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e6e4237de7 Chri*0001     Format for raw output files from MITgcmUV
                0002     =========================================
                0004 Introduction
                0005 ------------
                0006  When running in parallel mode with multiple processes the MITgcmUV
                0007 model operates as N separate programs, each responsible for its "local"
                0008 region of the "total" model domain. Synchronisation and sharing of data between
                0009 these processes is done explicitly by calls to data exchange and
                0010 barrier routines. Consequently there is no single program that has
                0011 a view of the whole model domain as the code is running. Any simple
                0012 I/O can only operate on the local region of the model domain - I/O
                0013 operations to and from datasets that represent the total domain need
                0014 to address the multiple process behavior explicitly.
                0015  Under MITgcmUV there are a set of I/O support routines that mask the
                0016 details of this process and enable end-users to read and write datasets 
                0017 in a straight-forward manner. The routines use the following design
                0018 strategy:
                0019  o Input datasets are for the total domain
                0020  o Output datasets are for the local domain
                0021  o A separate program "joinds" is provided which joins a set of
                0022    local domain datasets together to form total model domain dataset.
                0024 MITgcmUV IO support routines
                0025 ----------------------------
3114ed666c Chri*0026  o SUBROUTINE READ_FLD_XY_RS( pref, suff, fld, time, thid )
                0027    _RS fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0029  o SUBROUTINE READ_FLD_XY_RL( pref, suff, fld, time, thid )
                0030    _RL fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0032  o SUBROUTINE READ_FLD_XYZ_RS( pref, suff, fld, time, thid )
                0033    _RS fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,nZ,nSx,nSy)
                0035  o SUBROUTINE READ_FLD_XYZ_RL( pref, suff, fld, time, thid )
                0036    _RL fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,nZ,nSx,nSy)
                0038  o SUBROUTINE WRITE_FLD_XY_RS( pref, suff, fld, time, thid )
                0039    _RS fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0041  o SUBROUTINE WRITE_FLD_XY_RL( pref, suff, fld, time, thid )
                0042    _RL fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,nSx,nSy)
                0044  o SUBROUTINE WRITE_FLD_XYZ_RS( pref, suff, fld, time, thid )
                0045    _RS fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,nZ,nSx,nSy)
                0047  o SUBROUTINE WRITE_FLD_XYZ_RL( pref, suff, fld, time, thid )
                0048    _RL fld(1-OLx:sNx+OLx,1-OLy,sNy+OLy,nZ,nSx,nSy)
                0050    all routines
                0051    CHARACTER*(*) pref
                0052    CHARACTER*(*) suff
                0053    INTEGER       time
                0054    INTEGER       thid
                0056    macros
                0057    _RS -> REAL*4 or REAL*8
                0058    _RL -> REAL*8
                0060    pref - String used in prefix part of file name.
                0061           Examples    'theta.' = temperature
                0062           from         'uVel.' = zonal velocity
                0063           MITgcmUV     'vVel.' = meridional velocity
                0064                                      'salt.' = salinity
                0065    suff - String used in suffix part of file name.
                0066           Examples     '0000000100' = iteration number
                0067           from         'ckptA' = checkpoint file
                0068           MITgcmUV
                0069    fld  - Two or three dimensional REAL*4 or REAL*8 srray.
                0070           Examples     theta  = temperature field
                0071           from         cg2d_x = surface elevation field
                0072           MITgcmUV
                0073    time - Time level in the calling subroutine
                0074    this - Thread id of the calling subroutine
e6e4237de7 Chri*0075 
                0076 Dataset format
                0077 --------------
                0078  Datasets are written using the standard Fortran 77 sequential binary
                0079 file format. The Fortran IO statements in he model code do not specify any 
                0080 particular format, however, compile and run-time flags are used on some platforms. 
