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fefe253d88 Dimi*0001 @STRING{acm = "ACM Trans.\ on Math. Software"}
0002 @STRING{adg = "Adv.\ Geophys."}
0003 @STRING{agu = "Eos Trans.\ AGU"}
0004 @STRING{aiaaj= "AIAA J."}
0005 @STRING{ao = "Appl.\ Opt."} * Applied Optics
0006 @STRING{bams = "Bull.\ Amer.\ Meteor.\ Soc."}
0007 @STRING{dao = "Dyn.\ Atmos.\ \& Oceans"} * Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans
0008 @STRING{dsr = "Deep Sea Res."} * Deep-Sea Research
0009 @STRING{gbc = "Global Biogeochem. Cycles"}
0010 @STRING{gfd = "Geophys.\ Fluid Dyn."} * Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
0011 @STRING{gji = "Geophys.\ J. Int."}
0012 @string{grl = "Geophys.\ Res.\ Let."}
0013 @STRING{ip = "Inverse Problems"}
0014 @STRING{ijrs = "Int.\ J. Remote Sens."} International Journal of Remote Sensing
0015 @STRING{jam = "J. Appl.\ Meteor."} * Journal of Applied Meteorology
0016 @STRING{jas = "J. Atmos.\ Sci."}
0017 @STRING{jasa = "J. Acoust.\ Soc.\ Am."}
0018 @STRING{jbe = "J. Basic Eng."}
0019 @STRING{jclim= "J. Clim."}
0020 @STRING{jcp = "J. Comput.\ Phys."}
0021 @STRING{jfm = "J. Fluid Mech."} * Journal of Fluid Mechanics
0022 @STRING{jfp = "J. Func.\ Programming"}
0023 @STRING{jgr = "J. Geophys.\ Res."} * Journal of Geophysical Research
0024 @STRING{joe = "IEEE J. Oceanic Eng."} * IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering
0025 @STRING{joc = "J. Oceanogr."}
0026 @STRING{josa = "J. Opt.\ Soc.\ Am."}
0027 @STRING{jmr = "J. Mar.\ Res."} * Journal of Marine Research
0028 @STRING{jms = "J. Mar.\ Sys."} * Journal of Marine Systems
0029 @STRING{jmsj = "J. Meteor.\ Soc.\ Japan"}
0030 @STRING{jpo = "J. Phys.\ Oceanogr."} * Journal of Physical Oceanography
0031 @STRING{jtech= "J. Atmos.\ Oceanic Technol."}
0032 @STRING{mwr = "Mon.\ Weather Rev."}
0033 @STRING{om = "Ocean Modeling"}
0034 @STRING{pad = "Physica D"}
0035 @STRING{pf = "Phys.\ Fluids"} * The Physics of Fluids
0036 @STRING{ph = "Physics"}
0037 @STRING{pi = "Proc.\ IEEE"} * Proceedings of the IEEE
0038 @STRING{pr = "Polar Rec."}
0039 @STRING{prs = "Proc.\ Roy.\ Soc."} * Proceed. of the Royal Society of London
