{ly}{sec} 
                1823 \frac{cm}{K}`, the angular velocity of the earth, :math:`\omega`, is
                1824 written as :math:`86400` :math:`sec/day` divided by :math:`2 \pi`
                1825 :math:`radians/
                1826 day`, and the expression for :math:`C_s`, the heat capacity per unit
                1827 volume at the surface, is a function of the ground wetness, :math:`W`.
                1830 TS - Surface Temperature (deg K)
                1831 #################################
                1833 The surface temperature estimate is made by assuming that the model’s
                1834 lowest layer is well-mixed, and therefore that :math:`\theta` is
                1835 constant in that layer. The surface temperature is therefore:
                1837 .. math:: {\bf TS} = \theta_{Nrphys} P^{\kappa}_{surf}
                1840 DTG - Surface Temperature Adjustment (deg K)
                1841 ############################################
                1843 The change in surface temperature from one turbulence time step to the
                1844 next, solved using the Ground Temperature Equation (see diagnostic
                1845 number 30) is calculated:
                1847 .. math:: {\bf DTG} = {T_g}^{n} - {T_g}^{n-1}
                1849 where superscript :math:`n` refers to the new, updated time level, and
                1850 the superscript :math:`n-1` refers to the value at the previous
                1851 turbulence time level.
                1854 QG - Ground Specific Humidity (g/kg)
                1855 #####################################
                1857 The ground specific humidity is obtained by interpolating between the
                1858 specific humidity at the lowest model level and the specific humidity of
                1859 a saturated ground. The interpolation is performed using the potential
                1860 evapotranspiration function:
                1862 .. math:: {\bf QG} = q_{Nrphys+1} = q_{Nrphys} + \beta(q^*(T_g,P_s) - q_{Nrphys})
                1864 where :math:`\beta` is the surface potential evapotranspiration
                1865 coefficient (:math:`\beta=1` over oceans), and :math:`q^*(T_g,P_s)` is
                1866 the saturation specific humidity at the ground temperature and surface
                1867 pressure.
                1870 QS - Saturation Surface Specific Humidity (g/kg)
                1871 ################################################
                1873 The surface saturation specific humidity is the saturation specific
                1874 humidity at the ground temprature and surface pressure:
                1876 .. math:: {\bf QS} = q^*(T_g,P_s)
                1878 TGRLW - Instantaneous ground temperature used as input to the Longwave radiation subroutine (deg)
                1879 #################################################################################################
                1881 .. math:: {\bf TGRLW}  = T_g(\lambda , \phi ,n)
                1883 where :math:`T_g` is the model ground temperature at the current time
                1884 step :math:`n`.
                1886 ST4 - Upward Longwave flux at the surface (Watts/m^2)
                1887 #####################################################
                1889 .. math:: {\bf ST4} = \sigma T^4
                1891 where :math:`\sigma` is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant and T is the
                1892 temperature.
                1895 OLR - Net upward Longwave flux at :math:`p=p_{top}` (Watts/m^2)
                1896 ################################################################
                1898 .. math:: {\bf OLR}  =  F_{LW,top}^{NET}
                1900 where top indicates the top of the first model layer. In the GCM,
                1901 :math:`p_{top}` = 0.0 mb.
                1904 OLRCLR - Net upward clearsky Longwave flux at :math:`p=p_{top}` (Watts/m^2)
                1905 ###########################################################################
                1907 .. math:: {\bf OLRCLR}  =  F(clearsky)_{LW,top}^{NET}
                1909 where top indicates the top of the first model layer. In the GCM,
                1910 :math:`p_{top}` = 0.0 mb.
                1913 LWGCLR - Net upward clearsky Longwave flux at the surface (Watts/m^2)
                1914 ######################################################################
                1916 .. math::
                1918    \begin{aligned}
                1919    {\bf LWGCLR} & =  & F(clearsky)_{LW,Nrphys+1}^{Net} \\
                1920                 & =  & F(clearsky)_{LW,Nrphys+1}^\uparrow - F(clearsky)_{LW,Nrphys+1}^\downarrow\end{aligned}
                1922 where Nrphys+1 indicates the lowest model edge-level, or
                1923 :math:`p = p_{surf}`. :math:`F(clearsky)_{LW}^\uparrow` is the upward
                1924 clearsky Longwave flux and the :math:`F(clearsky)_{LW}^\downarrow` is
                1925 the downward clearsky Longwave flux.