                0081 On DEC platforms by default the IO form is set to big-endian with a compile time 
                0082 flag. On CRAY platforms a runtime flag is normally used to select IEEE 
                0083 representation.  The Fortran 77 sequential binary file format is
                0084  4 byte header
                0085  data
                0086  4 byte terminator
                0087  The header and terminator are unsigned integers which give the length
                0088 of the data section in bytes. This is format is standard over all UNIX
                0089 platforms. In Fortran this style of file is generated by code of the
                0090 form
                0092           REAL A(dim1, dim2, ..... )
                0093           OPEN(unitnumber,filename,FORM='FORMATTED')
                0094           WRITE(unitnumber) A
                0095           END
                0097  The data is sequenced in the standard Fortran convention of the left-most
                0098 index varying fastest. This convention holds for any dimension of datsets
                0099 one-dimensional, two-dimensional, three-dimensional and four-dimensional or
                0100 more datasets are all written this way.
                0102 Multiprocess support
                0103 --------------------
                0104  The format described above is used for multi-process simulations. In this
                0105 case the data written to separate files with each process writing data that
                0106 is local to it. To support this approach a file naming convention is used and a second
                0107 file of "meta" information accompanines the data. The naming convention
                0108 is used to avoid duplicate names and to make it easy to identify sets of
                0109 files that together represent the total domain data. The meta file contains
                0110 information about the extent of the sub-domain within each file.
                0111  The naming convention used is
                0113  PREF.SUFF.pPNUMBER.tTNUMBER.meta
                0115  where
                0116   PREF    - Is a field identifying the data within the file. For
                0117             temperature PREF is T, for zonal velocity PREF is U etc...
                0118   SUFF    - Is a field identifying the "instance" of the data within the
                0119             file. The instance is typically the time level. In general
                0120             the instance will be a model timestep number.
                0121   PNUMBER - Is a process number used to identitfy which process of
                0122             a multi-process run generated this data. The number ranges
                0123             from 0 to (number of processors)-1.
                0124   TNUMBER - Is a thread number used to identify which thread of a 
                0125             multi-threaded run generated this data. The number ranges
                0126             from 0 to (number of threads)-1.
                0128  the .data suffix identifies the file containing the actual data.
                0129  the .meta suffix identifies the file containing textual information
                0130  indicating the extent of the domain written to the .data file.
                0132 .meta file Format
                0133 -----------------
                0134  This file contains a set of parameters that are specified using the
                0135 generic parameter specification format used in GCMPACK software. This
                0136 format consists of a sequence of assignments and comments
                0137  Assignments have the form 
                0138  keyword =[ val-list ];
                0140  where 
                0141  keyword  is a text string
                0142  val-list is a sequence of one or more fields separated by commas
                0144  Comments are preceeded by // or # characters or contained in
                0145  /* */ pairs.
                0146  The keywords contained in a .meta file are
                0147  id      - This is a numeric identifier. It can be used to
                0148            verify consistency over a set of .meta files.
                0149  nDims   - This is a single integer indicating the dimensionality
                0150            of the data in the .data file.
                0151  dimList - This is a sequence of triplets. There is one triplet for
                0152            each dimension and the triplets are ordered in the same
                0153            way as the dimensions. Each triplet is made of three integers.
                0154            The first integer gives the domain extent globally for
                0155            the associated dimension.
                0156            The second integer gives the low coordinate for the values
                0157            within .data file for the associated dimension.
                0158            The third integer gives the high coordinate for the values
                0159            within .data file for the associated dimension.
                0160            Thus for a .data file containing the north-west quadrant of 
                0161            a global domain of size 90 x 40 the .meta might read
                0162            nDims   = [ 2 ];
                0163            dimList = [ 90, 46, 90, 40, 1, 20];
                0164            For a global domain of size 90 x 40 x 33 the .meta file
                0165            would read
                0166            nDims   = [ 3 ];
                0167            dimList = [ 90, 46, 90, 40, 1, 20, 33, 1, 33];
                0171 Example matlab program to join files
                0172 ------------------------------------
                0173  The following matlab script joins together a collection of files that
                0174 were written in split form. The files to join are indicated by a user 
                0175 defined PREF.SUFF pair. e.g. T.0000002800. The script uses the UNIX
                0176 ls command to find all files starting with T.0000002800 and then
                0177 scans the .meta files to extract the dimensions. It then merges all
                0178 the sections together to form a complete representation of the global 
                0179 dataset.