0040 @STRING{prog = "Prog.\ Oceanogr."}
0041 @STRING{ptrs = "Phil.\ Trans.\ R.\ Soc.\ Lond."}
0042 @STRING{qam = "Quart.\ Appl.\ Math."} * Quarterly of Applied Mathematics
0043 @STRING{qjrms= "Q.\ J.\ R.\ Meteorol.\ Soc."}
0044 @STRING{rgsp = "Rev.\ Geophys.\ and Space Phys."}
0045 @STRING{rog = "Rev.\ Geophysics"} * Reviews of Geophysics
0046 @STRING{rs = "Radio Sci."} * Radio Science
0047 @STRING{tac = "IEEE Trans.\ Autom. Control"}
0048 @STRING{tass = "IEEE Trans.\ Acoust.\ Speech Signal Process."}
0049 @STRING{tct = "IEEE Trans.\ Commun.\ Technol."}
0050 @STRING{tgrs = "IEEE Trans.\ Geosci.\ Remote Sens."}
0051 @STRING{tip = "IEEE Trans.\ Image Processing"}
0052 @STRING{tsp = "IEEE Trans.\ Signal Processing"}
0053 @STRING{wrm = "Waves Random Media"}
0055 @ARTICLE{adc97,
0056 AUTHOR = "Alistair Adcroft and Chris Hill and John Marshall",
0057 TITLE = "The Representation of Topography by Shaved
0058 Cells in a Height Coordinate Model",
0059 JOURNAL = mwr,
0060 YEAR = 1997,
0061 VOLUME = 125,
0062 NUMBER = 9,
0063 PAGES = "2293-2315"}
0065 @ARTICLE{adc04,
0066 AUTHOR = "Alistair Adcroft and Jean-Michel Campin and Chris Hill
0067 and John C. Marshall",
0068 TITLE = "Implementation of an Atmosphere-Ocean General Circulation
0069 Model on the Expanded Spherical Cube",
0070 JOURNAL = mwr,
0071 YEAR = "submitted, available at
0072 {http://mitgcm.org/\~{\ }adcroft/papers/adcroft\_et\_al\_MWR\_2004.pdf}"}
0074 @ARTICLE{arv96,
0075 AUTHOR = "Arvind and Cho and C. Hill and J. Marshall",
0076 TITLE = "A Comparison of Implicitly Parallel Multi-Threaded and
0077 Data-Parallel Implementations of an Ocean Model Based on the
0078 {Navier Stokes} Equations",
0079 JOURNAL = jfp,
0080 YEAR = "submitted 1996"}
0082 @INPROCEEDINGS{cam03,
0083 AUTHOR = "J.-M. Campin and A. Adcroft and C. Hill and J. Marshall",
0084 TITLE = "A Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere {GCM} Using a Single Hydrodynamical Kernel",
0085 YEAR = 2003,
0086 MONTH = "September 15-19,",
0087 PAGES = "45",
0088 PUBLISHER = "Max-Planck-Institute for Meteorology",
0089 BOOKTITLE = "International Conference on Earth System Modelling",
0090 ADRESS = "Hamburg"}
0092 @TECHREPORT{ecc99,
0093 AUTHOR = "D. Stammer and R. Davis and L.-L. Fu and I. Fukumori and R. Giering
0094 and T. Lee and J. Marotzke and J. Marshall and D. Menemenlis and
0095 P. Niiler and C. Wunsch and V. Zlotnicki",
0096 TITLE = "The Consortium for Estimating the Circulation and Climate
0097 of the Ocean (ECCO): Science Goals and Task Plan",
0098 INSTITUTION = "Scripps Instituttion of Oceanography",
0099 YEAR = 1999,
0100 TYPE = "The ECCO Report Series",
0101 NUMBER = 1,
0102 ADDRESS = "9500 Gilman Dr., La Jolla, CA 92093-0239; also available at
0103 http://www.ecco.ucsd.edu/report/report\_1/report\_1.html"}
0105 @ARTICLE{fla92,
0106 AUTHOR = "G. M. Flato and W. D. {Hibler, III}",
0107 TITLE = "Modeling pack ice as a cavitating fluid",
0108 JOURNAL = jpo,
0109 YEAR = 1992,