                1928 LWCLR - Heating Rate due to Clearsky Longwave Radiation (deg/day)
                1929 #################################################################
                1931 The net longwave heating rate is calculated as the vertical divergence
                1932 of the net terrestrial radiative fluxes. Both the clear-sky and
                1933 cloudy-sky longwave fluxes are computed within the longwave routine. The
                1934 subroutine calculates the clear-sky flux, :math:`F^{clearsky}_{LW}`,
                1935 first. For a given cloud fraction, the clear line-of-sight probability
                1936 :math:`C(p,p^{\prime})` is computed from the current level pressure
                1937 :math:`p` to the model top pressure, :math:`p^{\prime} = p_{top}`, and
                1938 the model surface pressure, :math:`p^{\prime} = p_{surf}`, for the
                1939 upward and downward radiative fluxes. (see Section
                1940 [sec:fizhi:radcloud]). The cloudy-sky flux is then obtained as:
0bad585a21 Navi*1942 .. math:: F_{LW} = C(p,p') \cdot F^{clearsky}_{LW}
8679f9097b Jeff*1943 
                1944 Thus, **LWCLR** is defined as the net longwave heating rate due to the
                1945 vertical divergence of the clear-sky longwave radiative flux:
0bad585a21 Navi*1947 .. math:: \pp{\rho c_p T}{t}_{clearsky} = - \p{z} F(clearsky)_{LW}^{NET}
8679f9097b Jeff*1948 
                1949 or
0bad585a21 Navi*1951 .. math:: {\bf LWCLR} = \frac{g}{c_p \pi} \p{\sigma} F(clearsky)_{LW}^{NET}
8679f9097b Jeff*1952 
                1953 where :math:`g` is the accelation due to gravity, :math:`c_p` is the
                1954 heat capacity of air at constant pressure, and
                1956 .. math:: F(clearsky)_{LW}^{Net} = F(clearsky)_{LW}^\uparrow - F(clearsky)_{LW}^\downarrow
                1959 TLW - Instantaneous temperature used as input to the Longwave radiation subroutine (deg)
                1960 ########################################################################################
                1962 .. math:: {\bf TLW}  = T(\lambda , \phi ,level, n)
                1964 where :math:`T` is the model temperature at the current time step
                1965 :math:`n`.
                1968 SHLW - Instantaneous specific humidity used as input to the Longwave radiation subroutine (kg/kg)
                1969 #################################################################################################
                1971 .. math:: {\bf SHLW}  = q(\lambda , \phi , level , n)
                1973 where :math:`q` is the model specific humidity at the current time step
                1974 :math:`n`.
                1977 OZLW - Instantaneous ozone used as input to the Longwave radiation subroutine (kg/kg)
                1978 #####################################################################################
                1980 .. math:: {\bf OZLW}  = {\rm OZ}(\lambda , \phi , level , n)
                1982 where :math:`\rm OZ` is the interpolated ozone data set from the
                1983 climatological monthly mean zonally averaged ozone data set.
                1986 CLMOLW - Maximum Overlap cloud fraction used in LW Radiation (0-1)
                1987 ##################################################################
                1989 **CLMOLW** is the time-averaged maximum overlap cloud fraction that has been
                1990 filled by the Relaxed Arakawa/Schubert Convection scheme and will be
                1991 used in the Longwave Radiation algorithm. These are convective clouds
                1992 whose radiative characteristics are assumed to be correlated in the
                1993 vertical. For a complete description of cloud/radiative interactions,
                1994 see Section [sec:fizhi:radcloud].
                1996 .. math:: {\bf CLMOLW} = CLMO_{RAS,LW}(\lambda, \phi,  level )
                1999 CLDTOT - Total cloud fraction used in LW and SW Radiation (0-1)
                2000 ###############################################################
                2002 **CLDTOT** is the time-averaged total cloud fraction that has been
                2003 filled by the Relaxed Arakawa/Schubert and Large-scale Convection
                2004 schemes and will be used in the Longwave and Shortwave Radiation
                2005 packages. For a complete description of cloud/radiative interactions,
                2006 see Section [sec:fizhi:radcloud].
                2008 .. math:: {\bf CLDTOT} = F_{RAS} + F_{LS}
                2010 where :math:`F_{RAS}` is the time-averaged cloud fraction due to
                2011 sub-grid scale convection, and :math:`F_{LS}` is the time-averaged cloud
                2012 fraction due to precipitating and non-precipitating large-scale moist
                2013 processes.
                2016 CLMOSW - Maximum Overlap cloud fraction used in SW Radiation (0-1)
                2017 ##################################################################
                2019 **CLMOSW** is the time-averaged maximum overlap cloud fraction that has been
                2020 filled by the Relaxed Arakawa/Schubert Convection scheme and will be
                2021 used in the Shortwave Radiation algorithm. These are convective clouds
                2022 whose radiative characteristics are assumed to be correlated in the
                2023 vertical. For a complete description of cloud/radiative interactions,
                2024 see Section [sec:fizhi:radcloud].
                2026 .. math:: {\bf CLMOSW} = CLMO_{RAS,SW}(\lambda, \phi,  level )
                2029 CLROSW - Random Overlap cloud fraction used in SW Radiation (0-1)
                2030 #################################################################
                2032 **CLROSW** is the time-averaged random overlap cloud fraction that has been
                2033 filled by the Relaxed Arakawa/Schubert and Large-scale Convection
                2034 schemes and will be used in the Shortwave Radiation algorithm. These are
                2035 convective and large-scale clouds whose radiative characteristics are
                2036 not assumed to be correlated in the vertical. For a complete description
                2037 of cloud/radiative interactions, see Section [sec:fizhi:radcloud].
                2039 .. math:: {\bf CLROSW} = CLRO_{RAS,Large Scale,SW}(\lambda, \phi,  level )
                2042 RADSWT - Incident Shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere (Watts/m^2)
                2043 ##############################################################################
                2045 .. math:: {\bf RADSWT} = {\frac{S_0}{R_a^2}} \cdot cos \phi_z
                2047 where :math:`S_0`, is the extra-terrestial solar contant, :math:`R_a` is
                2048 the earth-sun distance in Astronomical Units, and :math:`cos \phi_z` is
                2049 the cosine of the zenith angle. It should be noted that **RADSWT**, as
                2050 well as **OSR** and **OSRCLR**, are calculated at the top of the
                2051 atmosphere (p=0 mb). However, the **OLR** and **OLRCLR** diagnostics are
                2052 currently calculated at :math:`p= p_{top}` (0.0 mb for the GCM).