                0180 >>   function [AA] = rdmeta(fname,varargin)
                0181 >>   %
                0182 >>   % Read MITgcmUV Meta/Data files
                0183 >>   %
                0184 >>   % A = RDMETA(FNAME) reads data described by meta/data file format.
                0185 >>   % FNAME is a string containing the "head" of the file names.
                0186 >>   %
                0187 >>   % eg. To load the meta-data files
                0188 >>   %     T.0000002880.p0000.t0000.meta,
                0189 >>   %     T.0000002880.p0001.t0000.meta,
                0190 >>   %     T.0000002880.p0002.t0000.meta,
                0191 >>   %     T.0000002880.p0003.t0000.meta,
                0192 >>   % use
                0193 >>   %    >> A=rdmeta('T.0000002880');
                0194 >>   %
                0195 >>   % A = RDMETA(FNAME,MACHINEFORMAT) allows the machine format to be specified
                0196 >>   % which MACHINEFORMAT is on of the following strings:
                0197 >>   %
                0198 >>   %   'native'      or 'n' - local machine format - the default
                0199 >>   %   'ieee-le'     or 'l' - IEEE floating point with little-endian
                0200 >>   %                          byte ordering
                0201 >>   %   'ieee-be'     or 'b' - IEEE floating point with big-endian
                0202 >>   %                          byte ordering
                0203 >>   %   'vaxd'        or 'd' - VAX D floating point and VAX ordering
                0204 >>   %   'vaxg'        or 'g' - VAX G floating point and VAX ordering
                0205 >>   %   'cray'        or 'c' - Cray floating point with big-endian
                0206 >>   %                          byte ordering
                0207 >>   %   'ieee-le.l64' or 'a' - IEEE floating point with little-endian
                0208 >>   %                          byte ordering and 64 bit long data type
                0209 >>   %   'ieee-be.l64' or 's' - IEEE floating point with big-endian byte
                0210 >>   %                          ordering and 64 bit long data type.
                0211 >>   %
                0212 >>   
                0213 >>   % Default options
                0214 >>   ieee='n';
                0215 >>   
                0216 >>   % Check optional arguments
                0217 >>   args=char(varargin);
                0218 >>   while (size(args,1) > 0)
                0219 >>    if deblank(args(1,:)) == 'n' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'native'
                0220 >>     ieee='n';
                0221 >>    elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'l' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le'
                0222 >>     ieee='l';
                0223 >>    elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'b' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be'
                0224 >>     ieee='b';
                0225 >>    elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'c' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'cray'
                0226 >>     ieee='c';
                0227 >>    elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 'a' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-le.l64'
                0228 >>     ieee='a';
                0229 >>    elseif deblank(args(1,:)) == 's' | deblank(args(1,:)) == 'ieee-be.l64'
                0230 >>     ieee='s';
                0231 >>    else
                0232 >>     sprintf(['Optional argument ' args(1,:) ' is unknown'])
                0233 >>     return
                0234 >>    end
                0235 >>    args=args(2:end,:);
                0236 >>   end
                0237 >>   
                0238 >>   % Match name of all meta-files
                0239 >>   eval(['ls ' fname '*.meta;']);
                0240 >>   allfiles=ans;
                0241 >>   
                0242 >>   % Beginning and end of strings
                0243 >>   Iend=findstr(allfiles,'.meta')+4;
                0244 >>   Ibeg=[1 Iend(1:end-1)+2];
                0245 >>   
                0246 >>   % Loop through allfiles
                0247 >>   for j=1:prod(size(Ibeg)),
                0248 >>   
                0249 >>   % Read meta- and data-file
                0250 >>   [A,N] = localrdmeta(allfiles(Ibeg(j):Iend(j)),ieee);
                0251 >>   
                0252 >>   bdims=N(1,:);
                0253 >>   r0=N(2,:);
                0254 >>   rN=N(3,:);
                0255 >>   ndims=prod(size(bdims));
                0256 >>   if     (ndims == 1)
                0257 >>    AA(r0(1):rN(1))=A;
                0258 >>   elseif (ndims == 2)
                0259 >>    AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2))=A;
                0260 >>   elseif (ndims == 3)
                0261 >>    AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2),r0(3):rN(3))=A;
                0262 >>   elseif (ndims == 4)
                0263 >>    AA(r0(1):rN(1),r0(2):rN(2),r0(3):rN(3),r0(4):rN(4))=A;
                0264 >>   else
                0265 >>    sprintf('Dimension of data set is larger than currently coded. Sorry!')
