Warning, /doc/old_doc/api_reference/dir_list is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
view on githubraw file Latest commit ad38444b on 2018-01-31 20:35:48 UTC
cedb4b86df Ed H*0001 #
0002 #
0003 #
0004 # The following is a list of directories to search in for *.[chF] files
0005 # in order to build the MITgcm API-Reference documentation. The format
0006 # is:
0007 #
0008 # dir_1 dir_1a dir_1b
0009 # dir_2
0010 # dir_3 dir_3a
0011 # dir_4 dir_4a dir_4b
0012 # ...
0013 #
0014 # where each line contains a collection of one or more directoreies
0015 # that will be searched together (as a unit). The reason for this
0016 # grouping is that the MITgcm source code does not have a globally
0017 # consistent directory structure for source and header files.
d5d5c6127e Ed H*0020 #eesupp/src eesupp/inc
2b4c849245 Ed H*0021
5f36ff9e77 Ed H*0022 # model/src model/inc
0023 # diags/src diags/inc
0024 # lsopt
0025 # optim
0026 # pkg/aim
0027 # pkg/aim_compon_interf
0028 # pkg/aim_ocn_coupler
0029 # pkg/aim_v23
0030 # pkg/autodiff
0031 # pkg/bulk_force
0032 # pkg/cal
0033 # pkg/cd_code
0034 # pkg/cfc
0035 # pkg/compon_communic
0036 # pkg/cost
0037 # pkg/ctrl
0038 # pkg/debug
0039 # pkg/dic
0040 # pkg/ecco
0041 # pkg/exch2
0042 # pkg/exf
0043 # pkg/fizhi
0044 # pkg/flt
0045 # pkg/gchem
2b4c849245 Ed H*0047 pkg/generic_advdiff
cedb4b86df Ed H*0048 pkg/gmredi
5f36ff9e77 Ed H*0049
0050 # pkg/grdchk
0051 # pkg/gridalt
ef080e1d37 Dimi*0052
0053 pkg/kpp
5f36ff9e77 Ed H*0055 # pkg/land
0056 # pkg/mdsio
d5d5c6127e Ed H*0057
0058 pkg/mnc
5f36ff9e77 Ed H*0060 # pkg/mom_fluxform
0061 # pkg/mom_vecinv
7633b97660 Ed H*0062
0063 pkg/monitor
5f36ff9e77 Ed H*0065 # pkg/obcs
0066 # pkg/ocn_compon_interf
0067 # pkg/ptracers
0068 # pkg/rw
ef080e1d37 Dimi*0069
0070 pkg/sbo
0071 pkg/seaice
5f36ff9e77 Ed H*0073 # pkg/shap_filt
0074 # pkg/thsice
0075 # pkg/timeave
0076 # pkg/zonal_filt
cedb4b86df Ed H*0077