                2055 EVAP - Surface Evaporation (mm/day)
                2056 ###################################
                2058 The surface evaporation is a function of the gradient of moisture, the
                2059 potential evapotranspiration fraction and the eddy exchange coefficient:
0bad585a21 Navi*2061 .. math:: {\bf EVAP} =  \rho \beta K_{h} (q_{\rm surface} - q_{Nrphys})
8679f9097b Jeff*2062 
                2063 where :math:`\rho` = the atmospheric density at the surface,
                2064 :math:`\beta` is the fraction of the potential evapotranspiration
                2065 actually evaporated (:math:`\beta=1` over oceans), :math:`K_{h}` is the
                2066 turbulent eddy exchange coefficient for heat and moisture at the surface
                2067 in :math:`m/sec` and :math:`q{surface}` and :math:`q_{Nrphys}` are the
                2068 specific humidity at the surface (see diagnostic number 34) and at the
                2069 bottom model level, respectively.
                2072 DUDT - Total Zonal U-Wind Tendency  (m/sec/day)
                2073 ###############################################
                2075 **DUDT** is the total time-tendency of the Zonal U-Wind due to Hydrodynamic,
                2076 Diabatic, and Analysis forcing.
                2078 .. math:: {\bf DUDT} = \pp{u}{t}_{Dynamics} + \pp{u}{t}_{Moist} + \pp{u}{t}_{Turbulence} + \pp{u}{t}_{Analysis}
                2081 DVDT - Total Zonal V-Wind Tendency  (m/sec/day)
                2082 ###############################################
                2084 **DVDT** is the total time-tendency of the Meridional V-Wind due to
                2085 Hydrodynamic, Diabatic, and Analysis forcing.
                2087 .. math:: {\bf DVDT} = \pp{v}{t}_{Dynamics} + \pp{v}{t}_{Moist} + \pp{v}{t}_{Turbulence} + \pp{v}{t}_{Analysis}
                2090 DTDT - Total Temperature Tendency  (deg/day)
                2091 ############################################
                2093 **DTDT** is the total time-tendency of Temperature due to Hydrodynamic, Diabatic,
                2094 and Analysis forcing.
                2096 .. math::
                2098    \begin{aligned}
0bad585a21 Navi*2099    {\bf DTDT} & = \pp{T}{t}_{Dynamics} + \pp{T}{t}_{Moist Processes} + \pp{T}{t}_{Shortwave Radiation} \\
                2100               & + \pp{T}{t}_{Longwave Radiation} + \pp{T}{t}_{Turbulence} + \pp{T}{t}_{Analysis} \end{aligned}
8679f9097b Jeff*2101 
                2103 DQDT - Total Specific Humidity Tendency  (g/kg/day)
                2104 ###################################################
                2106 **DQDT** is the total time-tendency of Specific Humidity due to Hydrodynamic,
                2107 Diabatic, and Analysis forcing.
                2109 .. math::
                2111    {\bf DQDT} = \pp{q}{t}_{Dynamics} + \pp{q}{t}_{Moist Processes} 
                2112    + \pp{q}{t}_{Turbulence} + \pp{q}{t}_{Analysis}
                2115 USTAR -  Surface-Stress Velocity (m/sec)
                2116 ########################################
                2118 The surface stress velocity, or the friction velocity, is the wind speed
                2119 at the surface layer top impeded by the surface drag:
                2121 .. math::
                2123    {\bf USTAR} = C_uW_s \hspace{1cm}where: \hspace{.2cm} 
                2124    C_u = \frac{k}{\psi_m}
                2126 :math:`C_u` is the non-dimensional surface drag coefficient (see
                2127 diagnostic number 10), and :math:`W_s` is the surface wind speed (see
                2128 diagnostic number 28).
                2131 Z0 - Surface Roughness Length (m)
                2132 #################################
                2134 Over the land surface, the surface roughness length is interpolated to
                2135 the local time from the monthly mean data of . Over the ocean, the
                2136 roughness length is a function of the surface-stress velocity,
                2137 :math:`u_*`.
                2139 .. math:: {\bf Z0} = c_1u^3_* + c_2u^2_* + c_3u_* + c_4 + {c_5}{u_*}
                2141 where the constants are chosen to interpolate between the reciprocal
                2142 relation of for weak winds, and the piecewise linear relation of for
                2143 moderate to large winds.
                2146 FRQTRB - Frequency of Turbulence (0-1)
                2147 ######################################
                2149 The fraction of time when turbulence is present is defined as the
                2150 fraction of time when the turbulent kinetic energy exceeds some minimum
                2151 value, defined here to be :math:`0.005 \hspace{.1cm}m^2/sec^2`. When
                2152 this criterion is met, a counter is incremented. The fraction over the
                2153 averaging interval is reported.
                2156 PBL - Planetary Boundary Layer Depth (mb)
                2157 #########################################
                2159 The depth of the PBL is defined by the turbulence parameterization to be
                2160 the depth at which the turbulent kinetic energy reduces to ten percent
                2161 of its surface value.
