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view on githubraw file Latest commit 1e528bb7 on 2019-09-30 03:03:39 UTC
5ab6faf8fd gael*0001 
                0002 Introduction
                0003 ------------
1e528bb74e gael*0005 This section describes the :filelink:`pkg/flt` package and is largely based on the original documentation provided by `Arne Biastoch` and `Alistair Adcroft` circa 2001.
                0006 :filelink:`pkg/flt` computes float trajectories and simulates the behavior of profiling floats during a model run.
                0007 Profiling floats (e.g.) Argo) typically drift at depth and go back to the surface at pre-defined time intervals.
                0008 However, :filelink:`pkg/flt` can also simulate observing devices such as non-profiling floats or surface drifters.
                0010 The package's core functionalities are operated by the `flt_main` call in `forward_step` (see below for details). Checkpointing is supported via `flt_write_pickup` called in `packages_write_pickup`.
                0012 Time-stepping of float locations is based on a second- or fourth-order Runga-Kutta scheme (Press et al., 1992, Numerical Recipes).
                0013 Velocities and positions are interpolated between grid points to the simulated device location, and various types of noise can be added the simulated displacements.
                0014 Spatial interpolation is bilinear close to boundaries and otherwise a polynomial interpolation. Float positions are expressed in local grid index space.
                0017 Compile-time options in `FLT_OPTIONS.h`
                0018 ---------------------------------------
                0020 .. tabularcolumns:: |\Y{.4}|L|L|
                0023 +-----------------------------------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                0024 | CPP Flag Name                                 | Default | Description                                                                                                          |
                0025 +===============================================+=========+======================================================================================================================+
                0026 | :varlink:`ALLOW_3D_FLT`                       | #define | allow three-dimensional float displacements                                                                          |
                0027 +-----------------------------------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                0028 | :varlink:`USE_FLT_ALT_NOISE`                  | #define | use alternative method of adding random noise                                                                        |
                0029 +-----------------------------------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                0030 | :varlink:`ALLOW_FLT_3D_NOISE`                 | #define | add noise also to the vertical velocity of 3D floats                                                                 |
                0031 +-----------------------------------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                0032 | :varlink:`FLT_SECOND_ORDER_RUNGE_KUTTA`       | #undef  | revert to old second-order Runge-Kutta                                                                               |
                0033 +-----------------------------------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                0034 | :varlink:`FLT_WITHOUT_X_PERIODICITY`          | #undef  | prevent floats to re-enter the opposite side of a periodic domain                                                    |
                0035 +-----------------------------------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                0036 | :varlink:`FLT_WITHOUT_Y_PERIODICITY`          | #undef  | prevent floats to re-enter the opposite side of a periodic domain                                                    |
                0037 +-----------------------------------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                0038 | :varlink:`DEVEL_FLT_EXCH2`                    | #undef  | allow experimentation with pkg/flt + exch2 despite incomplete implementation                                         |
                0039 +-----------------------------------------------+---------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
                0041 Compile-time parameters in `FLT_SIZE.h` include:
                0042 ------------------------------------------------
5ab6faf8fd gael*0043 
                0044 parameter (`max_npart_tile` = 300)
                0045    is the maximum number of floats per tile. Should be smaller
                0046    than the total number of floats when running on a parallel
                0047    environment but as small as possible to avoid too large
                0048    arrays. The model will stop if the number of floats per tile
                0049    exceeds max_npart_tile at any time.
                0050 parameter (`max_npart_exch` = 50)
                0051    is the maximum number of floats per tile that can be exchanged
                0052    with other tiles to one side (there are 4 arrays) in one
                0053    timestep. Should be generally small because only few floats
                0054    leave the tile exactly at the same time.
1e528bb74e gael*0056 Run-time options in `data.flt` include:
                0057 ---------------------------------------
5ab6faf8fd gael*0058 
                0059 `flt_int_traj`
                0060    is the time interval in seconds to sample float position and dynamic variables (T,S,U,V,Eta).