0110 VOLUME = 22,
0111 PAGES = "626-651"}
0113 @INCOLLECTION{hei02,
0114 AUTHOR = "P. Heimbach and C. Hill and R. Giering",
0115 TITLE = "Automatic Generation of Efficient Adjoint Code for a
0116 Parallel Navier-Stokes Solver",
0117 BOOKTITLE = "Lecture Notes in Computer Science",
0118 PUBLISHER = "Springer-Verlag",
0119 YEAR = 2002,
0120 EDITOR = "J. J. Dongarra and P. M. A. Sloot and C. J. K. Tan",
0121 PAGES = "1019-1028",
0122 ADDRESS = "New York"}
0124 @ARTICLE{hib79,
0125 AUTHOR = "W. D. {Hibler, III}",
0126 TITLE = "A Dynamic Thermodynamic Sea Ice Model",
0127 JOURNAL = jpo,
0128 YEAR = 1979,
0129 VOLUME = 9,
0130 PAGES = "815-846"}
0132 @ARTICLE{hib80,
0133 AUTHOR = "W. D. {Hibler, III}",
0134 TITLE = "Modeling a Variable Thickness Sea Ice Cover",
0135 JOURNAL = mwr,
0136 YEAR = 1980,
0137 VOLUME = 1,
0138 PAGES = "1943-1973"}
0140 @INPROCEEDINGS{hil95,
0141 AUTHOR = "C. Hill and J. Marshall",
0142 TITLE = "Application of a Parallel {Navier-Stokes} Model to Ocean
0143 Circulation",
0144 BOOKTITLE = "Proceedings of Parallel CFD '95",
0145 YEAR = 1995,
0146 PUBLISHER = "Caltech"}
0148 @ARTICLE{hun97,
0149 AUTHOR = "E. C. Hunke and J. K. Dukowicz",
0150 TITLE = "An elastic-viscous-plastic model for sea ice dynamics",
0151 JOURNAL = jpo,
0152 YEAR = 1997,
0153 VOLUME = 27,
0154 PAGES = "1849-1867"}
0156 @ARTICLE{lar94,
0157 AUTHOR = "W. G. Large and J. C. McWilliams and S.C. Doney",
0158 TITLE = "Oceanic vertical mixing: A review and a model with a nonlocal
0159 boundary layer parameterization",
0160 JOURNAL = rog,
0161 YEAR = 1994,
0162 VOLUME = 32,
0163 PAGES = "363"}
0165 @ARTICLE{mar97a,
0166 AUTHOR = "John Marshall and Alistair Adcroft and Chris Hill and
0167 Lev Perelman and Curtis Heisey",
0168 TITLE = "A Finite-Volume, Incompressible {Navier-Stokes} Model for
0169 Studies of the Ocean on Parallel Computers",
0170 JOURNAL = jgr,
0171 YEAR = 1997,
0172 VOLUME = 102,
0173 NUMBER = "C3",
0174 PAGES = "5753-5766",
0175 MONTH = "March 15,"}
0177 @ARTICLE{mar97b,
0178 AUTHOR = "John Marshall and Chris Hill and Lev Perelman and
0179 Alistair Adcroft",
0180 TITLE = "Hydrostatic, Quasi-Hydrostatic and Non-Hydrostatic Ocean
0181 Modeling",
0182 JOURNAL = jgr,
0183 YEAR = 1997,
0184 VOLUME = 102,
0185 NUMBER = "C3",
0186 PAGES = "5733-5752",
0187 MONTH = "March 15,"}
0189 @ARTICLE{mck03,
0190 AUTHOR = "Galen A. McKinley and Michael J. Follows and John Marshall",
0191 TITLE = "Interannual Variability of Air-Sea O$_2$ Fluxes and the Determination
0192 of CO$_2$ Sinks Using Atmospheric O$_2$/N$_2$",
0193 JOURNAL = grl,
0194 YEAR = 2003,
0195 VOLUME = 30,
0196 NUMBER = 3,
0197 PAGES = 1101}
0199 @TECHREPORT{men94a,
0200 AUTHOR = "Dimitris Menemenlis and Carl Wunsch",
0201 TITLE = "Ocean-Climate Estimation Using {ATOC}",
0202 INSTITUTION = "{ATOC} Occasional Notes",
0203 YEAR = 1994,
0204 NUMBER = 23,
0205 MONTH = dec}
0207 @TECHREPORT{men95c,
0208 AUTHOR = "Dimitris Menemenlis and Carl Wunsch",