0bad585a21 Navi*2163 .. math:: {\bf PBL} = P_{PBL} - P_{\rm surface}
8679f9097b Jeff*2164 
                2165 where :math:`P_{PBL}` is the pressure in :math:`mb` at which the
                2166 turbulent kinetic energy reaches one tenth of its surface value, and
                2167 :math:`P_s` is the surface pressure.
                2170 SWCLR - Clear sky Heating Rate due to Shortwave Radiation (deg/day)
                2171 ###################################################################
                2173 The net Shortwave heating rate is calculated as the vertical divergence
                2174 of the net solar radiative fluxes. The clear-sky and cloudy-sky
                2175 shortwave fluxes are calculated separately. For the clear-sky case, the
                2176 shortwave fluxes and heating rates are computed with both CLMO (maximum
                2177 overlap cloud fraction) and CLRO (random overlap cloud fraction) set to
                2178 zero (see Section [sec:fizhi:radcloud]). The shortwave routine is then
                2179 called a second time, for the cloudy-sky case, with the true
                2180 time-averaged cloud fractions CLMO and CLRO being used. In all cases, a
                2181 normalized incident shortwave flux is used as input at the top of the
                2182 atmosphere.
                2184 The heating rate due to Shortwave Radiation under clear skies is defined
                2185 as:
0bad585a21 Navi*2187 .. math:: \pp{\rho c_p T}{t} = - \p{z} F(clear)_{SW}^{NET} \cdot {\rm RADSWT}
8679f9097b Jeff*2188 
                2189 or
0bad585a21 Navi*2191 .. math:: {\bf SWCLR} = \frac{g}{c_p } \p{p} F(clear)_{SW}^{NET}\cdot {\rm RADSWT}
8679f9097b Jeff*2192 
                2193 where :math:`g` is the accelation due to gravity, :math:`c_p` is the
                2194 heat capacity of air at constant pressure, RADSWT is the true incident
                2195 shortwave radiation at the top of the atmosphere (See Diagnostic #48),
                2196 and
                2198 .. math:: F(clear)_{SW}^{Net} = F(clear)_{SW}^\uparrow - F(clear)_{SW}^\downarrow
                2201 OSR - Net upward Shortwave flux at the top of the model (Watts/m^2)
                2202 ###################################################################
                2204 .. math:: {\bf OSR}  =  F_{SW,top}^{NET}
                2206 where top indicates the top of the first model layer used in the
                2207 shortwave radiation routine. In the GCM, :math:`p_{SW_{top}}` = 0 mb.
                2210 OSRCLR - Net upward clearsky Shortwave flux at the top of the model (Watts/m^2)
                2211 ###############################################################################
                2213 .. math:: {\bf OSRCLR}  =  F(clearsky)_{SW,top}^{NET}
                2215 where top indicates the top of the first model layer used in the
                2216 shortwave radiation routine. In the GCM, :math:`p_{SW_{top}}` = 0 mb.
                2219 CLDMAS - Convective Cloud Mass Flux (kg/m^2) 
                2220 ############################################
                2222 The amount of cloud mass moved per RAS timestep from all convective
                2223 clouds is written:
                2225 .. math:: {\bf CLDMAS} = \eta m_B
                2227 where :math:`\eta` is the entrainment, normalized by the cloud base mass
                2228 flux, and :math:`m_B` is the cloud base mass flux. :math:`m_B` and
                2229 :math:`\eta` are defined explicitly in :numref:`para_phys_pkg_fizhi_mc`, the
                2230 description of the convective parameterization.
                2233 UAVE - Time-Averaged Zonal U-Wind (m/sec)
                2234 #########################################
                2236 The diagnostic **UAVE** is simply the time-averaged Zonal U-Wind over
                2237 the **NUAVE** output frequency. This is contrasted to the instantaneous
                2238 Zonal U-Wind which is archived on the Prognostic Output data stream.
                2240 .. math:: {\bf UAVE} = u(\lambda, \phi, level , t)
                2242 Note, **UAVE** is computed and stored on the staggered C-grid.
                2245 VAVE - Time-Averaged Meridional V-Wind (m/sec)
                2246 ##############################################
                2248 The diagnostic **VAVE** is simply the time-averaged Meridional V-Wind
                2249 over the **NVAVE** output frequency. This is contrasted to the
                2250 instantaneous Meridional V-Wind which is archived on the Prognostic
                2251 Output data stream.
                2253 .. math:: {\bf VAVE} = v(\lambda, \phi, level , t)
                2255 Note, **VAVE** is computed and stored on the staggered C-grid.
                2258 TAVE - Time-Averaged Temperature (Kelvin)
                2259 #########################################
                2261 The diagnostic **TAVE** is simply the time-averaged Temperature over
                2262 the **NTAVE** output frequency. This is contrasted to the instantaneous
                2263 Temperature which is archived on the Prognostic Output data stream.
                2265 .. math:: {\bf TAVE} = T(\lambda, \phi, level , t)