                0061    To capture the whole profile cycle of a PALACE float this has to be at least as small as the shortest surface time
                0063 `flt_int_prof`
                0064    is the time interval in seconds to sample a whole profile of T,S,U,V (as well as
                0065    positions and Eta). This has to chosen at least as small as the shortest profiling interval.
                0067 `flt_noise`
                0068         If `FLT_NOISE` is defined then this is the amplitude that is added to the advection velocity by the random number generator.
                0070 `flt_file`
                0071    is the base filename of the float positions without tile information and ending (e.g. `float_pos`)
1e528bb74e gael*0073 `flt_selectTrajOutp`
                0074    selects variables to output following float trajectories (=0 : none ; =1 : position only ; =2 : +p,u,v,t,s)
                0076 flt_selectProfOutp`
                0077    selects variables to output when floats profile (=0 : none ; =1 : position only ; =2 : +p,u,v,t,s)
                0079 `flt_deltaT`
                0080          is equal to `deltaTClock` by default
                0082 `FLT_Iter0`
                0083    is the time step when floats are initialized
                0085 `mapIniPos2Index`
                0086    converts float initial positions to local, fractional indices (`.TRUE.` by default)
                0088 *Notes:* `flt_int_prof` is the time between getting profiles, not the the return  cycle of the float to the surface. The latter can be specified individually for every float. Because the mechanism
                0089 for returning to the surface is called in the profiling routine flt_int_prof has to be the minimum of all iup(max_npart). The subsampling of profiles can be done later in the analysis.
                0091 *Notes:* All profiling intervals have to be an integer multiple of `flt_int_prof`. The profile is always taken over the whole water column.
                0092 For example, let's assume that one wants a first set of floats with 5 days profiling interval and 24 hours surface time, and another one with 10 days profiling interval and 12 hours surface time.
                0093 To capture all of the floats motions, one then would have to set `flt_int_traj=43200` and `flt_int_prof=432000`.
                0095 Input Files
                0096 -----------
                0098 If `nIter0.EQ.FLT_Iter0` then `flt_init_varia` first looks for a global file (e.g. ``).
                0099 If that file does not exists then `flt_init_varia` looks for local files (e.g. ``, etc.)
                0100 or for local pickup files that have been generated during a previous model run (e.g. ``, etc.).
                0103 The first line of these input file provides:
                0105 - the number of floats on that tile in the first record
                0106 - the total number of floats in the sixth record
                0108 *Notes:* when using a global file at first-time initialization both fields should be the same.
5ab6faf8fd gael*0109 
1e528bb74e gael*0110 Afterwards the input files contain one 9-element double-precision record for each float:
5ab6faf8fd gael*0111 
                0112 ::
                0114         npart   A unique float identifier (1,2,3,...)
                0115         tstart  start date of integration of float (in s)
                0116           - If tstart=-1 floats are integrated right from the beginning
                0117         xpart   x position of float (in units of XC)
                0118         ypart   y position of float (in units of YC)
                0119         kpart   actual vertical level of float
                0120         kfloat  target level of float
                0121                - should be the same as kpart at the beginning
                0122         iup     flag if the float
                0123           - should profile   ( >  0 = return cycle (in s) to surface)
                0124           - remain at depth  ( =  0 )
                0125           - is a 3D float    ( = -1 ).
                0126           - should be advected WITHOUT additional noise ( = -2 ).
                0127             (This implies that the float is non-profiling)
                0128           - is a mooring     ( = -3 ), i.e. the float is not advected
                0129         itop    time of float the surface (in s)
                0130         tend    end date of integration of float (in s)
                0131           - If tend=-1 floats are integrated till the end of the integration
1e528bb74e gael*0133 *Notes:* an example how to write a float file (`write_float.F`) is included in the verification experiment documented below.
