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view on githubraw file Latest commit ad38444b on 2018-01-31 20:35:48 UTC
001960e8f0 Ed H*0001 %
                0002 %
                0004 \chapter{Introduction}
                0006 This reference guide is intended as a gentle introduction to the
                0007 MITgcm internals.  Each chapter contains a very brief description of
                0008 the ``package'' that it describes and then a listing of the various
ef080e1d37 Dimi*0009 functions and subroutines contained therein.  The intent is to help the
001960e8f0 Ed H*0010 reader become acquainted with the interface to each part of the code,
                0011 not to delve into the code internals.
                0013 For a more thorough view of the subroutines, variables, and other
                0014 internnal details, the reader is invited to use the following
                0015 references which present different views of the source code:
                0016 \begin{itemize}
                0017 \item The MITgcm on-line code browser:
                0018   \begin{center}
                0019     \htmladdnormallink{\tt
                0021     {}
                0022   \end{center}
                0023   is a helpful interface when, for instance, one wishes to determine
                0024   where subroutines are called or variables are used.
                0026 \item The MITgcm CVS Web interface:
                0027   \begin{center}
                0028     \htmladdnormallink{\tt}
                0029     {}
                0030   \end{center}
                0031   provides a web-browse-able view that is most useful for determining
                0032   the history of various changes.
                0034 \item Finally, the code itself can be obtained at:
                0035   \begin{center}
                0036     \htmladdnormallink{\tt\_code.html}
                0037     {}
                0038   \end{center}
                0039   and this is the ultimate location to look for details, make changes,
                0040   or add features.
                0042 \end{itemize}