                2268 QAVE - Time-Averaged Specific Humidity (g/kg)
                2269 #############################################
                2271 The diagnostic **QAVE** is simply the time-averaged Specific Humidity
                2272 over the **NQAVE** output frequency. This is contrasted to the
                2273 instantaneous Specific Humidity which is archived on the Prognostic
                2274 Output data stream.
                2276 .. math:: {\bf QAVE} = q(\lambda, \phi, level , t)
                2279 PAVE - Time-Averaged Surface Pressure - PTOP (mb)
                2280 #################################################
                2282 The diagnostic **PAVE** is simply the time-averaged Surface Pressure -
                2283 PTOP over the **NPAVE** output frequency. This is contrasted to the
                2284 instantaneous Surface Pressure - PTOP which is archived on the
                2285 Prognostic Output data stream.
                2287 .. math::
                2289    \begin{aligned}
                2290    {\bf PAVE} & =  & \pi(\lambda, \phi, level , t) \\
                2291               & =  & p_s(\lambda, \phi, level , t) - p_T\end{aligned}
                2293 QQAVE - Time-Averaged Turbulent Kinetic Energy (m/sec)^2
                2294 ########################################################
                2296 The diagnostic **QQAVE** is simply the time-averaged prognostic
                2297 Turbulent Kinetic Energy produced by the GCM Turbulence parameterization
                2298 over the **NQQAVE** output frequency. This is contrasted to the
                2299 instantaneous Turbulent Kinetic Energy which is archived on the
                2300 Prognostic Output data stream.
                2302 .. math:: {\bf QQAVE} = qq(\lambda, \phi, level , t)
                2304 Note, **QQAVE** is computed and stored at the “mass-point” locations
                2305 on the staggered C-grid.
                2308 SWGCLR - Net downward clearsky Shortwave flux at the surface (Watts/m^2)
                2309 ########################################################################
                2311 .. math::
                2313    \begin{aligned}
                2314    {\bf SWGCLR} & =  & F(clearsky)_{SW,Nrphys+1}^{Net} \\
                2315                 & =  & F(clearsky)_{SW,Nrphys+1}^\downarrow - F(clearsky)_{SW,Nrphys+1}^\uparrow\end{aligned}
                2318 where Nrphys+1 indicates the lowest model edge-level, or
                2319 :math:`p = p_{surf}`. :math:`F(clearsky){SW}^\downarrow` is the downward
                2320 clearsky Shortwave flux and :math:`F(clearsky)_{SW}^\uparrow` is the
                2321 upward clearsky Shortwave flux.
                2324 DIABU - Total Diabatic Zonal U-Wind Tendency  (m/sec/day)
                2325 #########################################################
                2327 **DIABU** is the total time-tendency of the Zonal U-Wind due to Diabatic
                2328 processes and the Analysis forcing.
                2330 .. math:: {\bf DIABU} = \pp{u}{t}_{Moist} + \pp{u}{t}_{Turbulence} + \pp{u}{t}_{Analysis}
                2334 DIABV - Total Diabatic Meridional V-Wind Tendency  (m/sec/day)
                2335 ##############################################################
                2337 **DIABV** is the total time-tendency of the Meridional V-Wind due to Diabatic
                2338 processes and the Analysis forcing.
                2340 .. math:: {\bf DIABV} = \pp{v}{t}_{Moist} + \pp{v}{t}_{Turbulence} + \pp{v}{t}_{Analysis}
                2343 DIABT Total Diabatic Temperature Tendency (deg/day)
                2344 ###################################################
                2346 **DIABT** is the total time-tendency of Temperature due to Diabatic processes and
                2347 the Analysis forcing.
                2349 .. math::
                2351    \begin{aligned}
0bad585a21 Navi*2352    {\bf DIABT} & = \pp{T}{t}_{Moist Processes} + \pp{T}{t}_{Shortwave Radiation} \\
                2353               & + \pp{T}{t}_{Longwave Radiation} + \pp{T}{t}_{Turbulence} + \pp{T}{t}_{Analysis} \end{aligned}
8679f9097b Jeff*2354 
                2355 If we define the time-tendency of Temperature due to Diabatic
                2356 processes as
                2358 .. math::
                2360    \begin{aligned}
0bad585a21 Navi*2361    \pp{T}{t}_{Diabatic} & = \pp{T}{t}_{Moist Processes} + \pp{T}{t}_{Shortwave Radiation} \\
                2362                         & + \pp{T}{t}_{Longwave Radiation} + \pp{T}{t}_{Turbulence}\end{aligned}
8679f9097b Jeff*2363 
                2364 then, since there are no surface pressure changes due to Diabatic
                2365 processes, we may write
                2367 .. math:: \pp{T}{t}_{Diabatic} = \frac{p^\kappa}{\pi}\pp{\pi \theta}{t}_{Diabatic}
                2369 where :math:`\theta = T/p^\kappa`. Thus, **DIABT** may be written as
                2371 .. math:: {\bf DIABT} = \frac{p^\kappa}{\pi} \left( \pp{\pi \theta}{t}_{Diabatic} + \pp{\pi \theta}{t}_{Analysis} \right)
                2374 DIABQ - Total Diabatic Specific Humidity Tendency (g/kg/day)
                2375 ############################################################
                2377 **DIABQ** is the total time-tendency of Specific Humidity due to Diabatic
                2378 processes and the Analysis forcing.