0209 TITLE = "Recent North Pacific Climatology for {ATOC}",
0210 INSTITUTION = "{ATOC} Occasional Notes",
0211 YEAR = 1995,
0212 NUMBER = 30,
0213 MONTH = mar}
0215 @ARTICLE{men97,
0216 AUTHOR = "Dimitris Menemenlis and Carl Wunsch",
0217 TITLE = "Linearization of an Oceanic Circulation Model for Data
0218 Assimilation and Climate Studies",
0219 JOURNAL = jtech,
0220 YEAR = 1997,
0221 VOLUME = 14,
0222 NUMBER = 6,
0223 PAGES = "1420-1443"}
0225 @ARTICLE{men97a,
0226 AUTHOR = "Dimitris Menemenlis and Tony Webb and Carl Wunsch and Uwe
0227 Send and Chris Hill",
0228 TITLE = "Basin-Scale Ocean Circulation from Combined Altimetric,
0229 Tomographic and Model Data",
0230 JOURNAL = "Nature",
0231 YEAR = 1997,
0232 VOLUME = 385,
0233 PAGES = "618-621"}
0235 @ARTICLE{men97b,
0236 AUTHOR = "D. Menemenlis and D. Stammer and C. Wunsch and B. D.
0237 Dushaw and {the ATOC group}",
0238 TITLE = "Preliminary Estimates of north {Pacific} Circulation from
0239 Combined Altimetry, Acoustic Tomography, and a General
0240 Circulation Model",
0241 JOURNAL = "International WOCE Newsletter",
0242 YEAR = 1997,
0243 NUMBER = 25,
0244 PAGES = "7-10",
0245 MONTH = feb}
0247 @ARTICLE{men00,
0248 AUTHOR = "Dimitris Menemenlis and Michael Chechelnitsky",
0249 TITLE = "Error Estimates for an Ocean General Circulation Model
0250 From Altimeter and Acoustic Tomography Data",
0251 JOURNAL = mwr,
0252 YEAR = 2000,
0253 VOLUME = 128,
0254 PAGES = "763--778"}
0256 @ARTICLE{men03,
0257 AUTHOR = "D. Menemenlis and B. Cheng and I. Fukumori and T. Lee and
0258 A. Koehl and D. Stammer and A. Adcroft and P. Heimbach and
0259 C. Hill and J. Zhang and C. Henze and J. Taft",
0260 TITLE = "The {ECCO} High-Resolution Global-Ocean State Estimation Initiative",
0261 JOURNAL = agu,
0262 YEAR = 2003,
0263 VOLUME = 84,
0264 NUMBER = 52,
0265 PAGES = "OS21H-02",
0266 NOTE = "Available at http://ecco.jpl.nasa.gov/cube\_sphere/"}
0268 @ARTICLE{sem76,
0269 AUTHOR = "Semtner, Jr., Albert J.",
0270 TITLE = "A model for the thermodynamic growth of sea ice in
0271 numerical investigations of climate",
0272 JOURNAL = jpo,
0273 YEAR = 1976,
0274 VOLUME = 6,
0275 PAGES = "379-389"}
0277 @TECHREPORT{sta93,
0278 AUTHOR = "Detlef Stammer and Carl Wunsch",
0279 TITLE = "Large Scale Modeling in the {ATOC} Context",
0280 INSTITUTION = "{ATOC} Occasional Notes",
0281 YEAR = 1993,
0282 NUMBER = "14",
0283 MONTH = sep}
0285 @ARTICLE{sta94,
0286 AUTHOR = "Detlef Stammer and Carl Wunsch",
0287 TITLE = "Preliminary Assessment of the Accuracy and Precision of
0288 {TOPEX/POSEIDON} Altimeter Data With Respect to the
0289 Large-Scale Ocean Circulation",
0290 JOURNAL = jgr,
0291 YEAR = 1994,
0292 VOLUME = 99,
0293 NUMBER = "C12",
0294 PAGES = "24,584-24,604",
0295 MONTH = "December 15,"}
0297 @ARTICLE{sta96,
0298 AUTHOR = "Detlef Stammer and Carl Wunsch",
0299 TITLE = "The Determination of the the Large-Scale Circulation of the
0300 {Pacific Ocean} from Satellite Altimetry Using Model