5ab6faf8fd gael*0134 
1e528bb74e gael*0135 Output Files
                0136 ------------
5ab6faf8fd gael*0137 
1e528bb74e gael*0138 The output consists of 3 sets of local files:
5ab6faf8fd gael*0139 
1e528bb74e gael*0140 - `pickup_flt*` : last positions of floats that can be used for restart
                0141 - `float_trajectories*` : trajectories of floats and actual values at depth
                0142 - `float_profiles*` : profiles throughout the whole water column
5ab6faf8fd gael*0143 
1e528bb74e gael*0144 Verification Experiment
                0145 -----------------------
5ab6faf8fd gael*0146 
1e528bb74e gael*0147 The verification experiment is based on `exp4` (flow over a Gaussian in a channel). The two main difference is that an additional wind forcing was introduced to speed up the currents.
5ab6faf8fd gael*0148 
1e528bb74e gael*0149 A few utilities are included that were supposedly used to prepare input for `pkg/flt` and / or visualize its output:
5ab6faf8fd gael*0150 
1e528bb74e gael*0151 ::
5ab6faf8fd gael*0152 
1e528bb74e gael*0153         extra/cvfloat.F90
                0154         extra/cvprofiles.F
                0155         extra/write_float.F
                0156         input/convert_ini.m
                0157         input/read_flt_traj.m
5ab6faf8fd gael*0158 
1e528bb74e gael*0159 Algorithm details
                0160 -----------------
5ab6faf8fd gael*0161 
1e528bb74e gael*0162 A summary of what `flt_main.F` currently does is as follows:
                0164 ::
                0166                 CALL FLT_RUNGA4
                0167                   CALL FLT_TRILINEAR
                0168                   or CALL FLT_BILINEAR
                0169                 or CALL FLT_RUNGA2
                0170                   CALL FLT_TRILINEAR
                0171                   or CALL FLT_BILINEAR
                0172                 CALL FLT_EXCH2
                0173                   CALL EXCH2_SEND_PUT_VEC_RL
                0174                   CALL EXCH2_RECV_GET_VEC_RL
                0175                 or CALL FLT_EXCHG
                0176                   CALL EXCH_SEND_PUT_VEC_X_RL
                0177                   CALL EXCH_RECV_GET_VEC_X_RL
                0178                   CALL EXCH_SEND_PUT_VEC_Y_RL
                0179                   CALL EXCH_RECV_GET_VEC_Y_RL
                0180                 CALL FLT_UP
                0181                 CALL FLT_DOWN
                0182                 CALL FLT_TRAJ
5ab6faf8fd gael*0183 
                0184 A summary of included fortran files is provided inside `flt_main.F`:
                0186 ::
                0188         Main Routines:
                0189         C
                0190         C     o flt_main       - Integrates the floats forward and stores
                0191         C                        positions and vertical profiles at specific
                0192         C                        time intervals.
                0193         C     o flt_readparms  - Read parameter file
                0194         C     o flt_init_fixed - Initialise fixed
                0195         C     o flt_init_varia - Initialise the floats
                0196         C     o flt_restart    - Writes restart data to file (=> renamed: flt_write_pickup)
                0197         C
                0198         C     Second Level Subroutines:
                0199         C
                0200         C     o flt_runga2     - Second order Runga-Kutta inetgration (default)
                0201         C     o flt_exchg      - Does a new distribution of floats over tiles
                0202         C                        after every integration step.
                0203         C     o flt_up         - moves float to the surface (if flag is set)
                0204         C                        and stores profiles to file
                0205         C     o flt_down       - moves float to its target depth (if flag is set)
                0206         C     o flt_traj       - stores positions and data to file
                0207         C     o flt_interp_linear  - contains blinear interpolation scheme
                0208         C     o flt_mapping        - contains mapping functions & subroutine
                0209         C     o flt_mdsreadvector  - modified mdsreadvector to read files