                2380 .. math:: {\bf DIABQ} = \pp{q}{t}_{Moist Processes} + \pp{q}{t}_{Turbulence} + \pp{q}{t}_{Analysis}
                2382 If we define the time-tendency of Specific Humidity due to Diabatic
                2383 processes as
                2385 .. math:: \pp{q}{t}_{Diabatic} = \pp{q}{t}_{Moist Processes} + \pp{q}{t}_{Turbulence}
                2387 then, since there are no surface pressure changes due to Diabatic
                2388 processes, we may write
                2390 .. math:: \pp{q}{t}_{Diabatic} = \frac{1}{\pi}\pp{\pi q}{t}_{Diabatic}
                2392  Thus, **DIABQ** may be written as
                2394 .. math:: {\bf DIABQ} = \frac{1}{\pi} \left( \pp{\pi q}{t}_{Diabatic} + \pp{\pi q}{t}_{Analysis} \right)
                2397 VINTUQ - Vertically Integrated Moisture Flux (m/sec  g/kg)
                2398 ##########################################################
                2400 The vertically integrated moisture flux due to the zonal u-wind is
                2401 obtained by integrating :math:`u q` over the depth of the atmosphere at
                2402 each model timestep, and dividing by the total mass of the column.
                2404 .. math:: {\bf VINTUQ} = \frac{ \int_{surf}^{top} u q \rho dz  } { \int_{surf}^{top} \rho dz  }
                2406 Using
                2407 :math:`\rho \delta z = -\frac{\delta p}{g} = - \frac{1}{g} \delta p`, we
                2408 have
                2410 .. math:: {\bf VINTUQ} = { \int_0^1 u q dp  }
                2413 VINTVQ - Vertically Integrated Moisture Flux (m/sec g/kg)
                2414 #########################################################
                2416 The vertically integrated moisture flux due to the meridional v-wind
                2417 is obtained by integrating :math:`v q` over the depth of the atmosphere
                2418 at each model timestep, and dividing by the total mass of the column.
                2420 .. math:: {\bf VINTVQ} = \frac{ \int_{surf}^{top} v q \rho dz  } { \int_{surf}^{top} \rho dz  }
                2422 Using
                2423 :math:`\rho \delta z = -\frac{\delta p}{g} = - \frac{1}{g} \delta p`, we
                2424 have
                2426 .. math:: {\bf VINTVQ} = { \int_0^1 v q dp  }
                2429 VINTUT - Vertically Integrated Heat Flux (m/sec deg)
                2430 ####################################################
                2432 The vertically integrated heat flux due to the zonal u-wind is
                2433 obtained by integrating :math:`u T` over the depth of the atmosphere at
                2434 each model timestep, and dividing by the total mass of the column.
                2436 .. math:: {\bf VINTUT} = \frac{ \int_{surf}^{top} u T \rho dz  } { \int_{surf}^{top} \rho dz  }
                2438 Or,
                2440 .. math:: {\bf VINTUT} = { \int_0^1 u T dp  }
                2443 VINTVT - Vertically Integrated Heat Flux (m/sec deg)
                2444 ####################################################
                2446 The vertically integrated heat flux due to the meridional v-wind is
                2447 obtained by integrating :math:`v T` over the depth of the atmosphere at
                2448 each model timestep, and dividing by the total mass of the column.
                2450 .. math:: {\bf VINTVT} = \frac{ \int_{surf}^{top} v T \rho dz  } { \int_{surf}^{top} \rho dz  }
                2452 Using :math:`\rho \delta z = -\frac{\delta p}{g}`, we have
                2454 .. math:: {\bf VINTVT} = { \int_0^1 v T dp  }
                2457 CLDFRC - Total 2-Dimensional Cloud Fracton (0-1)
                2458 ################################################
                2460 If we define the time-averaged random and maximum overlapped cloudiness
                2461 as CLRO and CLMO respectively, then the probability of clear sky
                2462 associated with random overlapped clouds at any level is (1-CLRO) while
                2463 the probability of clear sky associated with maximum overlapped clouds
                2464 at any level is (1-CLMO). The total clear sky probability is given by
                2465 (1-CLRO)\*(1-CLMO), thus the total cloud fraction at each level may be
                2466 obtained by 1-(1-CLRO)\*(1-CLMO).
                2468 At any given level, we may define the clear line-of-site probability by
                2469 appropriately accounting for the maximum and random overlap cloudiness.
                2470 The clear line-of-site probability is defined to be equal to the product
                2471 of the clear line-of-site probabilities associated with random and
                2472 maximum overlap cloudiness. The clear line-of-site probability
                2473 :math:`C(p,p^{\prime})` associated with maximum overlap clouds, from the
                2474 current pressure :math:`p` to the model top pressure,
                2475 :math:`p^{\prime} = p_{top}`, or the model surface pressure,
                2476 :math:`p^{\prime} = p_{surf}`, is simply 1.0 minus the largest maximum
                2477 overlap cloud value along the line-of-site, ie.
                2479 .. math:: 1-MAX_p^{p^{\prime}} \left( CLMO_p \right)
                2481 Thus, even in the time-averaged sense it is assumed that the maximum
                2482 overlap clouds are correlated in the vertical. The clear line-of-site
                2483 probability associated with random overlap clouds is defined to be the
                2484 product of the clear sky probabilities at each level along the
                2485 line-of-site, ie.