0301 {Green's} Functions",
0302 JOURNAL = jgr,
0303 YEAR = 1996,
0304 VOLUME = 101,
0305 NUMBER = "C8",
0306 PAGES = "18,409-18,432",
0307 MONTH = "August 15,"}
0309 @ARTICLE{sta96b,
0310 AUTHOR = "Detlef Stammer and Robin Tokmakian and Albert Semtner and
0311 Carl Wunsch",
0312 TITLE = "How Well Does a 1/4$^\circ$ Global Circulation Model
0313 Simulate Large-Scale Oceanic Observations?",
0314 JOURNAL = jgr,
0315 YEAR = 1996,
0316 VOLUME = 101,
0317 NUMBER = "C11",
0318 PAGES = "25,779-25,811"}
0320 @ARTICLE{sta00,
0321 AUTHOR = "D. Stammer and C. Wunsch and R. M. Ponte",
0322 TITLE = "De-Aliasing of Global High Frequency Barotropic
0323 Motions in Altimeter Observations",
0324 JOURNAL = grl,
0325 VOLUME = "27",
0326 PAGES = "1175-1178",
0327 YEAR = "2000"}
0329 @ARTICLE{sta03,
0330 AUTHOR = "D. Stammer and C. Wunsch and R. Giering and C. Eckert and
0331 P. Heimbach and J. Marotzke and A. Adcroft and C. N. Hill
0332 and J. Marshall",
0333 TITLE = "Volume, Heat, and Freshwater Transports of the Global Ocean
0334 Circulation 1993-2000, Estimated From a General Circulation Model
0335 Constrained by {World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE)} Data",
0336 JOURNAL = jgr,
0337 YEAR = 2003,
0338 VOLUME = 108,
0339 NUMBER = "C1",
0340 PAGES = "3007-3029"}
0342 @ARTICLE{win00,
0343 AUTHOR = "M. Winton",
0344 TITLE = "A reformulated three-layer sea ice model",
0345 JOURNAL = jtech,
0346 YEAR = 2000,
0347 VOLUME = 17,
0348 PAGES = "525-531"}
0350 @ARTICLE{zha97,
0351 AUTHOR = "Jinlun Zhang and W. D. {Hibler, III}",
0352 TITLE = "On an Efficient Numerical Method for Modeling
0353 Sea Ice Dynamics",
0354 JOURNAL = jgr,
0355 YEAR = 1997,
0356 VOLUME = 102,
0357 PAGES = "8691-8702"}
0359 @ARTICLE{zha98a,
0360 AUTHOR = "J. Zhang and W. D. {Hibler, III} and M. Steele
0361 and D. A. Rothrock",
0362 TITLE = "Arctic ice-ocean modeling with and without climate restoring",
0363 JOURNAL = jpo,
0364 YEAR = 1998,
0365 VOLUME = 28,
0366 PAGES = "191-217"}
0368 @ARTICLE{zha98b,
0369 AUTHOR = "J. Zhang and D. A. Rothrock and M. Steele",
0370 TITLE = "Warming of the {Arctic Ocean} by a strengthened {Atlantic}
0371 inflow: Model results",
0372 JOURNAL = grl,
0373 YEAR = 1998,
0374 VOLUME = 25,
0375 PAGES = "1745-1748"}
0377 @ARTICLE{zha00,
0378 AUTHOR = "Jinlun Zhang and Drew Rothrock",
0379 TITLE = "Modeling Arctic Sea Ice with an Efficient Plastic Solution",
0380 JOURNAL = jgr,
0381 YEAR = 2000,
0382 VOLUME = 105,
0383 PAGES = "3325-3338"}
0385 @ARTICLE{zha00a,
0386 AUTHOR = "J. Zhang and D. A. Rothrock and M. Steele",
0387 TITLE = "Recent changes in {Arctic} sea ice: The interplay
0388 between ice dynamics and thermodynamics",
0389 JOURNAL = jclim,
0390 YEAR = 2000,
0391 VOLUME = 13,
0392 PAGES = "3099-3114"}
0394 @ARTICLE{zha00b,
0395 AUTHOR = "J. Zhang and D. A. Rothrock",
0396 TITLE = "A thickness and enthalpy distribution sea-ice model",
0397 JOURNAL = jpo,
0398 YEAR = "in press, 2000"}