                0266 >>    return
                0267 >>   end
                0268 >>   
                0269 >>   end
                0270 >>   
                0271 >>   %-------------------------------------------------------------------------------
                0272 >>   
                0273 >>   function [A,N] = localrdmeta(fname,ieee)
                0274 >>   
                0275 >>   mname=fname;
                0276 >>   dname=strrep(mname,'.meta','.data');
                0277 >>   
                0278 >>   % Read and interpret Meta file
                0279 >>   fid = fopen(mname,'r');
                0280 >>   if (fid == -1)
                0281 >>    sprintf(['Fila e' mname ' could not be opened'])
                0282 >>    return
                0283 >>   end
                0284 >>   
                0285 >>   % Scan each line of the Meta file
                0286 >>   allstr=' ';
                0287 >>   keepgoing = 1;
                0288 >>   while keepgoing > 0,
                0289 >>    line = fgetl(fid);
                0290 >>    if (line == -1)
                0291 >>     keepgoing=-1;
                0292 >>    else
                0293 >>   % Strip out "(PID.TID *.*)" by finding first ")"
                0294 >>     ind=findstr([line ')'],')'); line=line(ind(1)+1:end);
                0295 >>   % Remove comments of form //
                0296 >>     line=[line ' //']; ind=findstr(line,'//'); line=line(1:ind(1)-1);
                0297 >>   % Add to total string
                0298 >>     allstr=[allstr line];
                0299 >>    end
                0300 >>   end
                0301 >>   
                0302 >>   % Close meta file
                0303 >>   fclose(fid);
                0304 >>   
                0305 >>   % Strip out comments of form /* ... */
                0306 >>   ind1=findstr(allstr,'/*'); ind2=findstr(allstr,'*/');
                0307 >>   if size(ind1) ~= size(ind2)
                0308 >>    sprintf('The /* ... */ comments are not properly paired')
                0309 >>    return
                0310 >>   end
                0311 >>   while size(ind1,2) > 0
                0312 >>    allstr=[allstr(1:ind1(1)-1) allstr(ind2(1)+3:end)];
                0313 >>    ind1=findstr(allstr,'/*'); ind2=findstr(allstr,'*/');
                0314 >>   end
                0315 >>   
                0316 >>   eval(lower(allstr));
                0317 >>   
                0318 >>   N=reshape( dimlist , 3 , prod(size(dimlist))/3 );
                0319 >>   
                0320 >>   A=allstr;
                0321 >>   % Open data file
                0322 >>   fid=fopen(dname,'r',ieee);
                0323 >>   
                0324 >>   % Read record size in bytes
                0325 >>   recsz=fread(fid,1,'uint32');
                0326 >>   ldims=N(3,:)-N(2,:)+1;
                0327 >>   numels=prod(ldims);
                0328 >>   
                0329 >>   rat=recsz/numels;
                0330 >>   if rat == 4
                0331 >>    A=fread(fid,numels,'real*4');
                0332 >>   elseif rat == 8
                0333 >>    A=fread(fid,numels,'real*8');
                0334 >>   else
                0335 >>    sprintf('Ratio between record size and size in meta-file inconsistent')
                0336 >>    sprintf(' Implied size in meta-file = %d', numels )
                0337 >>    sprintf(' Record size in data-file = %d', recsz )
                0338 >>    return
                0339 >>   end
                0340 >>   
                0341 >>   erecsz=fread(fid,1,'uint32');
                0342 >>   if erecsz ~= recsz
                0343 >>    sprintf('WARNING: Record sizes at beginning and end of file are inconsistent')
                0344 >>   end
                0345 >>   
                0346 >>   fclose(fid);
                0347 >>   
                0348 >>   A=reshape(A,ldims);
                0349 >>