                2487 .. math:: \prod_{p}^{p^{\prime}} \left( 1-CLRO_p \right)
                2489 The total cloud fraction at a given level associated with a line-
                2490 of-site calculation is given by
                2492 .. math::
                2494    1-\left( 1-MAX_p^{p^{\prime}} \left[ CLMO_p \right] \right)
                2495        \prod_p^{p^{\prime}} \left( 1-CLRO_p \right)
                2497 The 2-dimensional net cloud fraction as seen from the top of the
                2498 atmosphere is given by
                2500 .. math::
                2502    {\bf CLDFRC} = 1-\left( 1-MAX_{l=l_1}^{Nrphys} \left[ CLMO_l \right] \right)
                2503        \prod_{l=l_1}^{Nrphys} \left( 1-CLRO_l \right)
                2505 For a complete description of cloud/radiative interactions, see
                2506 Section [sec:fizhi:radcloud].
                2509 QINT - Total Precipitable Water (gm/cm^2)
                2510 #########################################
                2512 The Total Precipitable Water is defined as the vertical integral of the
                2513 specific humidity, given by:
                2515 .. math::
                2517    \begin{aligned}
0bad585a21 Navi*2518    {\bf QINT} & = \int_{surf}^{top} \rho q dz \\
                2519               & = \frac{\pi}{g} \int_0^1 q dp
8679f9097b Jeff*2520    \end{aligned}
                2522 where we have used the hydrostatic relation
                2523 :math:`\rho \delta z = -\frac{\delta p}{g}`.
                2526 U2M  Zonal U-Wind at 2 Meter Depth (m/sec)
                2527 ##########################################
                2529 The u-wind at the 2-meter depth is determined from the similarity
                2530 theory:
                2532 .. math::
                2534    {\bf U2M} = \frac{u_*}{k} \psi_{m_{2m}} \frac{u_{sl}}{W_s} =
                2535    \frac{ \psi_{m_{2m}} }{ \psi_{m_{sl}} }u_{sl}
                2537 where :math:`\psi_m(2m)` is the non-dimensional wind shear at two
                2538 meters, and the subscript :math:`sl` refers to the height of the top of
                2539 the surface layer. If the roughness height is above two meters,
                2540 :math:`{\bf U2M}` is undefined.
                2543 V2M - Meridional V-Wind at 2 Meter Depth (m/sec)
                2544 ################################################
                2546 The v-wind at the 2-meter depth is a determined from the similarity
                2547 theory:
                2549 .. math::
                2551    {\bf V2M} = \frac{u_*}{k} \psi_{m_{2m}} \frac{v_{sl}}{W_s} =
                2552    \frac{ \psi_{m_{2m}} }{ \psi_{m_{sl}} }v_{sl}
                2554 where :math:`\psi_m(2m)` is the non-dimensional wind shear at two
                2555 meters, and the subscript :math:`sl` refers to the height of the top of
                2556 the surface layer. If the roughness height is above two meters,
                2557 :math:`{\bf V2M}` is undefined.
                2560 T2M - Temperature at 2 Meter Depth (deg K)
                2561 ##########################################
                2563 The temperature at the 2-meter depth is a determined from the similarity
                2564 theory:
                2566 .. math::
                2568    {\bf T2M} = P^{\kappa} (\frac{\theta*}{k} ({\psi_{h_{2m}}+\psi_g}) + \theta_{surf} ) = 
                2569    P^{\kappa}(\theta_{surf} + \frac{ \psi_{h_{2m}}+\psi_g }{ \psi_{h_{sl}}+\psi_g }
                2570    (\theta_{sl} - \theta_{surf}) )
                2572 where:
                2574 .. math:: \theta_* = - \frac{ (\overline{w^{\prime}\theta^{\prime}}) }{ u_* }
                2576 where :math:`\psi_h(2m)` is the non-dimensional temperature gradient
                2577 at two meters, :math:`\psi_g` is the non-dimensional temperature
                2578 gradient in the viscous sublayer, and the subscript :math:`sl` refers to
                2579 the height of the top of the surface layer. If the roughness height is
                2580 above two meters, :math:`{\bf T2M}` is undefined.
                2583 Q2M - Specific Humidity at 2 Meter Depth (g/kg)
                2584 ###############################################
                2586 The specific humidity at the 2-meter depth is determined from the
                2587 similarity theory:
                2589 .. math::
                2591    {\bf Q2M} = P^{\kappa} \frac({q_*}{k} ({\psi_{h_{2m}}+\psi_g}) + q_{surf} ) = 
                2592    P^{\kappa}(q_{surf} + \frac{ \psi_{h_{2m}}+\psi_g }{ \psi_{h_{sl}}+\psi_g }
                2593    (q_{sl} - q_{surf}))
                2595 where:
                2597 .. math:: q_* = - \frac{ (\overline{w^{\prime}q^{\prime}}) }{ u_* }
                2599 where :math:`\psi_h(2m)` is the non-dimensional temperature gradient
                2600 at two meters, :math:`\psi_g` is the non-dimensional temperature
                2601 gradient in the viscous sublayer, and the subscript :math:`sl` refers to
                2602 the height of the top of the surface layer. If the roughness height is
                2603 above two meters, :math:`{\bf Q2M}` is undefined.
                2606 U10M - Zonal U-Wind at 10 Meter Depth (m/sec)
                2607 #############################################
                2609 The u-wind at the 10-meter depth is an interpolation between the surface
                2610 wind and the model lowest level wind using the ratio of the
                2611 non-dimensional wind shear at the two levels:
                2613 .. math::
                2615    {\bf U10M} = \frac{u_*}{k} \psi_{m_{10m}} \frac{u_{sl}}{W_s} =
                2616    \frac{ \psi_{m_{10m}} }{ \psi_{m_{sl}} }u_{sl}
                2618 where :math:`\psi_m(10m)` is the non-dimensional wind shear at ten
                2619 meters, and the subscript :math:`sl` refers to the height of the top of
                2620 the surface layer.
                2623 V10M - Meridional V-Wind at 10 Meter Depth (m/sec)
                2624 ##################################################
                2626 The v-wind at the 10-meter depth is an interpolation between the surface
                2627 wind and the model lowest level wind using the ratio of the
                2628 non-dimensional wind shear at the two levels:
                2630 .. math::
                2632    {\bf V10M} = \frac{u_*}{k} \psi_{m_{10m}} \frac{v_{sl}}{W_s} =
                2633    \frac{ \psi_{m_{10m}} }{ \psi_{m_{sl}} }v_{sl}
                2635 where :math:`\psi_m(10m)` is the non-dimensional wind shear at ten
                2636 meters, and the subscript :math:`sl` refers to the height of the top of
                2637 the surface layer.
                2640 T10M - Temperature at 10 Meter Depth (deg K)
                2641 ############################################
                2643 The temperature at the 10-meter depth is an interpolation between the
                2644 surface potential temperature and the model lowest level potential
                2645 temperature using the ratio of the non-dimensional temperature gradient
                2646 at the two levels:
                2648 .. math::
                2650    {\bf T10M} = P^{\kappa} (\frac{\theta*}{k} ({\psi_{h_{10m}}+\psi_g}) + \theta_{surf} ) = 
                2651    P^{\kappa}(\theta_{surf} + \frac{\psi_{h_{10m}}+\psi_g}{\psi_{h_{sl}}+\psi_g}
                2652    (\theta_{sl} - \theta_{surf}))
                2654 where:
                2656 .. math:: \theta_* = - \frac{ (\overline{w^{\prime}\theta^{\prime}}) }{ u_* }
                2658 where :math:`\psi_h(10m)` is the non-dimensional temperature gradient
                2659 at two meters, :math:`\psi_g` is the non-dimensional temperature
                2660 gradient in the viscous sublayer, and the subscript :math:`sl` refers to
                2661 the height of the top of the surface layer.
                2664 Q10M - Specific Humidity at 10 Meter Depth (g/kg)
                2665 #################################################
                2667 The specific humidity at the 10-meter depth is an interpolation between
                2668 the surface specific humidity and the model lowest level specific
                2669 humidity using the ratio of the non-dimensional temperature gradient at
                2670 the two levels:
                2672 .. math::
                2674    {\bf Q10M} = P^{\kappa} (\frac{q_*}{k} ({\psi_{h_{10m}}+\psi_g}) + q_{surf} ) = 
                2675    P^{\kappa}(q_{surf} + \frac{\psi_{h_{10m}}+\psi_g}{\psi_{h_{sl}}+\psi_g}
                2676    (q_{sl} - q_{surf}))
                2678 where:
                2680 .. math:: q_* =  - \frac{ (\overline{w^{\prime}q^{\prime}}) }{ u_* }
                2682 where :math:`\psi_h(10m)` is the non-dimensional temperature gradient
                2683 at two meters, :math:`\psi_g` is the non-dimensional temperature
                2684 gradient in the viscous sublayer, and the subscript :math:`sl` refers to
                2685 the height of the top of the surface layer.
                2688 DTRAIN - Cloud Detrainment Mass Flux (kg/m^2)
                2689 #############################################
                2691 The amount of cloud mass moved per RAS timestep at the cloud
                2692 detrainment level is written:
                2694 .. math:: {\bf DTRAIN} = \eta_{r_D}m_B
                2696 where :math:`r_D` is the detrainment level, :math:`m_B` is the cloud
                2697 base mass flux, and :math:`\eta` is the entrainment, defined in :numref:`para_phys_pkg_fizhi_mc`.
                2700 QFILL - Filling of negative Specific Humidity (g/kg/day)
                2701 ########################################################
                2703 Due to computational errors associated with the numerical scheme used
                2704 for the advection of moisture, negative values of specific humidity may
                2705 be generated. The specific humidity is checked for negative values after
                2706 every dynamics timestep. If negative values have been produced, a
                2707 filling algorithm is invoked which redistributes moisture from below.
                2708 Diagnostic **QFILL** is equal to the net filling needed to eliminate
                2709 negative specific humidity, scaled to a per-day rate:
                2711 .. math:: {\bf QFILL} = q^{n+1}_{final} - q^{n+1}_{initial}
                2713 where
                2715 .. math:: q^{n+1} = (\pi q)^{n+1} / \pi^{n+1}
                2717 Key subroutines, parameters and files
                2718 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                2721 Dos and don'ts
                2722 ++++++++++++++
                2725 Fizhi Reference
                2726 +++++++++++++++
                2729 Experiments and tutorials that use fizhi
                2730 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
                2732 -  Global atmosphere experiment with realistic SST and topography in
                2733    fizhi-cs-32x32x10 verification directory.
                2735 -  Global atmosphere aqua planet experiment in fizhi-cs-aqualev20
                2736    verification directory.